

神が用いる人 The Person God Uses

2024-08-31 23:48:50 | 日記
サムエル記上 14:1-23 NIV [1] ある日、サウルの子ヨナタンは、若い武具持ちに言った。「さあ、向こう岸のペリシテ人の前哨地へ渡ろう。」しかし、ヨナタンは父に告げなかった。[2] サウルはギブアの郊外、ミグロンのざくろの木の下にいた。彼とともにいたのはおよそ六百人の男たちであった。[3] その中には、エポデを着けたアヒヤがいた。彼は、シロの主の祭司エリの子ピネハスの子、イカボドの兄弟アヒトブの子であった。ヨナタンが去ったことを知っている者は誰もいなかった。[4] ヨナタンがペリシテ人の前哨地へ行くために渡ろうとした峠の両側には崖があり、一つはボゼズ、もう一つはセネと呼ばれていた。[5] 一つの崖は北のミクマシュの方に、もう一つは南のゲバの方に立っていた。 [6] ヨナタンは若い武器持ちに言った。「さあ、割礼を受けていない者たちの前哨地へ渡ろう。主はおそらく我々のために行動してくださるだろう。多数であろうと少数であろうと、主が救われるのを妨げるものは何もない。」 [7] 武器持ちは言った。「あなたが考えていることをすべて行ってください。どうぞ。私は心からあなたに同調します。」 [8] ヨナタンは言った。「さあ、我々は彼らのところへ渡って行って、我々を見せましょう。 [9] もし彼らが『我々があなたのところへ来るまで、そこにいて待っていなさい』と言っても、我々はそこにとどまって彼らのところへは行きません。 [10] しかし、もし彼らが『我々のところへ上って来なさい』と言ったら、我々は上って行きます。それが主が彼らを我々の手に渡されたというしるしとなるからです。」 [11] そこで二人はペリシテ人の前哨地へ姿を現した。ペリシテ人は言った。「見よ。ヘブル人が隠れていた穴から這い出ている。」 [12] 前哨の者たちはヨナタンと武器持ちに叫んだ。「我々のところへ上って来い。おまえらに懲らしめてやろう。」そこでヨナタンは武器持ちに言った。「私のあとについて登れ。主は彼らをイスラエルの手に渡されたのだ。」 [13] ヨナタンは手足を使って登り、武器持ちはすぐ後ろに続いた。ペリシテ人はヨナタンの前に倒れ、武器持ちは彼の後ろについていって殺した。 [14] その最初の攻撃で、ヨナタンと武器持ちは約半エーカーの範囲で約20人を殺した。 [15] すると全軍がパニックに陥り、陣営と野原、前哨と襲撃隊にいた者たちは皆パニックに陥り、地面が揺れた。それは神が送ったパニックだった。 [16] ベニヤミンのギブアにいるサウルの見張りは、軍が四方八方に逃げていくのを見た。 [17] そこでサウルは、一緒にいた者たちに言った。「軍勢を集めて、我々から誰が抜け出したか見よ。」彼らが見てみると、ヨナタンと武器持ちだけがそこにいなかった。[18] サウルはアヒヤに言った。「神の箱を持って来なさい。」その時、それはイスラエル人と共にあった。[19] サウルが祭司と話している間に、ペリシテ人の陣営の騒ぎはますます大きくなった。そこでサウルは祭司に言った。「手を引っ込めなさい。」[20] そこでサウルと部下たちは皆集まって戦いに出た。ペリシテ人たちは大混乱に陥り、剣で互いに打ち合っていた。[21] 以前ペリシテ人と共にいて、彼らと共に陣営に上っていたヘブライ人たちは、サウルとヨナタンと共にいたイスラエル人のところへ行った。 [22] エフライムの山地に隠れていたイスラエル人は皆、ペリシテ人が逃げていると聞いて、猛烈な勢いで追撃し、戦いに加わった。[23] その日、主はイスラエルを救い、戦いはベト・アベンの向こうへと進んだ。
1 Samuel 14:1-23 NIV [1] One day Jonathan son of Saul said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side.” But he did not tell his father. [2] Saul was staying on the outskirts of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree in Migron. With him were about six hundred men, [3] among whom was Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was a son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the Lord’s priest in Shiloh. No one was aware that Jonathan had left. [4] On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff; one was called Bozez and the other Seneh. [5] One cliff stood to the north toward Mikmash, the other to the south toward Geba. [6] Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” [7] “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” [8] Jonathan said, “Come on, then; we will cross over toward them and let them see us. [9] If they say to us, ‘Wait there until we come to you,’ we will stay where we are and not go up to them. [10] But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ we will climb up, because that will be our sign that the Lord has given them into our hands.” [11] So both of them showed themselves to the Philistine outpost. “Look!” said the Philistines. “The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.” [12] The men of the outpost shouted to Jonathan and his armor-bearer, “Come up to us and we’ll teach you a lesson.” So Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, “Climb up after me; the Lord has given them into the hand of Israel.” [13] Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and feet, with his armor-bearer right behind him. The Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armor-bearer followed and killed behind him. [14] In that first attack Jonathan and his armor-bearer killed some twenty men in an area of about half an acre. [15] Then panic struck the whole army—those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties—and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God. [16] Saul’s lookouts at Gibeah in Benjamin saw the army melting away in all directions. [17] Then Saul said to the men who were with him, “Muster the forces and see who has left us.” When they did, it was Jonathan and his armor-bearer who were not there. [18] Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the ark of God.” (At that time it was with the Israelites.) [19] While Saul was talking to the priest, the tumult in the Philistine camp increased more and more. So Saul said to the priest, “Withdraw your hand.” [20] Then Saul and all his men assembled and went to the battle. They found the Philistines in total confusion, striking each other with their swords. [21] Those Hebrews who had previously been with the Philistines and had gone up with them to their camp went over to the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan. [22] When all the Israelites who had hidden in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines were on the run, they joined the battle in hot pursuit. [23] So on that day the Lord saved Israel, and the battle moved on beyond Beth Aven.

