「Heroes of Might and Magic III」の拡張パック「Armageddon's Blade」のキャンペーン「Playing with Fire」のシナリオ1「Farming Towns」をプレイしました。
Playing with Fire
Adrienne the Fire Witch discovers a Death Knight is turning the local population into a harvesting ground for Undead. Restore to the land and hunt down this evil. Utter extermination of the undead plague is your ultimate goal.
Establish a home base and then liberate the other towns on either side of the border. Destroy all of the undead in the area and defeat the Necromancers who are doing this. Adrienne and three of your best heroes are restricted to twelfth level, but will transfer to the next scenario.
このシナリオの目的は、国境の両サイドにある町を開放し、このエリアの全てのアンデッドと、それらを操っているNecromancer を打ち倒すことです。
マップサイズはM、難易度はNormal、チームカラーはRed で、敵チームはBlue。登場Hero は12レベルまで成長することができ、Adrienne と強い方から3人のHero は、次のシナリオへと引き継ぐことができます。
シナリオ開始前に、Still Eye of the Dragon か、Talisman of Mana か、Quiet Eye of the Dragon の中からひとつを選択します。それぞれ、Luck とMorale がアップ、呪文の回復量がアップ、Attack とDefense スキルがアップという効果があります。普通ならスキルアップを選択するところなのですが、今回はInferno を使いまくりたいので、Talisman of Mana を選択します。
まずはAdrienne の独白から物語は始まります。
Traveling from Erathia to my homeland of Tatalia, I have passed through several towns. I have yet to encounter a living soul. There is only the lingering stench of the undead. I fear a necromancer in the area is raising an army.
'Who...' is unknown.
'Why...' is unknown.
You enter into this region, not too far from the Tatalian border, glad to be almost home. The time spent in Steadwick studying with the Clerics was useful and productive, but it was too long away from the swamps you love and call home. The Fire Witch, as you are called, cannot bear to be away from her lands, but is not readily welcome there either. For the people of Tatalia fear Fire Magic and shun all who use it. Knowing the power it holds, and wanting to wield it you gave up a life of acceptance for your power.