車いすダンス                      ~不器用で根暗…でも負けないもん~


★ 世界選手権の情報(゜o゜)

2010-07-23 | ☆ 車いすダンス情報

13:30 – 17:30  Classification(クラス別け)
13:00 – 17:30  Training in the Competition Hall(競技会場)
  16.30 – 17.45     Team leaders Meeting
  18.00          Departure from Hotel
18:30~       Formal reception at the Town Hall of Hannover(レセプション)

To be confirmed Classification
13:00 -14:00   Warm up in the Competition Hall (練習)
  13.30          Meeting Adjudicators
14:30~       Opening Ceremony (開会式)
15:00~       Competition (競技開始)
21:50        End of the Competition (競技終了 予定)

13:00 – 14:00  Warm up in the Competition Hall (練習)
  14.30          Participants Presentation
14:45~       Competition (競技開始)
21:50        Closing Ceremony (競技終了・閉会式)

注)ようちゃん調べなので 間違ってるかもです

 詳しい情報は もうしばらくお待ちください