

神は私たちの内に働く God Works Within Us

2024-10-31 21:56:17 | 日記
God Works Within Us

God has a purpose for your life—and it's more wonderful than you can imagine.

エペソ人への手紙 3:20-21 20 私たちの内に働く力によって、私たちが願ったり思うことをはるかに超えて成し遂げることのできる方に、 21 教会により、またキリスト・イエスにより、栄光が世々限りなく神にありますように。アーメン。
Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, 21 to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

ローマ人への手紙 8:29 29 神は、あらかじめ知っておられた人々を、御子のかたちに似たものとなるようにあらかじめ定めておられました。それは、御子が多くの兄弟たちの長子となられるためです。
Romans 8:29 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;

Let the words from today’s reading slowly sink in: “able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). What an amazing description of the Lord’s ability to work within us. Yet so often our focus is mainly on what we want Him to do—namely, that if He’d change this or fix that, then our life would be better. But He invites us to think and ask bigger—He wants to change us!

The Holy Spirit has more than enough power to transform lives from the inside out, but change within is usually a slow process. Spiritual fruit takes time to grow and mature. That’s why we need patience and faith to believe God is working even when results aren’t evident.

神はあなたの人生に目的を持っており、それを達成するために絶えず働いています。また、すべての信者を神の子のイメージに似せるという包括的な目標も持っています (ローマ 8:29)。これを実現するために、神は私たちをいくつかの苦難や心痛を乗り越えさせなければならないかもしれません。私たちには理解できないかもしれませんが、神は自分が何をしているかを正確に知っています。
God has a purpose for your life, and He is constantly working to achieve it. He also has an overarching goal—to conform every believer to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). In order to do this, He may have to bring us through some struggles and heartaches. It might make no sense to us, but God knows exactly what He’s doing.

What would you like to see the Lord do within you? As you read the Scriptures, look for qualities that God considers precious, and ask Him to work them out in your life. Then rely on His wonderful promise to do even more than you have asked or imagined.

どうすれば神に近づくことができるでしょうか? How Can You Approach God?

2024-10-31 09:45:07 | 日記
How Can You Approach God?

The more I study it, the more I love it. The Book of Hebrews appears to be addressed to Jewish Christians. It is written in a way that seems strange to our modern ears – the language is steeped in the Old Testament. It deals with this vital question: *How can you approach God?*

The author’s answer is: through Jesus, our Great High Priest. The high priesthood of Jesus is the pinnacle of the letter. It is the only New Testament document that expressly calls Jesus a Priest. The priestly work of Jesus is hinted at elsewhere, for example, the ‘high priestly’ prayer of Jesus in John’s Gospel (John 17) and the ‘beloved disciple’s’ description of Jesus as ‘advocate with the Father’ (1 John 2:1). But it is here in the book of Hebrews that the theme is taken up and expounded.

詩篇 119:153-160 NIV [153] 私の苦しみを見て、私をお救いください。私はあなたの律法を忘れていません。[154] 私の訴えを弁護し、私を贖ってください。あなたの約束に従って私の命を守ってください。[155] 救いは悪人からは遠く離れています。彼らはあなたの定めを求めないからです。[156] 主よ、あなたの慈悲は大きいです。あなたの律法に従って私の命を守ってください。[157] 私を迫害する敵は多くいますが、私はあなたの掟から離れませんでした。[158] 私は不信仰な者を憎悪の眼差しで見ています。彼らはあなたの言葉に従わないからです。[159] 私があなたの戒めをどれほど愛しているかを見てください。主よ、あなたの愛に従って私の命を守ってください。[160] あなたの言葉はすべて真実であり、あなたの正しい律法はすべて永遠です。
Psalms 119:153-160 NIV [153] Look on my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law. [154] Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise. [155] Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek out your decrees. [156] Your compassion, Lord, is great; preserve my life according to your laws. [157] Many are the foes who persecute me, but I have not turned from your statutes. [158] I look on the faithless with loathing, for they do not obey your word. [159] See how I love your precepts; preserve my life, Lord, in accordance with your love. [160] All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.

Approach God knowing he is loving and compassionate

God’s love for humanity has always been great. ‘Your compassion is great, O Lord’ (v.156). The psalmist knew God’s love: ‘Preserve my life, O Lord, according to your love’ (v.159). He knew God was a deliverer (v.153). He speaks of redemption (v.154) and salvation (v.155).

