
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか

これマジか 永久保存版創価学会 虚言と自演の犯罪者処分方法出さないと。オウムは単に過激派なだけでオウムと同じだ創価は。

2020-07-05 22:52:54 | 宗教と犯罪
This is for real? Permanent Creationist Society, we need to come up with a way to get rid of the criminals who are lying and acting out. Aum is just an extremist, just like Aum, Soka is just like Aum.

I thought it wasn't going to last after that, but it was still there, wasn't it?

自演と虚言吐いてるだけなんだ そいつら
こいつら 朝鮮学校卒業者か、貧困家庭の在日系と見てるんだけど
I'm sending you to the other side of the world, madman. 
It's just stunts and bullshit. Those guys.
It's more like he's acting out his schizophrenia.
He can't continue to make his case because he's acting and lying.
You'll start to get a feel for their behavioral patterns.
They run away and come out, changing their names one after the other.
I'm assuming these guys are either Korean school graduates or poor families in Japan.
That route stinks too, since I'm the one who is terminating the free continuation of Korean schools.

朝鮮学校出たか 創価の学校出たような顔だ 確かに
いちいち全部拾っても見きれない ニュースとしては。
ただ、テレビより はるかに大事だったり需要あるものを見つけてきたなら
見たよ あの写真
同じような職場だろう 介護系職の臭いがした
If someone who recently obtained a photo of a member of the Tokyo gubernatorial campaign helpers compared it to
How many of the same faces were in both camps.
You look like you went to Korean school. You look like you went to a creative writing school.
Myself, I have a measure of facial deviation.
I can't watch every single one of them as news.
But if you've found something far more important or in demand than TV.
We're in luck!
I saw that picture.
It's probably the same kind of place you work, but it smells like a nursing home.

自分な 2011年あたりから創価調べだして数年で学会辞めたいって人に
山口那津男は自分の顔 見た事あるな
その他安倍達は一切見たことないだろう 合った事もないし
それだけ やれてるフリ 理解出来てるフリって
It's me. I've been researching creationism since 2011, and I've been trying to get people to want to quit the Society for a few years.
You wrote him to quit if he wanted to.
So, if you're holding a grudge against them, I'm going to set them on fire.
Or Natsuo Yamaguchi, for that matter.
Natsuo Yamaguchi has seen his face before.
Other than that, you haven't seen any of Abe's men. They've never met.
That's all you can do to pretend you're doing okay... to pretend you understand.
Just like Sonny's mass stalking.

現実見えた時 あまりの空虚ぶりに落差を感じるのが見てた人。
それらは戦前や戦後 あちこちに出回ったのね現実。
I've been putting my 9 billion and 30 million on one of the terms since then.
He asked me to pay for my services in running the blog, running everything from national politics to the blog, in addition to this money.
I was doing it.
Nine billion and thirty million is one part of the money our ancestors took from the Soma clan for break-ins and robberies.
If we don't give it back, then these people in this environment will not be able to do what they did.
They won't admit it was a crime and a mistake.
He's not going to admit that it was wrong.
It's all strangers who are doing whatever they want with their assumptions and attracting customers.
Because those people have made the world a better place with it. 
When you see the reality, the people who watched feel the fallout from too much emptiness.
Not only do you have to pay back the money, but you have to edit out the accusations and bullshit in each book.
It's been floating around a lot before and after the war.
It's also a condition of asking for it to be fixed.

加えて、アキヒトだも美智子だの 天皇家とかいう役者組織は役者でしかなく
In addition, Akito, Michiko, and the Imperial Family are just actors, not actors.
I've offered to fix it because it's not consistent with the Constitution.
There's nothing wrong with that.

雅子の親族もだし、河野太郎の自演書き込みやってるな 名無しで。
あと竹田恒泰とか 臭い奴って全部いっしょなんだから。
あと政治家で書いてそうなの 他にもウジャウジャいるようだけど
金沢くさい つまり森喜朗方面
森喜朗自身ではなさそう 例えば親族とか。
自分、日本人だけど 森喜朗は北朝鮮系だぞ?
田中角栄も北朝鮮だろう 田中真紀子がとぼけてるけど。
Masako's relatives, too, and Kono Taro's own posts, nameless.
And Tsuneyasu Takeda and all those stinkers are the same.
Also, there's a bunch of politicians who seem to be writing in the same sentence.
It smells like Kanazawa. I mean, it's the Moriyoshiro area.
Not likely to be Moriyoshi himself, for example, or his relatives.
Or Abe's brother's nephew.
I'm Japanese, but Moriyoshiro is of North Korean descent.
Kono Taro, on the contrary, is Korean.
Naoto Kan is also Korean.
Ichiro Ozawa's face looks Korean too, but I'm guessing it's somewhere between Korea and North Korea.
Kakuei Tanaka is probably North Korea, too, though Makiko Tanaka is bloviating.

