Japan-Israel Goodwill Ambassador Gen Nakatani?
The last time I heard of a new organization, it was British-centric and along these lines.
下手な諜報部員顔負けするよ 情報量と追跡結果に
Israel, I'm telling you I'm full of it.
You're as bad as your undercover agents.
For information and tracking results.
JIFAについて | 日本イスラエル親善協会
japan-israel-friendship.or.jp › about
ユダヤ文化の花開く国、ユダヤ教の根付いた土地であるとともに、キリスト教発祥の地であり、イスラムの聖地でもあります。 ... 中谷元(衆議院議員・前防衛大臣、日本イスラエル友好議員連盟会長); 山谷えり子(参議院議員・元国家公安委員会委員長); 榛葉賀 ...
About JIFA - Japan Israel Friendship Association
japan-israel-friendship.or.jp ' about
The country where Jewish culture blossomed, the land where Judaism was rooted, and the birthplace of Christianity. It is also a holy place for Islam. ... Gen Nakatani, member of the House of Representatives, former Defense Minister, and president of the Japan-Israel Friendship Parliamentary League; Eriko Yamatani, member of the House of Councillors (Senator and former chairman of the National Public Safety Commission); Haruhaga ...
中国に強い姿勢で…中谷元防衛大臣ら世界議連設立 › webnews › pages › ann_000185858中谷元防衛大臣ら世界議連設立 ... た中国に対して強い姿勢で臨むべきだとして、日本やアメリカ、イギリスの国会議員らが世界的 ... 日本の代表は元防衛大臣で自民党の中谷元衆議院議員と無所属の山尾志桜里 ... G7外相が対中国共同声明へ 06/08 13:08.
Taking a strong stance on China...Former Defense Minister Nakatani and others established the World Parliamentary Association ' webnews ' pages ' ann_000185858
Former Defense Minister Nakatani and others establish a global parliamentary group ... The parliamentarians from Japan, the U.S. and the U.K. are calling for a strong stance against China. ... Japan will be represented by former Defense Minister and LDP member of the House of Representatives, Gen Nakatani, and independent Shiori Yamao, ... G7 foreign ministers to make joint statement on China 06/08 13:08.
You talk about goodwill, but the important thing is that it never works.
That's what I'm trying to do, to not move it.
Israeli culture is not the equivalent of a national sport.
First of all, he refuses to admit this.
He made sumo wrestling, a traditional Mongolian sport, the national sport, by claiming it was through Israel.
It's time for this to be withdrawn as well, because
You know it's a bit obvious.
イスラエルに作られた 戦時と戦後に
Japan is not Israel.
Made in Israel, during and after the war.
So I am in a victim position where I am caught up in Israel.
If you treat Israeli culture as a national sport, Israel would be proud to be Japanese.
Even the newly formed West Noida is an Israeli island! It would be mistaken for a good idea.
And more importantly, I'll start writing in my biography that the God of Israel made the island?
How much I hate riding on my back.
A gallery that doesn't seem to be on point
これ 規制かけてくるかな?
もう そこまで見つけ始めてる
ユダヤ防衛同盟 - Wikipedia
ja.wikipedia.org › wiki › ユダヤ防衛同盟
ユダヤ防衛同盟(英語: Jewish Defense League、略称: JDL)とは、アメリカやヨーロッパで活動するユダヤ人極右組織である。組織のモットーは「NEVER AGAIN」。 目次. 1 概要; 2 主な活動経歴; 3 歴代議長; 4 関連項目; 5 外部リンク. 概要[編集]. 「アラブ人 ...概要 · 主な活動経歴 · 歴代議長
Do you think they're going to regulate this?
I'm already starting to get that far.
Jewish Defense League - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org ' wiki ' Jewish Defense League
The Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the It is a Jewish far-right organization operating in the United States and Europe. The organization's motto is "NEVER AGAIN". Contents . 1 Overview; 2 Main activities; 3 Past chairs; 4 See also; 5 External links. Overview[edit]. 'Arabs ... Overview - Main Activities - Past Chairs
いや 911にミニ核爆弾を使ってるのを指摘してたんだし 自分はそういうとこまでやってきてる。その判断が一部のアメリカ人に評価されてると自負がある。
No. He pointed out that they used a mini-nuclear bomb on 9/11, and he's gotten to that point himself. . I'm proud to say that that decision is appreciated by some Americans.
They've been doing a lot of research on psychopaths and cults.