He knew God would deliver, redeem and save, and it was because of this that he knew he could approach God with confidence. What he did not know was how God would save him.

As we read the whole Old Testament, including this psalm, through the lens of the New Testament, we can see that what the psalmist described is made possible through the high priesthood of Jesus.

Lord, thank you for your great love and compassion. Thank you that through Jesus you have made it possible for me to be delivered, redeemed and saved.

ヘブル人への手紙 4:14-16 NIV [14] ですから、私たちには、天に昇られた偉大な大祭司、神の子イエスがおられるのですから、私たちは、告白している信仰を堅く保ちましょう。[15] 私たちの大祭司は、私たちの弱さに同情できない方ではなく、私たちと同じように、あらゆる点で試みられながらも、罪を犯さなかった方です。[16] ですから、私たちは、あわれみを受け、また、必要なときに助けてくださる恵みを得るために、大胆に神の恵みの御座に近づこうではありませんか。
Hebrews 4:14-16 NIV [14] Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. [15] For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. [16] Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

ヘブル人への手紙 5:1-10 NIV [1] 大祭司は皆、民の中から選ばれ、神に関する事柄において民を代表し、罪のために供え物やいけにえをささげるために任命されます。[2] 彼は、無知で迷っている人たちを優しく扱うことができます。なぜなら、彼自身も弱い者だからです。[3] だからこそ、彼は自分の罪だけでなく民の罪のためにもいけにえをささげなければならないのです。[4] この栄誉を自ら受ける者はいません。アロンが受けたように、神に召されて受けるのです。[5] 同じように、キリストも大祭司となる栄光を自ら受けられたのではなく、神は彼にこう言われました。「あなたはわたしの子、わたしは今日あなたの父となった。」[6] また、別の箇所ではこう言っています。「あなたは永遠にメルキゼデクの位に等しい祭司である。」 [7] イエスは地上での生活の間、死から救うことのできる方に、熱烈な叫びと涙をもって祈りと願いを捧げ、その敬虔な従順さゆえに聞き入れられました。[8] 子でありながら、苦しみから従順を学びました。[9] そして、完全な者とされた後、イエスは従うすべての人にとって永遠の救いの源となり、[10] 神によってメルキゼデクの位階における大祭司に任命されました。
Hebrews 5:1-10 NIV [1] Every high priest is selected from among the people and is appointed to represent the people in matters related to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. [2] He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness. [3] This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as for the sins of the people. [4] And no one takes this honor on himself, but he receives it when called by God, just as Aaron was. [5] In the same way, Christ did not take on himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But God said to him, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.” [6] And he says in another place, “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” [7] During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. [8] Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered [9] and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him [10] and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Approach God through Jesus, your Great High Priest

It is quite astonishing that you and I can approach the Creator of the universe with confidence and boldness. Of course, we must be respectful but we do not need to be timid or fearful. How is this possible?

As the writer introduces the central theme of his letter, the high priesthood of Jesus, he makes the point that the main purpose of his letter is to encourage them to ‘hold firmly to the faith we profess’ (4:14). Learning more about who Jesus is enables you to stand firm in your faith through the storms and temptations of life.

Jesus is unique. The Great High Priest is both ‘the Son of God’ (v.14) and fully human. He is able to sympathise with your weaknesses and he ‘has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin’ (v.15).

Jesus had all the same feelings you have. There were times when he felt like doing the wrong thing, but always chose to do the right thing. As you speak to him in prayer you can know that he knows how you are feeling.

There were three necessary qualifications for the priesthood:

人間性(「人間の中から選ばれた」、ヘブル人への手紙 5:1)
同情心(「優しく接することができる」、2 節)
神の任命(「神に召された」、4 節)
Humanity (‘selected from among human beings’, Hebrews 5:1)
Compassion (‘able to deal gently’, v.2)
Divine appointment (‘called by God’, v.4)

Jesus exactly fits the role.

しかし、イエスはレビ族ではなくユダ族に属していたため、モーセの兄弟アロン(レビ族)の子孫で構成される通常の祭司職に就く資格がありませんでした。そのため、筆者はイエスを、旧約聖書の登場人物メルキゼデクと同一視する新しい祭司階級の一人としています。メルキゼデクは「いと高き神」の祭司であり、アブラハムに仕えました(創世記 14:18–20)。
But Jesus belonged to the tribe of Judah, not Levi, and therefore he lacked qualification for the normal priesthood, which was made up of descendants of Moses’ brother Aaron (who was a Levite). Thus, the writer identifies him with a new order of priests, identified with the Old Testament character Melchizedek, who was a priest of ‘God most High’ and ministered to Abraham (Genesis 14:18–20).

