
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

【時事通信】東京五輪開催へ全力 安倍首相 ⬅まず90億返すのが先だ 見えないフリする茶番劇いい加減にしろ

2020-07-01 21:55:42 | 時事
I've got to return the 9 billion dollars back to you first, so this is a travesty of a show that you can't even see.

【時事通信】東京五輪開催へ全力 安倍首相 ★2 [爆笑ゴリラ★] (252)
Prime Minister Abe goes all out to host the Tokyo Olympics ★2 [laughing gorilla] (252)

百田は北朝鮮脱北者だろ 昔の
そして数年前 ふざけた事に日本国記なるものを売り出し安倍のバックヤードにいる

あの顔は北朝鮮だな 中国臭い顔でもあるけど。

いやー 中国人が大日本帝国などというバカな軍隊と貴族に入り込んでた理由
知人という単語もマッチしない この人らにとって日本人は敵だから

黄 遵憲は、清朝末期の詩人・外交官・政治改革者であり、また知日家としても知られる。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1848年5月29日
生まれ: 中華人民共和国 宝鶏市 眉県
死亡: 1905年3月28日, 中華人民共和国 梅州市 梅県

And Abe's outside.
Momota was a North Korean defector, remember?
Then, a few years ago, he foolishly advertised something called the Nihon Kokki, which is in Abe's backyard.

That face is North Korean, even though it smells like China.
There used to be a lot of monks with looks like that.
North Koreans are religious brains, aren't they?
I'm sure some of them are Russian-engineered.

I've discovered something called Japanese national history.
No. The reason why the Chinese have infiltrated such a stupid army and aristocracy as the Empire of Japan.
The word "acquaintance" doesn't even match. The Japanese are the enemy to these people.
To these people, their favorite Japan is the Japanese dynasty they created in Korea.

Huang Zunqian was a poet, diplomat, and political reformer of the late Qing dynasty, as well as a well-known intellectual. Wikipedia.
Date of birth: May 29, 1848.
Born: Mei County, Baoji City, People's Republic of China
Died: 28 March 1905, Plum County, Meizhou, People's Republic of China

北朝鮮 当時は満州

2011年民主党の菅直人 在日韓国人がトップの組織は私が仕切ってたのを無視

一口だけで90億だ まずそれを返して 安倍晋三

Abe's family's grandfather grabbed the Manchurian concession
North Korea, then Manchuria.
The North Koreans have been defacing and tampering with our family's tombstones.
The faces of North Korean immigrants are all over the place.
Anybody with an arsonist habit is a drifter from Korea.

It's disgusting that you're playing dumb.
But my own blog has been around since 2010.
Naoto Kan of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 2011, ignoring the fact that I ran the organization headed by a South Korean in Japan.
People who don't understand.
Far more than these people, Abe and Aso knew our family and continued to play dumb.

The top Democrats are in Japan and haven't existed for a long time, or there was a lot of ignorance in the heart of the country.
But local governments are supporters of the Democratic Party.
Part of me knew the family, but the other part kept on playing dumb.
That's 9 billion in one bite. Give it back to me first, Shinzo Abe.


日本人カルトの 天皇さまー宗教が、いつまでもいつまでも、何代変わっても同じ姿勢
ロシアやイギリス王室のやり方だ この宗教洗脳


Rumor has it that Abe dreams of a great Japanese empire
Certainly an act that resembles the resale of a fabricated Chinese book called Nihon Kokki

In the Middle East, in Europe, in America, in Africa.
You must be surprised.
The Korean-Chinese coalition called the Empire of Japan has been killing us.
this house
The Japanese cult of the emperor - the religion of the Japanese people - has taken the same attitude, forever and ever, generation after generation.
So the British Royal Family and the Russian army were working together.
It's the way the Russians and the British crown have it. This is religious brainwashing.

That Imperial Japanese madman even served as a cannibal, an unmanageable group of people.

be furious


馬を食うというのはこういう捏造歴史にいつまでも殺され続けたあげく 誰も横領金を返さない
アキヒトの一族全部死なないと 終わらない



うちの亘理までの土地 いったいどうしてくれた訳?
自分の庭先 ちょっと遠いが。

Ten million people could be dead.

Eating a horse is this kind of fake history that keeps killing you and no one pays back the embezzled money.
The entire Aquihto clan must die before this is over.

One bite is 90,000 units.
Our family owned land in Watari-cho, but we don't have the paperwork.
Date vassals could be sticking around for decades, or they could be setting fires and stealing fire.
It looks like you've been up a lot.

That Date from Watari-cho is the Date of the European Mission.
His direct descendant is sandwich man Date.

You used to use him a lot in Lawson.
I've been researching that relationship for a long time.
What the hell have you done with our land in Watari?
There was land in Okuma town.
Close to the location of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
So that's where the Kaaba was formed.
There's only one debris in the world.
My own yard. It's a bit far.