過去帖の件だけで公や警察 宮内省全部 敵で該当してるから。

The entire Ministry of Public Works and Police and the Ministry of the Interior are enemies in this case alone.

娘相当 偽善者なんだろう 川嶋の子供と一緒で。
いなくなってもらわないと こういうサイコパス犯罪者の撲滅出来ないから。
Something about the content below makes me want to sacrifice Hisako's daughter in Africa.
She got one of Hisako's daughters married to Izumo Taisha, and one of them works for UNICEF.
She must be quite a hypocrite, just like Kawashima's kids.
We can't eradicate these psychopathic criminals unless they're gone.

515ラグドール(東京都) [ニダ]2020/07/05(日) 15:22:15.24ID:36Drpk1G0
■ 創価学会の敵対者対策マニュアル

a)創価学会への反対者に対しては、将来的に考えても その子息子女を落とす必要がある。








i) 反対者を会のネットにブラックリスト登録し全国何処へ行っても追及の手を緩めない。

j) このマニュアルは会員の周囲には絶対知られては成らない。
The Soka Gakkai's Anti-Adversary Manual

(a) As for opponents of the Soka Gakkai, their sons and daughters will have to be discarded in the future.
  There is a high probability that they will break due to the misfortune of their sons and daughters.
  We should discipline their children not to rebel against the Soka Gakkai.
  It is necessary to destroy the marriages of the sons and daughters of those who oppose the Soka Gakkai.
  They must not be enemies of the sons and daughters of their members.

(b) It is important to get rid of the members' business enemies in order to secure funds.
  The sons and daughters of a member's business enemies should also be destroyed with an eye to the future.
  The sons and daughters of members must be disciplined so that they do not become the enemies of the member's business.

(c) Make sure that dissenters do not receive a high reputation in the community.

(d) Each member needs to check and solidarity and drop them as if they were naturally unhappy.
 No member should ever be doubted.

e) Make sure that trust is not gathered in the words of the opponents.

(f) It is necessary to bring down those who will lead to the opposition's stability.

(g) It is necessary to always squeeze them economically/psychologically.

(h) Members should gather each other's friends after seeing each other with their eyes, and when fighting, they should always attack in groups of three or more people and Drive them to mental illness.

i) Blacklist opponents on the Society's network and do not relent in pursuit of them anywhere in the country.

j) This manual must not be known to the members' surroundings.

448デボンレックス(宮城県) [ニダ]2020/07/05(日) 07:31:17.02ID:1XKd4+7Y0
I did a Twitter search on "Haarp" and was surprised to see a bunch of people saying the same thing.
Also, I've heard that many of the people saying this are using icons of animals, flowers, and white women.
I also got some insights that didn't matter.

つまり草食男子か、女 白人女の写真は自分の顔にコンプレックスがあるブスか
今回これ調べてくれたおかげで、自分 何か見つけたかも。
HAARPって一応 アメリカの気象兵器扱いされてたのね311後。
フラグで地震 雷 台風 地震は現実起きてたの 311後だ。
Good perspective
I mean, it's either herbivorous men, or women, and the pictures of white women are either ugly with a complexion of their own face.
Really white.
Thanks for looking into this, I might have found something.
The people who want to label it HAARP don't like America.
HAARP was treated as an American weather weapon after 311.
And it's not! And no matter how much you show them, they don't seem to understand.
Flagged earthquakes, lightning, typhoons, and earthquakes were real, but they happened after 311.

また書く奴は そういう事にしたい人達で統合失調症自演の諜報活動。
今回やってるの 女達だな 大半。 そして ロシア、ウクライナのコース。
It's pretty much stopped being talked about after a few hurricanes in the US.
People who write again are people who want to do that, schizophrenic self-acting intelligence.
I was pissed off at the CIA then, and it was happening on that scale.
You're doing the women this time. Most of them. And the Russian and Ukrainian courses.

を敵視し、共産党に敵意が集まらない こう考えて諜報活動やってる女たち。
日本でも災害あるたび HAARPだHAARPだと書いてた糞な諜報活動
The Russians have been attacked by the U.S. disaster in China! And if you spread the word that China is the United States
The women who are doing intelligence work thinking this way and not attracting hostility to the Communist Party.
Every time there's a disaster in Japan, they write HAARP, HAARP, HAARP, shitty intelligence
Intellectuals or the area around Asadoin Taikan. 
The parrot's craziness is different because it was written about the possession of a guru.
I've been able to gather information on both 2chan and 5chan for 9 years.

