It's the last night of the holiday and a night owl. I quickly found out about the myth of the ox-headed emperor and the elephant cult before that. Chinese medicine.
やべーな 冴えてる
Holy shit, that's brilliant.
アジアゾウ - Wikipedia › wiki › アジアゾウアジアゾウ(Elephas maximus)は、哺乳綱長鼻目ゾウ科アジアゾウ属に分類されるゾウ。アジアゾウ属の模式種。現生種では本種のみでアジアゾウ属を構成する。 目次. 1 分布; 2 形態; 3 分類; 4 生態; 5 人間との関係. 5.1 繁殖. 6 出典; 7 参考文献; 8 関連項目. 分布[編集]. インド北東部および北西部・中部・南部、インドネシア(スマトラ島、ボルネオ島)、カンボジア、スリランカ、タイ王国、中華人民 ... 中華人民共和国では、骨灰が漢方薬になると信じられている。約5500年前には、インダス川流域で運搬などに使役された。In the People's Republic of China, bone ash is believed to be a herbal medicine.
牛黄(ゴオウ)その一 | 生薬のはなし | どうき・息切れ・気つけに ... › herb › herb03牛黄は『日本薬局方』にも収載されているとおり、牛の胆のう中に生じた結石、要するに胆石です。牛黄は約1〜4センチメートルの不規則な球形または角(かど)のとれたサイコロのような形をした赤みがかった黄褐色の物質で、手にとってみると以外に軽く、割って ...Introduction to herbal medicines | Synchronization, shortness of breath and caution
The following is a list of some of the most common herbs used in Japan: ' herb ' herb03 Cow's Hwang is a stone in the gall bladder of cattle. Cow huang is a reddish-brown substance about 1 to 4 centimeters in size, irregularly spherical or horned and dice-like in shape, and is quite light in the hand, and can be broken ...
The following is a list of some of the most common herbs used in Japan: ' herb ' herb03 Cow's Hwang is a stone in the gall bladder of cattle. Cow huang is a reddish-brown substance about 1 to 4 centimeters in size, irregularly spherical or horned and dice-like in shape, and is quite light in the hand, and can be broken ...
牛黄(ゴオウ)について|明日ゲンキになるマメ知識|アスゲン製薬 › blog › 2018/11 › post-11
2018/11/28 - ゴオウは牛をしたとき、胆のう、胆管中より採取し、乾燥して市場品とします。 ウシの品種は世界の各地域で ... 漢方の用語で"作用が弱くても,長時間飲んでいて副作用が起こらない薬"とされる。 <薬効薬理>. ゴオウの効果を紹介いたし ...
About "Gohuang" |The knowledge of "beans" that will be useful tomorrow|Asgen Pharmaceutical ' blog ' 2018/11 ' post-11
Nov 28, 2018 - Gow is collected from the gall bladder and bile ducts when the cows are slaughtered and dried to make a marketable product. Bovine breeds are found in various parts of the world ... In Chinese medicine, it is considered "a medicine whose action is weak but does not cause any side effects after taking it for a long time." <It is also known as "the medicine that does not cause side effects after a long period of time. We introduce the effect of Gourdough. ' blog ' 2018/11 ' post-11
Nov 28, 2018 - Gow is collected from the gall bladder and bile ducts when the cows are slaughtered and dried to make a marketable product. Bovine breeds are found in various parts of the world ... In Chinese medicine, it is considered "a medicine whose action is weak but does not cause any side effects after taking it for a long time." <It is also known as "the medicine that does not cause side effects after a long period of time. We introduce the effect of Gourdough.
イギリス人 これ知らなかったのか
乱獲やめて!!! 象牙使わないで!!!
10年の間 よく見た訴えだったけど、自分は象牙使うなと拡散した本人だけど
象牙だけじゃないじゃん!!! 漢方薬じゃん!!!
Cattle are bred on a food basis, but are elephants eligible for wildlife protection?
Englishman, you didn't know this.
Stop overfishing! Don't use ivory!
It was a common complaint I saw for a decade, but I'm the one who spread the word about not using ivory.
That's not just ivory! That's herbal medicine!
Englishman, you didn't know this.
Stop overfishing! Don't use ivory!
It was a common complaint I saw for a decade, but I'm the one who spread the word about not using ivory.
That's not just ivory! That's herbal medicine!
3,縁起という宗教上の個体利用 ※象牙や皮製品
4,その猟師達による個体操作 ※あくまで思い込みかも
of course
1, Because some aristocrats bought the value of taxidermy at a high price.
2、The study of strange medicine?
3、The religious use of individual good luck * Ivory and leather products
4. Manipulation of individuals by their hunters *may be an assumption
5, Slaughter by hobby
6, in case they are being kept, population control on cost
1, Because some aristocrats bought the value of taxidermy at a high price.
2、The study of strange medicine?
3、The religious use of individual good luck * Ivory and leather products
4. Manipulation of individuals by their hunters *may be an assumption
5, Slaughter by hobby
6, in case they are being kept, population control on cost
さくっと出てくる 高度な情報
Quick, sophisticated information that comes up.
