
Zazen 法話のページ

歴史学者ハラリ教授に聞く コロナが抱える危険性,そして未来【報ステ×未来を人から 完全版】【未来をここから】【Yuval Noah Harari】

2021-11-15 | Zazen
歴史学者ハラリ教授に聞く コロナが抱える危険性,そして未来【報ステ×未来を人から 完全版】【未来をここから】【Yuval Noah Harari】
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AIMI KOBAYASHI – Preludes, Op. 28 (18th Chopin Competition, third stage)

2021-11-08 | アート・文化
AIMI KOBAYASHI – Preludes, Op. 28 (18th Chopin Competition, third stage)
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Samu and Zazen

2021-11-02 | Zazen

The Zen Center in Kyoto holds a zazen meeting for elementary and junior high school students on a school excursion. One of them was five high school students from Yokohama who wanted to help with cleaning. After zazen, they helped us for a couple of hours by cleaning outside and weeding the garden. They told us that was fun, then left the center. 

I remember that an elementary school in Saitama sent us 500 hand-sewn rags as a thank-you for our zazen. I think that making so many rags took a great deal of time.

Also I often receive thank-you letters such as, ‘My ears seem to have improved,’ and ‘I have never seen a lotus flower so beautiful until I experienced zazen. Thank you very much’. 
In the fall of 2004, I gave a zazen meeting for 16 Americans. After zazen, one of the participants, a big man, asked me a question. 
“I can hear many birds singing very well. I've never heard so many birds before. My hearing seems to be getting better. Why is that?”
I answered in this way.
"Because you did zazen quietly, you must have been able to hear better.“

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 
●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。

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Zen lecture