調べたら出ると思うよ 朝堂院大覚はロシアのプーチンと会ってるから。
その関係性でいけば やっぱりHAARPがやったと言う工作書き込みは
アメリカの宣伝というより アメリカのせい!という方向性が強い。
I'm sure if you look it up, you'll find that Choudouin Daikaku has met with Putin in Russia.
If we go by that relationship, I knew the operative posts that say HAARP did it.
It's not so much America's propaganda as it is America's fault! This is a strong direction.

今 HAARPのせいと拡散する気違いは、見ると気持ち悪い
そういう連中。まだ19とか20歳 あるいは17歳とかもあり得る。
あとは20代 あと30代前半か んで50代か60代
The crazies who are now spreading the word that it's HAARP's fault are sickening to see.
In the masses, yes. It's an operative's disease where you can't see your face in the mirror without looking creepy, and
Those guys. They can be 19 or 20 years old, or even 17.
They could be in their 20s, early 30s, or even their 50s or 60s.
A den of intellectual cockroaches.

そいつら 諜報活動とプロパガンダやるのにツイッター使ってるから。
They use Twitter for intelligence and propaganda.
It's not Instagram. It's Twitter.

中国共産党を助けてやってる? いつだか イスラエルで共産党にテコ入れ
してたな そー言えば!!!!!!
You're helping the CCP? Whenever... he took a stab at Israel's Communist Party.
I did, I'm telling you!
With this line.

虚言とやり逃げ 自称イスラエル人の特徴
イスラエル嫌いの自分はね イスラエルの諜報活動は中国じゃウケが悪いと
全体的では あたし寄りなんだよ 中国人。
Falsehoods and get away with it. Self-proclaimed Israeli traits.
The Chinese either love it or hate it. 
As an Israel-hater, I thought Israeli intelligence wasn't popular in China.
I'm making a decision. Only the wealthy have a taste for it.
You know, they're more my kind of people.

中国で曹操が人気あるっていうのが まず指針。
キンペー自体が歴史の人になってるんだけど いない所にロマンを求める?
商人エリアは関羽を好んでるというから 違うな。
This is where even Kimpo's head hurts.
My first guideline is that Cao Cao is popular in China.
Kim Pei himself has become a man of history. What's the point of seeking romance where he isn't?
The merchant area favors Guan Yu, so no.

頭痛すぎるから ゴジラが出た!!!!
という展開のほうが 黙らせやすいと。。。
ほんと ゴジラ音だな あの動画

ユーチューブのニュースのおじさんが好感度あったんで ちょっと冷静。

あのアナウンサーのおじさん NHK風だけど 臭くないな

やっぱな 情報戦は数で
という戦法は 私がうざがって駄目だから。
数でというなら 世界が黙るこの規模 最後ここで締めるから。
I knew it, man. Information games are outnumbered.
I won't be fooled by this strategy.
If you want to talk about numbers, this is the size of the world, so I'll end it right here.

ほんとに 何で普通にしてられないのかな?って感じ
あのおじさん 普通すぎて臭くなくて 良かったな 単なるニュースだったけど。

中国人 わりと自力で何とかしてるから余計な事出さなくとも。
そこも 東京、大阪、福岡あたりの移民工作員より静かだよ 中国人。

下手すりゃ ああまた神降臨した!と喜ぶ奴すらいるかもw

それで、イスラエルがキンペーにテコ入れした効果より こっちの効果のほうで
解消され イスラエルがあっけにとられるパターン。
この前って1年も前かな? あん時何あったんだっけな。

またわいた アメリカのHAARPのせいと言うロシアの工作員 ロシアはこれで滅亡するかも。

2020-07-05 03:10:54 | 時事


1イエネコ(愛媛県) [US]2020/07/04(土) 16:14:44.00ID:FBCRP9MH0●?PLT(13000)>>57>>77>>103>>162>>184>>253>>288>>356>>430



熊本が狙われてる意は不明だけど、都知事選の目くらましの意もありそうだな。全国的にまだまだ降らせるつもりだろう。#人工豪雨 #気象兵器 #熊本 #河川氾濫 #悪意的なダム放水



いいげる(シャドウバン解除につき復帰。Stop 5G! Stop シャドウバン!)@igel_jp
③天気を悪くして投票率を下げ、 #不正選挙 の成功率を上げる
ために、 #気象兵器 #HAARP で大雨降らせてたのか

persistent madness
This is Japanese madness.