The Person God Uses


The situation in Israel at this time is not good. In verse 22 we see that many of the people of Israel are in hiding. Chapter 13 tells us that they don’t have good weapons. The Philistines are in control of the region and do not allow the Israelites to own many weapons. Israel did have a king, Saul. But he wasn’t doing much. Verse 2 tells us he was “staying.” He was “staying” under a tree. What we see is someone who is passive and lethargic.
That brings us to our first point from this passage.

I. 神が用いる人は喜んで行きます。
I. The person God uses is willing to go.

While everyone else is hiding or “staying,” Jonathan had a different attitude. Jonathan was active where they were passive. Jonathan says “Come, let’s go.” Others were afraid. Others were waiting for someone else to do something. Others were waiting for something to happen. Jonathan takes initiative. No one made him do it. But he sees what needs to be done, and he does something about it.

Throughout the Bible we see that the primary characteristic God is looking for in His messengers is willingness.

イザヤ書6章8~9節にはこうあります。「8 そのとき、わたしは主の声がこう言うのを聞いた。『だれを遣わそうか。だれがわたしたちのために行くだろうか。』わたしは言った。『ここにわたしがおります。わたしをお遣わしください。』9 主は言われた。『行って、この民に告げよ。』
In Isaiah 6:8-9 it says, “ 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go and tell this people:”

God doesn’t always choose the most educated people, the people with the highest IQ, or the most talented. He is looking for people who are willing. He says “who will go?” Jonathan was willing to go.

したがって、私たち一人一人は次の 2 つの質問に答える必要があります。
So each of us needs to answer two questions:

1. あなたは神に使われることを望んでいますか?
1. Are you willing? Are you willing to be used by God?

Sometimes we are reluctant. We may think that we don’t know enough. We may think that we are not good enough yet. We may think that no one will listen to us. But God can overcome all of these issues. The real question is are we willing to say “yes” to God and to be used by Him. If we are willing, then He will help us. Moses made many excuses to God about not going. One of them was that he wasn’t good at talking. Another is that he was afraid people wouldn’t listen to him. Finally he said, “send someone else.” To all of these, God’s answer was “I will be with you.” If you are willing to be used by God, then He promises to be with you each step of the way.

2. 行きますか?
2. Will you go?

Not only should we be willing, but we should also take action. How many of you have ever had someone knock on your door and say, “Please share the gospel with me. I want to believe in Jesus.” This is very rare. Jonathan said “let’s go.” In Isaiah God asks, “who will go?” The Great Commission says, “Go!” God wants you to take initiative.

私たちは家の外へ出かけます。快適な場所から出ます。つまり、会話を始めるために率先して行動するということです。友達に「一緒にランチしませんか? 聖書についてお話ししたいんです」と聞いてください。あなたの証を分かち合ってください。病気の友達のところへ行き、「あなたのために祈ってもいいですか?」と言ってください。
We go out of our houses. We go out of our comfort zones. This means we take initiative to start conversations. Ask your friend, “Would you like to meet me for lunch? I would like to share about the Bible with you.” Share your testimonies. Go to your sick friend and say, “may I pray for you?”

I had a co-worker who was going through a hard time. She had never expressed any interest in Christ. But I asked her “can I pray for you?” She let me and she was so touched that I would be willing to pray for her. Tears were streaming down her face. I had to leave my comfort zone. I was afraid “what if God did not answer according to what she hoped for?” I knew God wanted me to go out of my comfort zone and take initiative to pray for her.

If you are willing to be used by God, would you just pray silently in your heart to Him now and say “God I am willing to be your tool. I am willing to go. Just show me where.”

II. 神に用いられる人は大きなビジョンを持っています。
II. The person God uses has a big vision.

William Carey once said “Attempt great things for God, expect great things of God.”

We see that Jonathan is doing that in this passage. Jonathan had a big vision; he had a high goal. He wasn’t out to catch a straggler or perhaps steal a sheep or carry a raid and get a few weapons. He wanted to take out a fortified outpost defended by many men. What do you think Saul would have said if Jonathan had told him this plan? Probably something along the lines of “your crazy!” Apparently there is a reason Jonathan didn’t tell him about it. Most people’s goals were very low “survive, live.” Jonathan attempted something that most people would laugh at.

Our view of God is directly correlated to the steps of faith we take. Let me say that again. Our view of God is directly correlated to the steps of faith we take. What does that mean?

If you believe in a big God you will attempt big things for God. If you believe in a little God, you will be afraid of trying in fear that He will let you down.

For example, some of you have relatives who are hostile to the gospel and seem very hard hearted. Do you believe God is big and powerful enough to change their hearts or are they a lost cause? If you believe in a big God, you will keep praying and you will keep sharing with this person. If you believe in a little God, you will give up and say “you don’t know my uncle, there is no way someone like him would ever believe the gospel.”

神は偉大なことをなすほど偉大であると信じますか? 神は、最も懐疑的な不信者の心を変えるほど偉大です。神は、他の信者がいないキャンパスで聖書の勉強を始めるのを手伝うほど偉大です。神は、福音をあなたの学校に伝え、あなたの街に伝わり、あなたの政府の指導者を救うほど偉大です。
Will you believe God is big enough to do something great? God is big enough to change the heart of the most skeptical unbeliever. God is big enough to help you start a Bible study on a campus where there are no other believers. God is big enough to reach your school for the gospel, to reach your city, to save your government leaders.

