Ox-headed Tenno religion and North Korean immigrants. There was a butcher shop in a village in Kyoto. Find out how long they've been in Kyoto, or how long they've been eating meat.
それが自称 「秦」か?
Is that what you call yourself "Qin"?
あるいは、食肉の記録 血を使った儀式の記録
What to look for and how to find it.
If they were slaughtering cattle, they'd be keeping track of their leather goods production.
Or a record of meat, a record of rituals involving blood.
Or the record you held up at the festival.
Or records of cattle being cut up to create herbal medicine.
When the time comes to see how big the time is, we'll see how big it is.
Plus, where was the ranch?
You've been breeding.
Or how far the merchants were moving and selling it.
Even in Kyoto, there are people who want to get their facts straight.
The intellectuals who are kabaning it are desperate to lose their rights.
The reality is that the world wants to know more about a civilization that has been erased.
牛の頭飾ってた場所 311後あったわ そう言えば浪江に。
Also, do you have any lore about the place that was used as a slaughterhouse?
Didn't they decorate the slaughterhouse with cow heads?
There was a place in Namie where a cow's head was displayed after 311.
大阪の朝堂院大覚は東京のとあるビルに、牛の頭を飾ってた場所に、関係してた。そこが朝鮮総連のビルだったらしい 確か。
私から見た朝鮮人 こういう人物像ばっかりだ。
Osaka's Asadoin Taikaku was related to a building in Tokyo where he had a cow's head on display. It was a building that belonged to the Korean Federation of Trade Unions.
That's where the Oshio Gaku incident happened.
I discovered that when I was doing research on it after 2011, and it's the Cow Head Tenwang faith!
I was sure of that. They were gathered in an abandoned building, apparently.
Speaking of sex venues, it's a wonder that Asadoin Taikaku was there.
There were leaks in Kyoto that he was outside the sex venue before the site, too.
Koreans from my point of view. These are the kind of people I see all the time.
吽 | 漢字一字 | 漢字ペディア
www.kanjipedia.jp › kanji
か行 ー こ. 吽. 1級. 画数:(7). 部首:. 部首内画数4. 5063. 525F. 音. ゴウ・ウン. 訓. 意味. ①ほえる。ウシなどが鳴く。 類 吼(ク) ②仏教で、口を閉じて出す声。「阿吽(アウン)」. 参考「阿吽」は梵語(ボンゴ)の音訳で、「阿」は口を開いて出す声。 同じ部首「 」の漢字.
Ka-kyo -ko. Aun. Grade 1 . Number of strokes: (7). Number of strokes: (7). Number of strokes: 4.5063. 525F. Sound. Gou-Un. Words. Meaning . To bark. A cow or other animal cries. 2) In Buddhism, the voice that comes out with the mouth closed. Aun. A-Un is a transliteration of Sanskrit, and "A" is the voice that comes out with the mouth open. Kanji characters with the same radical " ".
阿吽は、仏教の真言の一つ。 ウィキペディア
Aun is a Buddhist mantra. Wikipedia.
阿吽(あうん、サンスクリット語: अहूँ、a-hūṃ)は、仏教の真言の一つ。
Aun (A-Un, Sanskrit: अहूँ, a-hūṃ) is a Buddhist mantra.
In the ancient Indian Sanskrit Siddhu script (Sanskrit Brahma), a (a) is the sound of opening the mouth wide open with no obstruction at all, and m (hūṃ, ugh) is the sound of closing the mouth completely [1]. The arrangement of the Siddham script's letters begins with a (a) with the mouth wide open and ends with m (hūṃ, Un) with the mouth completely closed, from which "a-Un" was taken to represent the universe from its beginning to its end [1]. In addition to the universe, a (a) is sometimes used to refer to truth or seeking, and m (hūṃ, 吽) to wisdom or nirvana.
A-Un has also been incorporated into religious statues, and a pair of statues, one with an open-mouthed a-form and the other with a closed-mouthed un-form, can be found in shrine guardian dogs (originally a lion and a pair of guardian dogs), for example[1]. The open-mouthed A-form and closed-mouthed Un-form can also be found on the Niou statues at temples and shrines and on Okinawan Shisa statues.
Do you understand? Why North Koreans hang out with India.
For me, North Korea is just North Korea and China is just China.
North Korean-affiliated NTT, Kanto Union, Mitsui Zaibatsu, Mitsubishi Zaibatsu
The Empire of Japan is a combination of this North Korean power and the Baekje of South Korea and Wu of China.
The fact that the Iranians had nowhere else to turn but to the North Korean system is also too causal. I've been subjected to that kind of thing myself and I want to break this causal relationship.
I can't be in jail for this, though.
You're going to do what, three years in prison for drug possession?
In the meantime, could you guys have done more? and
I'll tell you later.
宗吽院(宮城県伊具郡丸森町舘矢間木沼/仏閣(寺、観音、不動 ...loco.yahoo.co.jp › 角田
737年に聖武天皇の勅願によって行基が熊野大神を勧請したのがこの寺院の始まりで、宗吽神院とも呼ばれます。993年に大江朝臣良言律師が第一世住職となりました。慈覚大師といった高僧や源頼義などの著名な武将が訪れたこともあります。多数の仏像が ...
Then again, Agonzo is still of North Korean descent, isn't he?
