Buddhism, established by Buddha, was conveyed to China through the Himalaya Mountains and the Gobi desert by Hsuan-tsang (602-664) and other disciples. Or it was conveyed to China through the ocean by
Bodhidharma. And many years later, Buddhism was finally conveyed to Japan through the Korean Peninsula in 538.
Zen Buddhism was established by Bodhidharma. It developed in China and about 800 years ago, finally it was conveyed to Japan by Eisai
Zen master. As it is known well, Zen developed and rooted in Japanese culture, grew many of Zen masters and artists and created many kinds of Zen cultures. Nowadays, the Zen meeting is held in not only the eastern countries but also in others all over the world.
One day, one participant in my Zazen meeting said to me.
“I live in Dortmund in the northwest part of Germany. The Zazen meeting is held at the temple of Jodo-shinshu sect because there is not Zen temple in Dortmund. About eleven thousands of Japanese live in Dortmund now. They sometimes ask me about Zen, I guess because I am Japanese."
That is incredible in Japan. In the western countries, monks and nuns actually take part in
Zazen meeting in the European monasteries. One catholic monk, already was gone to Germany from Japan, practiced about Zen in
Manpuku-ji Zen Dojo in Uji city, Kyoto for a year. The circumstances around Zen has been changing. How should we cope to it? I wrote this booklet for any people who study Zen. I hope you read it and understand about Zen.
2015 New Year G.Y.
Please give an order at E mail for the booklet.

「辻 説 法Ⅰ」発行:はんにゃの会
20年ほど前に黄檗宗の和尚さんの真似をして「はがき伝道」を書きました。あらためて書き直しこのようにまとめました。この中のいくつかをロシア人の友人にロシア語翻訳をしていただきfacebook Rinzaizen Workshop Russiaに掲載しています。英語版は京都の翻訳専門の方に協力していただきました。ノルウェーにある曹洞宗寺院から英文記事をHP転載したいとの申し出がありました。今日、禅を取り巻く環境は大きく変わりました。私たちも努力を続けていかなければならないと思います。今後共ご協力をお願い申し上げます。
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坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1
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