The book of Hebrews shows how in every way the priesthood of Melchizedek was superior to that of Aaron (see Hebrews 7). Because Jesus’ priesthood is like Melchizedek, it is eternal (5:6). It is therefore effective for all time. It affects those who lived before Jesus, as well as everyone who lives after him.

Jesus is your representative (v.1). He is both the model priest and far superior to any other priest.

Jesus gained experience through the things he suffered (v.9). God uses everything in your path, however painful, for you to gain experience. You can learn to use your pain for someone else’s gain.

Rick Warren writes, ‘God loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. The things you wish were most removed from your life are often the very things that God is using to shape you and make you into the believer he wants you to be. He wants to use that problem for good in your life. There’s something more important than your pain. It’s what you’re learning from that pain.’

Like us, Jesus gained experience through what he suffered. However, unlike us, he is without sin. Therefore, he did not need to offer sacrifices for his own sins. He is ‘the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him’ (v.9).

You can ‘approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that [you] may receive mercy and find grace to help [you] in [your] time of need’ (v.16). As you ask for forgiveness for the past – you can know that you will receive ‘mercy’. As you ask for help for the future you can know that you will receive ‘grace to help’ you in whatever your needs are and whatever difficulties you are facing at the moment.

The image of the throne is a way of emphasising the majesty and glory of the one who sits on it – God. Yet through Jesus you can approach God in prayer and worship no matter how you are feeling or what you have done.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that through your sacrifice I can approach the throne of grace with confidence, receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need.

エゼキエル 1:1-3:27
Ezekiel 1:1-3:27
エゼキエル書 1:1 新共同訳 [1] 第三十年の四月五日のことである。わたしはケバル川の河畔に住んでいた捕囚の人々の間にいたが、そのとき天が開かれ、わたしは神の顕現に接した。

Approach the throne of grace with confidence

そもそも、私たちが天の御座に近づくことができると言われるのは、なんと驚くべきことでしょう。ましてや「確信をもって」(ヘブル人への手紙 4:16)近づくことができるなどとしたら、それは何と驚くべきことでしょう!預言者エゼキエル(その名前は「神は強い」という意味)は、この御座をちらりと見ました。それは「畏怖の念を起こさせるもの」でした(22節)。「そこには、サファイアのような空色の玉座のようなものがあり、その玉座の上には、人のような姿がそびえ立っていました。腰から上は、磨かれた青銅のようで、腰から下は燃える火のようでした。至る所が輝いていました。それは神の栄光でした。私はこのすべてを見て、ひざまずき、顔を地に伏せました。すると、声が聞こえました」(エゼキエル書 1:26–28、MSG)。
What an amazing thing to be told that we can approach the heavenly throne at all – let alone ‘with confidence’ (Hebrews 4:16)! The prophet Ezekiel (whose name means ‘God is strong’) caught a glimpse of this throne. It was ‘awesome’ (v.22): ‘There was something that looked like a throne, sky-blue like a sapphire, with a humanlike figure towering above the throne… from the waist up he looked like burnished bronze and from the waist down like a blazing fire. Brightness everywhere!… It turned out to be the Glory of God! When I saw all this, I fell to my knees, my face to the ground. Then I heard a voice’ (Ezekiel 1:26–28, MSG).

Ezekiel was called by God (593 BC) at the age of 30 (v.1). He was a priest (v.3). He was a Jewish exile in Babylonia (whereas Jeremiah was in Jerusalem). He was taken captive with the young king Jehoiachin in 597 BC (2 Kings 24:8–17). Like Jeremiah he called the people to repentance and foretold the eventual rebuilding of Jerusalem.

The first has the face of a human being, the second a lion, representing strength and courage, the third an ox, representing fertility, and the fourth an eagle, representing speed. Together they point to the awesome majesty and greatness of God (v.10).

この幻の中で、エゼキエルはある男をちらりと見ます。今ではその男がイエスであったことが分かっています(黙示録 4:1–10)。
In this vision, Ezekiel catches a glimpse of a man – who we now know was Jesus (Revelation 4:1–10).

