
百戦錬磨 もう百戦越えてますけど その先に何があるのか


2020-07-27 19:36:09 | 時事
ああ奈良北部 確かに。
これ 橿原という字 橲原に似てないか? まあ偶然だろうけど
Yes, northern Nara. Indeed.
Doesn't this one resemble the character Kashihara, or Zisabara? I guess it's just a coincidence.
It's always bothered me, hasn't it?

まつる ああ宮殿あったんだな 宮殿みたなもの
You're right, they do have a palace, don't they? It's like a palace.
There are Japanese who have inherited the religious nature of killing and positioning themselves as gods.

この人物を江戸時代 フラワシのように絵で描いた人がいるんだから
当時から知ってる人いた訳だ フラワシで描くなら中東の事知らないと。
This man was painted like a flower wasp during the Edo period.
That's how someone knew back then. If you're going to paint in Flower Eagle, you have to know about the Middle East.
We know that Prince Shotoku is of ancient Persian descent.
Old Kushana dynasty makes sense.
Because I don't think the flawed eagle is going to come out of Iran.

これと敵対したのはイスラエル系だよね バビロン大淫婦を唱えてたし。
This was hunted around the Genpei War, like a witch hunt.
The hunters inherited it for generations. They must have genetically rejected it.
It was the Israelites who were hostile to this, and they were advocating for the Babylonian Great Whore.

どこでその書物の原型に出会ったか インド北部 やっぱ近いエリア
Prince Nakao's brother, who is of Israeli descent, wrote the Japanese versions of the Old and New Testaments.
Where did you come across the original source of the book, northern India, the area closest to it.
That race is the Qin Dynasty.

そうだな 聖徳太子みたいな人物いたら書物関係は書ける人 多々いたな。
その肝心な物を焚き書し書き直し この行動はモーゼのパクリ。
漢字 サンスクリットの融合はインドと中国で。
That's right... if there was a man like Prince Shotoku, he could write about books.
He'd burn and rewrite that essential material. This action is a Moses pastiche.
Chinese characters, Sanskrit fusions in India and China.

ただ聖徳太子出てくる前の神代はどこにいたのか 中国かインド北部?
犬の輸入をして犬からなのか そして伝説あるのは霊山付近と秩父
You can't move to Japan until after it has been settled. The pioneers were brought in first.
My speculation is probably correct.
Just where were the Jindai before Shotoku Taishi came out, China or northern India?
I guess the way to find this is a rabbit.
Even if you think about the moon, frogs🐸 and rabbit 🐰 in mythology.
And if there are no wolf legends in Nara, it makes me wonder where the wolves themselves came from.
So you're importing a dog, and it's from a dog. And legend has it the dogs are from the Yeong-san area and Chichibu.
As for dogs, wild dogs around the time of Maeda's emergence.

名取にはあるけど、これは犬像で 狼像は丸森と霊山 細身で身長はある
イメージで作ったのかな? わからないけど。
細身で長身な感じの狼像 サルーキとは違うけどな ああ似てるかも。
いや だいぶ前資料で見た時の印象ね 金山神社のヤツ
The Persian dog statue is of a mastiff-like appearance.
There's one in Natori, but it's a dog statue, and the wolf statues are Marumori and Reizan, slim and tall.
Did you make it in your image? I don't know.
Slender and tall looking wolf statue, not quite the same as Saluki, though. Yeah, maybe it's similar.
No, it's just the impression I got from the file a long time ago about the Kanayama Shrine.

霊山のはもうちょっと体格いい 耳と体格似てるか 尻尾もモサッとあったかな
Lingshan's is already a bit bigger, like his ears, or maybe he had a tail like that.
He looks like Shepard.

なきゃ 別の品種かもしれん。
Is there any record of the Iraqi Saluki's predecessor being a wolf?
Otherwise, it might be a different breed.


www.city.kashihara.nara.jp › kankou › spot › jinmu

畝傍山(うねびやま)の北東の麓、橿原神宮に北接する神武天皇陵は、円丘で周囲は約100m、高さ5.5mの広い植え込みがあり、幅約16mの周濠をめぐらせています。 日本書紀、古事記によると、初代天皇とされる神武 ... アクセスマップ. 奈良県橿原市大久保町 ...
Kashihara City/Jhinmu Tenno Mausoleum

自分見てるとこ 違うんだよ。
That's not where I see myself.
The reason they are extinct is because their mates didn't survive.


2020-07-27 19:31:27 | 時事
中華に頼ってるだろ 日本の文化はこうなんだって面をフォローさせてるだろ
You're relying on Chinese. You're relying on Chinese to follow this aspect of Japanese culture.
To Chinese. This is how Chinese characters and civilization has always been imported! And around.
It's not self-explanatory. It often says there are these kanji, but Chinese is like a dictionary.
I feel like it's been done.

