Overcoming discrimination and poverty, the true story of success “GRIT”. Thank you for your many subscriptions. (Yamanobe Shobo, HP, http://web1.kcn.jp/y-pub
We will introduce some of the letters to the editor that we have received.
和歌山県新宮文化協会会長 TM氏
President of Wakayama Shingu Cultural Association.Mr. TM.
I saw an article about the publication of the children's book “GRIT” in the newspaper and introduced it to my acquaintances.
I read the book with tears and strength, as the main character's perseverance and struggle to rise up from a life of extreme poverty is just like “Oshin” (an inspiring movie aired all over the world).
This book is a must-read for everyone. I was bowed down from the bottom of my heart.
一般読者 HK氏
General reader Mr. HK.
I took the afternoon off from work and finished reading the book in one sitting. That night after finishing the book, although I was impatient to get into bed and go to sleep, I could not sleep at all until morning as the image of the main character, a sixth grader who was grinding his bones under unspeakably hard labor, kept running through my mind.
It was a true story of extreme hardship.
I had no idea that such a successful person actually existed in my hometown during the turbulent Showa period. ......
This book is a must-read for the general public as well as for young people.
医学博士 IG氏
今更のように、中岸さんの人間の深みを感じました。誰にでも真似る事が出来るものではありませんが、せめて心の糧にしたいものだと思います。Dr. IG, M.D.
It is truly a remarkable life. It is truly an eye-opening life.
After reading the book all at once, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander for a while. After reading the book, I was in a state of complete silence for a while with my eyes closed.
I felt the depth of Mr. Nakagishi's humanity after reading this book. It is not something that anyone can imitate, but I would like to make it the food of my heart at least.
Editor-in-Chief of a local newspaper,KY.
I was moved by Mr. Nakagishi's strong will and mental strength like steel, as he overcame unimaginable hardships without hesitation.
The image of Nakagishi, who worked so hard not to worry or make his mother sad, is still burned into my eyelids and I cannot get rid of it.
I am confident that when boys and girls come into contact with this book, they will remember the “very important things” that they have almost forgotten, and at the same time, they will harbor even greater dreams and hopes.
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