神に用いられるための目標はありますか? ないなら、目標を設定することは良い第一歩です。しかし、今日は目標をもっと高く設定する必要がある日かもしれません。学校でキリストを信じる人が 1 人でも増えるように祈っていますか? 5 人、50 人、5000 人のために祈る必要があるかもしれません。地区で聖書研究が 1 つ始まることを望んでいますか? 100 人、1000 人、10000 人のために祈るべきかもしれません。
Do you have goals for how you can be used by God? If not, then setting goals is a good first step. But maybe today is the day we need to set our goals higher. Are you praying for one person to trust Christ in your school? Maybe you need to pray for 5, for 50, for 5000. Are you hoping that one Bible study will start in your district? Maybe we should pray for 100 or 1000 or 10000.

Jesus told the disciples that even faith as small as a mustard seed can grow into a great tree. Will you have that faith to set what to you might seem like a huge goal and then to work toward it and pray toward it and believe that perhaps, maybe, God will do the impossible?

III. 神に用いられる人は偉大な信仰を持っています。
III. The person God uses has great faith.

One of the most memorable phrases in this chapter is Jonathan’s amazing statement of faith in God where he says “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” Jonathan knew that it wasn’t about the number of soldiers. It was all about God’s power. He had an almost insurmountable challenge, but he believed in God’s power to bring about victory.

Likewise God has given us a huge task, telling us to make disciples of all nations, to reach the world for Christ.

現在の世界の人口はおよそ 7,699,102,112 人です。これは年間約 8,200 万人増加しており、1 日あたり約 224,000 人増加していることになります。
The current population of the world is roughly 7,699,102,112. That is increasing by about 82 million per year, which is about 224,000 per day.

世界には 17,703 の異なる民族グループがあります。そのうち 7,000 を超える民族グループには福音が伝わっておらず、これは世界の約 40% に相当します。つまり、福音を伝えるには外部からの援助が必要なのです。
There are 17,703 distinct people groups in the world. Over 7000 of these are unreached, which is about 40% of the world. That means that they need outside assistance to reach them with the gospel.

This is a big task. But God can use one willing person in a great way. Through Jonathan Israel’s enemies were defeated. Just the twelve disciples “turned the world upside down.” Through the efforts of William Wilberforce the slave trade was ended.

アディニラム・ジャドソンがビルマで福音を伝え始めたとき、教会も聖書もなく、信者もほとんどいませんでした。彼が亡くなったときには、教会は 100 か所、信者は 8,000 人、そしてビルマ語で書かれた聖書が完成していました。
When Adiniram Judson started sharing the gospel in Burma there was no church, no Bible, and virtually no believers. When he died there were 100 churches, 8,000 believers, and a finished Bible in their language.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The good news is that God can use only a few to accomplish great things. He is not restrained to save by many or by few. In today’s world people seek ease, comfort, safety, convenience and avoid trouble, worry, difficulty. God does not call us to a life of ease. God does not call us to a life of comfort! God does not call us to a life of pleasure! He calls us to make disciples. This is not easy. This is not comfortable. This is not safe.

IV. 神が用いる人々はそれぞれ独自の役割を持っています。
IV. The people God use have their own unique role.

We have focused on Jonathan so far. Jonathan stepped up. He took initiative. He took the lead. He served as a model. At the same time, there are two key people in this story. The armor bearer is also very important. He is not as famous. We don’t even know his name.

Every person has a role in building God’s kingdom. Our roles are not necessarily the same, but they are important and we work together in unity for a common person.

神の王国を築く上でのあなたの役割が何であるかご存じですか。その役割を引き受ける意志がありますか。今日一日の終わりに、この 2 つの質問に対する答えが、はっきりと「はい」であることを願っています。
Do you know what your role in building God’s kingdom is? Are you willing to take it up? I hope that at the end of the day today, the answer to both of those questions will be a resounding “yes.”

V. 神に用いられる人は、それが神の勝利であると認識します。
V. The person God uses recognizes it is God’s victory.

In verse 12 Jonathan claims that “the Lord has given them into the hands of Israel.” In verse 15 we see that God sends a panic which engulfs the entire Philistine army.

箴言 21:31 – 戦いの日のために馬が準備されるが、勝利は主にある。
Proverbs 21:31 – The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.

Jonathan gave all the credit and all the glory to God who is the one who deserved it. Whenever and wherever we serve God we need to embrace that same attitude of humility. Once we start becoming prideful and start trusting in ourselves, our own logic, our own reasoning, our own strength, we will not be effective.

Can you persuade someone to believe in Jesus? I have tried before. I gave the best evidences and arguments I could (the other guy was a lawyer). In the end, as far as I know, he never believed. Knowing that we cannot persuade people forces us to rely on God and to pray for His Spirit to work in their hearts. At the same time though, I find it is very calming. If I say the wrong word or stumble over my words it is not going to be my fault that a person goes to hell. God can overcome my own weaknesses. This is not an excuse not share the gospel, but it does give us a calm confidence in the Lord.

VI. 神が用いる人は運動の触媒となり得る。
VI. The person God uses can be a catalyst for a movement.

Before Jonathan took action the people were hiding in caves and resting under trees. No one was doing anything. Everyone was waiting for someone else to do something. Into this vacuum of vision, Jonathan steps up. He doesn’t wait for someone else to make the first move. That takes a lot of bravery!

Have you ever heard the Chinese idiom “di yi ge chi pang xie de ren?” It means “the first person to eat a crab.” The first person to eat a crab must have been quite brave. Now crabs are one of the world’s favorite delicacies.

When Jonathan stepped up, God gave the victory. But then notice what happens to the rest of the Israelites. They all come out of their caves and join the fight! They are inspired. They are motivated. A movement starts which sweeps through the land. And the Philistines are swept away.

ルカ10:2 –「収穫は多いが、働き手が少ない。」
Luke 10:2 – “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”

My hope is simple. I hope that each one of you will become a worker in God’s harvest field. I hope that you will be a person that God uses. I hope that you will work in the harvest field around you. I pray that movements will start with you which will change the world.

