
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか


2020-07-02 23:21:48 | 時事

【読売】非効率な石炭火力発電所、9割を休廃止方針…政府がエネルギー政策を転換 [蚤の市★]

1蚤の市 ★2020/07/02(木) 09:31:01.32ID:5E/qx/W99>>8>>30>>39>>52>>53>>150>>178



読売新聞 2020/07/02 09:08

Yomiuri] 90 percent of inefficient coal-fired power plants to be shut down... the government is shifting its energy policy [Flea Market].

1 Flea Market ★ 2020/07/02(Thu) 09:31:01.32ID:5E/qx/W99>> 8>30>30>39>52>52>53>150>>178
 The government has announced that less than 90% of inefficient coal-fired power plants that emit high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be shut down. Of the 114 inefficient power plants, the company has decided to increase the number of units to about 100 by the end of fiscal 2030. The Japanese government hopes to phase out coal-fired power plants in a phased manner. Japan has positioned coal-fired power generation as a promising power source that can easily respond to increases and decreases in demand for electricity, and has put in place a specific reduction plan. We have not shown it, but we will make a change.

 Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Kajiyama will soon announce the change. There are a total of 140 coal-fired power plants in Japan, but the government is determined to maintain or convert the 26 new, highly efficient power plants. Expansion.

 The target of the suspension is older power generation that was built before the early 1990s and has high CO2 emissions Place. A panel of experts will be set up to put together a method and roadmap for abolishing the holiday and revise the laws and regulations and systems next year. Policy. Japan's energy policy is at a major turning point. (In the paid version below)

The Yomiuri Shimbun 2020/07/02 09:08
https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20200702- ... OYT1T50041/?r=2

まさか モンゴルの売電を買う気じゃないだろうな?
You're not going to buy Mongolian power sales, are you?


気になる、辞めろと言ったら辞めろ これは。

The installation and size of biomass power plants are flat with renewable energy.
Even solar panels have little or no part to do once they are installed.
If it's old thermal power, you might as well get rid of it, but only if you're talking about this part.
Even hydropower, if you build a dam, it rarely takes a lot of labor to do the rest.
Even wind power is at a scale that sells electricity to power, right?
With the decline in thermal power, are we going to add new gas generation to the mix, or are we going to add nuclear power plants? It's no wonder they say.

But I myself was commissioned by China by Son Masayosi.
Russia's power sales and telecom plans are being relayed from China to Japan.
I care, if I tell you to quit, quit. This.
That's why Mongolia is locked on all the time.

180不要不急の名無しさん2020/07/02(木) 23:34:04.19ID:hWNEP0K80



2019/06/05 - 原発がダメになり、シェールガスに飛びついた. 東芝は、経営破綻した米原発メーカー、ウエスチングハウス(WH)の関連資産の売却を18年7月末で終了した。06年に買収してから12年。計1.4兆円もの巨額損失につながったWHとの関係に、 ...

180Unnecessary name 2020/07/02(Thu) 23:34:04.19ID: hWNEP0K80
This is simply a matter of replacing coal with natural gas (LNG) as the fuel for thermal power generation.
In the future, the percentage of LNG-fired power generation will increase.

⬅Should we increase the amount of LNG? 

↓I asked the U.S. to organize this for me.
What am I being forced to work for free, besides 9 billion dollars?
How does it feel?
Abe and Aso's political criminals and the phony imperial family's long history of fraud.
When do you think it will be resolved?

Toshiba sells bomb, LNG business to other companies for ¥900 billion
05/06/2019 - Nuclear power plants gone bad, jumping to shale gas . Toshiba has been selling off the assets related to failed US nuclear power plant maker Westinghouse (WH) for 18 years. It ended at the end of July, 12 years after we bought the company in 2006. The relationship with WH, which led to huge losses totaling 1.4 trillion yen, ...