The difference between those who don't understand after hundreds of years and those who do.
たぶん 象の漢方薬は闇なんだ。中国のみたいなとこで信じて使われてる?
Maybe elephant herbal medicine is dark. Is it believed and used in places like the Chinese tribe?
Because it doesn't come up online.
Because it doesn't come up online.
タイの人々とゾウの深いつながりを知る - JTB › report › 2014/07 › sp_thai-elephant
2015/06/29 - 象は王を守り先頭を切って戦う、勇気と誇りの象徴とされているのです。 また、多くのタイ国民が信仰しているのは仏教では「ブッダのお母さんはある日、白い象がお腹に ...含まれない: 漢方薬 | 含めて検索: 漢方薬
サイの角やトラの骨、中国が医療目的の使用を合法化 - › World
2018/10/30 - 中国政府は29日、漢方薬の材料として知られるサイの角とトラの骨を、医学研究や治療の目的で使うことを認めるとの法改正を ... 中国は昨年末に象牙の取引を禁止し、保護活動家からはゾウの保護につながると期待する声が上がっていた。
China legalizes use of rhino horns, tiger bones for medical purposes -
乱獲してこれを獲るとされたら反対されるな これ
⬅If it's only an object that has died in the ecosystem, it's fine.
If they're supposed to catch this thing by overfishing it, they're going to object to this.
If they're supposed to catch this thing by overfishing it, they're going to object to this.
数年前 タイだかどっかの寺院でトラ🐯を飼育してて虐待してた事件があった。
トラだったよな? 宗教でか トラを観光資源に使っての過度な虐待。
それ時事で出てたんだけど、現地で警察入ったんだ 確か。
A few years ago, there was a case of a tiger 🐯 being kept and abused in a temple in Thailand or something.
It was a tiger, wasn't it? Excessive abuse by religion or using tigers as a tourist resource.
That was out in current events, and the police were brought in there, as I recall.
It was a tiger, wasn't it? Excessive abuse by religion or using tigers as a tourist resource.
That was out in current events, and the police were brought in there, as I recall.
ああ2016年だったか よく覚えてるだろ?
この時 よく動いたよね タイの管轄組織で。
怒られると思った? なら、あたしは怖いキャラでいいんだろう。
Yeah, it was 2016, remember?
You did a good job with that.
Did you think you'd be pissed off? Then I'm just a scary character, right?
You did a good job with that.
Did you think you'd be pissed off? Then I'm just a scary character, right?
解説:タイのトラ寺院に40頭の子トラ死体 - ナショナルジオグラフィック › atcl › news
2016/06/08 - 疑惑のトラ観光寺院「タイガー・テンプル」から、トラが姿を消そうとしている。 タイ・バンコクから北西へ3時間の距離にあるこの寺院では、15年前から動物虐待と違法取引を指摘する声が上がっていたが、5月30日、タイ当局はついに強制捜査に ...
Commentary: 40 Baby Tigers Dead in Thailand's Tiger Temple - National Geographic
タイの「トラ寺」に赤ちゃん40頭の死体 虐待など疑い:朝日新聞 ... › articles
2016/06/01 - トラと一緒に写真を撮ることができる仏教寺院として人気のタイ中部の「タイガー・テンプル」で1日、生まれたばかりのトラ40頭の死体が敷地内の冷蔵施設から見つかった。タイ天然資源・環境省の国立公園局が明ら…
40 dead babies suspected of abuse in Thailand's 'tiger temple': The Asahi Shimbun ...
「トラと自撮り」の裏側の残酷な現実:虐待とスピード繁殖 - 環境 ... › 2016/08 › 「トラと自撮り」の裏側...
トラを見世物にするタイのエンターテインメント業界には動物虐待が蔓延していると、World Animal Protection(WAP)の最新レポートが伝えた。このレポートは、タイのタイガー・エンターテインメントについての初の網羅的調査だ。 WAPの調査によれば、タイの ...
The brutal reality behind "tigers and selfies": abuse and speed breeding - Environment ...
タイでトラ86頭、保護先で死ぬ=虐待の寺から救出後:時事ドット ... › 国際
2019/09/16 - 【バンコク時事】タイ天然資源・環境省は16日、動物虐待の疑いがある寺で保護したトラ147頭のうち、86頭が移送先の飼育施設で死んだと発表した。「寺の中で繁殖が進み、(近親交配により)免疫不全などの障害を抱えていた」と分析して ...
86 tigers in Thailand die in shelter after being rescued from abusive temple: current events dot ...
免疫不全等の障害 全体の59% 訳60%が死亡 残り40%
Disorders such as immunodeficiency, which accounts for 59% of all cases, 60% of deaths, and 40% of all cases.
I knew we'd have to manage the male and female, including quarantine, and see where the kids go.
If the children are placed in the same area where the male and female were born, inbreeding will occur.
I knew we'd have to manage the male and female, including quarantine, and see where the kids go.