その言いがかりを見たまま 何もできず爺さんは若くして死んだ 隔離され殺された

その色々な条件を対応するべく 安倍は総理大臣を就任してた



The initial failure of the Democratic Party of Japan was also due to its poor handling of the situation after 311.
9 billion repayments and other corrections to the book at that time.
Some of the accusations were written in the book.
The old man died too young to do anything about that accusation, and he was quarantined and killed.

It wasn't just 9 billion restitution.
Abe was the prime minister to deal with all those conditions.
But no matter how far you go, the bottom line remains the same.
And more importantly, why don't you amend the points that the bogus aristocracy isn't allowed to make in violation of the Constitution! And I would never touch it even if I did.

Legislators who don't deserve to live have been deceiving the public since before and after the war and the growing number of phony aristocrats who don't conform to the Constitution.
I've been pretending to do my job and not look.
I'm not in the business of taking money. 

That poor job by the Democrats and the corona response that can't be compared to that poor job by the Democrats.
When the Democrats are on top, local officials become selfish.
When the Liberal Democrats are on top, state officials become selfish.
this much




ほんと、蔵の書類見ても わからない事だらけ。

会津松平当時の借金は半端ないんだから、当家にストーカーし続けたんだ 今と同じように。死んでくれないかな 終わらないので。
ソニーがいい例 ソニーは会津松平藩出身者

I want my 9 billion back first.
Well, technically, there was 30... 9.03 billion.
Here's a bite.

There's more.

If you didn't have the money, you'd be in the prime location of Asakusa at the time in Tokyo.
We can't buy up all the land.
It wasn't until I started talking about this topic that I heard about someone named Danzaemon, and I could guess that he was the head of a candle shop.

I can't understand a lot of things by looking at the documents in the warehouse.
Crazy, horse-following, devout Kanmu Taira clan.
So, Soma, Date's vassals are stealing and robbing
They tricked him into turning it in and didn't return it.
Because of this.
That's how shitty the Tokugawa was.

They were in half a ton of debt back then in Aizu Matsudaira, so they kept stalking our family, just like they do now. I hope he dies, because it won't end.
Stalking just like now.
Sonny is a good example. Sonny is from the Aizu Matsudaira clan.


しかし霊山略記は満州勢だ 編集の後押しが。
その顔だ 百田という人間は。

二階は中国の福建あたりか?中国人だ あの顔。

どいつもこいつも 卑しい能無しあがり


You, the remnants of the Imperial Japanese Army, were the one who insisted on it.
It's essentially Taro Aso's area of responsibility, but Aso is related to the Soma family.

But the Lingshan abbreviations are Manchurian. The editorial push.
And it's mainly Chinese and Manchurians in Japan who have created what is known as the Japanese national chronicle.
That's the face of a man named Momota.

What's upstairs in Fujian, China? He's Chinese. That face.
Takenaka Heizo is Korean.

You're all just a bunch of low-life, incompetent hillbillies.
They're all from the Korean tribe.
Japan's Past Falsification, Theft, Thievery and Embezzlement
They're all bloodlines that were originally chased away by crime and bankruptcy on the continent and fled.
Those people generally think of themselves as "Jews".

They say that Jews are liars, cheats, falsehoods, and big talkers.
Those people are what they represent.
Because I'm not a Jew. 


I'd have to give out a lot of personal information.
And the reason for that is because people didn't believe in it.
10 billion is not a lot of money, including the cost of that, but we're also working on other disputes, so we should be paid a lot more money, and that's what this was about.
I was forced to give out personal information.

I hate you so much, Elizabeth, I hope you die soon.


腸煮えくり返る これで何人死んできたのか
あげくの果てにはイスラエル イスラエルって


That's how much of the past has been stolen from me.
Why you couldn't get information in the vicinity
The whole thing is just a back-and-forth affair.
That's terrible.

My gut is boiling. I wonder how many people have died from this.
The end result is Israel, Israel, Israel.
They didn't conform to the Constitution, and they went to war.
And they haven't been able to fix it since.

Because of these self-proclaimed aristocrats.

爺さんの書いた遺書は吹き込まれた事も含め、調べてた事やおかしいと疑問に思ってる そういう8枚くらいの便箋


相手のほうが より昔の伝説知ってても
とぼけて近づいて 違う事を吹き込んできたり。

麻生始め 生きてる事すら許されない

90億3千万は一口だ 早く返して

The suicide note your grandfather wrote, including the one he blew into you, wondering if you were investigating and wondering if you were crazy. Eight or so pieces of letterhead.

I hated it and I hated it.

No matter how many people are born, nothing good ever happens.
They may know more about the old legends than you do, but...
He'd come up to me and tell me something else.
Or a scammer comes up to you.

You can't defend yourself because you can't properly research the past.
Starting with Aso, we won't even be allowed to live.

9.03 billion is a mouthful. Give it back to me.