何なんだ これ
だから過去 おかしいと言われてる部分がたくさんあっても、直らないんだ。
It also feels like we're letting the Chinese take over. We're in Japan, right? This isn't Chinese, is it?
What the hell is this?
So even though there's a lot of things that have been said to be wrong in the past, they can't be fixed.
It's like I can't improve it myself because I'm operating elsewhere.

日本の歴代天皇の古くは中国の皇帝だ。もともと中国にいて昔の日本は中国貴族で開拓始めた展開だ あたしが思ってるのは。
その貴族が日本に移動始めた その部分を有耶無耶にしてるんだ。
大昔 都度、団体移民がきてあちこちに国が出来た。

イスラエル系が入った時期か 御柱祭が始まり、山の加工でピラミッドは
それ以前かその後か 神代は日本に入ってるし。

白江村の唐時代より前だ 魏は。呉も出てくる。もっと前もある。
戦乱内戦時代 中国貴族は日本移住の開拓を少しずつはじめ整ってから移住。
これは自分の推測。魏志倭人伝しかないから卑弥呼だ 福岡だって
いや中国貴族 奈良方面や地方に分散してたよな?

さんざん焚書してきて わからなくしてる。たぶん 呉が強いんだろうな勢力的に。
あと新羅と百済? こう考えたら台湾総督府と朝鮮総督府の意味も辻褄合う。
Before the Tang Dynasty in Baijiang Village, Wei. Wu also comes up. There's even earlier.
Even Okayama should be the equivalent of the Wei period with the story of the ogre.
Warring civil war era Chinese nobles began to gradually settle in Japan, settling after they were ready.
This is just my guess. We only have the story of the Wei Dynasty, so it's Himiko, or Fukuoka.
No, the Chinese aristocrats, weren't they scattered all over the Nara area and the provinces?

Chinese is uncertain. And Qin-related.
I've been burning a lot of books, and it's getting confusing. Probably Wu is the strongest force in the world.
And Silla and Baekje? If you think about it this way, the meaning of Taiwan's viceroyalty and Korea's viceroyalty also makes sense.

これでいけば、モンゴルは秦で 騎馬民族漢族とモンゴルと相撲
相撲はイスラエルのスポーツってされてた モンゴルに原型がある。
And the reason they're so loud with Mongolia is because of Russian relations in the background. Is China in there too?
There were many articles about Israel and Qin being the same Jew.
So, the Mongols are the Qin, and the horsemen, the Han, the Mongols and the wrestlers.
Wrestling was supposed to be an Israeli sport. It has its prototype in Mongolia.
The advantage of doing this was the Israeli CIA and the Russian KGB.
In other words, the victorious coalition.

Genji is a Mongolian, which idiot is doing the masturbation thing.
A lot of pretend Genji's don't even know that Genji is a bamboo dragonfly. 
They made up a genealogy by copying people's history and riding on their backs.
Like cannibals.

The Cannibalistic Civilization of China and Korea
火事場泥棒し 系図や書物か書き換えだああああー 
糞中華と朝鮮の人食い文明の最初 中大兄皇子の火事場焼失自演と書き換え
うちにやってきた事の原型 ここにある中大兄皇子
火事場泥棒 そんで書き換え そんで背乗り
Fire robbing, rewriting genealogies and books. 
First of all, the first of all the damn Chinese and Korean cannibalistic civilizations, rewritten as Prince Zhongdae's firebombing and self-acting.
The archetype of what was done to our house, this is Prince Nakada, right here.
You're a thief, you're a rewriter, you're a renegade.

この前出しただろ 焼失したと伝えられて他所にあるんだよ いろんな物
The last time I checked, it was reportedly burned down and is nowhere to be found.
中華朝鮮の人食い文明 焚書と背乗り 遡ると人肉食い
なので戦時中 日本軍の一部は宗教的に人肉を食った
Cannibalistic Civilization of China and Korea: burning and backstabbing, cannibalism dating back to the beginning
So, during the war, some of the Japanese military ate cannibalism religiously.

食ってばかりはいいが、背乗りしても中身がない 中身がないから当然わからない
ああアカツキはわかるのか んじゃパクって背乗りしろーって
火炎放射器で焼きたい そいつら
You can keep eating it, but there's no substance to it when you're on your back. There's no substance to it, so of course you don't know
糞道教根性で 神は私に無償で分け与えてくれる 私は天子だとのぼせて
マウントはじめる。これ キリスト教感?
死んでくれた 私達の為に 私達に与えてくれるとか
ムシのいい発想だぞ これ
With his fucking Taoist guts, he gives me a free share of his money, and he thinks I'm a son of heaven.
Start mounting. Is this Christianity?
He died for us, and he wants to provide for us.
It's a great idea.

中華朝鮮に歴史的記録も依存 何でも依存 買えばいいと思ってる。
That's why the Japanese cult is degrading because they have money.
They are dependent on Chinese and Korean historical records and everything else. They think they can buy it.

