東京オンライン英語教室のYamatalk English®でジョリーフォニックスも習えます



Jolly Phonics公式トレーナーによるフォニックスセミナー・トレーニング


oiのレッスンの流れの一例 英語編

2017-08-12 07:22:36 | ◇ジョリーフォニックス・グラマー
おはようございます。英国人講師デイビッドによる0歳から小学生までの東京都東大和市のファミリー英語教室”Yamatalk English®です。


Firstly, introduce the oi sound and action using the appropriate pages in big/finger phonics book 7.

In addition to the set of animal cards, prepare a set of letter sounds flashcards, one for each first letter sound of each animal name (ex. ch for chick etc).

- Reveal each animal picture cards slowly, and have the kids shout out when they think they know what it is. Have the children repeat each animal name after you, then place the flashcard face up on the floor.
- Once all the cards have been revealed, point to each card and review the names again.

Depending on the students level and/or confidence, you can then either:

- Show the students each letter sound card, have them say the sound and action, and then find an animal that starts with the letter sound together, placing it on top of the animal flashcard to make a pair.
- Have one student draw a letter sounds card, say the sound and action (with help from the other students if necessary) and then place it on the appropriate animal card by themselves. Each student takes a turn drawing a new card, and finding it's pair.

After that, read the animal chatter reader with the students, having them join in with each animal's "chatter". When you get to the pig page of the book, have the students blend the word "oink", using their newly learned oi sound. For fun, you can also blend the Japanese big sound "boo" and contrast with the English equivalent.


◇Finger Phonics Big book 1-7
◇Finger Phonics 1-7(ボードブック)
◇Sound Letter book(Jolly Phonics Extra Personalに同梱)
※Jolly Phonics Extra Personalは、セット教材でオススメです。


▲Animal Chatterに登場する12の動物

◆ ジョリーフォニックス関連記事
◇Jolly Phonics Extraに家庭用ができました!
◇42音後は同音異綴りを学んでいきます(Pupil/Student book 2,3)

(スタッフ Mami)

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