
How to Celebrate
それは「喜びに満ちた祝典」であり、「幸福と喜び、歓喜と栄誉」の時です(エステル記第8章16~17節参照)。ピッパと私は、ロイヤル アルバート ホール(「神の偉大さと力と栄光と勝利と威厳」を示すためにロンドン中心部に建てられた)で開催される毎年恒例の[リーダーシップ カンファレンス](https://www.leadershipconference.org.uk/)が大好きです。何千人もの人々が集まります。「天国のような」礼拝と人生を変えるほどの力強い教えで、盛大な祝典が行われます。人々は刺激を受け、リフレッシュし、周囲の世界に変化をもたらす準備が整います。
It will be a ‘joyous celebration’ – a time of ‘happiness and joy, gladness and honour’ (see Esther 8:16–17). Pippa and I love our annual [Leadership Conference](https://www.leadershipconference.org.uk/) held at the Royal Albert Hall (which was built in central London to display ‘the greatness and power and glory and victory and the majesty of God’). Thousands of people gather together. There are times of great celebration with ‘heavenly’ worship and powerful life-changing teaching. People are inspired, refreshed and equipped to make a difference to the world around them.
聖書には祝賀について多くのことが書かれています。 誰かがキリストに頼るたびに、天国では祝賀が行われます。 放蕩息子が父親のもとに戻ったとき、父親は「祝宴を開いて祝おう」と言いました (ルカ 15:23)。 今日の旧約聖書の箇所には、「スーサの町は喜びにあふれた祝賀会を開いた」(エステル記 8:15)、「町は歓喜に沸いた」(MSG) と書かれています。 彼らは何を祝っていたのでしょうか? 今、何を祝うべきでしょうか? どのように祝うべきでしょうか?
The Bible has much to say about celebration. There is a *celebration* in heaven every time one person turns to Christ. When the prodigal son returned to the father, the father said, ‘Let’s have a feast and *celebrate*’ (Luke 15:23). In our Old Testament passage for today, we read that ‘the city of Susa held a joyous *celebration*’ (Esther 8:15) ‘it…exploded with joy’ (MSG). What were they celebrating? What should you celebrate now? How should you celebrate?
詩篇 142:1-7 NIV
[1] 私は主に大声で叫び、主にあわれみを乞う声をあげます。[2] 私は主の前に私の訴えを注ぎ出し、主の前に私の悩みを告げます。[3] 私の魂が私の中で弱り果てるとき、あなたは私の道を見張ってくださいます。私の歩く道には、人々が私を罠にかけます。[4] 見よ、私の右には誰もおらず、私を気遣う者もいません。私には避け所がなく、私の命を気にかける者もいません。[5] 主よ、私はあなたに叫びます。私は言います。「あなたは私の避け所、生ける者の地における私の分です。」[6] 私の叫びを聞き入れてください。私は切実に困っています。私を追いかける者から私を救い出してください。彼らは私よりも強いからです。[7] 私を牢獄から解放してください。そうすれば、私はあなたの御名を賛美することができます。そうすれば、私に対するあなたの慈しみのゆえに、義人たちが私の周りに集まります。
Psalms 142:1-7 NIV
[1] I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. [2] I pour out before him my complaint; before him I tell my trouble. [3] When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way. In the path where I walk people have hidden a snare for me. [4] Look and see, there is no one at my right hand; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. [5] I cry to you, Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.” [6] Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me. [7] Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me.
Celebrate answered prayer
For many years, as I’ve read this psalm, I have written down a list of ‘troubles’ and situations for which I am crying out to God for mercy and help. As I look back, it is amazing to see the way in which he has answered these prayers.
この詩篇の文脈は、ダビデが洞窟に閉じ込められ(サムエル記上 22:1–2)、命の危険を感じていたというものです。彼は神に向かって大声で叫び、自分の苦悩を吐露し、慈悲を懇願しました(詩篇 142:1–2、MSG)。
The context of this psalm is that David is imprisoned in a cave (1 Samuel 22:1–2) and fearing for his life. He cries out loudly to God, spelling out his troubles and pleading for mercy (Psalm 142:1–2, MSG).
| 「私をこの牢獄から出してください
|| そうすれば、公の場であなたに感謝することができます。
|| あなたの民が私の周りに輪を作り
|| あなたは私に祝福の雨を降らせてくれるでしょう!」(7節、MSG)。
He prays:
| ‘Get me out of this dungeon
|| so I can thank you in public.
|| Your people will form a circle around me
|| and you’ll bring me showers of blessing!’ (v.7, MSG).
