夫れ般若を学ぶ菩薩は 先ず当に大慈悲心を起こし
弘誓の願を発し 精(ただし)く三昧を修し
誓って衆生を度し 一身のために独り解脱を求めざるべきのみ
The method of meditation
(the beginning) First exactly, Buddhist monk who hope to learn a proper himself, should awaken great mercy himself and pray to pass over to the lotus land for all, have to learn Zen training as working intensively, and will swear to guide all beings. Should not learn Enlightenment for only oneself. Should only to do so.●坐禅研修受け付けます。詳細はお電話でお尋ねください。
坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。℡0942-34-0350