If you are willing to make a commitment before God pray right now and tell Him, “I am willing to be a worker for you please stand and pray with me.” Pray in your own heart that God will make you into a person that He uses. Pray that He will help you be willing to go and show you where to go. Pray that He will give you a big vision, a giant vision, His vision. Pray that He will give you faith. Pray that He will show you your role. Pray that you will always rely on Him and not your own strength. Pray for a movement.

揺るがないもの Things That Cannot Be Shaken

2024-08-31 22:13:34 | 日記
Things That Cannot Be Shaken

Jesus is our Rock—when we choose to trust Him, we are eternally secure.

ヘブル人への手紙 12:25-29 NIV [25] 語っておられる方を拒まないように気をつけなさい。地上で警告を与えた方を拒んだ人々が逃れられなかったのであれば、天から警告を与えておられる方から背を向ける私たちは、なおさら逃れられないでしょう。[26] そのとき、神の声は地を揺り動かしたが、今、神はこう約束しておられる。「もう一度、地だけでなく天も揺り動かそう。」[27] 「もう一度」という言葉は、揺り動かされるもの、つまり創造されたものが取り除かれ、揺り動かされないものが残ることを意味します。[28] ですから、私たちは揺り動かされることのない王国を受けているのですから、感謝し、畏敬の念と畏れをもって、神に喜ばれるように礼拝しましょう。[29] 私たちの「神は焼き尽くす火です。」
Hebrews 12:25-29 NIV [25] See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? [26] At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” [27] The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. [28] Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, [29] for our “God is a consuming fire.”

マタイ 24:35 NIV [35] 天地は滅びるが、わたしの言葉は決して滅びない。
Matthew 24:35 NIV [35] Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

黙示録 21:2-4 NIV [2] 私は聖なる都、新しいエルサレムが、夫のために美しく着飾った花嫁のように準備を整えて、神のもとから天から下って来るのを見た。[3] そして私は、御座から大きな声がこう言うのを聞いた。「見よ、神の住まいが今や民の中にあり、神は彼らとともに住み、彼らは神の民となり、神自ら彼らとともにいて、彼らの神となる。[4] 神は彼らの目から涙をすっかりぬぐいとって下さる。もはや死はなく、嘆きも叫びも痛みもない。以前のものは過ぎ去ったからである。」
Revelation 21:2-4 NIV [2] I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. [3] And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. [4] ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

On the news, there are often interviews with people who’ve suffered an unimaginable tragedy. One day we’re shown tornado survivors whose homes were torn apart by powerful winds. Another day we may see unanticipated floods washing a neighborhood away. The expressions on the faces of those who have experienced devastation can be haunting.

Losses like these always draw our attention toward the fragility of those things we hold most dear—such as our homes, families, and careers. But in a world that often seems to be spinning out of control, believers in Jesus have the privilege of sharing the best news imaginable: We have something that’s stable, something completely secure. There is a rock on which we are able to stand, and it cannot be shaken.

もちろん、その揺るぎない基盤は全能の神です。聖書は神の不変の、いつの時代にも当てはまる真理であると信頼できます (マタイ 24:35)。主との永遠の確かな関係に頼ることができます。そして、イエス・キリストを信じるすべての人を永遠の天国が待っていることを確信できます (黙示録 21:2-4)。この不安定な世界でも、私たちは安定を得ることができます。
That unshakeable foundation, of course, is Almighty God. We can trust that Scripture is His unchanging, relevant truth for all time (Matthew 24:35). We can depend on a secure eternal relationship with the Lord. And we can be sure that an everlasting heavenly home awaits all those who place their faith in Jesus Christ (Revelation 21:2-4). We can have stability, even in this unstable world.

あなたの知り合いの中で、この命を救う良い知らせを必要としている人はいますか? 待たずに、今すぐシェアしてください。
Among the people you know, who needs this life-saving good news? Don’t wait—share it today.

あなたの人生がどう変化をもたらすか How Your Life Can Make a Difference

2024-08-31 14:26:11 | 日記
How Your Life Can Make a Difference

Alfred Nobel (1833–1896) is best known for the Nobel Peace Prize. Less well known is the fact that Alfred Nobel also invented dynamite. As well as a chemist, engineer and innovator, he was a weapons’ manufacturer. In 1888, Alfred’s brother *Ludvig* died. A French newspaper erroneously published *Alfred’s* obituary. It condemned him for his invention of dynamite, stating: ‘The merchant of death is dead… Dr Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.’ Alfred Nobel was devastated by the foretaste of how he would be remembered. His last will and testament set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel prizes. He gave the equivalent of US $250 million to fund such prizes.

アルフレッド・ノーベルは、人生の終わりに自分の人生を評価し、その評価を変えるほど長く生きるという稀な機会に恵まれました。自分の人生がどんな違いを生むか考えたことがありますか? 自分の人生は、どうすれば他の人々に祝福をもたらすことができるでしょうか? どうすれば世界をよりよい方向に変えることができるでしょうか? 自分の人生は、どうすれば究極の永続的な価値を持つことができるでしょうか? どうすれば実りある人生を送ることができるでしょうか?
Alfred Nobel had the rare opportunity to evaluate his life near its end and live long enough to change that assessment. Have you ever wondered what difference your life might make? How can your life bring blessing to other people? How can you change the world for the better? How can your life be of ultimate lasting value? How can we lead fruitful lives?