David longs to be able to praise God for answering his prayers and rescuing him. He promises that if he is rescued, he will turn it back to worship and gather others together to celebrate God’s goodness.
It is important to remember to celebrate answered prayers – to praise God’s name and celebrate his goodness. It will build your faith and increase your love for God.
Lord, thank you for the many times you have rescued me. Again, today, I cry out to you…
黙示録 4:1-11 NIV
[1] その後、わたしは見ていると、見よ、天に開かれた門があった。そして、わたしが最初に聞いた、ラッパのような声が、わたしに語りかけて言った。「ここに上って来なさい。この後、必ず起こることを、あなたに示そう。」 [2] すると、わたしはすぐに御霊に感じた。すると、わたしの目の前に天に玉座があり、そこに座っている方がいた。 [3] そこに座っている方は、碧玉やルビーのように見え、緑玉のように輝く虹が玉座の周囲を囲んでいた。 [4] 玉座の周囲には、ほかに二十四の座があり、その上に二十四人の長老が座っていた。彼らは白い衣をまとい、頭に金の冠をかぶっていた。 [5] 玉座からは、いなずまと、どよめきと雷鳴が起こり、玉座の前には七つのともしびが燃えていた。 これらは神の七つの霊である。[6] また、御座の前には、水晶のように澄んだガラスの海のようであった。中央、御座のまわりには四つの生き物がいて、その前面も背面も目で覆われていた。[7] 第一の生き物はライオンのようであり、第二は牛のようであり、第三は人間の顔を持ち、第四は空飛ぶ鷲のようであった。[8] 四つの生き物はそれぞれ六つの翼を持ち、翼の下まで、四方八方目で覆われていた。彼らは昼も夜も絶えずこう言っている。「聖なるかな、聖なるかな、聖なるかな、全能者であり、神である主。昔いまし、今いまし、やがて来られる方である。」[9] 生き物が、御座に座っておられ、世々限りなく生きておられる方に、栄光と誉れと感謝をささげるとき、[10] 二十四人の長老は、御座に座っておられる方の前にひれ伏し、世々限りなく生きておられる方を礼拝する。 彼らは王座の前に冠を置き、こう言います。[11]「私たちの主なる神よ、あなたは栄光と誉れと力を受けるにふさわしい方です。あなたはすべてのものを創造し、あなたの意志によってすべてのものは創造され、存在しているからです。」
Revelation 4:1-11 NIV
[1] After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” [2] At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. [3] And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. [4] Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. [5] From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. [6] Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. [7] The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. [8] Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.” [9] Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, [10] the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: [11] “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Celebrate before the throne in heaven
We have a 24-7 Prayer Room at our church. There is worship and prayer twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week: ‘night and day, never taking a break’ (v.8, MSG).
You do not need to wait until heaven to experience ‘heavenly’ worship. This worship is happening now – 24-7 – in heaven. In this passage, we get a glimpse of what it looks like. Every time you worship, you join in with the worship of heaven.
ヨハネの目は地上の教会から天の教会へと向けられます。ヨハネは天の開かれた扉を通して見ます (1 節)。「昇って入りなさい。次に何が起こるかお見せしましょう」と招かれるヨハネに同行してください (1 節、MSG)。
John’s eyes turn from the church on earth to the church in heaven. John looks through an open door in heaven (v.1). Accompany John as he is invited to ‘Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next’ (v.1, MSG).
What follows is an extraordinary vision of the greatness and glory of God. God is at the centre of the universe, surrounded here by images of who he is and what he has done. The ‘throne’ suggests the highest authority, the ‘rainbow’ is the rainbow of promise, the ‘lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder’ point to the power of God, and the ‘sea of glass, clear as crystal’ suggests peace and security (vv.2–6).
‘Seven fire-blazing torches fronted the throne (these are the Sevenfold Spirit of God)’ (v.5, MSG). There is one Holy Spirit but the fire-blazing torches represent all the different ways in which he expresses himself and in which you experience his fullness in your life.