1Eneko(Ehime) [US]2020/07/04(Sat) 16:14:44.00ID: FBCRP9MH0●?PLT(13000)>>57>77>103>162>>> 184>253>288>356>430

yumin From Awakening to Enlightenment @yunyunAngel
Dearest Kyushu!
Can you see these thin clouds swirling around? This is a weather weapon called Haarp. Kawauchi and Tanegashima also have it. This is how the country causes disasters. Please notice it. And please secure your own safety. Do not worry about the corona? It's just a cold.

Electromagnetic crime, mass stalking crime!
These are the perpetrators of electromagnetic crimes who take advantage of the rainy season to increase the amount of rainfall with electromagnetic weapons (weather weapons).

Talking Catfish @ Ki Ki is 17 years old @A3FjKoYiNLxZO78
I'm not sure what the intentions are for Kumamoto, but it seems to be a distraction from the Tokyo gubernatorial election. They're probably trying to make it rain all over the country. #man-made torrential rains #weather weapons #Kumamoto #river flooding #malicious damming

Dwellers of the Blue World @lightplanet20
#fraudulent election
#indiscriminate terrorism
#brainwashing press
#mercury vaccine
#Malignant Additives.
#evil is all connected.

Dwellers of the Blue World @lightplanet20
#fraudulent election
These are being manipulated by the same forces.
Isn't that right, agents?
You guys don't scare me at all.
Cowards who only live in the shadows!

I'll be back in the Shadowban. @igel_jp
It's the last day before the Tokyo governor's race.
(1) Lowering the amount of coverage of the Tokyo gubernatorial election relative to
(2) Reduce public interest in the Tokyo gubernatorial election
(3) Making the weather worse to reduce voter turnout and increase the success rate of #fraudulent elections.
That's why they're using the #haarp weather weapon to make it rain so hard.
Also, they'll be celebrating at the Jimin-Tei in Akasaka.








People who come in with a cat or cat in their name or ID.
Mostly Soka Gakkai people.

Russian and Chinese created agents write all over Twitter as stupid crazy Japanese.

Twitter is only used in Japan by these idiots.
The rest of the time, it's just a matter of advertising for contractors and communicating with the authorities.

So a few years ago I complained to Twitter Inc. and spread the word that criminals were getting away with trading accounts.
A real criminal.
Furthermore, agents who still blame HAARP in this day and age.
I'm picturing Chinese teenagers to 20-somethings.
How old are you really?

He's doing it on purpose, so when he's put out, he stops writing, so he throws out the garbage and runs away, repeatedly.

It's a thrill to get away with urban legend barrage! Like a spirit.
If you're supporting Abe or something, you're a Chinese agent.
A blame shifting shit post made to look like schizophrenia.
Chinese and Korean agents pretending to be Japanese

Maybe he's from an area that's about to get caught in the torrential rains in China right now.
To see the flow.
I can write Japanese, not Japanese translations.
In Japan.

熊本豪雨 パヨク「これがHaarpと言う気象兵器。国はこうして災害を起こす」「都知事選の目くらまし」


どこの人間?と思わせるの 辞めてほしいな

Torrential rain in Kumamoto: "This is a weather weapon called Haarp. This is how the country causes disasters." "Distraction of the Tokyo governorship election
https://hayabusa9.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/ news/1593846884/431-n

Intentionally spreading the blame for HAARP, but without evidence
He's persistent when I say I'm not.
It's just like a bunch of mass stalking trash.
Russian agents are always these crazy people.
And it's also Korean.

Come on, you chameleon-like thing.
Where do you come from? I wish you'd stop trying to make me think.





Everywhere you go, dirty and persistent, ranting 24 hours a day. When a normal person runs into him, he has no excuse and runs away.

You're killing the culture! It also reeks of the people who were calling for it.
The kind of demographic that writes adult comics and stuff?
So, Fukuoka.
The reason why I don't like Fukuoka is because it has a strong Chinese and Korean smell.

It's just an immigrant. It's really stupid, isn't it?
The Saga, Kumamoto, and Fukuoka flags were already out.
It's a really persistent group stalker.
He's like a stalker, a really persistent head, and an idiot.
A bunch of self-centered people who don't think about the environment.

Plus Ise was flagged as well, so the Ise area.
What's with you, Master Amabie? 
You're mad at me, so are you going to put up Miyaji Hirai again?
Damn it.




こういう市場でわかるんだ 工作員がどう動いてるか。
明太子は韓国人だな これ。

We need to rattle them.
To the point where it's impossible to recover.

They are the Koreans and Chinese who settled in Fukuoka.
Mostly stupid.
And that's how it looks to the sane people of Japan.
How the world sees you.

Psychotic ranting? Where it would appear that
If it's a Russian agent, it's propaganda in the guise of a disease.
I know.
That's the Koreans and the Chinese in there.
Fukuoka Mentaiko is also made and sold in Russia for the last two years.
They also had American cod roe on sale today.

