
ルカによる福音書 4:14-21 NIV
[14] イエスは御霊の力によってガリラヤに帰られた。そして、そのうわさは地方全体に広まった。[15] イエスは会堂で教え、皆から称賛された。[16] イエスは育ったナザレに行き、いつものように安息日に会堂に入り、聖書を朗読しようと立ち上がった。[17] すると、預言者イザヤの巻物が手渡された。イエスはそれを広げて、こう書いてある所を見つけられた。[18] 「主の霊がわたしの上におられる。主はわたしに油を注いで、貧しい人に福音を告げ知らせるようにされた。主はわたしを遣わして、捕らわれている人に解放を、目の見えない人に視力の回復を告げさせ、虐げられている人を自由にし、[19] 主の恵みの年を告げ知らせさせられた。」[20] それから、イエスは巻物を巻き、係員に返して、席に着かれた。 会堂にいるすべての人の目がイエスに注がれていた。[21] イエスは彼らにこう言い始めた。「この聖書の言葉は、今日、あなたがたが耳にしたとき実現しました。」
Luke 4:14-21 NIV
[14] Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside. [15] He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him. [16] He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. He stood up to read, [17] and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: [18] “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, [19] to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” [20] Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. [21] He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
ヨハネ 8:36 NIV
[36] ですから、もし御子があなたたちを自由にするなら、あなたたちは本当に自由になるのです。
John 8:36 NIV
[36] So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
During Jesus' time on earth, He declared that one of the primary reasons He came to be with us is to proclaim freedom.
What an incredible declaration and a wonderful promise, which is now the reality that we get to live in. Previously we found ourselves held captive and imprisoned by the devil. Sin, in essence, becomes a declaration of allegiance to the enemy's way instead of God's way. We were chained, but Jesus came to set us free! Now, this is good news from an eternity perspective, that we get to be with God in Heaven, but it's also incredible news on Earth. We don't have to live in bondage to the lies of our past or be held back by the addictions and negative habits of our family. We can live free.
イエスが来る前に私たちが陥っていた霊的な束縛の現実を私たちはしばしば忘れていると思います。マタイ伝 20 章 28 節には、イエスが多くの人のために命を身代金として差し出したと書かれています。身代金という言葉が大好きです。それは積極的に何かを取り戻すことを意味します。イエスは地上に来られ、十字架を通して積極的に私たちの自由を買い取ってくださいました。イエスは私たちが自由になれるように私たちの命を身代金で買い取ってくださいました。
I think we often forget the reality of the spiritual bondage that we were in before Jesus. In Matthew 20:28, it says that Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many. I love that word ransom! It means to aggressively take something back. Jesus came to Earth and through the cross, aggressively purchased our freedom! He ransomed our lives so that we can be free!
Thank you God for being with us, for coming to earth to rescue and ransom us from the enemy. We choose to walk in the freedom that you purchased, not in our own strength, but through grace and in the strength of your Holy Spirit. Amen