01. Otherworldly Subversions (Part I: The Crucible)
02. Pandemonium (Otherworldly Subversions Part II)
03. Crimson Thirst
04. Into the Shivering Forest
01. Otherworldly Subversions (Part I: The Crucible)
02. Pandemonium (Otherworldly Subversions Part II)
03. Crimson Thirst
04. Into the Shivering Forest

島根県安来市 青砥酒造 木槽(きぶね)しぼりの酒粕が入ったチョコレート 70g(チョコレート、(有機カカオマス・有機カカオバター)酒粕、ココアパウダー)

島根県安来市 青砥酒造 木槽(きぶね)しぼりの酒粕が入ったチョコレート 70g(チョコレート、(有機カカオマス・有機カカオバター)酒粕、ココアパウダー)

01. Enemy at the Gates
02. The Army of Four
03. All Hail the King
04. Stand Up and Fight!
05. Sentenced to Death
06. Bad Luck
07. We Won't Stop
08. Gods of Metal
09. Mean Machine

01. Enemy at the Gates
02. The Army of Four
03. All Hail the King
04. Stand Up and Fight!
05. Sentenced to Death
06. Bad Luck
07. We Won't Stop
08. Gods of Metal
09. Mean Machine