You can tell in a market like this how the agents are working.
Mentaiko is Korean. This.




Local products are produced in other countries while calling for hatred of Japan. In other words, Fukuoka products will be swallowed up again.
By those crazy, self-acting spies out there.
And when that happens, we will not be able to keep them out of the country.
Those guys seem to stay up 24 hours a day because they're crazy.
They take their meds from the hospital? This layer of

More crazy Koreans and Chinese now that Aso has destroyed the Kudo-kai
And the product is gone.

These guys are agents and they are crazy criminals who seem to be up 24 hours a day.

中華の亡命民と北朝鮮の日本人化したヤツ いらねーから出ていけ

2020-07-05 02:12:11 | 日記
中華亡命民 北朝鮮の日本人化したスパイ 韓国人在日

これ ロシアのルートだな


在華ソビエト軍事顧問団 - Wikipediaja.wikipedia.org › wiki › 在華ソビエト軍事顧問団
在華ソビエト軍事顧問団(ざいかソビエトぐんじこもんだん)は、中国国民党政権に派遣された、ソ連赤軍軍人によって構成される軍事顧問団である。 目次. 1 概要; 2 歴代首席顧問; 3 主な軍事顧問; 4 脚注; 5 文献. 概要[編集]. 中国革命を目指す孫文が国民革命軍の創設と強化のため、隣国ソビエト連邦から招いたのが始まりである。孫文の死後に跡を継いだ蒋介石は、革命軍を率いて北伐を行い、各地の軍閥勢力を撃退した。 ... アレクサンドル・チェレパノフ(1923-1927/1938-1939); ヴァシーリー・ブリュヘル(1924-1927); ミハイル・ドラトヴィン(ロシア語 ...

Chinese exiles, Japaneseified spies in North Korea, Koreans in Japan

This is the Russian route.

The University of Tokyo

Soviet Military Advisory Group in China - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Soviet Military Advisory Group in China
The Soviet Military Advisory Group in China was sent to the Chinese Nationalist government , a military advisory group made up of Soviet Red Army soldiers. Contents . 1 Overview; 2 Successive chief advisors; 3 Major military advisors; 4 Footnotes; 5 References. Overview[edit]. Sun Yat-sen, who was seeking to revolutionize China, invited them from the neighboring Soviet Union to create and strengthen the National Revolutionary Army The beginning. After Sun Yat-sen's death, Chiang Kai-shek, who succeeded him, led the Revolutionary Army into the North and defeated the forces of warlords everywhere. ... Alexander Cherepanov (1923-1927/1938-1939) ; Vasily Bruher (1924-1927); Mikhail Dratvin (Russian ...









北朝鮮の妹 あれ顔見ただけで集団ストーカーの口だと思ったし。
朝鮮人が 中国人が、私と同じではないよ。


それで福岡にうちの系図か何か 行ってないかな?
連中なんだが。もう死ぬかな? あのおばさん。
憎たらしくて絶対戸籍離さないわ あの女福岡出身だから。

"I'm Japanese!" for decades abroad. And the only person who spoke to you was a sign that said he was Japanese?

Then you'll see it differently.

That's how much of an impersonator you are when it's discovered
Your opponent will be shocked.

During the war, the Japanese military gathered people in neighboring countries for military relations.
In those days, both Koreans and Chinese could be Japanese.
This is the most recent one.

In addition, we are encouraging more and more immigrants in the entertainment and sports fields to come from all over Asia for drinking and entertainment.
The reason for the reduction in the number of engineers in Japan by these immigrant groups is that they lost the battle for market share in the manufacturing industry to foreign countries and the plan was to move the labor costs to cheaper places.

If spies are sneaking into politicians and legislators, the industry loses, the courts don't get involved in overseas market battles, and the lawyers who can do it don't have to. No. Because from the beginning, spies were often the lawyers.

They were all one-way tickets, and they couldn't be Japanese if they were immigrants.
The public, who only gave him the title of Japanese, did not see the disparity.
Noh-less tatemae officials

In the end, it's because of a lot of other-powerful puritanical thinking.
And because they have been promoting a trashy aristocracy at public expense without amending the constitution while fabricating a big lie.

Altruism is a Buddhism created by people in North Korea.
And the rest is Russian-inspired brainwashing.
And my sister in North Korea. I thought that was the mouth of a group stalker just by looking at her face.
Koreans, Chinese, not the same as me.
How much damage was done.

Tsuneyasu Takeda, who is often mentioned, is also a child of the phony royal family.
He has a Korean face.