小池都知事「ネクストユニコーンをうみ育てる東京にしていきたい」 ⬅東京の不動産男と同棲してるって?

2020-07-01 01:11:03 | 時事

小池都知事「ネクストユニコーンをうみ育てる東京にしていきたい」 その意味は ねとらぼ ★2 [ばーど★] (1002)
ニュース速報+ 2020-06-30 10:05

ユニコーンを産み育てる 脳みそ腐ってるんじゃないか?お前に何の能力の感じないのに、

Intellectuals who don't know the air on top of that are obnoxious anyway.
Tokyo Governor Koike: "I want to make Tokyo the next unicorn" - the meaning of this is Netorabo ★2 [Ba-do] (1002)
Breaking News + 2020-06-30 10:05

Are you a backwards woman who hasn't had a baby?
If you say unicorns, etc., it leads to the keyword "horse" and even just raises your blood pressure.
You must be sick in the brain to have a unicorn. I don't feel like you're capable of anything.



The other day, the issue of corona infection in Tokyo
I wrote about how incompetent Yuriko Koike is at making no moves.

The source of the corona is from the sex industry! And I put it out there. On top of that, they took a plan to prevent the cockroaches from moving around, and Yuriko Koike blamed the country. He ignored any health care issues. It was Koike Yuriko's jurisdiction.
When I was writing that health center issue, I was on a weekend, late at night on vacation.
I was up late researching the matter and coming up with a policy.
The incompetent Yuriko Koike doesn't even try to take control of her area of responsibility. No matter how much of a college degree she claims to have, she really doesn't have the ability to run people, but producing? Grow? You've never had a baby, have you? The difficulty of giving birth and raising a child is a travesty to you guys and makes it an entertainment.

I hate it.

あの保健所対策出来てない事で、どれほど名前だけの就任か よくわかっただろう





仕事出来てるフリ いい加減 目が腐るって こっちが。
何がユニコーンだ 禁句もわからないか バカなんだな

Yuriko Koike.
With that failure to address the health department, you know exactly how much of that appointment was in name only.

I didn't go to college, remember?
It's no wonder the blood that's been killed in the Akihito family's hegemonic area can't get out where they can say they're excellent.
The number of cases in which incompetent Japanese have won foreign engagements is quite small.

I'm going to make a copy of me, or whatever the hell that is, and I'm going to do it off-limits to a part of Japan.

You know, it's been nine years since you offered me my money back, right?
How much more joking garbage do we have to deal with?

Yuriko Koike can't deal with any of the screams that the health department put out last time.
You guys don't deserve to get paid first.
I presented the health department with a divisional operation.

Pretending to be good at your job, I'm the one who said my eyes are rotten.
You're a unicorn, aren't you?
Oh, I hate you.

佐賀豪雨「ボタ山」崩落 大雨シーズン前にいまだ手付かず コロナで復旧遅れ⬅徐福書いた後の豪雨

2020-07-01 00:51:04 | 自然と天災
大雨シーズン前にいまだ手付かず コロナで復旧遅れ

⬅徐福書いた後の豪雨 ※2020/06/19 21:03:44
Saga torrential rainfall "Bota" collapses 
Still untouched before heavy rainy season, delay in restoration in Corona

Heavy rain after writing ⬅Xu Fu

佐賀豪雨「ボタ山」崩落 大雨シーズン前にいまだ手付かず コロナで復旧遅れ [ひよこ★] (8)
社説+ 2020-06-24 13:21




The Emperor, a Korean tribe, would never have a weather weapon.
It's just an evil kindred spirit organization that's been riding on the backs of the stalking Japanese.

As he professed that his resentment against it was so great that it could destroy the country.

I am a very special kind of Japanese.




全部 私は好かない 気持ち悪い 大嫌い

They're royalty who have always had a long history of performing rituals.

In the past, the people who murdered the ancient guardians of Japan, including our family, and buried them in the darkness of history were the Chinese Taoist Club and the Baekje immigrant ideologues.
In general, those people have been supported by the Jewish people.

In other words, my avengers are the Jewish supporters of the Jewish tribe and such a group of psychopaths.

They're going to be strong gods, hurting them by saying they need God and making them resent me a lot! Let's kill some reeds and use them for prayer.
He professed to eradicate this kind of spirit.
Only your value to people and animals.
You want your position, you want your money.
Most of these Japanese people are Daoist and have a Baekje ideology, and nowadays, that includes Mongolia.
All of it. I don't like it, it's disgusting, I hate it.