Around the throne are twenty-four elders seated on thrones, probably representing the twelve tribes of the Old Testament and the twelve apostles of the New Testament. This is the completed and perfect church of Jesus Christ. You are included (1 Peter 2:9–10).
玉座の周りの人々が神の素晴らしさを熟考するとき、自然な反応として礼拝に向かいます。そして、これがヨハネが天国で起こっていることを最初に発見することになります。次の 2 章には 5 つの礼拝の歌があります。
As those around the throne contemplate the wonder of God the natural response is to turn to worship – and this is the first thing that John finds going on in heaven. There are five worship songs in the next two chapters.
‘Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come”’ (v.8). (Those of us who find repetition hard may have to get used to a lot of it!)
‘Whenever the living creatures give glory, honour and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and give him all the glory’ (vv.9–11).
The church, the angels and all created things bow down and worship God. The eternal Father sits on the throne surrounded by the worshipping community.
As John Stott wrote, one day you will ‘join the church triumphant, the great multitude that no one will be able to count, drawn from every nation, tribe, people and language, and you will stand with them before God’s throne. The King of the universe will give you refuge in the shelter of his throne. You will see him and worship him day and night. The Lamb turned Shepherd will lead you with the rest of his sheep to fountains of living water. You will satisfy your thirst forever at his eternal springs.’
My Lord and my God, I thank you that I don’t have to wait until the new heaven and the new earth to worship you. You are worthy to receive glory, honour and power today and every day.
Esther 6:1–8:17
エステル記 6:1 新共同訳
[1] その夜、王は眠れないので、宮廷日誌を持って来させ、読み上げさせた。
Celebrate the great acts of God
Sometimes as we look at the world it seems that evil is triumphing. Good people suffer and are even being persecuted for their faith. Will things ever be put right?
Yes, they will. God has come to earth in the person of his Son, Jesus (the incarnation, which we celebrate at Christmas). He has defeated evil through the cross and resurrection (which we celebrate at Easter). The final victory will take place when Jesus comes again. In the meantime, he has given you the Holy Spirit so that you can experience a foretaste of that final victory right now (this we celebrate at Pentecost).
God was preparing his people for these great events. In the book of Esther, we see a prefiguring and a picture of what was to come in Jesus.
In a dramatic turnaround, Haman’s plot fails. Mordecai ‘the Jew’ is honoured. Judgment falls on the evil and arrogant Haman. Esther is used by God to save the people.
This is the origin of the great Jewish celebration of Purim. The providential hand of God rescued his people from ‘destruction and slaughter and annihilation’ (7:4).
Events began to turn when ‘the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles – the record of his reign – to be brought in and read to him’ (6:1). He was reminded of the heroic loyalty of Mordecai (v.2).
Have you ever achieved something for which other people have taken the credit? Haman tried to take the honour that belonged to Mordecai. Mordecai’s response is a model of humility and trust in God. Other people may not see what you have done, but God sees and he will reward you.
Instead of being hanged, Mordecai receives honour and recognition. The king issues an edict granting the Jews in every city ‘the right to assemble and protect themselves’ (8:11).
The city of Susa held a ‘joyous celebration’ (v.15). It was ‘a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honour’ (v.16) ‘with feasting and celebrating’ (v.17).
‘Many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them’ (v.17). This is the earliest reference to many non-Hebrews putting their faith in the Lord. There had been cases of individuals coming to faith (for example, Ruth and Uriah the Hittite), but nowhere before had there been a mass movement like this.
When the Jewish festival of Purim is celebrated, the book of Esther is read. It is now one of the great Jewish celebrations.
The church also has the great celebratory festivals: Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. These should be joyous celebrations of happiness, gladness, honour and feasting – celebrating the great acts of God in history: the incarnation, the resurrection of Jesus who died for us on the cross, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As well as the annual celebrations, celebrate these great events daily in your heart.
Lord, thank you that you have given us so much to celebrate. Thank you that you have delivered us through Jesus Christ. Thank you for the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Help me to celebrate these great events, annually in our church festivals and daily in my heart.
エステル記 6:6
Pippa Adds
Esther 6:6
‘Now Haman thought to himself, “Who is there that the king would like to honour rather than me?”’
Thinking too much of oneself is not a good idea!