So do you think they have any of our family in Fukuoka?
His idiot relative's wife is running off with it, like a good little girl from Fukuoka.
They're a bunch of people. Are we going to die? That lady.
I hate her so much I won't let go of my family register. She's from Fukuoka.
And a Manchurian woman. So that's her name.



I'll even sell my relatives.
That's all the energy and time we have to spend.
It takes a lot of energy and time. I'm doing a lot of things that these guys can't do. The family hides something and runs off with it, and that's unforgivable.

If this is why Taro Aso is moping around, then he's not going to get away with it.
I'll put it out there on purpose.
9.03 billion!!!!






本当 適当だ 技術職が仕事が絶える。

金を返して 安倍、麻生。

What those ladies have might not be what I've been looking for. It's annoying to have that kind of stuff around with me.

It's unconstitutional just because the actors who spoke of the royal family have been deceiving us with their crazy religion and misrepresenting the fact that it doesn't conform to the Constitution.

No matter how many people are born, our family lineage has carried this misfortune. Ex-royalists playing the role of officials or aristocrats and not a shitty one at that. What's the big deal about these people surrounding Shinzo Abe?
You're all pretend royalty and pretend Japanese.

Mitsui and Mitsubishi are full of crazies.
Look, it's just like the way England has fallen.

Your contracts have been all over the place until now, haven't they?
It's the nature of the contractors who are subcontracted by the government to be responsible for their work.
They didn't even approve of the changes. It's not their money and they didn't even change the budget itself.
The children of former officials who don't take it into account, who are stupid and leave it to others, will do the same thing.

Monju, for example, is a structure that doesn't consider the time of demolition.
It's so appropriate. There will be no more jobs for engineers.

Give us back our money, Abe, Aso.

さ、ロシア発モスクワシグナル事件の全貌解明なるか プーチンこういうので、追えるから大半は

2020-07-05 00:04:14 | 事件

モスクワ・シグナル事件 « 集団ストーカー辞典
gaslight.braindrops.info › ...
モスクワ・シグナル事件. 1950年代にモスクワのアメリカ大使館で原因不明の熱や吐き気、頭痛などを発症。 駐モスクワ米大使館に勤務していた2人の外交官が、向かいのビルから照射された電子監視装置の放射線を浴び、リンパ腺ガンを発症し、ウォルター・ ...

The Moscow Signal Case " Mass Stalking Dictionary gaslight.braindrops. info ' ...
The Moscow Signal Case . An unexplained fever, nausea and headache at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow in the 1950s. Two diplomats working at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow were exposed to an electronic monitoring device that was irradiated from the building across the street. He was exposed to radiation from the U.S. and developed lymph gland cancer, and Walter ...

It already reeks of public safety and creationism, doesn't it?
Those are the grounds on which he said it smelled Russian.



モスクワシグナル事件 – ハイテク悪用犯罪と集スト被害resatrevlig.info › 2019/01/24 › モスクワシグナル事件
2019/01/24 - モスクワシグナル事件. ソ連によるモスクワの米大使館盗聴. この事件はインターネットで電磁波問題について検索したりするとたまに検索結果に出てきます。 電磁波攻撃について問題になっているニュースは珍しいので少し書こうと思います。

There's no Wikipedia on the Moscow Signal case.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to choose key words from the references of the people who write specifically about it.
Search results.
Web search results

Moscow Signal Case - High Tech Misuse Crime and Collective Damage resatrevlig.info ' 24/01/2019 ' Moscow Signal Incident
24/01/2019 - Moscow Signal Case . Wiretapping of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow by the Soviet Union . This incident sometimes comes up in search results when you search the internet for electromagnetic wave issues . I'd like to write a little bit about electromagnetic attacks, since it's very rare to see news stories about them in the news.


1945年ソ連からモスクワの米大使館あてに 鷲の飾り物がプレゼントされた。








That's supposed to be a trick.

In 1945, the Soviet Union gave an eagle ornament to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
(Oh, you saw the article about the guy who didn't do this.) 
The eagle had a listening device in his mouth.
He found a bug in 1952, which means it's been there for seven years.

But isn't a wiretap supposed to work without batteries? And I saw another article about that, too, that said it was only activated when the electromagnetic waves were irradiated. .

So, it could be interpreted that he was activating it from nearby at the time he wanted to bug the room.

Normally, it would be impossible to activate it due to a dead battery, and in important situations, the conversations of the people staying in that room would be Intercepted.
So it's set up that it was going through the tubes.

How far away and where do you send the electromagnetic waves to activate it?

Absolutely, the entire eagle? Or the body parts were doctored to be intercepted.
Were you able to do that high tech in the Soviet Union at the time?