焚き書でわからないのー 原型中大兄皇子 放火で自作自演
最初からあったものは廃棄し書き換え そして我は天子だぞと自称
モーゼと一緒だな 中大兄皇子
これがユダヤ人だって言ってるんだ イスラエルよく見てみろ
I couldn't make out the name in the bonfire, so I staged the arson attack myself.
will re-write the burned record! The Kojiki and Nihonshoki were created by saying
What was there in the first place, has been discarded and rewritten, and now calls itself the Son of God.
You're with Moses, Prince Nakadai.
I'm saying this is a Jew. Look at Israel.

あったからこそ 古事記を書けたか
それとも最初から旧約聖書を真似したか 当然日本書紀は新約聖書のパクリ
So what was the record before that? 
That's how you could write the Kojiki.
Or they could have copied the Old Testament from the beginning. Of course, the Chronicles of Japan is a copy of the New Testament.
Prince Nakadai's doing.

中大兄皇子は後に天智天皇と書かれた 本人が天智天皇と自称してたか不明
Prince Nakadaio was later written as Emperor Tenchi, and it's unclear if he ever called himself Emperor Tenchi.

我天子 殷の派生と名乗って、すでにこれが秦の不良債権
我天子 Calling itself a derivative of Shang, this is already the bad debt of Qin
It's like the Kanto Rengou.

これがアマテラス信仰の過程だ 中東でよく見ろ キチガイ犯罪者だから。
天子と言ってる段階で 中国では気象を操れる特別な力を持つ、才能ある選ばれた人っていうニュアンスだ。
This is the process of Amaterasu beliefs, look closely in the Middle East, because he's a crazy criminal.
At the stage where he's calling himself a "celestial child", in China, the nuance is that he's a gifted and chosen person with special powers to control the weather.

モーゼはそういう定義はないんだろう? あるのか?
やってた事そっくり もらった石版を壊し作り直し 我が神と書き直すあたり。
Moses doesn't have that definition, does he? Do you have one?
It's just like what we did when we broke the tablet we were given and remade it to say "my god".

こういう部分を昔からイスラエル民と信じ 我らイスラエルの民
我らユダヤ人ってなった原因だろう というか旧約聖書と新約聖書のパクリを
書いたのなら、イスラエル系統の書物を知ってた 読んだ 持ってる
This is the part of me that has always believed in the people of Israel. We the people of Israel.
That's what made us Jews. I mean, we've got the Old Testament and the New Testament in our hands.
If he wrote it, he knew about the Israelite lineage. I've read it. I have.
Only a guy like this can write Kojiki and Nihonshoki.

ちなみに、韓国の学生レポートだ 古事記は旧約聖書で日本書紀は新約聖書だという考察は。あたしがそれ見て、ああなるほど そういう事かって当時書いてる。
By the way, that was a student report from Korea, the study that the Kojiki is the Old Testament and the Chronicles of Japan is the New Testament. I looked at it and thought, "Oh, yeah, sure, I get it. That's what I'm writing about.
秦はイスラエル イスラエル人のがインドの端にあったって?
Qin is Israel, and you said the Israelite tribe was on the edge of India?
So we met up there and you learned about these things a long time ago.

とにかく うちは昔っから放火ばっかされてる。憎たらしい。
The book of burning is Chinese culture, so they must have set fire to it and rewritten the book in their own handwriting.
Like the story of Moses.
If the book of burning is rooted in the culture, then the arson habit in Korea was originally from Chinese burning books?
Anyway, my family's always been in a state of arson. I hate them.
That's why the temple burned down.

当時 天台宗の寺に系図や古文を預けてたという話だった
これも火事場泥棒の口実だったのか? 燃えるのわかってたら、あらかじめ
The story goes that at the time, he was depositing genealogical records and ancient manuscripts in a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism.
They've been told that it wasn't burned down.
Was this just another excuse for the firebombing? If you knew it was going to burn.
They're taking things away, right?

こんな事 何百年されてきたか わかるか
そして無くなったものは 別の所で生かされて背乗りされてたら
You know how many hundreds of years we've been doing this.
And what's missing is what would have happened if he'd been put alive somewhere else to ride on his back.
That's just awful.

アキヒトらのとこにそうやって集められてきてんだ 百済 秦 神羅 呉
That's how Akichto and the others got them... Baekje, Qin, Shinra, Wu.
A place like this.

きたんだ。だからとぼけてるんだ そいつらの子孫は。
人食い継承の闇 だからは嫌われるんだが差別も糞もないわ!!!!
The people who think that's okay, inherit the same thing from generation to generation, like the darkness of the tribe, and then repeat it all over again.
You've come. That's why you don't know. Their descendants.
The Darkness of Cannibal Inheritance That's why people don't like the tribe, but it's not racist or anything!!!!



Nara was originally a Nala.

那羅(なら)とは - 那羅の読み方 Weblio辞書

www.weblio.jp › content › 那羅那羅とは? ① 近畿地方中部の内陸県。かつての大和国全域を占める。北部には奈良盆地があり、盆地の東には笠置山地、西には生駒・金剛山地がある。南部は紀伊山地となる。県庁所在地、奈良市。 ② 奈良県北部にある市。県庁...