詩篇 105:12-22 NIV [12] 彼らが数が少なく、実に少数で、その地で異邦人であったとき、[13] 彼らは国から国へ、一つの王国から他の王国へとさまよった。[14] 主は誰も彼らを虐げることを許さず、彼らのために王たちを叱責した。[15] 「わたしの油そそがれた者たちに触れてはならない。わたしの預言者たちに危害を加えてはならない。」[16] 主は国に飢饉を呼び、彼らの食糧をすべて破壊した。[17] そして、彼らの前にヨセフという男を遣わした。彼は奴隷として売られた。[18] 彼らは彼の足を足かせで砕き、首には鉄の鎖をかけた。[19] 彼が預言したことが成就し、主の言葉が彼の真実を証明するまで。[20] 王は使者を遣わして彼を解放し、諸国の支配者は彼を自由にした。 [21] 彼は彼を家の主人とし、所有するすべてのものの支配者とし、[22] 望むままに君主に指​​導させ、長老たちに知恵を教えさせた。
Psalms 105:12-22 NIV [12] When they were but few in number, few indeed, and strangers in it, [13] they wandered from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another. [14] He allowed no one to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings: [15] “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.” [16] He called down famine on the land and destroyed all their supplies of food; [17] and he sent a man before them— Joseph, sold as a slave. [18] They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, [19] till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true. [20] The king sent and released him, the ruler of peoples set him free. [21] He made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, [22] to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.

Fruitfulness comes from faithfulness to God

If your life is to be fruitful you have to stay faithful to God in the difficult times. It is relatively easy to be faithful to God when all is going well in life. The test comes when you face fierce temptation and great trials.

As the psalmist gives thanks to God for his faithfulness to his people, he recalls the life of Joseph.

Joseph’s life was immensely fruitful (see Genesis 37–50). Pharaoh ‘made him master of his household, ruler over all he possessed, to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom’ (Psalm 105:21–22). As a result, ‘The Lord made his people very fruitful’ (v.24a).

But, Joseph’s fruitfulness came at a price. In the early days, it did not seem like his life would be at all fruitful. He was ‘sold as a slave’ (v.17). ‘They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons’ (v.18). Joseph went through betrayal, slavery, temptation, imprisonment and a great deal of suffering.

しかし、これらすべてにおいて、彼は忠実であり続けました。ヨセフが忠実であった理由は、悪い時でさえ神がすべてを支配しておられると信じていたからです(創世記 45:5–8; 50:20)。そして最終的に、「主の言葉は彼の真実性を明らかにしました」(19節)。
Yet in all this he remained faithful. The reason for Joseph’s faithfulness was that he trusted that God was in control, even in the bad times (Genesis 45:5–8; 50:20). And eventually ‘the word of the Lord proved him true’ (v.19).

Not only did Joseph remain faithful to God despite his seeming abandonment, but he also remained faithful to his family in totally forgiving them, rather than blaming and rejecting them. Ultimately, his faithfulness led to great fruitfulness.

Lord, thank you for your amazing faithfulness to me. Help me to be faithful to you even in the difficult times of temptation, disappointment and discouragement. Like Joseph, may my life be fruitful.

コリント人への第二の手紙 6:3-18 NIV [3] 私たちは、だれの道にもつまずきとなるものを置かないようにしています。それは、私たちの奉仕がそしられることのないためです。[4] むしろ、私たちは神の僕として、あらゆる点で自分自身をほめています。すなわち、大きな忍耐、苦難、困難、悩み、苦しみ、にあっても、 [5] 殴打、投獄、暴動、労苦、眠れない夜、飢え、 [6] 純潔、悟り、寛容、親切、聖霊、偽りの愛、 [7] 真実の言葉と神の力、右の手にも左の手にも正義の武器を持ち、 [8] 栄光と不名誉、評判の悪さや評判の良さ、誠実でありながら詐欺師とみなされ、 [9] 知られているのに知られていないとみなされ、死にそうになっても生き、打たれても殺されず、 [10] 悲しんでいてもいつも喜んでおり、貧しいのに多くの人を富ませ、 何も持っていなくても、すべてのものを持っているのです。[11] コリント人よ、私たちはあなたがたに率直に語り、あなたがたに心を開いて話しました。[12] 私たちはあなたがたに愛情を差し控えているのではなく、あなたがたが私たちに愛情を差し控えているのです。[13] 公平な交換として、私は自分の子供に話すように言いますが、あなたがたも心を開きなさい。[14] 不信者とくびきをいっしょにつけてはいけません。正義と悪に何のつながりがあるでしょう。光と暗やみに何の交わりがあるでしょう。[15] キリストとベリアルに何の調和があるでしょう。信者と不信者に何のつながりがあるでしょう。[16] 神の宮と偶像に何の一致があるでしょう。私たちは生ける神の宮なのです。神はこう言われました。「わたしは彼らとともに住み、彼らの間を歩む。わたしは彼らの神となり、彼らはわたしの民となる。」[17] それゆえ、「彼らから出て行き、彼らと分 [18] そして、「わたしはあなたたちの父となり、あなたたちはわたしの息子、娘となる」と万軍の主は言われる。
2 Corinthians 6:3-18 NIV [3] We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. [4] Rather, as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and distresses; [5] in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; [6] in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; [7] in truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; [8] through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; [9] known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; [10] sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything. [11] We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. [12] We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. [13] As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also. [14] Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? [15] What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? [16] What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” [17] Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” [18] And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

コリント人への第二の手紙 7:1 NIV [1] ですから、愛する友よ、私たちはこのような約束を受けているのですから、体と霊を汚すすべてのものから自分をきよめ、神を畏れて聖さを全うしましょう。
2 Corinthians 7:1 NIV [1] Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Fruitfulness comes from the Holy Spirit

Your life can be immensely fruitful, because the Holy Spirit lives within you. You are ‘a temple in whom God lives’ (6:16, MSG). Just as in the Old Testament God dwelt in the Holy of Holies, so now he dwells in you and me by his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces beautiful fruit in your life (Galatians 5:22–23).

