


2021年10月22日 | 社会


10月20日、米マサチューセッツ州フランクリン郡上級裁判所は、八柳里枝容疑者(50)に最大12年の懲役刑を言い渡した。罪状は、傷害罪だ。  八柳容疑者は、同州マウント・ホリヨーク大学で芸術とアジア文化を教える教授だった。2005年に知り合った同僚の女性教授と親交を深め、次第に好意を抱くようになった。  想いが一線を越えたのは、2019年のクリスマスイブだ。離婚したばかりだった八柳容疑者は、12月23日、心の救いを求めて女性の自宅へ向かった。  家に到着すると、女性はドアを開け、八柳容疑者を招き入れた。容疑者は思いを伝えたが、女性は受け入れてくれない。失意の容疑者は、突然、握りしめていた棒で女性の背後から襲いかかった。抵抗する女性に対し、その場にあった火かき棒や石、ハサミなどを使い、執拗に痛めつけた。  女性は、警察の捜査に「まさに、心と体への『拷問』でした。いつ死んでもおかしくない状態だった」と振り返っている。結局、女性は八柳容疑者に「わたしもあなたを愛している」と愛を語ったことで、事態は収束する。拷問のような仕打ちは明け方4時まで続いたという。 「クリスマスイブの拷問」が終わると、現場に救急隊が到着し、八柳容疑者は逮捕された。女性は全身を刺され、顔面などを骨折する重症だった。  公判で女性は、「あの夜は心と体に大きな爪痕を残しました。経済的な被害もあり、いまでも苦しみは続いています。私のプライバシーやキャリア、人生そのものが犯されたような気持ちです」と苦しみを吐露した。顔には神経損傷が残り、いまも2本の指が機能しない。毎晩悪夢を見て、頭痛に悩んでいるという。  容疑者の弁護人は、前科がなかったことや人柄のよさから減刑を主張したが、それは叶わなかった。  札幌出身で、高校生のとき、交換留学生としてアメリカ・カンザス州を訪れた八柳容疑者。言葉でのコミュニケーションに悩み、その代わり絵を描くことで現地に溶け込んでいった。18歳で芸術家を志し、日本でも展覧会を開くなど精力的に活動していた。  すでに大学から解雇されている八柳容疑者だが、異国での恋心は抑えきれなかったようだ。



恋する相手に思いを伝えるも、うまくいなかったことで相手を殺害しようとして逮捕された女の一報がアメリカから届いた。その女は北海道出身で、2004年から米名門大学の美術学科で教鞭を執っていた。『New York Post』『Daily Beast』などが伝えている。

米マサチューセッツ州に本部を置くマウント・ホリヨーク大学は、アメリカ最古の女子大で難関校のひとつと言われている。そこで教授をしていたリエ・ハチヤナギ(Rie Hachiyanagi、48)は芸術とアジア文化を教えていたが、先月24日に殺人未遂で逮捕された。






(2020年1月7日 exiteニュース)

A professor at a New England liberal arts college for women, who used a fire poker, rock, and pruning shears to torture a colleague for hours, was sentenced on Wednesday to at least a decade in prison.
Rie Hachiyanagi, 50, an art professor at Mount Holyoke College in western Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley, pleaded guilty in Franklin County Superior Court on Friday to nine charges in connection with the attack on fellow professor Lauret Savoy at Savoy’s home, according to Northwestern District Attorney David Sullivan.
After the change of plea hearing last week, Judge Francis Flannery recessed the court until Wednesday morning, where he sentenced Hachiyanagi to 10 to 12 years in state prison.
Hachiyanagi appeared at Savoy’s home late at night on Dec. 23, 2019, and claimed she was seeking emotional support after a breakup.