If the children are placed in the same area where the male and female were born, inbreeding will occur.
乱獲というより近親交配避けだったり? 希少になるほど近親交配になり得るか。
Is it more about avoiding inbreeding than overfishing? Can it be inbred to the point of rarity?
Animals are one belly on the management side of the equation.
I hope it's only an argument that he was mourning in the mood for burial after the hunt.
Animals are one belly on the management side of the equation.
I hope it's only an argument that he was mourning in the mood for burial after the hunt.
信仰で神を食っちゃう 神をいただく 神を体内に取り込んで同化する
I'm going to eat God with my faith. I'm going to eat God. I'm going to take God into my body and assimilate him.
Using God as his apostle
These ideas are the starting point for cannibalism.
Using God as his apostle
These ideas are the starting point for cannibalism.
死にそうな同僚 死んだ同僚の肉体をさばいて、自分が同化し 神をいただく
こう思ってたんじゃないのか?!と言ってるんだ 大日本帝国のカルト軍人は。
It's a matter of ethics, though.
I can also see the origins of backstabbing here.
I can also see the origins of backstabbing here.
成り代わり その人を演じる。
見事に取り憑かれたって人 いるだろ。
Instead, I play the role of that person.
It's dangerous to think that the person you're acting out is a lucky person.
Then why don't you play the bad guy from Yotsuya Ghost Stories too? I mean...
I'm sure there are people who say they're totally obsessed.
The only image I can imagine of the worship of Ushidotenno is an abandoned building in Roppongi with a cow's head on it.
I don't have a good image of it. I heard that Tyoudoin Daikaku used to go in and out of the building.
I don't have a good image of it. I heard that Tyoudoin Daikaku used to go in and out of the building.
象信仰か インド以外にタイとか他所にあるんだな。
Elephant beliefs. I guess there are other places besides India, like Thailand and other places.
たぶん そう
The Tendai sect of Buddhism adopted the Yakushi Nyorai as its principal deity instead of the Amitabha, based on the Shinnou Honcho Sutra.
Maybe so.
I used to think of cannabis as a medicine man.
First it was the divine farmer, then it was the medical king, who used the paralytic component of cannabis to slide into the medical king.
It's possible that he was also on a treatment trial.
Maybe so.
I used to think of cannabis as a medicine man.
First it was the divine farmer, then it was the medical king, who used the paralytic component of cannabis to slide into the medical king.
It's possible that he was also on a treatment trial.
It seems like the theocratic cults are craving a revival of marijuana, but I've been watching them for a few years and it's no good, man.
The view is that you guys are going to make money on the development of your interests.
The view is that you guys are going to make money on the development of your interests.
Even this tie was initially introduced to the temple idol, the tiger
The article is an afterthought that they couldn't have done something more about it.
It's the same with marijuana. Mekula thinks that once upon a time, the Empire of Japan had interests in marijuana.
It's a projection on what was.
The article is an afterthought that they couldn't have done something more about it.
It's the same with marijuana. Mekula thinks that once upon a time, the Empire of Japan had interests in marijuana.
It's a projection on what was.
Even if you're running a tax-free operation at a Shinto shrine, you still want money, so think about getting a side hustle in marijuana.
You're there. First of all, you can see that there are a lot of crazy people.
You're there. First of all, you can see that there are a lot of crazy people.
ほんと宗教国家すぎるな 八百万の神と言いながら毎回原点に戻って
法律に合ってない。このループ。輸入に頼ってたのは大昔からだな この感じ。
It's really too religious a nation. You say you're eight million gods, but every time you go back to your roots.
It's not legal. This loop. We've been relying on imports for a long time now. It's like this.
It's always been run by guys who have no ability to feed themselves.
What they sell is what they exploit from the Japanese and what they buy is the high cost of imports.
I've been doing this for hundreds of years.
It's not legal. This loop. We've been relying on imports for a long time now. It's like this.
It's always been run by guys who have no ability to feed themselves.
What they sell is what they exploit from the Japanese and what they buy is the high cost of imports.
I've been doing this for hundreds of years.
日本人じゃねーんだな 売り手が。
だから日本人衰退して 売るものがもうないって 武家の都合いいとこを神格化
した神社建てて 行くか?
それが観光資源とか考えて アキヒト達の一石二鳥じゃないか。
神格化 売名 はい税金かからないよ
That's why the Japanese are declining and have nothing left to sell.
Shall we go build a shrine?
Think of it as a tourist resource or something. You can kill two birds with one stone for Akihito and his friends.
Deification, publicity, and yes, no taxes.
Shall we go build a shrine?
Think of it as a tourist resource or something. You can kill two birds with one stone for Akihito and his friends.
Deification, publicity, and yes, no taxes.
これ外人を売りに出したら 野球とかスポーツか 芸能人とか こういうの?
What if we market this to a foreigner, like a baseball team or a sports team or a celebrity, or something like that?
キチガイ増えたな 障害ある人や肩書きインテリしか