They're trying to find out if there's a lot of them in Japan.
The more the entertainment sector expands its market, the more crazy speakers there will be. As the video game market expands, the number of real world misfits will increase. As the water industry expands, the number of addicts will increase.
This is part of what I'm defining.
在イスラエル米大使館のエルサレム移転から1年、影響と現状 ...www.afpbb.com › articles
2019/05/13 - 【5月13日 AFP】米国のドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)大統領が歴代政権の方針を転換してエルサレムをイスラエルの首都と認め、在イスラエル米大使館をテルアビブからエルサレムに移転してから間もなく1年がたつ。
それで大洪水にあう それはどういう意味かわかるだろう?
It coincides with the self-proclaimed Israeli class's common selfishness situation that is happening.
A long time ago when this happened, people called Israelis, people who said they were persecuted in Judea and Samaria.
He said that that place over there is our country and went to a place in Palestine. And they took it next to Palestine and occupied it all the way to Palestine. And that area was divided.
There's also the event where Trump was in office a few years ago when he recognized Israel and moved his embassy there.
A year after the U.S. Embassy in Israel moved to Jerusalem, the impact and current situation .... .www.afpbb.com ' articles '
May 13, 2019 - [May 13, 2019 AFP] It has been nearly a year since US President Donald Trump reversed the course of successive administrations, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
If that's Israel, then the Israelis scattered across the Hoho would have returned there, wouldn't they?
So there's going to be a major flood. You know what that means, don't you?
I don't like it.
Don't draw the line, it's all Israeli religious cults everywhere. It's the same in Japan. So that's the Chinese and Russians in the background.
And on top of that, the UK.
私の家のように、見えない所でおかしな人間が寄ってこられた その人らは知ってて、自分達は隠されて生きてた。
And it seems that some Israelis are dark-skinned, some are white, and some are brown.
There is a great deal of hubris about Israelis being gods and so on.
Is Jesus Christ an Israelite? In the past, it has been clearly put out that he is a Jew.
Around last week in the UK, was Jesus Christ white? There's also an uproar about the removal of the statue.
What does it all mean?
What's the spirit?
Always Israel hides that kind of spirit.
It's as if they hide the darkness of the tribe.
Just like my house, we had crazy people come to us out of sight, those people knew and they lived hidden from us.
Just like the tribal groups that have forced us to do these things.
Israel, the Jewish people, that is.
If you define them as acting exactly like the Korean tribal people, it's easy to see why they have been hated.
In response to the discrimination, I'll point this out as well.
The man in the legend of Moses who broke the forbidden tablet given to him by God and reworked its contents for his own selfish purposes?
You can't keep your word, so you broke it.
Then you'll have to die.
The contraindication is a cautionary note that is advice to "you". I don't know whether it is against Moses alone or against the outside world.
The argument that I am the God who broke it and rewrote it and rewrote it.
Furthermore, there are even people who think that if they go elsewhere, they can dream and be a God-user.
If the subject is an animal, though, it's hard to say if it's a messenger beast.
The common denominator among Jews is "disobedience to the authority and status of others.
You'll have to die.
「神は罪をかぶってくれた 私達の代わりに」
生贄を差し出す これでおさまる という精神。
The common denominator of the Jewish people is the "disobedience to the authority and status of others
Well, that's an evil spirit! It's exactly like the events I wrote about.
And Jesus Christ, a Jew, was sold to the same Jews, captured and tortured to death.
And in later life, after Da Vinci died?
God has taken our sins on for us.
That kind of blame shifting and otherness took root.
That kind of altruism.
Offering a sacrifice. The spirit of the sacrifice is settled.
If it's vicious, you've abused them and created a strong god.
It's as if they are a thing.
It is probably the legend of the Inugami that its subject has remained as an ancient Japanese legend.
We did the same thing in America this time, didn't we?
Black girl dies. Well, get angry at the subject and then let her die.
The method of starting to treat them as gods and using them as a shield to protect themselves.
Jesus Christ would have used this technique to make the god of religion that the outside world had created a strong god as a substitute for him.
They are too much of an assumption in their heads, too one-dimensional, too self-centered, too self-centered, and too persistent and noisy in their missionary and commercial appeals, but they are unable to make an effort to harmonize with others.
That's why I have a strong desire for possessions, and I want things to decorate myself incessantly.
It's a greedy, animalistic, flawed demographic.
At any rate, I'm also writing based on the Japanese crazies.