どんどん出てくる 部落貴族のネットワーク 違法だから出るんだよ

2020-07-01 00:35:24 | 皇室問題
8名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:51:42.10ID:8vXSVpqL【今上/東宮/秋しの宮家縁者(故人)】

正田貞一郎    1870年03月29日 生時不明 横浜 ※21※22(西暦生日)
正田英三郎    1903年09月21日 生時不明 群馬県館林市
正田富美子    1909年09月29日 生時不明 中国 上海(当時は英国租界) ※21※23
小和田毅夫    1898年08月23日 生時不明 新潟県 ※5
小和田静     1904年03月29日 生時不明 新潟県 ※5
江頭豊      1908年01月16日 生時不明 東京都 ※5
江頭寿々子    1916年09月14日 生時不明 東京都 ※5


仁孝天皇 1800年03月16日 生時不明 勧修寺亭(邸?) ※50※51(生地)
正親町雅子    1803年12月14日 生時不明 生地不明 ※56
孝明天皇 1831年07月22日 生時不明 京都市(正親町邸) ※25※26(西暦生日)
静寛院宮(和宮親子内親王) 1846年07月03日 14時38分~17時16分 京都市(橋本實久邸)
英照皇太后    1834年01月22日 生時不明 京都市(南大路家) ※28
中山慶子     1836年01月16日 生時不明 京都市上京区(石薬師) ※28
明治天皇     1852年11月03日 12時48分 京都市(中山忠能邸) ※8
昭憲皇太后    1849年05月09日 生時不明 京都市(一条家桃華殿) ※9
柳原愛子     1855年06月01日 生時不明 京都府 ※10
鳩彦王妃允子内親王 1891年08月07日 18時45分 港区(青山御所)?
園祥子      1867年12月23日 生時不明 生地不明 ※26(西暦生日)※52
恒久王妃昌子内親王 1888年09年30日 06時20分 港区(青山御所)? ※46
成久王妃房子   1890年01月28日 18時00分 港区(青山御所)?
稔彦王妃聰子   1896年05月11日 20時00分 港区(青山御所)?
大正天皇     1879年08月31日 08時12分 港区(青山御所)
貞明皇后     1884年06月25日 生時不明 千代田区(九条道孝邸) ※11
9名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:52:19.30ID:8vXSVpqL【天皇家/常陸宮家縁者(故人)】

昭和天皇     1901年04月29日 22時10分 港区(青山東宮御所)
香淳皇后     1903年03月06日 06時25分 渋谷区(久邇宮邸)
東久邇成子    1925年12月06日 20時10分 港区(赤坂御所) ※12
久宮祐子内親王  1927年09月10日 04時42分 港区(赤坂御所) ※12
鷹司和子     1929年09月30日 06時15分 千代田区(宮城産殿) ※12
橋本経子     1826年12月24日 生時不明 京都   ※42
九条道孝     1839年06月11日 生時不明 生地不明 ※5
野間幾子     1849年12月28日 生時不明 生地不明 ※5
東久邇盛厚    1916年05月06日 生時不明 生地不明 ※5
島津久範     1896年03月29日 生時不明 生地不明 ※13
島津久子     1898年08月08日 生時不明 生地不明 ※13
津軽義孝     1907年12月18日 生時不明 生地不明 ※15
津軽久子     1911年07月05日 生時不明 生地不明 ※53
10名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:52:51.80ID:8vXSVpqL【秩父宮/高松宮家(故人)】

秩父宮雍仁親王  1902年06月25日 07時30分 港区(青山東宮御所) ※12
雍仁親王妃勢津子 1909年09月09日 09時ちょっと前 イギリス ロンドン郊外(Walton-on-Thames) ※41
高松宮宣仁親王  1905年01月03日 19時28分 港区(青山東宮御所) ※12
宣仁親王妃喜久子 1911年12月26日 生時不明 文京区(徳川公爵邸) ※15


松平恒雄     1877年04月17日 生時不明 会津若松市花春町8番1号 御薬園(おやくえん) ※56(生日)※ネット
松平信子     1886年07月25日 生時不明 生地不明 ※ソース調査中
徳川慶久     1884年09月02日 生時不明 静岡の紺屋町(徳川慶喜公屋敷) ※54※57(生地)
徳川實枝子    1891年02月14日 生時不明 生地不明 ※51


高木正得     1894年01月20日 生時不明 生地不明 ※47
高木邦子     1901年06月07日 生時不明 生地不明 ※53
麻生太賀吉    1911年09月29日 生時不明 福岡県飯塚市 ※5
麻生和子     1915年05月13日 生時不明 中国 安東 ※55
千登三子     1930年07年27日 生時不明 生地不明 ※24

8No name, practicing divination 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:51:42.10ID:8 vXSVpqL
[Imaue/Higashinomiya/Achishinomiya family member (deceased)]

Seiichiro Shoda, March 29, 1870, date of birth unknown, Yokohama, Japan *21*22 (date of birth)
Eisaburo Shoda, September 21, 1903, Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture, birth date unknown
Fumiko Masada, September 29, 1909, date of birth unknown, Shanghai, China (then British settlement) *21*23
August 23, 1898 Date of birth: unknown, Niigata Prefecture *5
Shizuka Owada, 29 March 1904, date of birth unknown, Niigata Prefecture *5
Yutaka Egashira, January 16, 1908 Date of birth: unknown, Tokyo *5
Suzuko Egashira, September 14, 1916, date of birth unknown, Tokyo *5