Hypothetically, I would think of it this way.
The bug was set from the beginning. But it had to be charged to keep it running for a long time. That's why I had put it there.
In the private life of the person who goes in and out of the room, some device was attached to his clothes, or I'm told that when you invited a woman into your room, an electromagnetic tool was placed under your desk.
It's puzzling in that it sends electromagnetic waves from long distances back in the day.

Incidentally, Huawei's communication repeater can be compared to something like this, for example. Even if it's not intercepting conversations, it's like pulling money out of a shutdown, or looking up a PIN number.


1953年の出来事 | 写真素材・ストックフォトのアフロwww.aflo.com › editorial-images › features
1953年の出来事 | 1953年(昭和28年)の出来事を振り返るアフロの写真特集。テレビ本放送開始、スターリン死去、バカヤロー解散、エドモンド・ヒラリーがエベレスト初登頂成功、英エリザベス女王戴冠式、朝鮮戦争が休戦など、日本国内や世界での主な出来事 ...

1955年の出来事 | 写真素材・ストックフォトのアフロwww.aflo.com › editorial-images › features
1955年の出来事 | 1955年(昭和30年)の出来事を振り返るアフロの写真特集。砂川闘争、集団就職、アインシュタイン死去、森永ヒ素ミルク中毒事件、後楽園ゆうえんち完成、ジェームズ・ディーンが事故死、保守合同で55年体制成立など、日本国内や世界での ...

アメリカ大使館が幻聴って、ラジオか無線だな 使った機材は。

A new microwave incident at the U.S. Embassy in 1953. Low power frequency and only uncovered as an incident.
In 1955, two people at the embassy began complaining of auditory hallucinations.

Events of 1953 | Photo material and stock photos of Afrowww.aflo.com ' editorial-images ' features
Events of 1953 | Afro's photo feature looking back at the events of 1953 (1953). Television broadcasts begin, Stalin dies, Bakayaro is disbanded, Edmund Hillary becomes the first person to climb Mount Everest. Major events in Japan and around the world, including the successful ascent to the summit, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, and the ceasefire of the Korean War ...

What happened in 1955 | Photo materials and stock photos of Afrowww.aflo.com ' editorial-images ' features
Events in 1955 - A special feature on Afro photos looking back on the events of 1955. The Sunagawa Struggle, mass employment, Einstein's death, Morinaga's arsenic milk poisoning case, and Korakuen Amusement Park completed. , the accidental death of James Dean, and the formation of the Conservative joint 55-year regime in Japan and around the world ...

You were an intelligence officer for the British Royal Family in Russia.
So, chronologically, Elizabeth is going to come out. If you think about it that way, is that a calculation that the US was being attacked and monitored by the British?
The U.S. Embassy's hallucination is a radio or a radio. The equipment they used.



You know, Putin and the KGB and the North Koreans teamed up more than 30 years ago to make funny radio waves. Every day. It sounded like a normal radio, but it was actually a double layer of content covered with a frequency that you couldn't normally hear. Feeling. A command and instructional thing for North Korean agents. Young people today don't know that.
Was it back then, when amateur radio was all the rage?
Were you working on an experiment back then?

They had him brainwashed on the radio and radio. That was the MIC at the time.
If you knew and went through with it, then the MIC is also North Korea, and the technology is provided by Russia.


あるはずのないものが現れる陽性症状 | 統合失調症ナビwww.mental-navi.net › トップ › 症状を知る › 症状の種類
イラスト:正体不明の幻聴に反論してしまう様子(周りの人. 幻覚は、実際にはないものをあるように感じることです。視覚や聴覚、嗅覚、触覚などさまざまな感覚で現れます。 なかでももっとも多くみられるのが、実在しない人の声が聞こえる幻聴です。その声は、 ...

プーチン達 逆をやられる事を想像しておけ。

マイクロ波とか出てくるけど、具体的にどういう物って昔はラジオか無線機。あとは周波数という単語でテレビも出るけど、テレビで幻聴はあんまりなかっただろう 昔は。

絶対マインドコントロールが解けない 思い込み強すぎて。

People who have had their brains destroyed by that thing will be able to hear auditory hallucinations.

Positive symptoms that appear when something that shouldn't be there | Schizophrenia Navi www.mental-navi. net ' Top ' Symptoms ' Types of symptoms
Illustration: refuting an unidentified auditory hallucination (people around . A hallucination is the feeling of something that is not really there. It can be manifested by a variety of senses, including sight, hearing, smell, and touch. The most common type of hallucination is hearing the voice of a non-existent person. The voice is ...

Putin and his friends, imagine the opposite being true.
To what extent are you reacting to the fact that you hate crazies?
I don't like it on the scale of losing towns and cities.

