Reduction of Tumor Cells by Simultaneous Treatments with 7 methods

2016-02-08 21:14:03 | がん

Reduction of Tumor Cells by Simultaneous Treatments with 7 methods****

1. Helical Carbon*
2. Structured Micronutrients**
3. Rn irradiation (Uranium) in Saitama City
4. β-ray irradiation
5. Far-Infra Red irradiation***
6. Straightening body in Saitama City
7. Walking

US PAT**,  JPN PAT***, PAT PCT*The Award Winner of The Jpn Soc Chem. & The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.*

****Atopic dermatitis, Schizophrenia, Infertility, Ulcerative colitis, Lifestyle disease, Virus, Cancer



 Helical Carbon

