01. Untethered Angel
02. Paralyzed
03. Fall into the Light
04. Barstool Warrior
05. Room 137
06. S2N
07. At Wit's End
08. Out of Reach
09. Pale Blue Dot
♪Official Siteでの試聴♪

2016年「The Astonishing」
1989/2018年「When Dream and Day Unite」
01. Untethered Angel
02. Paralyzed
03. Fall into the Light
04. Barstool Warrior
05. Room 137
06. S2N
07. At Wit's End
08. Out of Reach
09. Pale Blue Dot
♪Official Siteでの試聴♪

2016年「The Astonishing」
1989/2018年「When Dream and Day Unite」
01. Dawn of Yata-Garasu
02. Thy the Ancient Wyvern
03. Sea of Sacrifice
04. For Whom the Bell of Ruin Tolls
05. Battle of Sayo
06. Syuten-Doji
07. Desperate Onslaught
08. Goth and Void
09. Kamuy
10. My Reminiscence
11. Last Elegy
12. Dusk, in Front of the Mossy Grave
♪Official Siteでの試聴♪
01. Dawn of Yata-Garasu
02. Thy the Ancient Wyvern
03. Sea of Sacrifice
04. For Whom the Bell of Ruin Tolls
05. Battle of Sayo
06. Syuten-Doji
07. Desperate Onslaught
08. Goth and Void
09. Kamuy
10. My Reminiscence
11. Last Elegy
12. Dusk, in Front of the Mossy Grave
♪Official Siteでの試聴♪

01. Ceremony of the Night
02. Journey of the Eyes
03. The Pu-erh Exhumed
04. Passacaglia D minor, White and Black Darkness

Stíny plamenů:
2018年「20 let kanalizačních zmetků」
2014年「Propadlé vody」
2017年「Každý strom má svůj stín」
2003年「V rachotu hromů」
01. Ceremony of the Night
02. Journey of the Eyes
03. The Pu-erh Exhumed
04. Passacaglia D minor, White and Black Darkness

Stíny plamenů:
2018年「20 let kanalizačních zmetků」
2014年「Propadlé vody」
2017年「Každý strom má svůj stín」
2003年「V rachotu hromů」