それが、最近たぶん民事再生出してるから アメリカの会社。


Toshiba even had American shale gas. When I started making a scene.
You can't really do that when you're on a roll.
And since it recently filed for civil rehabilitation, it's an American company.

And then, as a joke, they came up with a joint investment plan for gas development in Russia for the development of the Arctic Ocean, and the initial investment was 10 trillion yen!
Talk about Russia!
And Mitsui and Mitsubishi are in it after all, but I'm the one with 10 trillion yen, etc.
He made a fuss about not paying. We settled for the final hundreds of billions.

Employing civil servants in the religion of the beggar aristocracy.
That's what the murderous Empire of Japan does, endlessly.





Where are we going to sell our joint natural gas with Russia! And he would have gone crazy.

If there was China involved in the investment, he said, the Chinese and Russian markets would not be allowed in even if Japan participated.
Also, there were two transport routes, one of which was costly and the other of which was to be developed.
That's the Bering Sea route.
I put it out then that it's often rough, he said.

There will be talk of buying some of the shale gas in the US as well as that in Russia once the civil rehabilitation of the shale gas is over.

The Russians have built an improved ice-breaking top for their Bering Sea shipping lanes.


2020-07-02 21:50:35 | 時事

【中国最大級!】貴金属業者が80トンの偽の金の延べ棒を担保に巨額融資を受ける―仏メディア 2020/07/02 [朝一から閉店までφ★] (117)
東アジアnews+ 2020-07-02 19:19 (29 res/h)

One of the largest in China! Precious metal dealers receive huge loans secured by 80 tons of fake gold bars - French media 2020/07 /02 [From morning to close] (117)
East Asia news+ 2020-07-02 19:19 (29 res/h)





⑤資産価値の誤魔化し 本物と偽物を混合する 常習なら宗教関係者がよく日本でやってる手口
⑥多分南アフリカで金の採掘量が減って移動してた人たちがアマゾンに入っている アマゾンの住民からはインド人とあがってるが、多分中国人もいる
⑦宝飾品市場のダウンを意味する 資源の枯渇によって

1, Jewelry manufacturer Wuhan Jinhuangzhu Bao received loans of 16 billion yuan (about $243.3 billion) from a number of financial institutions using fake gold bars as collateral.

2, Hanjinghuangzhu's method of obtaining loans is to "pledge 99.9% or more pure gold as collateral for financial institutions, and The People's Property Insurance of China, Hubei Branch, had appraised the gold and guaranteed its quality before taking out the loan.

3, the corresponding gold collateral will be 83.03 tons, the article said.

4, China's gold production in 2019 will be 380.23 tons

(1) Maybe the Japanese gold buyers will go out of business.
(2) The gold bars were supposed to be 99.9% pure and above, but they've been adulterated with a lot of copper.
(3) The thread I was looking at late at night also had a mass label, but it seems to weigh twice as much as pure gold.
In this way, the plan to gild the copper bars was carried out by a large number of people
(5) Misrepresentation of asset values Mixing the real and the fake If it's an addictive habit, religious people often do it in Japan.
(6) Maybe the people who were moving to South Africa because of the decline in gold mining in South Africa are now in the Amazon. Amazon residents have raised it as Indian, but maybe Chinese too.
(7) Meaning that the jewelry market is down due to the depletion of resources

あの頃、鉄ものがよく盗難にあってた 各地で。

It's my own intuition, but it smells like the bursting of a bubble.
Back then, a lot of ironware was stolen. All over the country.
That's why China's growth was based on those materials.
That's what they used to make tanks and battleships back then, right?
And in recent years, 100 nuclear power plants? If you build battleships and all sorts of things, they'll be depleted.
I felt the horror of the bubble.
Golf courses often began to go bankrupt and securities companies passed away.
Now that I know, I can see how we can be targeted.

