アメリカ / スウェーデンのメタル エレクトロ系レーベルTarot Productionsより下記2タイトルが2008/05/06にリリースされる。
Proscriptor - 726
01. The Geminian Ultimatum
02. Liquid Twilight
03. Venus Entrapment
04. Surfaces
05. Vision of the Arrow
06. A Virgin Universe
07. Mars・Avatar of June
08. As the Serpentine Rose
09. Dualism
10. For Thoth
11. Substances
12. Knowledge, Courage, Will And Silence
Goreaphobia - Sabbatic Communion
Proscriptor - 726
01. The Geminian Ultimatum
02. Liquid Twilight
03. Venus Entrapment
04. Surfaces
05. Vision of the Arrow
06. A Virgin Universe
07. Mars・Avatar of June
08. As the Serpentine Rose
09. Dualism
10. For Thoth
11. Substances
12. Knowledge, Courage, Will And Silence
Goreaphobia - Sabbatic Communion