


2017年11月20日 | ヒトゴロシ



Infamous serial killer Charles Manson has died after a brief hospitalization, authorities say. He died Thursday in a hospital in Bakersfield, California.

無差別殺人犯のC・マンソン受刑者、死去 83歳

1960年代に米ロサンゼルス(Los Angeles)で計7人を殺害し、終身刑で服役中だったチャールズ・マンソン(Charles Manson)受刑者が19日、死去した。83歳だった。カリフォルニア(California)州の刑務所当局が認めた。


 映画監督ロマン・ポランスキー(Roman Polanski)さんの妻で当時妊娠中だった女優シャロン・テート(Sharon Tate)さんも犠牲者のひとりで、テートさんの姉のデブラ・テート(Debra Tate)さんは芸能情報サイト「TMZ」に、刑務所当局からマンソン受刑者が19日夜に死去したとの電話を受けたと語った。




( 2017.11.20.AFPBB News)


カリフォルニア州キングス郡の「州立コーコラン刑務所」に服役中であった受刑者のチャールズ・マンソン(Charles Manson=83)について、“重い病につき入院、余命わずか”との情報を『Los Angeles Times』『USA TODAY』『TMZ』ほかアメリカの大手メディアが続々と伝えている。マンソンは今月12日に同州ベーカーズフィールドの病院に搬送されて検査や治療を受けているが、健康状態が改善されることはもはやないとの見方が明らかにされたようだ。



Charles Manson Sings


チャールズ・ミルズ・マンソン(Charles Milles Manson、1934年11月12日- 2017年11月16日)

文庫 ファミリー上: シャロン・テート殺人事件 (草思社文庫)

Charles Manson, Convicted Mass Murderer, Dead At Age 83 Is A Death Hoax

Charles Manson found dead at the age of 83 in his prison cell is a death hoax. There is no truth to reports that the infamous criminal who was recently hospitalized died. Manson, the ringleader behind a 1969 Los Angeles killing spree, has been at the center of several death hoaxes.

Where did this death hoax originate? Two websites named florida-times.com and texas-express.com published identical stories archived here and here reporting that Manson died. You can read it below.

Infamous serial killer Charles Manson has died after a brief hospitalization, authorities say. He died Thursday in a hospital in Bakersfield, California.

A spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation confirmed news of Manson’s passing, assuring the press her outfit will very soon put out an official statement on his passing.

The head of the Manson Family was found guilty in 1971 of orchestrating the murders of seven people, including actress Sharon Tate. He was reported to have sought to start a ‘race war’, which he dubbed ‘Helter Skelter’ after The Beatles’ song of the same name.

Manson was sentenced to death, a sentence which was later amended to life imprisonment in Corcoran State Prison after California discontinued the death penalty.

However, there is no truth to the above story, according to Hoax Alert. In their research, Hoax Alert noted that the two sites reporting the death hoax are part of a network of fake news websites designed to look like “local” news sites with generic news stories on their front pages.

For one thing, there has been on legitimate news coverage reporting that Manson had died. Rather, the LA Times reported on Friday that Manson was still alive even though he had been hospitalized:

Mass murderer Charles Manson remained alive Friday, authorities said, but details of the illness that brought him to a Bakersfield hospital remain unclear.

Vicky Waters, a spokeswoman with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, said only that Manson was still living and that the department could not provide any further details.

Kern County Sheriff’s Lt. Bill Smallwood told The Times earlier this week that Manson was at a local hospital.

In January, Manson, 83, was rushed to Mercy Hospital in Bakersfield for what authorities at the time would describe only as a serious medical problem. He was returned to prison a few days later.

Here are some examples of people sharing the death hoax on social media

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