パウロの生涯は、世界の歴史上最も実り豊かなものの一つであったと言えるでしょう。パウロは自分を神のしもべと呼んでいます(コリント人への手紙第二 6:4)。パウロは生涯で多くの人を富ませました(10節)。パウロにとっての「富」とは、キリストにある霊的な富でした。パウロの生涯は多くの人を富ませ続けています。パウロの生涯の果実は2,000年もの間続き、永遠に続くでしょう。
Paul’s life was arguably one of the most fruitful in the history of the world. He describes himself as a servant of God (2 Corinthians 6:4). In his lifetime he made many rich (v.10). The ‘riches’ for Paul were the spiritual riches of being in Christ. His life continues to make many rich. The fruit of Paul’s life has lasted 2,000 years and will endure into eternity.

Like Joseph, Paul’s fruitfulness came at a price. He lists some of the things he endured: ‘hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating… slandered… distrusted; ignored by the world… beaten within an inch of our lives… immersed in tears… living on handouts… having nothing’ (vv.4–10, MSG). As I look at Paul’s life, I feel so challenged. It puts all my problems into perspective.

In all this suffering, Paul remained faithful ‘in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God’ (vv.6–7a). He remained ‘genuine’ and ‘always rejoicing’ (vv.8,10). He says, ‘We are penniless… in reality we have everything worth having’ (6:10b, J.B. Phillips).

Paul says to the Corinthians, ‘We have spoken freely to you… and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you’ (vv.11–12a). He is open and vulnerable with the Corinthians and pleads with them to open their hearts to him in the same way. He says, ‘Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!’ (v.13, MSG).

To act with integrity, you must first know who you are. You must know what you stand for, what you believe in and what you care most about.

Bear Grylls writes, ‘People tend to think that they have to be funny, witty or incisive on stage. You don’t. You just have to be honest. If you can be intimate and give the inside story – emotions, doubts, struggles, fears, the lot – then people will respond.’

The Holy Spirit is the one who sets you free to be yourself. He is the one who produces fruitfulness in your life.

Paul does not want anything to spoil this fruitfulness in the lives of the Corinthians. He pleaded with them, ‘Don’t become partners with those who reject God’ (v.14, MSG). He was not suggesting that they remove themselves from the world (1 Corinthians 5:9–10). Rather, he is warning of the danger of long-term partnerships with those who reject God.

Many people have ignored these warnings – for example, in terms of marriage partners – and some have ended up within months or years no longer going to church and then eventually losing their faith. It is heart-breaking to watch.

「だから」とパウロは書いています。「腐敗と妥協を捨て、永遠に捨て去りなさい」(コリントの信徒への手紙二 6:16、MSG)。彼は続けて言います。「私たちの内と外のすべてを汚し、惑わすものから完全に離れましょう。私たちの全生活を神を礼拝するための聖なる神殿にふさわしいものにしましょう」(7:1、MSG)。
‘So,’ Paul writes, ‘leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good’ (2 Corinthians 6:16, MSG). He goes on, ‘Let’s make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let’s make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God’ (7:1, MSG).

Lord, fill me with your power through your Holy Spirit. Enable me to be pure, patient, kind and truthful and to love sincerely with a wide-open heart.

イザヤ書 3:1-5:7
Isaiah 3:1-5:7

Fruitfulness comes from closeness to Jesus

God loves you. He wants you to stay close to him. He wants you to be a branch in his vine – producing fruit.

神に不誠実なとき、それはぶどうの木から切り離されたようなものです。私たちは実を結ばなくなります。イザヤはこう書いています。「わたしの愛する者には、良い場所にある、立派なぶどう畑があった。… 彼は豊かなぶどうの実を期待したが、苦労の甲斐なく、悪いぶどうが実った。… 彼は正義の実を期待したが、人々が互いに殺し合うのを見た。彼は正義の実を期待したが、聞いたのは犠牲者のうめき声だけだった。」(5:1–7、MSG)
When we are unfaithful to him, it is like being cut off from the vine. We become unfruitful. Isaiah writes, ‘The one I love had a vineyard, a fine, well-placed vineyard… He looked for a vintage crop of grapes, but for all his pains he got junk grapes… He looked for a crop of justice and saw them murdering each other. He looked for a harvest of righteousness and heard only the moans of victims’ (5:1–7, MSG).

The word for ‘justice’ means ‘to make right’. Justice is a relational term – living in a right relationship with God and one another showing love and compassion for the poor, the oppressed and the marginalised.

Much of the first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah are about God’s judgment: ‘God enters the courtroom. He takes his place at the bench to judge his people. God calls for order in the court, hauls the leaders of his people into the dock’ (3:13, MSG).

God’s people have been unfaithful to him: ‘You’ve played havoc with this country. Your houses are stuffed with what you’ve stolen from the poor. What is this anyway? Stomping on my people, grinding the faces of the poor into the dirt?’ (vv.14–15, MSG).

Isaiah sees a coming judgment, and on that day ‘the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious’ (4:2).

This was only partially fulfilled at that time. Like many other prophecies, it points forward to what we can now see was achieved through Jesus, who was the true ‘Branch of the Lord’ (v.2). Jesus is the Branch from the vine of God. We are the branches from the vine of Jesus (see John 15:1–8).

Jesus is the true branch and the true vine. He is the one who was totally faithful and fruitful beyond any human being (even Joseph or Paul!). He now invites you to be part of his vine, to stay close to him and to bear much fruit – fruit that will last (John 15:8,16).

Lord, I want my life to make a difference. Thank you that you have made that possible. Keep me close to you, faithful and filled with the Holy Spirit, bearing fruit that will last.



Pippa Adds
In 2 Corinthians 7:1 it says,

‘Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.’