エゼキエルは恵みの御座の幻を見たとき、ひれ伏しました(エゼキエル 1:28)。これは神の臨在に対する珍しい反応ではありませんでした(例えば、黙示録 4:10 を参照)。
Ezekiel’s response to the vision of the throne of grace is to fall flat on his face (Ezekiel 1:28). This was not an unusual response to the presence of God (see, for example, Revelation 4:10).

神は彼に語りかけます(エゼキエル 2:1)。聖霊がエゼキエルに入ります(2節)。彼は神の言葉を与えられ、それを貪り食います(3:1)。「それで私はそれを食べた。それは私の口に蜜のように甘い味がした」(3節b)。彼は注意深く聞くように言われます(2:8、3:10)。そして、神が与えたメッセージを語りに行きます。
God speaks to him (Ezekiel 2:1). The Holy Spirit enters Ezekiel (v.2). He is given the words of God to devour (3:1): ‘So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth’ (v.3b). He is told to listen carefully (2:8, 3:10) and then to go and speak the message that God has given.

He is to face great opposition but is told, ‘Do not be afraid of them or terrified by them’ (v.9). It is not his responsibility ‘whether they listen or fail to listen’ (v.11b). This is a reminder of the importance of listening. Your responsibility, like Ezekiel, is simply to listen and then speak the message that God gives you.

You are not responsible for the reaction of others (vv.18–21) but you will be held accountable for whether or not you obey God and speak the words that God has given you (vv.18,20). Sometimes you don’t know what the outcome will be in a certain situation, but you can trust and obey God no matter what.

Later on, the glory of the Lord appears to Ezekiel again and he falls face down (v.23). Again, the Spirit enters him (v.24). God promises, ‘When I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you shall say to them, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says”’ (v.27).

Lord, thank you for this immense privilege: that I can approach the throne of grace with confidence, talk with you and hear your message. Help me to speak your words today.

ヘブライ人への手紙 4:16 にはこうあります:

「ですから、主のもとに歩み寄って、主が喜んで与えてくださるものを受け取ってください。慈悲を受け、助けを受け入れてください。」(The Message)

Pippa Adds
Hebrews 4:16 says:

‘So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.’ (The Message)

That’s confidence.

この世のものとは思えないOut of This World

2024-10-31 06:02:32 | 日記
詩篇 8:3-4 NIV [3] あなたの指のわざであるあなたの天、あなたが定めた月や星を私は見ます。[4] あなたは人間を何者なので、これを心に留められるのですか。あなたが人間を何者なので、これを気遣われるのですか。
Psalms 8:3-4 NIV [3] When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, [4] what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?





詩篇 8 篇で、ダビデはこう書いています。


詩篇 8:3-4 NIV






Out of This World

For thousands of years, people have gathered around campfires and peered into the night’s sky, studying the stars.

Now, thanks to telescopes and satellites and advances in modern technology, we’ve uncovered more about God’s celestial creation than ever before: diverse planets, interstellar dust, mysterious black holes, and billions of other galaxies.

What we’ve discovered, however, is not new to God. It’s the very same heavens and the very same earth that He spoke into existence at the very beginning of time. And though we’ve only scratched the surface on what’s still to be discovered, the vastness of the heavens and the brilliance of its design beckons both humility and worship.

In Psalm 8, David wrote:

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” ‭‭
Psalm ‭8:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The same God who hung the sun, moon, and stars in the sky also created us. He created you. It’s mystifying to think that He considers us His prized creations.

Like David, this should humble us and compel us to worship.

Who are we, after all, to be loved, chosen, and redeemed—especially when we don’t deserve it? Who are we, when we consider the magnificence of our Creator, to be made in His image? Who are we that God is mindful of us? Who are we that He cares for the details of our lives?

We are His people. His children. We belong to Him.

So today, let’s trust in our creative, compassionate, and loving God. He is where we’ll put our confidence. He is where we’ll put our hope.

A Prayer to God, My Creator

God, when I think about the vastness of the universe, I am amazed that You chose to create us. Your creativity is beautiful, Your power is magnificent, and Your love for Your children is intentional. Thank You for thinking of me since the beginning of time—and for saving me by sacrificing Your only Son. I love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

罪悪感との闘い The Struggle With Guilt

2024-10-31 00:39:38 | 日記
The Struggle With Guilt

Jesus completely paid the penalty for all our sins—we don't need to punish ourselves.

