

The river has frosen.

2007-12-26 21:20:16 | 自然部
I haven't seen huge and great things frozen,and it was one of my dreams.

The huge and great things are the river,the lake and so on.
I can't imagine that a thing which is moving has frozen. Also it's impressive that the huge things has frozen.

When I was a child,I used to be excited to find that buckets of water in my yard had frozen. I felt like something special had happened during the night which I didn't see,so my heart leaped up and was full of joy.

And then I thought,"If the river has frozen,what in the world happened? It must be a marvelous thing!"

This winter,I saw that the river had frozen here in Canada.

I was so happy.

It was my dream!

"I wish I could show myself in my childhood this great scene."

I thought about that while watching the splendid scene that was before my eyes.

This is one of the journal of my homeworks.
Thank you for reading it.

( Drawing by Nicky )