I need a detox before the start of the beginning of term. (I don’t need to just cut down on things – like chocolate... I possibly need to cut them out!)

特権 Privilege

2024-08-31 13:32:56 | 日記
マタイ6:9 NIV [9] 「だから、あなたたちはこのように祈りなさい。『天におられるわたしたちの父よ、御名があがめられますように。
Matthew 6:9 NIV [9] “This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

詩篇 123:1 NIV [1] 私はあなたに目を向けます。天に座しておられるあなたに。
Psalms 123:1 NIV [1] I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven.

イザヤ書 6:1-5 NIV [1] ウジヤ王が死んだ年に、私は主が高貴で崇高な御座に座しておられるのを見た。その衣の裾は神殿に満ちていた。[2] その上にはセラフィムがいて、それぞれ六つの翼を持っていた。彼らは二つの翼で顔を覆い、二つの翼で足を覆い、二つの翼で飛んでいた。[3] そして彼らは互いに呼ばわった。「聖なるかな、聖なるかな、聖なるかな、万軍の主。その栄光は全地に満ちている。」[4] 彼らの声を聞くと、戸口と敷居が揺れ、神殿は煙で満たされた。[5] 「ああ、私は災いだ!」私は叫んだ。「私は破滅した!私は汚れた唇の者であり、汚れた唇の民の中に住んでいますが、私の目は万軍の主である王を見たのです。」
Isaiah 6:1-5 NIV [1] In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. [2] Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. [3] And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” [4] At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. [5] “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

ホセア書 1:10 NIV [10] 「しかし、イスラエル人は海辺の砂のように、量ることも数えることもできない。『あなたたちは私の民ではない』と言われたその場所で、彼らは『生ける神の子ら』と呼ばれるであろう。」
Hosea 1:10 NIV [10] “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘children of the living God.’

ネヘミヤ 1:4-7 NIV [4] 私はこれらのことを聞いたとき、座って泣きました。私は数日間、嘆き、断食し、天の神の前に祈りました。[5] そして私は言いました。「主よ、天の神、偉大で恐るべき神、神を愛し、戒めを守る者と愛の契約を守られる神よ。[6] あなたのしもべがあなたのしもべであるイスラエルの人々のために昼も夜もあなたの前に祈っている祈りに耳を傾け、目を開いて聞いてください。私と私の父の家族を含む私たちイスラエル人があなたに対して犯した罪を告白します。[7] 私たちはあなたに対して非常に邪悪な行いをしました。私たちはあなたのしもべモーセに与えられた命令、法令、律法に従いませんでした。
Nehemiah 1:4-7 NIV [4] When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. [5] Then I said: “Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, [6] let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. [7] We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.

ヨハネ 1:12 NIV [12] しかし、彼を受け入れた人々、すなわち、彼の名を信じた人々には、神の子どもとされる特権を与えた。
John 1:12 NIV [12] Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—

ガラテヤ人への手紙 3:26 NIV [26] ですから、キリスト・イエスにあって、あなた方はみな信仰によって神の子なのです。
Galatians 3:26 NIV [26] So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,

ローマ人への手紙 8:15-17 NIV [15] あなたがたが受けた御霊は、あなたがたを奴隷にして再び恐れさせるものではありません。むしろ、あなたがたが受けた御霊は、あなたがたを子と認めさせるものです。その御霊によって、わたしたちは「アバ、父よ」と呼びます。[16] 御霊ご自身が、わたしたちの霊に、わたしたちが神の子であることを証ししてくださいます。[17] もしわたしたちが子どもであるなら、相続人です。神の相続人であり、キリストと共同相続人です。もしわたしたちがキリストの苦しみにあずかれば、キリストの栄光にもあずかることになります。
Romans 8:15-17 NIV [15] The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” [16] The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. [17] Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.


Our Father in heaven

人生における多くのこと、おそらくすべてのことの秘訣はバランス、つまり 2 つ以上のものを緊張状態に保っておくことです。たとえば、賢明な製造業者は適正な価格と適正な品質が一致する製品を作りたいと考えます。賢明な親は愛としつけのバランスを取りたいと考えます。主の祈りは、このことを「天におられる我らの父よ」という短い言葉で美しく簡潔に表現しています。
The secret to a lot of things – perhaps everything – in life is balance; holding two or more things in tension. For instance, the smart manufacturer will want to create a product that is a match between the right price and the right quality; a wise parent will want to balance love and discipline, and so on. With beautiful brevity, the Lord’s Prayer does this with those little words Our Father in heaven.

First, we are here reminded that God is Father. Now here I need to say immediately that if, like so many people today, your experience of a father is so negative that the very word raises your blood pressure, you may need to do some work. You may have to constantly and firmly remind yourself that God is the ideal father that you never knew, or even think of him in terms of a ‘perfect parent’; someone who is lovingly and wisely concerned that you grow into who you are supposed to be. Problems with the word father should not undermine the extraordinary truth that we can know God as a loving parent. We can get rid of any ideas of God as some sort of cold, calculating, celestial supercomputer or throw away any thoughts of him being the Chief Executive Officer of the universe.

Prayer, says Jesus, can and should involve a family relationship with God. Now there is an implication here; in order to have that precious relationship we need to put our faith in Jesus and, by doing so, become his brothers and sisters. There is a beautiful logic here: to put your trust in Christ is to be adopted into God’s family and so, by definition, to be in a son or daughter relationship with God. We become ‘linked in’ to a new set of relationships both in heaven and on earth to other believers.

This wonderful truth is balanced by the reminder that God is in heaven. He is all powerful, utterly holy and quite beyond our comprehension. He understands everything, knows everything, has created everything and sustains everything. We need this. It’s all too easy to create a reduced, pocket-sized God in our own image but this is a God who is in heaven: bigger and greater than anything we can imagine.