ヨハネの手紙一 1:5-9 5 私たちが神から聞いて、あなたたちに伝える言葉は、神は光であり、神には少しも暗いところがないということです。 6 もし私たちが神と交わりを持っていると言いながら、暗闇の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは偽りを言っているのであって、真理を行っていません。 7 しかし、神が光の中におられるように、私たちも光の中を歩んでいるなら、私たちは互いに交わりを持っているのです。そして、神の子イエスの血はすべての罪から私たちをきよめます。 8 もし私たちに罪がないと言うなら、私たちは自分を欺いており、真理は私たちのうちにありません。 9 もし私たちが自分の罪を告白するなら、神は真実で正しい方ですから、私たちの罪を赦し、すべての悪から私たちをきよめてくださいます。
1 John 1:5-9 5 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; 7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

詩篇 103:12 12 東が西から遠く離れているように、神は私たちの罪を私たちから遠く離してくださった。
Psalm 103:12 12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

ローマ人への手紙 8:1 1 ですから、今は、キリスト・イエスにある者には罪に定められることはありません。
Romans 8:1 1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Yesterday, we saw that because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we’re free from guilt. But at times we still feel ashamed. So let’s look a little deeper.

罪悪感には、聖書に反する罪悪感と偽りの罪悪感の 2 種類があります。前者は聖書に反する罪悪感から生じます。これは感情ではなく現実です。私たちは罪を犯したので、悔い改めなければなりません。後者は、罪を告白した後も罪悪感を持ち続けることであり、真実に基づくものではなく、聖書にも裏付けられていません。神は私たちを許してくださっています (詩篇 103:12)。ですから、恥じる必要はありません。
There are two types of guilt: biblical and false. The first originates with the violation of Scripture. This is not a feeling but a reality: We have sinned and should repent. The second, which involves continuing to feel guilty after confessing a sin, is not based in truth or supported by the Bible. God has forgiven us (Psalm 103:12), so there is no need to linger in shame.

人々が誤った罪悪感に苦しむのには、さまざまな理由があります。たとえば、律法主義的な教えでは、人生は完璧に従うことのできない一連の規則であると説かれます。自己非難は、言葉による非難からも生じます。もう 1 つの原因は完璧主義です。達成できない期待が、私たちを自己非難で圧倒することがあります。罪悪感は、神の愛と救いを疑わせ、それが恐怖と不安につながり、人生を楽しめなくします。また、身体的および精神的ストレスの原因にもなります。
People struggle with false guilt for many reasons. Legalistic teaching, for example, presents life as a series of rules that can never be followed perfectly. Self-reproach can also derive from verbal put-downs. Another cause is perfectionism—expectations we’re incapable of attaining can flood us with self-condemnation. Guilt leads us to doubt God’s love and salvation, which paves the way for fear and insecurity and leaves us unable to enjoy life. It can also open the door to physical and mental stress.

天の父は、その子供たちが罪悪感から解放されて生きることを望んでおられます(ローマ 8:1)。もしあなたが恥ずかしさを感じたら、その原因を突き止められるよう助けてくださるよう神に求めてください。そして、次の真実を確信してください。あなたは特別であり(神の似姿に造られ、神によって贖われた)、宇宙の創造主に愛され、赦されているのです。
The heavenly Father wants His children to live free from guilt (Romans 8:1). If you experience shame, ask Him to help you trace its cause. Then affirm these truths: You are special (made in God’s image and redeemed by Him), loved by the Creator of the universe, and forgiven.

運命を決定づける決断 Destiny Defining Decisions

2024-10-30 12:33:11 | 日記
Destiny Defining Decisions

私たちは毎日、何を着るか、何を食べるか、何をするかといった決断を下します。小さな決断もあれば、大きな決断もあります。おそらく、ほとんどの人にとって、人生で最大の決断は、人間関係、結婚(結婚するかどうか、誰と結婚するか)、仕事に関するものです。しかし、これらの決断は、大きな決断に比べれば取るに足らないものです。大きな決断とは、神にどう応えるかです。20 世紀で最も影響力のあるタイムズ紙のコラムニスト、バーナード レビンは、キリスト教の信仰について決断しようとした経験を次のように表現しています。「私のような人は、プールの端でうろうろしながら、飛び込みたいと願いながらも、飛び込みを恐れています...」
Every day we make decisions – what to wear, what to eat and what to do. There are little decisions and big decisions. Perhaps, for most people, the biggest decisions in life are about relationships, marriage (whether to marry and whom to marry) and work. But these decisions pale into insignificance beside the great decision. The great decision is how you respond to God. Bernard Levin, perhaps the most influential *Times* columnist of the twentieth century, described his experience of trying to decide about the Christian faith in these terms: ‘People such as me who hover on the edge of the swimming pool, simultaneously longing and fearing to jump…’

