
黙示録 21:22-27 NIV
[22] 私は都の中に神殿を見なかった。全能の神である主と小羊がその神殿だからである。[23] 都は太陽や月が照らす必要もない。神の栄光が都を照らし、小羊がそのともしびだからである。[24] 諸国の民はその光の中を歩き、地上の王たちはその栄光を都に携えて来る。[25] 門は一日も閉ざされることはない。そこには夜がないからである。[26] 諸国の民の栄光と誉れが都に携えて来る。[27] 汚れた者、恥ずべきことや偽りを行う者は都に入ることはなく、小羊のいのちの書に名が記されている者だけが都に入ることができる。
Revelation 21:22-27 NIV
[22] I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. [23] The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. [24] The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. [25] On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there. [26] The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it. [27] Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
ヨハネ 1:29 NIV
[29] その翌日、ヨハネはイエスが自分の方に来るのを見て言った。「見よ、世の罪を取り除く神の小羊だ!」
John 1:29 NIV
[29] The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
ヨハネ 1:36 NIV
[36] 彼はイエスが通り過ぎるのを見て、「見よ、神の小羊だ」と言った。
John 1:36 NIV
[36] When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
Give Thanks for a Place in the Lamb’s Book of Life
聖書ではイエス・キリストは神の子羊と呼ばれており、黙示録 21 章では彼 (子羊) の生命の書について書かれています。これはキリストを信じる者の名前が記されている場所です。誰かの名前がこの書に記されているなら、その人の永遠の命は天国で保証されています。贖われた信者として、私たちはキリストの犠牲によって私たちの名前が子羊の生命の書に記録されることが可能になったことに感謝します。
Jesus Christ is referred to in Scripture as the Lamb of God, and in Revelation 21 we read about His (the Lamb’s) Book of Life. This is where the names of those who believe in Christ are stored. If someone’s name is in this Book, their eternity is secure in heaven. As redeemed believers, we give thanks because Christ’s sacrifice for us has made it possible for our names to be recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
The Lamb, Christ Jesus, with His own blood earned the right to include our names in His Book of Life. He does this for everyone who believes. The Lamb is the one who guarantees your entry in His book. No one else can do that.
As we continue to ponder the many reasons that we are thankful, let us rejoice in the fact that our names were recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life the moment that we believed in and accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Remember that God knows your name. Be confident that He has included your name in His eternal book that is sealed with the blood of Christ.
Do not be limited by what the systems of the world say about you. You are redeemed. You are loved by God. You are not a stranger to Him. You are God’s child. Your Heavenly Father knows your name. He has written YOU into His book.
今日の考え: 私はキリストの中で永遠の安全を得ています。彼が私を赦してくださったので、私の名前は子羊の生命の書に記されており、天国は私にとって確実です。
Thought of the Day: I have eternal security in Christ. Because He has forgiven me, my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and heaven is sure for me!
この祈りの計画を提供してくださったラドンナ C. オズボーン博士とオズボーン ミニストリーズ インターナショナル (OMI) に、エル セントロ ネットワークとのパートナーシップに感謝いたします。オズボーン ミニストリーズは、世界中のすべての人々にイエス キリストの福音を伝え、広めることを目指しています。詳細については、https://osborn.org/ および https://www.elcentronetwork.com をご覧ください。
We would like to thank Dr. LaDonna C. Osborn and Osborn Ministries International (OMI), in partnership with El Centro Network, for providing this devotional plan. Osborn Ministries seeks to express and propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people throughout the world. For more information, please visit https://osborn.org/ and https://www.elcentronetwork.com