ですから、これが完璧なバランスです。私たちは、愛情深い畏敬の念や歓喜の献身とでも呼べるもの、つまり何と呼ぼうと、この 2 つの素晴らしい真実を結び付ける必要があります。これは重要なことです。なぜなら、多くの信者、おそらく私たち全員が、頻繁にバランスを崩す祈りの生活を送っているからです。そのため、私たちは神の宇宙的な力を無視し、私たちのすることをまったく気にしない、天国にいる心地よい友人以上の存在として神を扱うことになります。あるいは、神の私たちに対する父親としての愛を無視し、神を宇宙の遠く離れた超然とした支配者のようなものと考えることもできます。ここでイエスは、私たちが持っているのは驚くべき特権であると教えておられます。つまり、私たちがキリストに信仰を置いているなら、私たちは天の神を、愛情深く、思いやりのある、完璧な親として、その全力と栄光において知ることができるのです。すごいですね!
This, then, is the perfect balance; we should have something that we might call affectionate awe or delighted devotion – call it what you will – but a holding together of these two wonderful truths. This is important because many believers, perhaps all of us, have a prayer life that frequently gets out of balance. So we can neglect God’s cosmic power and end up treating him as little more than some sort of comfortable friend up there who doesn’t mind at all what we do. Or alternatively we can neglect God’s paternal love for us and conceive of him as some sort of distant and detached overlord of the universe. Here Jesus is teaching that what we have is an astonishing privilege: if we have put our faith in Christ we can know the God of heaven in all his power and glory as a loving, concerned, perfect parent. Amazing!

As we use this prayer let’s pause with those first words Our Father in heaven; let’s stay balanced.

神にとって不可能なことは何もありませんNothing is Impossible for God

2024-08-31 02:10:42 | 日記
ルカの福音書 1:37
[37] 神の約束は、必ずそのとおりになるのです。」
Luke 1:37 NIV [37] For no word from God will ever fail.”

ルカによる福音書 1:37 新共同訳 [37] 神にできないことは何一つない。」
Luke 1:37 ESV [37] For nothing will be impossible with God.”







ルカ 1:37 ESV

神はこれらの出来事をずっと昔に計画しただけでなく、旧約聖書の預言者や筆者を通して前もって宣言していました。 イエスの生涯: この神人イエスはダビデの血統から生まれ (イザヤ 9:7)、ベツレヘム (ミカ 5:2) で処女から生まれる (イザヤ 7:14)。イエスは盲人を見えるようにし、耳の聞こえない人を聞こえるようにし、足の不自由な人を歩かせ、口のきけない人を歌わせる (イザヤ 35:5-6)。イエスは貧しい人に良い知らせを伝え、傷ついた人を慰め、捕らわれ人を解放する (イザヤ 61:1)。

イエスの死: イエスは無実であったが (イザヤ 53:9)、親しい友人に銀貨 30 枚で裏切られる (ゼカリヤ 11:12)。 イエスは軽蔑され拒絶され(イザヤ書 53:3)、殴られ唾をかけられ(イザヤ書 50:6)、両手両足を刺され(詩篇 22:16)、最終的には殺される(ダニエル書 9:26)。

イエスの復活:イエスは再び生き返り(詩篇 16:10-11)、神の民と永遠の契約を結ぶ(エレミヤ書 31:31-34)。イエスは多くの人の罪を負い、反逆者のために執り成しをする(イザヤ書 53:12)ので、多くの人が義とみなされ(イザヤ書 53:11)、イエスはすべての国々の光となる(イザヤ書 11:10)。

イエスに関することはすべて不可能に思えましたが、神は私たちの想像を超えることができるのです。ですから、あなたが仕える神を思い出し、勇気づけられましょう。神は何も驚かれません。 神は最初から終わりをすでに知っています。神の目的は狂いません。神の性格は決して変わりません。神にとって不可能なことは何もありません。

Nothing is Impossible for God

It might feel unlikely that God will show up in your impossible situation: your diagnosis, your infertility, your broken relationship, your anxiety, your financial struggles, your grief.

And yet, nothing is impossible for God.

Growing up in a Jewish family, Mary would have known about the prophesied Messiah; the long-awaited Savior of the world. But she probably never imagined that those age-old predictions would be fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of her own son—who was somehow fully God, yet also fully man.

But as the angel Gabriel explained to Mary:

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:37‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Not only did God plan these events long ago, He also declared them ahead of time through Old Testament prophets and writers.

Jesus’ life: This God-man would come from the lineage of David (Isaiah 9:7), and be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14) in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). He’d make the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, and the mute sing (Isaiah 35:5-6). He’d proclaim good news to the poor, comfort the brokenhearted, and set the captive free (Isaiah 61:1).

Jesus’ death: Though innocent (Isaiah 53:9), he’d be betrayed by a close friend (Psalm 41:9) for thirty pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12). He’d be despised and rejected (Isaiah 53:3), beaten and spit on (Isaiah 50:6), pierced in both the hands and feet (Psalm 22:16), and ultimately killed (Daniel 9:26).

Jesus’ resurrection: He would be raised to life again (Psalm 16:10-11) and establish a never-ending covenant with God’s people (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Because He’d be willing to bear the sins of many and intercede for rebels (Isaiah 53:12), many would be counted as righteous (Isaiah 53:11) and He’d be a light to all nations (Isaiah 11:10).

Everything about Jesus seemed impossible, but God is able to do beyond what we could imagine. So remember the God you serve, and be encouraged: God is surprised by nothing. He already knows the end from the beginning. His purposes can’t be derailed. His character will never change.

Nothing is impossible for Him.

A Prayer for Trust

God, thank You that nothing is impossible for You. It doesn't matter what I face, You are not surprised or afraid. You make a way. You see it all and You love me. Give me faith to see and rejoice in the work You're doing in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.