聖書全体を通して、この運命を決定づける決断の重要性が強調されています。今日のすべての聖句でそれを見ることができます。遠くにいる者と近い者の間には運命の分かれ目があります(詩篇 119 章)。福音を聞いて信仰をもって応じる者と、それに信仰を結び付けない者の間には運命の分かれ目があります(ヘブル 4:2)。ヨエル書では、主の名を呼ぶ者と呼ばない者の間に運命の分かれ目があります(ヨエル 2:32)。ヨエルはさらにこう言っています。「群衆、群衆が*決断の谷*にいる。主の日は*決断の谷*に近づいているからだ」(3:14)。
All the way through the Bible, the importance of this destiny defining decision is stressed. We can see it in all of today’s passages. There is a division of destiny between those who are far and those who are near (Psalm 119). There is a division of destiny between those who hear the gospel and respond with faith, and those who do not combine it with faith (Hebrews 4:2). In the book of Joel, there is a division of destiny between those who call on the name of the Lord and those who do not (Joel 2:32). Joel goes on to say, ‘Multitudes, multitudes in the *valley of decision*! For the day of the Lord is near in the *valley of decision*’ (3:14).

詩篇 119:145-152 NIV [145] わたしは心を尽くして呼び求めます。主よ、わたしに答えてください。そうすれば、わたしはあなたの定めに従います。[146] わたしはあなたに呼びかけます。わたしをお救いください。そうすれば、わたしはあなたの定めを守ります。[147] わたしは夜明け前に起きて、助けを叫びます。わたしはあなたの言葉に望みを託しています。[148] わたしは夜更けまで目を見開いて、あなたの約束を黙想します。[149] 主よ、あなたの愛に従ってわたしの声を聞き、あなたの掟に従ってわたしの命を守ってください。[150] 悪事を企てる者は近くにいますが、あなたの掟からは遠く離れています。[151] しかし、主よ、あなたは近くにおられ、あなたの戒めはすべて真実です。[152] わたしは昔から、あなたの掟から、あなたが定めた掟が永遠に続くものであることを知りました。
Psalms 119:145-152 NIV [145] I call with all my heart; answer me, Lord, and I will obey your decrees. [146] I call out to you; save me and I will keep your statutes. [147] I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. [148] My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises. [149] Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, Lord, according to your laws. [150] Those who devise wicked schemes are near, but they are far from your law. [151] Yet you are near, Lord, and all your commands are true. [152] Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever.

Decide to meet with God first

I love this verse: ‘I rise before dawn and cry for help’ (v.147). Over forty years ago I wrote next to it in my Bible, ‘How vital it is to meet with the Lord before the day starts – “before dawn”. From now on I intend always to read and pray immediately when I get up in order to be prepared for the battles each day brings.’ I have not always succeeded in doing this. However, that decision has made a huge difference to my life.

There is a distinction, according to the psalmist, between those who are far from God and those who are near to him. The psalmist writes, ‘Those who devise wicked schemes are near, but they are far from your law. Yet you are near, O Lord’ (vv.150–151).

The psalmist has made a decision to ‘call [to God] with all my heart… I call out to you; save me’ (vv.145–146).

As those who are out to get him come closer and closer, the psalmist is able to say: ‘But you’re the closest of all to me, God’ (v.151, MSG).

Lord, thank you that you are near when I call upon you. Today, I cry out to you for help…