もうアウトだろ 同性愛で同性愛の末の婚姻関係って。どう登録してあるのか知らないけど、少なくともオバマの妻には男性器がついてるように見える。
It's animalistic and unreasonable in its thinking.
Clinton had an affair with his mistress in the White House?
Don't think I'm human, but I'll write it down clearly.
copulation (in animals)
Then Obama cheated the world and became addicted to a man's love affair with a man and made him his wife, and in a physical sense, a man to man affair.
Then they couldn't have children, so they would register in a sperm bank and donate their sperm to some woman for fertilization.
And when she gives birth, the pattern is to take her in as your own child, or you've been adopted from the start, right?
The only thing that passes at the last minute is the pattern that he couldn't have a child with his wife and adopted a child.
You're already out, homosexual and homosexual end of marriage. I don't know how it's registered, but at least Obama's wife appears to have male genitalia on her.
And then I'll drop a bombshell.
The corona that's going around right now is a virus for sexually transmitted diseases.
Strictly speaking, a virus that comes from homosexual sex.
And this is combined with excretory organ sex.
I'm picking and choosing words because they're a bit too extreme to write.
上流階級と公務員層のホモセックスから拡がるウイルスだ たぶん。
選ばれた民族 神にもらったこの土地
この言い分が今 どこまで通用するかというあたり。
まあ自分は選ばない 掟破って神は自分と言い約束事は書き換えて
二重人格でこっちとあっち 両方に振れてるのでは?
二重人格 何の精神病にあったか。。。
解離性同一障害か 確か
I didn't scatter it myself, but I had a rough guess if I had looked into it.
It's a virus that spreads from homosexual sex between the upper class and the civil service class, maybe.
Plus, it's expected to spread further through prostitutes.
Elderly people have lowered immunity, so they have less resistance and are at risk for adult-onset disease, so they're more likely to be seriously ill.
In addition, there is probably an improved version of the virus.
If it evolves in the human body and spreads through humans.
For example, I'm not Jewish, but I could produce something that would counter the Jewish Bible.
A chosen people, this land God gave us.
It's about how far this argument can go now.
Which God says he's chosen for us.
Well, I didn't choose it. I broke the law, said God is me, rewrote the promise.
We were destroyed by a people who would take a backseat.
You're about to lose your mind and start throwing out sacrifices.
Is the far left in America the same as the far left in Japan? But it's similar to the far right.
Because it's the far right that has rewritten it.
Isn't the dual personality swinging both ways?
Dual personalities. What a psychopath you were.
Dissociative Identity Disorder.
こうした中で、自分の中にいくつもの人格が現れるものを多重人格障害(解離性同一性障害)といいます。 ある人格が現れているときには、別の人格のときの記憶がないことが多く、生活面での様々な支障が出てきます。 これらの症状は、つらい体験を自分から切り離そうとするために起こる一種の防衛反応と考えられています。
解離性障害|病名から知る|こころの病気を知る|メンタルヘルス ...
こう位置づけしたら、在日帰還をトランプはやったのね?と思う事ができる。日本でいう李氏朝鮮移民じゃないか。百済信仰で中華思考 これ日本史を書き換えした日本のイスラエルね。
自分 解離性障害じゃないから。
大嫌いだね 辻褄合わなくて。
In such a situation, when multiple personalities appear in oneself, it is called multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder) It's called. When one personality is manifesting, there is often no memory of what it was like in another personality, and various aspects of life It can be disruptive. We think of these symptoms as a kind of defense response that occurs because we try to separate ourselves from the painful experience. It has been shown to be
Dissociative disorder
The United States of America is Israel, is that what you're saying these days? I began to be convinced. That Israel is part of the United States. In Japan, it's the Chinese-Americans in Japan.
Trump who provided a place for it to return to.
If you position it this way, Trump did the zainichi return, didn't he? You can think of it as Isn't that what we call the Japanese equivalent of a Lee Korean immigrant? Faith in Baekje and Chinese thinking. This is the Israel of Japan rewriting Japanese history.
It's their fault that they don't like Israel.
I don't have a dissociative disorder.
It's true that we are at war with the world's intelligence services.
It's a shame that I'm being lumped in with Richard Koshimizu, the book-selling publicity peddler and spreading lies. . This guy is with Renho and Aoyama Gakuin.
I found him today. This guy's a Russian agent.
He's with Asadoin Taikan. Just like her.
This is the Israel of Japan.
I hate them. They don't add up.