[The Emperor's family / Prince Hitachi's family (deceased)]

Emperor Niko, March 16, 1800, date of birth unknown, Kanshuji-tei (residence?) 50*51(Fabric)
Masako Shochimachi Masako, December 14, 1803, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *56
Emperor Koumei, July 22, 1831, date of birth unknown, Kyoto City (Shouchin-cho residence) *25*26 (date of birth)
Prince Shizukuan's Palace (Prince Wamiya and his son, Princess of the Imperial Family), July 3, 1846, 14:38 - 17:16, Kyoto City (Jitsuhisa Hashimoto's residence)
                               26(Date of birth)*27
Empress Dowager Empress Eitaro, January 22, 1834, date of birth unknown, Kyoto (Minamioji family) *28
Keiko Nakayama, January 16, 1836, date of birth unknown, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City (Ishiyakushi) *28
Emperor Meiji, November 03, 1852, 12:48 p.m., Kyoto City (Nakayama Tadanobu Residence) *8
Empress Shoken, May 09, 1849, date of birth unknown, Kyoto, Japan (Momoka-den of the Ichijo family) *9
Aiko Yanagihara, June 01, 1855, date of birth unknown, Kyoto *10
Princess Hatohiko Yunkouchi, August 7, 1891, 6:45 p.m., Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace)?
Shoko Sono, December 23, 1867, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown, *26 (date of birth) *52
H.H.I.H. Princess Shoko Nai, 30 September 1888, 06:20, Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace)? *46
Queen Nariku Fusako, 28 January 1890, 6:00 p.m. Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace)?
Queen Soko Minorihiko May 11, 1896 8:00 p.m. Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace)?
Emperor Taisho 31 August 1879 08:12, Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace)
Empress Teimei, June 25, 1884, date of birth unknown, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo (residence of Michitaka Kujo) *11

9No name, practicing fortune telling 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:52:19.30ID:8 vXSVpqL
[The Emperor's family / Prince Hitachi's family (deceased)]

Emperor Hirohito, April 29, 1901, 10:10 p.m., Minato Ward, Tokyo (Aoyama-Togu Palace)
Empress Kajun, March 6, 1903, 06:25 PM, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo (Prince Kuni's Residence)
Nariko Higashikuni, December 06, 1925, 8:10 p.m., Minato Ward, Tokyo (Akasaka Imperial Palace) *12
H.I.H. Prince Hisamiya Yuko, September 10, 1927 04:42 PM Minato Ward, Tokyo (Akasaka Imperial Palace) *12
Kazuko Takashi, September 30, 1929, 06:15 a.m., Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo (Miyagi San-den) *12
Hashimoto Keiko, December 24, 1826, date of birth unknown, Kyoto, Japan *42
KUJO Michitaka, June 11, 1839, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *5
Noma Ikuko December 28, 1849 Birth date unknown, fabric unknown *5
6 May 1916, 06 May 1916, birth date unknown, fabric unknown *5
Hisanori Shimadzu, March 29, 1896, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *13
August 8, 1898 Hisako Shimazu, August 8, 1898 Date of birth: unknown Fabric: unknown *13
Tsugaru Yoshitaka, December 18, 1907, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *15
Tsugaru Hisako July 05, 1911 Date of birth: unknown Fabric: unknown *53

10No Name @ Fortune Telling Practices 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:52:51.80ID:8 vXSVpqL
[Prince Chichibuibu/ Prince Takamatsu family (deceased)]

Prince Chichibu's Yongin, June 25, 1902, 07:30 p.m., Minato Ward (Aoyama Palace East) *12
Queen Seizuko Yongin, 09 September 1909, a little before 09:00 09:00, London, England (Walton-on-Thames) *41
Prince Nobuhito Takamatsu, January 3, 1905, 7:28 p.m., Minato Ward, Tokyo (Aoyama-Higashi Palace) *12
Queen Kikuko Norihito, December 26, 1911, date of birth unknown, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (residence of the Duke of Tokugawa) *15

Chichibuibu no Miya / Takamatsu no Miya (deceased)

Tsuneo Matsudaira, April 17, 1877, birth date unknown, 8-1, Hanaharu-cho, Aizuwakamatsu City, Oyakuen, Oyakuen, *56 (date of birth) *Internet
Nobuko Matsudaira, July 25, 1886, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *Source investigation pending
Tokugawa Yoshihisa, September 02, 1884, date of birth unknown, Konyacho, Shizuoka (Prince Tokugawa's residence) *54*57(cloth)
Jieko Tokugawa, February 14, 1891, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *51

[Prince Mikasa/ Prince Takamado (deceased)]