ヘブル人への手紙 4:1-13 NIV [1] ですから、神の安息に入るという約束は今も残っているのですから、あなたたちのうち、だれもそれに及ばない者とならないように気をつけましょう。[2] 私たちも、彼らと同じように福音を宣べ伝えられました。しかし、彼らが聞いたその言葉は、彼らには役に立たなかったのです。従順な人たちと同じ信仰を持たなかったからです。[3] 信じた私たちは、神が言われたとおり、その安息に入ります。「わたしは怒って誓った。『彼らは決してわたしの安息に入ることはない』」しかし、神の御業は、世界の創造以来、すでに成し遂げられているのです。[4] 神はどこかで、第七日についてこう語っておられます。「第七日に神はそのすべての御業を終えて休まれた。」[5] また、上の箇所でも、神はこう言っています。「彼らは決してわたしの安息に入ることはない。」 [6] ですから、その安息に入ることができる人々がまだ残っているのに、以前福音を告げ知らされていた人々が不従順のゆえに入ることができなかったので、[7] 神は再び特定の日を定めて、「今日」と名付けました。これは、ずっと後になってから、すでに引用した箇所にあるように、ダビデを通して語られたときでした。「今日、御声を聞くならば、心をかたくなにしてはならない。」 [8] もしヨシュアが彼らに休息を与えていたなら、神は後にほかの日について語ることはなかったでしょう。 [9] ですから、神の民には安息日が残っているのです。 [10] 神の休息に入る者は、神がご自分のわざを休まれたように、自分もわざを休むからです。 [11] ですから、私たちはその休息に入るために全力を尽くしましょう。そうすれば、彼らのような不従順の例に倣って滅びることはありません。 [12] 神の言葉は生きていて、力があります。両刃の剣よりも鋭く、たましいと霊魂、関節と骨髄を切り離すまでに刺し通します。 それは心の思いと態度を裁きます。[13] 創造されたものは、神の目に隠れているものは何もありません。すべては神の目の前に明らかにされ、さらけ出されており、私たちは神に説明しなければなりません。
Hebrews 4:1-13 NIV [1] Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. [2] For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed. [3] Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, “So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’ ” And yet his works have been finished since the creation of the world. [4] For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: “On the seventh day God rested from all his works.” [5] And again in the passage above he says, “They shall never enter my rest.” [6] Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience, [7] God again set a certain day, calling it “Today.” This he did when a long time later he spoke through David, as in the passage already quoted: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” [8] For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day. [9] There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; [10] for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. [11] Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience. [12] For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. [13] Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Decide to believe God’s promises

あなたは人生で「神の休息」を経験していますか? それとも、周りのすべてのものやすべての人をコントロールしようとして疲れ果てていませんか? 宇宙の総支配人を辞任し、神の約束を信じ、神だけができることを神に任せ始める時が来ているのかもしれません。
Are you experiencing ‘God’s rest’ in your life? Or are you worn out trying to control everything and everyone around you? Maybe it is time to resign as general manager of the universe and start believing God’s promises and trusting God to do what only he can do.

The way to find ‘rest’ for your soul is to listen to God’s promises, believe them and show that you believe them by living in obedience to the word of God.

Many people hear the gospel. When you hear the gospel you have to make the most important decision of your life. Do you respond with faith and believe? Or do you respond by hardening your heart and disobeying?

The writer of Hebrews says, ‘We received the same promises as those people in the wilderness, but the promises didn’t do them a bit of good because they didn’t receive the promises with faith’ (v.2, MSG). He urges them not to harden their hearts (v.7) or to fall through disobedience (v.11).

God’s promise to everyone who believes in the gospel is that they will enter his rest (v.1): ‘If we believe… we’ll experience that state of resting’ (v.3, MSG).

In this life, there will always be trials and testing. It is never going to be without times of turmoil. However, the moment that you believe the gospel, you have the promise of God’s eventual and eternal rest: ‘And at the end of the journey we’ll surely rest with God’ (v.10, MSG).

One day, every human being will have to give an account before God: ‘Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account’ (v.13).

In the meantime, you have an amazing opportunity to experience a foretaste of that ‘rest’ as you open your heart to the word of God, for ‘the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart’ (v.12).

As you open yourself day by day, the word of God penetrates your inner being, revealing areas of your life (‘the thoughts and attitudes of the heart’) that you need to sort out. At times, this may seem painful and challenging. However, the purpose is to prepare you for entering God’s rest.

Today, you can enjoy God’s rest and peace as you trust in him and his word believing that he will take care of you and provide for all your needs.

Lord, I believe your promises. Thank you that I can look forward to entering into an eternity of your rest. Thank you that even now I get a foretaste of that rest.

ヨエル 2:18-3:21
Joel 2:18-3:21
ヨエル書 2:18 新共同訳 [18] そのとき 主は御自分の国を強く愛し その民を深く憐れまれた。

Decide to enjoy life in the Spirit

The prophet Joel instructs the people: ‘Be glad... Rejoice in the Lord your God’ (2:23). As Joyce Meyer writes: ‘Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. However, it is released only by making the decision not to allow adverse circumstances to rule your emotional and mental attitudes. Through joy, you can receive strength to do things that would otherwise be impossible.’