You've been doing radio and radio as a demonstration, right? in those days
Ahead of that, an American embassy demonstration?
Sure enough, he said, he started having auditory hallucinations.
There's something about microwaves and such, but what kind of thing, exactly, used to be a radio or a radio. Also, the word "frequency" is used to describe TV, but there weren't many auditory hallucinations on TV in the old days.
Can the actors in "Hail to the King" hear the auditory hallucinations?
Yeah, some of them are disabled.
If you say they're all of them, then they may have been crafted in the images of the programs, including NHK.

The "Long live the Emperor" group is similar to Aum Shinrikyo.
I can never get rid of my mind control. I'm making too many assumptions.


安倍のバックヤードにロシア そう仕向けてるのはエリザベスか


The auditory hallucinations in 1953 or 1955.
Maybe it wasn't a bug, but they set up a radio and played it low and loud. It could be at home, not in the embassy room, or it could be a moving car. It could have been set up in all the places if it was bad. Low frequency. If it was silent, it wouldn't go in.
Even mosquitoes are too noisy to sleep when they are flying.
There is a frequency there.

You do it until they physically break you, right?
The Russians in Abe's backyard. It's Elizabeth who did this to you.
I've already detected the smell.

Ambassador to the U.S. Embassy
I think you may have Ebola. Bleeding from the eyes.
Strange blood diseases.

We lost a young KGB man the other day.
What's that?

モスクワ中心部で銃撃 情報機関本部近く、職員1人死亡 - 産経 ...www.sankei.com › world › news › wor1912200002-n1
2019/12/20 - 【モスクワ=小野田雄一】モスクワ中心部のロシア連邦保安局(FSB)本部周辺で19日夕、男が銃を発砲し、FSB職員1人が死亡、5人が負傷した。イタル・タス通信などが伝えた。 FSBは旧ソ連国家保安委員会(KGB)の後継機関で、プーチン ...

ロシア情報機関本部周辺で発砲、職員1人死亡…犯人射殺 : 国際 ...www.yomiuri.co.jp › world
2019/12/20 - FSBは、プーチン大統領も所属した旧ソ連の国家保安委員会(KGB)の後継機関だ。20日はFSBなど情報・治安機関の職員らの功績をたたえる記念日で、事件はこれに合わせたものと取りざたされ ...

これで今回の選挙内容な訳? 限界値が見えたと。



イギリスで監視、ロシアは委託 タイミングを見て暗殺。

Shooting in central Moscow, near the headquarters of the intelligence agency, kills an employee - Sankei ... .www.sankei.com ' world ' news ' wor1912200002-n1
12/20/2019 - [Moscow - Yuichi Onoda] The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in central Moscow ) One FSB employee was killed and five others were wounded when a man fired a gun in the evening of March 19 in the vicinity of the headquarters. Itar-Tass news agency and others reported. The FSB is the successor agency to the former Soviet State Security Committee (KGB), and Putin ...

Shots were fired in the vicinity of the headquarters of the Russian intelligence agency, killing an employee ... and shooting dead the perpetrator : International ... .www.yomiuri.co.jp ' world '
12/20/2019 - The FSB is the State Security Committee (KGB) of the former Soviet Union, of which President Vladimir Putin was a member The 20th is a day to commemorate the achievements of the FSB and other intelligence and security agencies, and the incident It has been reported that the ...

Six months ago.
That's what this election is about? He said he could see the breaking point.

You haven't done any clinical trials on electromagnetic waves at your place?
If they did, the specimens would be mostly brain-damaged and schizophrenic.
How long are they in Russia?
The North Korean crazies cling to Abe.
They are all Aum Shinrikyo-like types. What does this mean?
It means that we are surrounded.
They're North Korean-affiliated, or rather, military and intelligence officials under the Empire of Japan.
Like Momota.

I guess just by looking at his face.

Putin must have gotten a job from the British royal family.
Assassination of a former Russian spy who defected to the UK.
Surveillance in the UK, Russia commissioned a timely assassination.
This is the kind of plot that I was writing about at the time, speculating that May was caved in, because this is the kind of plot that would have been
Maybe you're right.





ここまで気違いを量産してきたんだ 落とし前とれ。

If you look at it from the standpoint of Russia, which was contracted to do the British job.

There will be air raids in Russia, right?
Every time the scale is so large that it winds its way to neighboring countries.
Can we survive that in Russia?

I knew that the Russian officials could pretend they didn't see it.
Redwoods of the World
We've already transcended the world.

A shooting on a Russian anniversary.

There are quite a few crazy cults in Japan.
This comes off the books in many ways.
The "Aum Shinrikyo" is like a Russian veterans' organization.
No, it's even crazier than that.
We've been churning out crazies this far. Take the fall.