今日も SD (スクエアダンス)

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先日のコール(C2 asymmetric)

2020-03-02 | スクエアダンス関係
2月11日Tally Ho PartyでC2を9チップコールしました。

From squared set
HEADS: pass in
dixie diamond
NEAR 4 START, diamond chain thru
mini busy
ping pong circulate
scoot and cross ramble
dixie grand
left allemande (7/8 promenade)

From squared set
SIDES: touch 1/4
ALL: counter rotate
triple cross
GRAND cross back
NEAR 4: invert the column
slide thru
TRIPLE BOX, split trade circulate
TRIPLE BOX, boys kick off
TRIPLE BOX, [counter rotate] and roll
counter rotate
TRIPLE BOX, fan the top
right and left grand ( 3/4 promenade )

From squared set
SIDES: swing thru
NEAR 4: split grand chain 8
FAR 4: split square thru 3
ONCE REMOVED, split trade circulate
ONCE REMOVED, single cross and wheel
CRAZY, zoom
CROSS CONCENTRIC, right roll to a wave
lock it
criss cross the shadow
reverse promenade home (1/8 promenade)

From squared set
SIDES: circle to a wave
triple cross
NEAR 4: follow your neighbor
FAR 4: cross your neighbor
GIRLS: in loop 1
OFFSET WAVES, swing thru
OFFSET WAVES, out roll circulate
OFFSET WAVES, leads run
ALL: press ahead
out roll circulate
[vertical tag your neighbor] and spread
right and left grand (3/8 promenade)