God makes a remarkable promise that is recalled in the New Testament: ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’ (2:32; see Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13).

これは、ペンテコステの日にペテロが引用した偉大な預言の終わりに来ます。「その後、わたしはすべての民にわたしの霊を注ぐ。あなたがたの息子、娘は預言をし、あなたがたの老人は夢を見、あなたがたの若者は幻を見る。その日には、わたしのしもべである男にも女にも、わたしはわたしの霊を注ぐ。…主の名を呼ぶ者は皆救われる。」(ヨエル書 2:28–32。使徒行伝 2:16–21も参照)。
This comes at the end of the great prophecy that Peter quoted on the day of Pentecost: ‘And afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days… And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’ (Joel 2:28–32; see also Acts 2:16–21).

Others may have discriminated against you, but God does not discriminate on the basis of your age, gender, ethnicity or situation in life. The promise of salvation and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is for everyone – male and female, young and old. We see this on the Alpha weekends when countless people’s lives are transformed by this promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

多くの人々は、まだ「決断の谷」にいます(ヨエル 3:14)。主の名を呼ぶかどうかの決断は、広範囲にわたる影響を及ぼします。新約聖書は、主の名がイエスであることを完全に明確にしています。「あなたの口で「イエスは主です」と告白し、あなたの心で神がイエスを死人の中から復活させたと信じるなら、あなたは救われます。なぜなら、「主の名を呼ぶ者は皆救われる」からです」(ローマ 10:9,13)。
There are many still in the ‘valley of decision’ (Joel 3:14). The decision of whether or not to call on the name of the Lord has far reaching implications. The New Testament makes absolutely clear that the name of the Lord is Jesus: ‘If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved... for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”’ (Romans 10:9,13).

ヨエルは、そうする人々に「主はご自分の民の避難所となられる」と約束しています(ヨエル 3:16)。彼は素晴らしい祝福を約束しています。また、神の裁きの酒ぶねがあることも警告しています(13節、マルコ 4:29、マタイ 13:39参照)。黙示録では、最後の日にイエスが下される裁きの描写として酒ぶねについて言及しています。
Joel promises those who do this that ‘the Lord will be a refuge for his people’ (Joel 3:16). He promises wonderful blessings. He also warns that there is a winepress of God’s judgment (v.13; see Mark 4:29; Matthew 13:39). The book of Revelation refers to the wine press as a description of the judgment of Jesus on the last day.

この箇所における神の望みは、人々がこの呼びかけを聞いて決断し、神に立ち返ることです。「まだ遅くはない」(ヨエル書 2:12、MSG)。主は「その民を憐れんでくださる」(18節)、「わたしはあなたたちに穀物と新しいぶどう酒と油を送り、あなたたちが十分に満足するのに十分な量を与える」(19節)。神は「いなごが食い尽くした年月を、わたしはあなたたちに報いよう」(25節)と約束しています。これは、特に人生の大部分が「いなごに食い尽くされた」と感じている人々にとって、素晴らしい約束です。
God’s hope in this passage is that the people will hear this call to make a decision and turn to him. ‘It’s not too late’ (Joel 2:12, MSG). The Lord will ‘take pity on his people’ (v.18): ‘I am sending you grain, new wine and oil, enough to satisfy you fully’ (v.19). He promises, ‘I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten’ (v.25). This is a wonderful promise, especially for those who feel that much of their life has been ‘devoured by locusts’.

As Joyce Meyer puts it, God promises us ‘double for our trouble’. He restores, redeems, renews and revives us by his Spirit. He promises, ‘In that day the mountains will drip with new wine, and the hills will flow with milk; all the ravines of Judah will run with water. A fountain will flow out of the Lord’s house’ (3:18, see also John 7:37–39).

This is all astonishing, good news that you can bring to those who are in the valley of decision.

Lord, thank you that you promise to restore the years the locusts have eaten and to pour out your Holy Spirit on me. Please fill me with your Spirit again today.

ヨエル書 2:28 には、「わたしはすべての人々にわたしの霊を注ぐ」とあります。
Pippa Adds
In Joel 2:28 it says, ‘I will pour out my spirit on all people.’

God's Spirit is what I need personally – for my family, for our church and for our world.