Jon Hassell
Power Spot
ECM Records Germany / USED LP / Disc:EX Jacket:VG+ インサート付き/ジャケ表裏に軽度のスレ
La Monte YoungやTerry Rileyらの元で修練を積んだ後、『第四世界』と銘打った仮想異郷を求めて脳内辺境の奥深くへと下降していく奇才Jon Hassell。マレー半島奥地の先住民族のエスニシティにその道標を見出した初期作から更にぐ~っと深く踏み込み、いよいよ人跡未踏の第四世界最深部に迫った86年の作品。特定の音楽成分はもう跡形も無く分解吸収されていて、生き物みたいに脈動する濃厚な響きのスープにどっぷり浸かってる気分。Brian Enoはじめ、Richard Horowitz、Michael Brook、Miguel Frasconi(ex The Glass Orchestra)ら、第四世界の住人たちがずらり参加。名盤!
1.Power Spot
Guitar, Electronics [Electronic Treatments] – Michael Brook
Keyboards [Electronic] – Richard Horowitz
2 Passage D.E.
Guitar, Electronics [Electronic Treatments] – Michael Brook
Keyboards [Electronic] – Richard Horowitz
Strings [Raad Electro - Acoustic] – Paul Armin, Richard Armin
Guitar, Electronics [Electronic Treatments] – Michael Brook
Keyboards [Electronic] – Richard Horowitz
Strings [Raad Electro - Acoustic] – Paul Armin, Richard Armin
3 Solaire
Electric Bass – Brian Eno
Electric Bass – Brian Eno
4 Miracle Steps
Strings [Raad Electro - Acoustic] – Paul Armin, Richard Armin
Strings [Raad Electro - Acoustic] – Paul Armin, Richard Armin
5 Wing Melodies
Electric Bass – Brian Eno
Electric Bass – Brian Eno
6 The Elephant And The Orchid
Guitar, Electronics [Electronic Treatments] – Michael Brook
Guitar, Electronics [Electronic Treatments] – Michael Brook
7 Air
Flute – Miguel Frasconi
Flute – Miguel Frasconi
Design – Dieter Rehm
Engineer [Assistant, With] – Roman Zack
Engineer [Assistant] – David Bottrill
Keyboards [Electronic], Bass [Facsimilie], Percussion, Strings, Performer [Etc.] – Jean-Philippe Rykiel
Percussion [Acoustic And Electronic], Alto Flute – J.A. Deane
Photography By – Curtis Knapp (2)
Producer, Engineer – Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois
Trumpet, Composed By – Jon Hassell
Grant Avenue Studio / Hamilton Ontario / Canada.
Recorded December 1984 and October 1983.
Art: Traditional Navajo sandpainting design.
Recorded December 1984 and October 1983.
Art: Traditional Navajo sandpainting design.
Special thanks:
Richard Henderson (pre-production development)
Jean-Michel Reusser (Paris-Canada Coordination)
Bob Lanois (Grant Avenue Studio)
Anthea Norman-Taylor (Opal Music)
Steve Thomson (AMS reverb)
Christopher Bowman (slit drum fabrication)
Merrie Robin Monroe (cover art suggestion)
An Opal Production
©Ⓟ 1986 ECM Records
This is an essential release, if it's not in your collection, you are missing out. The sound-world Hassell and Eno conjure up on this recording was hugely influential. Hassell's entire "4th world" era catalog should be heard, but this, for me, is the stand out release - closely followed by The Surgeon Of The Nightsky Restores Dead Things By The Power Of Sound. Perfect music for those nights when you've had one too many bowls of charas, put this on, tuck yourself in, and drift away. Truly inspiring listening.
Richard Henderson (pre-production development)
Jean-Michel Reusser (Paris-Canada Coordination)
Bob Lanois (Grant Avenue Studio)
Anthea Norman-Taylor (Opal Music)
Steve Thomson (AMS reverb)
Christopher Bowman (slit drum fabrication)
Merrie Robin Monroe (cover art suggestion)
An Opal Production
©Ⓟ 1986 ECM Records
This is an essential release, if it's not in your collection, you are missing out. The sound-world Hassell and Eno conjure up on this recording was hugely influential. Hassell's entire "4th world" era catalog should be heard, but this, for me, is the stand out release - closely followed by The Surgeon Of The Nightsky Restores Dead Things By The Power Of Sound. Perfect music for those nights when you've had one too many bowls of charas, put this on, tuck yourself in, and drift away. Truly inspiring listening.