After Savoy opened the door, Hachiyanagi bludgeoned her, held her in what prosecutors called a “four-hour torture session” that continued into the early hours of Christmas Eve, and allegedly told Savoy she had loved her for years and Savoy should have known her feelings.
In an impact statement shared in court, Savoy, who taught geology and environmental studies, said that she suffered “literal torture of body and of mind, not knowing if I would survive the next minute—yet needing to find some way to save my life.”
Savoy said that Hachiyanagi told her she would not live much longer after remarking on how much blood she had lost, according to the Greenfield Recorder, and continued to watch her bleed, while taunting her and telling her she would be blinded and disfigured before she was killed.
“She betrayed my trust, invaded my home, and tried to kill me with premeditated violence,” Savoy said. “The cruelty she wielded with weapons, and expressed in words, was extreme.”
According to prosecutors, Savoy sustained stab and puncture wounds, in addition to broken bones. Her face was fractured after Hachiyanagi restrained her and repeatedly punched her in an act of “random savagery.”
Savoy eventually persuaded Hachiyanagi to seek help, prosecutors said, but her trauma has endured.
“The emotional, physical, financial, and professional impacts of this crime have been huge and they continue,” Savoy said Friday. “Now the defendant’s violation of me is becoming part of a public persona that I did not choose. She has invaded my privacy, my career, my life.”
Hachiyanagi pleaded guilty to charges including three counts of armed assault to murder a person age 60 or older, three counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a person age 60 or older, and single counts of mayhem, home invasion, and entering a dwelling at night for a felony, according to the district attorney’s office.
Her attorney, Thomas Kokonowski, had pushed for a shorter sentence of five to seven years that could be followed by probation. He reasoned that Hachiyanagi did not have a history of criminal offenses before attacking Savoy. He also argued that Hachiyanagi made efforts to manage her angry outbursts.

Hachiyanagi had initially pleaded not guilty to the charges in February 2020 and had been held without bail at the Franklin County Jail following her arrest. Last month, a Franklin County Superior Court judge ruled that, with conditions, she could be released if $5,000 cash bail was posted. That bail was revoked after Hachiyanagi changed her plea on Friday.
The former professor began teaching at Mount Holyoke in 2004, and before the attack had taught in the school’s studio art, art history, and Asian studies departments.

Former Mount Holyoke College art professor Rie Hachiyanagi sentenced to 10-12 years for 2019 attack on Leverett woman
(Published: Oct. 20, 2021,)

Rie Hachiyanagi, the former Mount Holyoke College arts professor who admitted to a brutal attack two years ago where she beat and tortured a colleague, was sentenced Wednesday to 10-12 years in state prison.
Hachiyanagi pleaded guilty last week to nine charges: three counts each of armed assault with intent to murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a person older than 60, and single counts of home invasion, mayhem and entering a dwelling at night with intent to commit a felony.

Mount Holyoke College prof jailed for beating, torturing colleague she ‘loved’

A Massachusetts liberal arts college professor will spend at least a decade in prison for using a fireplace poker and pruning shears to beat and torture a female colleague she supposedly loved.
Rie Hachiyanagi, an arts professor at Mount Holyoke College, was sentenced to 10 to 12 years in prison on Wednesday over the 2019 attack on fellow professor Lauret Savoy, MassLive reports.
The 50-year-old pleaded guilty in Franklin Superior Court last week to a slew of charges, including three counts of armed assault with intent to murder a person over 60, the district attorney said.
Prosecutors said Hachiyanagi had gone to the victim’s home uninvited on Dec. 23, 2019, claiming to need emotional support because of a breakup.
When the victim let her in, Hachiyanagi bludgeoned her with a rock, fireplace poker and garden shears during a twisted, four-hour attack.

She only stopped when the victim convinced Hachiyanagi to summon help, according to prosecutors.
The victim later told police Hachiyanagi had told her “she loved her for many years” and that Savoy should have known her feelings.
Following her arrest, Hachiyanagi told police she had no memory of the attack.
In a victim impact statement at Hachiyanagi’s sentencing hearing, Savoy — who was left with permanent injuries — told the court: “She betrayed my trust, invaded my home, and tried to kill me with premeditated violence.
“The cruelty she wielded with weapons, and expressed in words, was extreme.”
Judge Francis Flannery described the attack on Savoy as the “most horrific set of facts I’ve heard.”
He went on to praise the victim for having the courage to convince Hachiyanagi not to kill her.

“Professor Savoy is certainly a victim of a horrific crime, but that’s not what I’m going to remember,” he said.
“I’m going to remember that she had the presence of mind and the courage
to convince her attacker not to kill her. As her body was failing her, she used her mind to save herself. That’s remarkable.”
Hachiyanagi was placed on administrative leave from Mount Holyoke College in the wake of her arrest.
It wasn’t immediately clear when she was fired.
The college didn’t immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

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