Takaki Masatoku, January 20, 1894, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *47
Kuniko Takagi, June 07, 1901, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *53
Date of birth: September 29, 1911, Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture *5
Kazuko Aso, May 13, 1915, date of birth unknown, Andong, China *55
Mitsuko Chitose, 1930-07-27, date of birth unknown, fabric unknown *24

11名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:53:28.97ID:8vXSVpqL【歿年月日】1
仁孝天皇     1846年02月21日 寅刻   歿地不明 ※50※51(歿時)
正親町雅子    1856年08月06日 歿時不明 歿地不明 ※28
孝明天皇     1867年01月30日 23時15分 京都府(京都御所?) ※25※26(西暦歿日)※30(歿時)
静寛院宮(和宮親子内親王) 1877年09月02日 早朝 神奈川県足柄下郡(元湯)
英照皇太后    1897年01月11日 18時03分 東京都(青山御所) ※28※40(歿時)
中山慶子     1907年10月05日 04時50分 東京都(青山の邸) ※28※29(歿時)
明治天皇     1912年07月29日 22時43分 千代田区(吹上御所)? ※17
昭憲皇太后    1914年04月09日 02時10分 静岡県沼津市(沼津御用邸) ※18
柳原愛子     1943年10月16日 03時33分 四谷区(自邸) ※19
鳩彦王妃允子内親王 1933年11月03日 01時15分 港区(朝香宮邸)
園祥子      1947年07月07日 歿時不明 歿地不明 ※52
恒久王妃昌子内親王 1940年03月08日 02時27分 港区(竹田宮邸)
成久王妃房子   1974年08月11日 05時25分 千代田区(宮内庁病院)
稔彦王妃聰子   1978年03月05日 07時53分 千代田区(宮内庁病院)
大正天皇     1926年12月25日 01時25分 神奈川県三浦郡葉山町(葉山御用邸) ※8
貞明皇后     1951年05月17日 16時10分 港区(赤坂大宮御所) ※12
昭和天皇     1989年01月07日 06時33分 千代田区(吹上御所)
香淳皇后     2000年06月16日 16時46分 千代田区(吹上大宮御所)
東久邇成子    1961年07月23日 03時15分 千代田区(宮内庁病院) ※12
久宮祐子内親王  1928年03月08日 03時38分 港区(赤坂御所) ※12
鷹司和子     1989年05月26日 07時38分 港区(済生会中央病院)
12名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:54:00.11ID:8vXSVpqL【歿年月日】2

秩父宮雍仁親王   1953年01月04日 04時30分 神奈川県藤沢市(秩父宮別邸)
雍仁親王妃勢津子 1995年08月25日 11時28分 千代田区(宮内庁病院)
高松宮宣仁親王   1987年02月03日 13時10分 渋谷区(日赤医療センター)
宣仁親王妃喜久子 2004年12月18日 04時28分 中央区(聖路加国際病院)
高円宮憲仁親王   2002年11月21日 22時52分 新宿区(慶應義塾大学附属病院)
寛仁親王       2012年06月06日 15時42分 千代田区(杏雲堂病院)
桂宮宜仁親王    2014年06月08日 10時55分 文京区(東京大学医学部付属病院)
13名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:54:27.55ID:8vXSVpqL【各地の経緯度】1

東京都千代田区 宮城 (139.75E 35.68N)
東京都千代田区 吹上(大宮)御所 (139.75E 35.69N)
東京都千代田区 宮城産殿 (139.75E 35.68N)
東京都千代田区 宮内庁病院 (139.75E 35.68N)
東京都千代田区神田錦町 九条道孝邸 (139.76E 35.69N)
東京都港区 青山(東宮)御所 (139.72E 35.67N)
東京都港区元赤坂2丁目 赤坂(大宮)御所(現東宮御所) (139.72E 35.67N)
東京都港区南麻布5丁目 愛育病院 (139.72E 35.65N)
東京都港区赤坂葵町2番地 虎ノ門病院 (139.74E 35.66N)
東京都港区三田1丁目4番17号 済生会中央病院 (139.74E 35.65N)
             朝香宮邸(現:東京都庭園美術館) (139.72E 35.64N)
             竹田宮邸(現:高輪プリンスホテル貴賓館) (135.50N 34.59E)
東京都新宿区信濃町35番地 慶應義塾大学附属病院 (139.72E 35.66N)
東京都新宿区西大久保1丁目 日赤産院(当時) (139.70E 35.69N)
東京都中央区明石町9-1 聖路加国際病院 (139.77E 35.67N)
東京都文京区本郷7丁目 東京大学医学部附属病院 (139.76E 35.71N)
東京都文京区春日2丁目 徳川公爵邸 (139.74E 35.71N)
東京都渋谷区広尾4丁目 久邇宮邸 (139.72E 35.65N)
東京都渋谷区広尾4丁目 日本赤十字社医療センター (139.71E 35.65N)
東京都品川区上大崎2丁目 三笠宮邸(当時) (139.72E 35.64N)
神奈川県三浦郡葉山町 葉山御用邸 (139.58E 35.26N)
神奈川県藤沢市鵠沼桜が岡 秩父宮別邸 (139.48E 35.33N)
神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町塔之沢 元湯(元湯という名の宿がないので住所で判断) (139.05E 35.14N)
14名無しさん@占い修業中2020/06/22(月) 03:54:56.74ID:8vXSVpqL【各地の経緯度】2