Sounin (Tate Yamakinuma, Marumori-cho, Ichigu-gun, Miyagi Prefecture / Buddhist Temple (Temple, Kannon, Fudo ... .loco.yahoo.co.jp ' Kakuda
This temple was founded in 737 by the Emperor Shomu by his request to the Kumano Daijin, also known as Sounshin-in. High priests such as Jikaku Daishi and famous military commanders such as Minamoto Yoriyoshi have visited this temple. Numerous Buddha statues ...
The origin of this temple dates back to 737, when the Emperor Shomu requested Gyoki to visit Kumano Daishin in order to worship him.
Matsudai, the daughter of Oe, bore a son of the Ken family.
Can this prove that he was a Kumano worshipper at Oe's place?
But you know what the punishment was for last year's floods.
たぶん当時と今 同じ。安倍は徳川家康と一緒。
家康が天下とったの うちが関係してたんだ
Of course, the Southern Dynasties would collapse and their status would be unsettled.
On the other hand, the Northern Dynasty is also broke, with no money to spend.
One of the people who gave them money to keep it there was the Mori family, a derivative of Oe.
This Mouri family also invested in Mount Hiei and rebuilt it. This period was after the burning of Oda Nobunaga.
Both the descendants of Emperor Go-Daigo and the descendants of Emperor Murakami were down in rank, and who would have approved? but usually speaking, it's a descent into subject matter. And we came out like Emperor Uda.
Like now, I'm an emperor, so the records don't come out.
Maybe it was the same then as it is now. Abe is the same as Tokugawa Ieyasu.
The people who look down on this as self-assumption are not! And he has published a large number of books and articles.
Ieyasu took over the country, and we were involved.
Gifu line, right?
書いてあった そもそも松代の家が熊野権現を崇拝してたって。松代と顕家が夫婦だった理由を証明するのもまた、熊野権現。
And there was no Kumano Gongen on Mount Hiei.
I got to have Kumano Gongen in the Northeast.
I don't know which book it was.
It was written that the Matsudai family worshipped Kumano Gongen in the first place. The Kumano Gongen also proves why Matsudai and the Ken family were a couple.
This was our family's Ojirinal.
They have been tricked into believing they were burned down in a fire, even though it was wrong to pull them apart.
If you don't want to be brainwashed by these scams and bullshit in the future, you have to accept this fact.
We are the one who set the mountain gods and bears up.
And the mountain god worshippers also organized waterfall practices.
As a result, they began to place an immovable object at the waterfall.
Originally, Nichiren.
Today Nichiren Shoshu and the Soka Gakkai have nothing to do with it.
こういうキチガイ もうたくさん
こういうの増えて 子供が健全に育つか?
だからイスラエルとか嫌いなんだよ こういう言い分で何千年も同じスタンス
Enough of these nutcases.
Do you think more of these things will help our kids grow up healthy?
https://ameblo.jp/irukacyan107/entry-11702885604.html ...
That's why I don't like Israel or anything else. Same stance for thousands of years with these arguments.
We don't have to share.
天子という単語は殷から始まってる たぶん。
商王朝(殷) - 中国まるごと百科事典www.allchinainfo.com › 中国歴史 › 中国簡略史
孟子』には、天子が位を世襲せず有徳者に譲る禅譲という革命(堯から舜ヘ、舜から禹へ)と、徳をなくし人心の離反した天子を武力で打ち滅ぼす放伐という革命(夏の桀王が殷の湯王によって討伐追放された)が書かれており、孟子のころにこの革命の政治思想 ...
The Qin Dynasty is the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty
Qin Shi Huang is an emperor, not called an emperor.
I mean, there is no word for emperor here.
Japanese cults call themselves anything but heaven-born children.
I'll take the title of emperor.
Tenko. It's just a fraudulent aristocrat who called himself the Son of Heaven in ancient China, even though he is meant to be the Son of Heaven who can control the weather at will, and he's just playing himself in Japan.
The word "heavenly child" starts with the Shang, probably.
Shang Dynasty (Shang) - The Entire Encyclopedia of China www.allchinainfo.com ' Chinese History ' Chinese Simplified History
In the Mencius, there are two revolutions: the Zen Transfer Revolution, in which the Heavenly Son did not succeed to the throne but handed it over to the virtuous (from堯 to Shunhe and Shun to U), and the Liberation Revolution, in which the Heavenly Son, who had lost his virtue and had become disenfranchised, was defeated and defeated by the Tang King of Shang.
Iranians, watch this.
This is how we go back and forth with our roots.
Eventually we'll do it all over again.
I mean, in the future, again, just because they are Iranian and Persian.
They are attacked or killed.
You never get a second chance to change it.
違うだろう 王朝建てられると困る派閥によってだろ?
イラン革命の時、あちこちにイラン人が散ったようだから己等の立ち位置をもう一回 考えてみなさい。
Did the Heike clans have conflicting religious views?
No, you don't. You don't want the dynasty to be built on a different faction, do you?
I'm very responsive to Arabs, and I have a secret history of roots that only those involved know about, the roots of which are disliked by the Iranians by name.
Think again about your position during the Iranian Revolution, when Iranians seemed to be scattered all over the place.
Once again, the Han, Qin and other horse-worshipping tribesmen became warriors in Japan and hunted you.
And they have even been turned into noblemen.
Horses are a line of demarcation and cannot be accepted.