100<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん2020/07/02(木) 21:19:17.62ID:/qefBTQr
24金の比重: 19.32
18金の比重: 15.50
タングステンの比重: 19.30

⬅今日は銅の話が出てないね ゆうべは銅の話出てたのに



Specific gravity of 24-karat gold: 19.32
Specific gravity of 18k gold: 15.50
And w
Specific gravity of tungsten: 19.30
I heard that these days you can find out by X-raying.
Now we'll have to niggle and judge it from a thermal conductivity standpoint.

There was no mention of copper today.

And I didn't get it last night.
I see. 
I just did some research.
24K is 100% pure.
18K is 75%.
14K is 58%.
10K is 42%.
Reference Site.

The finance company is offering 99.9% purity, so it should be in the 24k class.







Then it's a gambling market.

How much is one gold bar? I was going to look into it, though.
First of all, the prices of gold and iron stuff fluctuate.
In addition, the price of 1 gram is different depending on the purity.

Last night I interpreted it as gold plating around copper, but if the weight of one bar is processed to match the weight of the real thing, you have to use a lot of secret weapons in your day job to check the purity.

I'm the one asking my day job to do it, and I don't have the skills to spot it.

Is gold a London market?
There were gold reserve solicitations back in the bubble, we did for a while, but on a small scale, small money! I'm just wondering.
I quit after the bubble burst. It was the Mitsubishi guy, I think.

After processing rare metals, you can see the shape of the material?
For this cost, some of it is dependent on others.
And then the rest of the world was relying on China.
He was making you feel like you couldn't stand on your own?
I started to fret about this and then they lifted me up as a yo-yo.
My big, serious self is ineffective in yo-yoing.

ブラジル軍、アマゾンの先住民族にマスク支給 コロナ対策⬅ほう

2020-07-02 21:45:01 | 時事

【ロイター】ブラジル軍、アマゾンの先住民族にマスク支給 コロナ対策 [爆笑ゴリラ★] (91)
ニュース速報+ 2020-07-02 15:19

今 金が1つのキーワード

Reuters] Brazilian military gives masks to indigenous Amazonian tribes to counter corona [laughing gorilla] (91)
Breaking News + 2020-07-02 15:19

It's more about the gold being mined and the mercury flowing.
Can you guys spot the miners?
Money is the key word right now.
I'll come out later.

さて大河ドラマの楠木正成 この派生って橘氏? 相馬の甲冑作ってるでブチっときた

2020-07-02 21:09:45 | 時事
さて大河ドラマの楠木正成 この派生って橘氏? 相馬の甲冑作ってるでブチっときた

楠木正成・正行親子を大河ドラマに ゆかりの京都府内自治体も ...www.kyoto-np.co.jp › 地域のニュース
2020/01/28 - 鎌倉末期の武将・楠木正成(まさしげ)と正行(まさつら)親子を主人公とした大河ドラマの放送実現に向け、誘致活動が近畿一帯で広がっている。楠木家の本拠地である大阪府南部の市町を中心に、京都府の山城地域からは笠置町と八幡市が ...

「楠公さん」を大河ドラマに! | 隠岐の島町www.town.okinoshima.shimane.jp › www › contents
「楠公さん」を大河ドラマに! 「楠公(なんこう)さん」を大河ドラマに! 「楠公さん」の愛称で知られる楠木正成(くすのき まさしげ)・正行(まさつら)親子は、鎌倉時代末期から南北朝時代にかけて活躍した武将です。 現在、本町も加盟する「楠公さん」大河ドラマ誘致 ...

大河誘致へ楠木正成の甲冑寄贈 大阪・富田林の企業が市に ...www.kyoto-np.co.jp › 全国のニュース
3 日前 - 南北朝時代の武将楠木正成親子を描くNHK大河ドラマの誘致に役立ててもらおうと、精密金属プレス加工業を営む住吉金属(大阪府富田林市)が正成の甲冑を制作、29日に市へ寄贈した。 同社の鹿児島工場(鹿児島県薩摩川内市)では ...