京都府京都市 中山忠能邸 (135.76E 35.03N)
京都府京都市一条烏丸町 一条家桃華殿 (135.74E 35.02N)
京都府京都市河原町広小路 正親町邸 (135.77E 35.02N)
京都府京都市 橋本實久邸 (135.77E 35.02N)
京都府京都市左京区下鴨(旧:山城国愛宕郡下鴨村) 南大路家(生母の実家) (135.77E 35.04N)
京都府京都市上京区(石薬師)(石薬師町と判断) (135.75E 35.03N)
京都府京都市左京区下鴨 狗子田町3-2 伊藤病院 (135.77E 35.05N)
静岡県静岡市駿河区小鹿1丁目 静岡済生会総合病院 (138.41E 34.97N)
静岡県静岡市葵区紺屋町11-1 徳川慶喜公屋敷(現:浮月楼、静岡の紺屋町の屋敷) (138.39E 34.97N)
静岡県沼津市下香貫島郷2801-1 沼津御用邸 (138.87E 35.07N)
佐賀県神埼郡千代田町(現:神埼市) (130.38E 33.27N)
イギリス Walton-on-Thames (0.41W 51.39N)

11No name, practicing divination 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:53:28.97ID:8 vXSVpqL
Date of death.
Emperor Niko February 21, 1846, tiger's tomb, place of death unknown *50*51 (at time of death)
Masachicho Masako August 06, 1856 Date of death unknown Place of death unknown *28
Emperor Komei, January 30, 1867, 23:15, Kyoto (Kyoto Imperial Palace?) *25*26 (Date of death) *30 (at time of death)
Early morning of September 2, 1877, at Motoyu, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture
                        26 (date of death) *27*28 (time of death)
Empress Dowager Hideyoshi 1897/01/11 18:03 Tokyo (Aoyama Palace) *28*40 (at the time of her death)
Keiko Nakayama October 05, 1907, 04:50 pm Tokyo (residence in Aoyama) *28*29 (at time of death)
Emperor Meiji July 29, 1912, 10:43 p.m. Chiyoda-ku (Fukiage Gosho)? *17
Empress Shoken's Empress Dowager April 09, 1914, 02:10 PM, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (Numazu Imperial Villa) *18
Aiko Yanagihara, October 16, 1943, 03:33 PM, Yotsuya-ku (her residence) *19
Princess Hatohiko Yunkouchi, November 03, 1933 01:15 PM, Minato Ward (Asaka Palace)
Shoko Sono July 07, 1947 Date of death unknown Place of death unknown *52
H.H.I.H. Princess Shoko内内H.S. March 08, 1940 02:27 PM Minato Ward (Takeda's Residence)
Queen Nariku Fusako August 11, 1974, 05:25 PM Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo (Imperial Household Hospital)
Queen Soko Minorihiko 1978/03/05 07:53 PM Chiyoda Ward (Imperial Household Hospital)
Emperor Taisho December 25, 1926 01:25 PM, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture (Hayama Imperial Villa) *8
Empress Teimei, May 17, 1951, 4:10 p.m., Minato Ward, Tokyo (Akasaka Imperial Palace) *12
Emperor Showa 07 Jan 1989, 06:33 PM, Chiyoda Ward (Fukiage Gosho)
Empress Kajun June 16, 2000 16:46 PM Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo (Fukiage Imperial Palace)
Nariko Higashikuni July 23, 1961 03:15 PM, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Imperial Household Hospital) *12
H.I.H. Prince Hisamiya Yuko, March 08, 1928, 03:38 PM, Minato Ward (Akasaka Imperial Palace) *12
Kazuko Takashi May 26, 1989 07:38 PM Minato Ward (Saiseikai Central Hospital)

12No name, practicing divination 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:54:00.11ID:8 vXSVpqL
Date of death: 2

Prince Yongin Chichibu, January 04, 1953, 04:30 PM Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture (Prince Chichibu's villa)
Princess Setsuko Yongin, August 25, 1995, 11:28 a.m., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Imperial Household Hospital)
Prince Nobuhito Takamatsu February 3rd 1987, 1:10 pm, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo (JRC Medical Center)
Queen Norihito Kikuko December 18, 2004 04:28 PM Chuo Ward (St. Luke's International Hospital)
Prince Norihito Takamado November 21, 2002, 10:52 p.m. Shinjuku-ku (Keio University Hospital)
Prince Tomohito June 06, 2012 3:42 PM, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (Kyoundo Hospital)
Prince Prince Prince Gui Jin June 08, 2014 10:55 am Bunkyo Ward (University of Tokyo Hospital)

