We have established a solid foothold in Erathia, but the nation lies in near ruin. We start Iby freeing the capitol city of Steadwick, and we do not stop until every invader has been driven from our lands.
このキャンペーンは再びCatherine のお話。
「Long Live the Queen」において、Catherine はErathia である程度の足場固めをすることができました。しかし「Steadwick's Fall」において、首都・Steadwick はNighon に奪われてしまいました。Erathia 復興のため、まずはSteadwick を取りもどさなくてはなりません。
Steadwick's Liberation
Early intelligence reports forces from Nighon and and Eeofol have barricaded themselves inside Steadwick. All land access to the capitol has been blocked. Their reinforcements arrive via underground tunnels. Armies from the west will meet us on the field battle. There is little else to say. We do not stop until Steadwick is liberated.
To win, you must capture the city of Steadwick. Seek ou t the Seer - completing the Seer's Quest will allow you to carry the reward to the next scenario.
Early intelligence reports indicate that forces from Nighon and Eeofol have barricaded themselves inside the Steadwick Valley. With all land access blocked, they must be receiving supplies through underground tunnels.
You will either need to find the passage they are using to enter the valley or find a way over the mountains. The good news is that we have the assistance of Bracada, and if we can reach them, AvLee as well. There is little else to say. We do not stop until Steadwick is liberated.
こちらの本拠地はマップ南部のCastle と、南西隅にあるTower 、そして海上に浮かぶPotal of Glory。これは「Steadwick's Fall」と同じマップみたいですね。「Steadwick's Fall」には苦労した思い出が多いのですが、とりあえずマップが既知であるということはありがたいです。