大河誘致へ楠木正成の甲冑寄贈|【西日本新聞ニュース】www.nishinippon.co.jp › ... › 全国・海外ニュース › くらし
3 日前 - 南北朝時代の武将楠木正成親子を描くNHK大河ドラマの誘致に役立ててもらおうと、精密金属プレス加工業を営む住吉金属(...|西日本新聞は、九州のニュースを中心に最新情報を伝えるニュースサイトです。九州・福岡の社会、政治、経済 ...

楠木氏 - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 楠木氏
楠木氏(くすのきし)は、河内国を中心に、南北朝時代に活躍した南朝方の武家。「楠氏」と表記される事もある。 目次. 1 歴史; 2 南北朝合一以降; 3 歴代当主; 4 伊勢楠木氏. 4.1 概要; 4.2 伊勢楠木氏庶流. 5 系譜; 6 脚注; 7 参考文献; 8 関連項目; 9 外部リンク. 歴史[編集]. 本姓は橘氏。一般に伊予橘氏(越智氏の分家)の橘遠保の末裔という(『系図纂要』など)。しかし、楠木正成以前の系図は諸家 ...
‎歴史 · ‎歴代当主 · ‎伊勢楠木氏 · ‎系譜

たちばな甲冑工房 - 歴史・資料館 / 相馬市 - ふくラボ!www.fukulabo.net › shop › shop
たちばな甲冑工房. タチバナカッチュウコウボウ ... 相馬市といえば相馬野馬追、相馬野馬追と言えば甲冑!こちらの甲冑師さんは、長年の技を駆使してすごく強くてきれいな甲冑を作っていらっしゃいます。ここの工房だけでなく他の場所に飾ってあるのもあるそう ...

So, the Taiga drama Kusunoki Masanari. Is this derivative of the Tachibana clan? I'm making a suit of armor for Soma, and it hits me.

Masanari Kusunoki and Masayuki Kusunoki's father and son to be featured in a Taiga drama, with local governments in Kyoto Prefecture having a connection to the ... .www.kyoto-np.co.jp ' Local News
2020/01/28 - Masashige Kusunoki and his son, Masatsura, a late Kamakura warrior Efforts to attract people to broadcast an historical drama featuring the Kusunoki family as the main characters are spreading throughout the Kinki region. Kasuoki Town and Yawata City in the Yamashiro area of Kyoto Prefecture, as well as cities and towns in the southern part of Osaka Prefecture, the headquarters of the Kusunoki Family, will be invited to take part in the drama. ...

Prince Kusunoki as a historical drama! | Oki-no-Island Town www.town.okinoshima.shimane.jp ' www ' contents
Prince Kusunoki in the drama series! Nanko-san in a historical drama! Kusunoki Masashige and his son, Masatsura, known by the nickname "Prince Kusunoki-san", were born in Kamakura He was a military commander who was active from the end of the era to the Nanbokucho period. Currently, our town is a member of the "Prince Kusu" group, which ...

Masanari Kusunoki's armor donated to Osaka's Tondabayashi City ... .www.kyoto-np.co.jp ' National News
3 days ago - To help attract NHK's Taiga drama about father and son Kusunoki Masanari and his son, a military commander during the Nanboku Dynasty Sumiyoshi Kinzoku (Tondabayashi City, Osaka Prefecture), a precision metal stamping company, produced an armor for Masanari and presented it to the city on the 29th. The company's Kagoshima plant (Satsumasendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture) has donated a portion of its profits from the sale of the plant. The company's Kagoshima plant, located in Satsumasendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture, ...

Donation of Kusunoki Masashige's armor to lure people to Japan co.jp ' ... ' National and International News ' Life
3 days ago - To help attract NHK's Taiga drama about father and son Kusunoki Masanari and his son, a military commander during the Nanboku Dynasty Sumiyoshi Kinzoku Co., Ltd. is engaged in precision metal press processing. | The Nishinippon Shimbun is a news site that provides up-to-date information on the news in Kyushu. Society, politics and economy in Kyushu and Fukuoka.