13No name, practicing divination 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:54:27.55ID:8 vXSVpqL
[Local history] 1

Miyagi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (139.75E 35.68N)
Fukiage(Omiya)Gosho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (139.75E 35.69N)
Miyagi Sanden (139.75E 35.68N), Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Imperial Household Agency Hospital, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (139.75E 35.68N)
Michitaka Kujyo's residence in Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (139.76E 35.69N)
Aoyama(Higashinomiya)Gosho, Minato-ku, Tokyo (139.72E 35.67N)
Akasaka (Omiya) Gosho (now Higashinomiya Gosho), 2-chome, Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo (139.72E 35.67N)
Aiiku Hospital, 5-chome, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo (139.72E 35.65N)
Toranomon Hospital, 2 Aoi-cho, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo (139.74E 35.66N)
Saiseikai Central Hospital, 1-4-17, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (139.74E 35.65N)
5-21-9 Shirokanedai 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Formerly 26, Shirokanedai-cho 2-chome, Shiba-ku, Tokyo City)
             Prince Asaka's residence (now the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum) (139.72E 35.64N)
3-13-1 Takanawa 3-13-1, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Formerly 17 Takanawa-minamimachi, Shiba-ku, Tokyo)
             Prince Takeda's residence (currently Takanawa Prince Hotel Kibinkan) (135.50N 34.59E)
Keio University Hospital, 35 Shinano-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (139.72E 35.66N)
Nishi-Okubo 1-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (then) (139.70E 35.69N)
St. Luke's International Hospital, 9-1 Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo (139.77E 35.67N)
The University of Tokyo Hospital, Hongo 7-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (139.76E 35.71N)
Duke Tokugawa's residence, 2 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (139.74E 35.71N)
Prince Kuni's Residence, Hiroo 4-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (139.72E 35.65N)
Japanese Red Cross Society Medical Center, Hiroo 4-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (139.71E 35.65N)
Prince Mikasa's residence (139.72E 35.64N), Kami-Osaki 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Hayama Goyotei, Hayamacho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture (139.58E 35.26N)
Chichibunomiya Villa, Kugenuma Sakuragaoka, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken (139.48E 35.33N)
Motoyu, Hakone Town, Ashigarashita-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture (judging by the address since there is no inn named Motoyu) (139.05 E 35.14N)

14No name, practicing divination 2020/06/22(Mon) 03:54:56.74ID:8 vXSVpqL
[Local history] 2

Tadanobu Nakayama's residence in Kyoto (135.76E 35.03N)
Ichijoke Momokadono, Ichijokarasumaru-cho, Kyoto (135.74E 35.02N)
Shochimachi's residence at Hirokoji, Kawaramachi, Kyoto City, Kyoto (135.77E 35.02N)
Jitsuhisa Hashimoto's house in Kyoto-shi, Kyoto (135.77E 35.02N)
The Minamioji family (formerly Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan) (135.77E) 35.04N)
Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto (Ishiyakushi)(determined to be Ishiyakushi-cho) (135.75E 35.03N)
Itoh Hospital, 3-2 Inugida-cho, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto (135.77E 35.05N)
Shizuoka Saiseikai General Hospital, 1 Kojika, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture (138.41E 34.97N)
11-1 Konyacho 11-1 Konyacho, Aoi Ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture (now Ukigetsurou, a residence in Konyacho, Shizuoka) (138) .39E 34.97N)
2801-1, Shimokanukijima-go, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (138.87E 35.07N)
Chiyoda-cho, Kanzaki-gun, Saga Prefecture (now Kanzaki City) (130.38E 33.27N)
United Kingdom Walton-on-Thames (0.41W 51.39N


I appreciate your efforts


なぜ出るのか 問題だとわかってるから。
おかしいとわかってたけど、何でだか覆らなかった事実ってこれなんだ?と気づいたから 大勢が。
I'll tell you one thing.
I've spent a lot of effort and time putting this out there.
Then the nine years I've been making a lot of noise about it, how much time and effort I've put into it.

I know why you're leaving. I know it's a problem.
And because we know it's not worth it if it's not now.
Because we know that no one can do it later.
This is the one fact that I knew was crazy, but somehow it didn't get over. I realized that there were a lot of people.

The world knows that too much democracy won't get things done, and the world knows that too much democracy won't get things done.
But we also know that the country can't come together until it's stable enough to have enough credibility to force a vote.
And I feel like the Democrats and others are incompetent because that's how they're structured on purpose.
The only people who have come down to earth are the remnants of the Empire of Japan who have erased the past of their own family.