Kusunoki - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Kusunoki
The Kusunoki clan was a group of warrior families from the southern part of the country, mainly in Kawachi Province, who were active in the northern and southern dynasties. The Kusunoki clan is sometimes referred to as the Kusu clan. Contents . 1 History; 2 After the union of the Nanbokucho dynasty; 3 Successive heads of the family; 4 The Kusunoki clan of Ise Kusunoki. 4.1 Overview; 4.2 General lineage of the Kusunoki clan. 5 Genealogy; 6 Footnotes; 7 References; 8 See also; 9 External links. History[edit]. The original surname is Tachibana. It is generally believed to be a descendant of Tachibana Toho of the Iyo Tachibana clan (a branch of the Ochi clan) (Genealogical Histories and other sources). However, the genealogy before Kusunoki Masanari is based on various families ...
History - Successive heads of the Kusunoki clan - Genealogy

Tachibana Armor Studio - History and Archives / Soma City - Fuku-Lab! www.fukulabo.net ' shop ' shop ' shop
Tachibana Armor Studio. Tachibana Armor Studio ... Soma City is known for its outdoor horse race, and Soma Nomaoi is known for its armor! This armor maker has been making very strong and beautiful armor for many years. It's not only here in the workshop, but also in other places. Some of them are not only in the workshop, but also in other places.


馬狩りはされて当然だった このエリアの人たち。

それだけ陰湿で隠し事の山 武家という名の恥晒し相馬はヨシタネ時分から顕家第三子を自称。

桓武平氏は相馬一族を含む、細川や伊達 その他勢力。

闇でどうにか繋げよう 勢力の一部と捏造しようという意図を感じるが桓武平氏は死んでも交わりたくない仇。

It's clean in the south, but over here it's all black.

The family used to have a lot of armor and helmets in the old days to cover their debts. The people who owed the money couldn't pay it back or something, and that was the collateral? You don't need it, though. Plus, they took a precious, precious heirloom! I'll take care of your debt! I've heard that the family was sometimes resented for saying this. He should have borrowed money from Matsudaira or Soma, but he borrowed money from them and never returned it (bitterness).
It's a very long time ago, and it's been a long time in history.
The people in this area who deserved to be hunted by horses.
However, they seem to have a grudge against not Tokugawa Ieyasu, the man who hunted horses, but the Meiji government, which later hunted horses.

Plus, did they know Hirohito had Tokugawa blood in his veins? I even think.
That's how insidious and hidden the mountain of things is. Soma, a disgrace to the name of the warrior family, calls himself the third child of the Ken family from the time of Yoshitane.
At the time of Yoshitane Soma, the Soma family called themselves the children of the Ken family. Maybe this was something that all the forces of the Kuyomon knew.

The Taira kammu clan that claimed to be successful as a military force under Minamoto Yoritomo.
This was engraved on a stone monument. It was a lie now! does not work.
This helped to unravel the trick of the Genpei War.
The Taira family is not the Heike family.
The Heike were the Hosokawa, Date, and other forces, including the Soma clan.
A few years ago, at the Silk Road exhibition, I smelled a statue of Shakyamuni, whose influence extended to Afghanistan, and whose chief strategist attendants were painted with kuyou patterns as accessories.

This would be an all-out confrontation with the Buddha, right?
Let's connect somehow in the dark. I sense an intention to fabricate with some of the forces, but the Taira kammu is an enemy that he doesn't want to interact with even if he dies.

ここも駄目 あそこも駄目



No, not here, not there.
It's not like we didn't have a place to live.
You know what I mean.

I've been beaten to it.
You tricked me.

The phony imperial family is mainly Soma, Date, Matsudaira, and Iwakura.