ああ奈良北部 確かに。
これ 橿原という字 橲原に似てないか? まあ偶然だろうけど
Yes, northern Nara. Indeed.
Doesn't this one resemble the character Kashihara, or Zisabara? I guess it's just a coincidence.
It's always bothered me, hasn't it?
Doesn't this one resemble the character Kashihara, or Zisabara? I guess it's just a coincidence.
It's always bothered me, hasn't it?
まつる ああ宮殿あったんだな 宮殿みたなもの
You're right, they do have a palace, don't they? It's like a palace.
There are Japanese who have inherited the religious nature of killing and positioning themselves as gods.
There are Japanese who have inherited the religious nature of killing and positioning themselves as gods.
この人物を江戸時代 フラワシのように絵で描いた人がいるんだから
当時から知ってる人いた訳だ フラワシで描くなら中東の事知らないと。
This man was painted like a flower wasp during the Edo period.
That's how someone knew back then. If you're going to paint in Flower Eagle, you have to know about the Middle East.
We know that Prince Shotoku is of ancient Persian descent.
Old Kushana dynasty makes sense.
Because I don't think the flawed eagle is going to come out of Iran.
That's how someone knew back then. If you're going to paint in Flower Eagle, you have to know about the Middle East.
We know that Prince Shotoku is of ancient Persian descent.
Old Kushana dynasty makes sense.
Because I don't think the flawed eagle is going to come out of Iran.
これと敵対したのはイスラエル系だよね バビロン大淫婦を唱えてたし。
This was hunted around the Genpei War, like a witch hunt.
The hunters inherited it for generations. They must have genetically rejected it.
It was the Israelites who were hostile to this, and they were advocating for the Babylonian Great Whore.
The hunters inherited it for generations. They must have genetically rejected it.
It was the Israelites who were hostile to this, and they were advocating for the Babylonian Great Whore.
どこでその書物の原型に出会ったか インド北部 やっぱ近いエリア
Prince Nakao's brother, who is of Israeli descent, wrote the Japanese versions of the Old and New Testaments.
Where did you come across the original source of the book, northern India, the area closest to it.
That race is the Qin Dynasty.
Where did you come across the original source of the book, northern India, the area closest to it.
That race is the Qin Dynasty.
そうだな 聖徳太子みたいな人物いたら書物関係は書ける人 多々いたな。
その肝心な物を焚き書し書き直し この行動はモーゼのパクリ。
漢字 サンスクリットの融合はインドと中国で。
That's right... if there was a man like Prince Shotoku, he could write about books.
He'd burn and rewrite that essential material. This action is a Moses pastiche.
Chinese characters, Sanskrit fusions in India and China.
He'd burn and rewrite that essential material. This action is a Moses pastiche.
Chinese characters, Sanskrit fusions in India and China.
ただ聖徳太子出てくる前の神代はどこにいたのか 中国かインド北部?
犬の輸入をして犬からなのか そして伝説あるのは霊山付近と秩父
You can't move to Japan until after it has been settled. The pioneers were brought in first.
My speculation is probably correct.
Just where were the Jindai before Shotoku Taishi came out, China or northern India?
I guess the way to find this is a rabbit.
Even if you think about the moon, frogs🐸 and rabbit 🐰 in mythology.
And if there are no wolf legends in Nara, it makes me wonder where the wolves themselves came from.
My speculation is probably correct.
Just where were the Jindai before Shotoku Taishi came out, China or northern India?
I guess the way to find this is a rabbit.
Even if you think about the moon, frogs🐸 and rabbit 🐰 in mythology.
And if there are no wolf legends in Nara, it makes me wonder where the wolves themselves came from.
So you're importing a dog, and it's from a dog. And legend has it the dogs are from the Yeong-san area and Chichibu.
As for dogs, wild dogs around the time of Maeda's emergence.
As for dogs, wild dogs around the time of Maeda's emergence.
名取にはあるけど、これは犬像で 狼像は丸森と霊山 細身で身長はある
イメージで作ったのかな? わからないけど。
細身で長身な感じの狼像 サルーキとは違うけどな ああ似てるかも。
いや だいぶ前資料で見た時の印象ね 金山神社のヤツ
The Persian dog statue is of a mastiff-like appearance.
There's one in Natori, but it's a dog statue, and the wolf statues are Marumori and Reizan, slim and tall.
Did you make it in your image? I don't know.
Slender and tall looking wolf statue, not quite the same as Saluki, though. Yeah, maybe it's similar.
No, it's just the impression I got from the file a long time ago about the Kanayama Shrine.
There's one in Natori, but it's a dog statue, and the wolf statues are Marumori and Reizan, slim and tall.
Did you make it in your image? I don't know.
Slender and tall looking wolf statue, not quite the same as Saluki, though. Yeah, maybe it's similar.
No, it's just the impression I got from the file a long time ago about the Kanayama Shrine.
霊山のはもうちょっと体格いい 耳と体格似てるか 尻尾もモサッとあったかな
Lingshan's is already a bit bigger, like his ears, or maybe he had a tail like that.
He looks like Shepard.
He looks like Shepard.
なきゃ 別の品種かもしれん。
Is there any record of the Iraqi Saluki's predecessor being a wolf?
Otherwise, it might be a different breed.
畝傍山(うねびやま)の北東の麓、橿原神宮に北接する神武天皇陵は、円丘で周囲は約100m、高さ5.5mの広い植え込みがあり、幅約16mの周濠をめぐらせています。 日本書紀、古事記によると、初代天皇とされる神武 ... アクセスマップ. 奈良県橿原市大久保町 ...
Otherwise, it might be a different breed.
www.city.kashihara.nara.jp › kankou › spot › jinmuKashihara City/Jhinmu Tenno Mausoleum
自分見てるとこ 違うんだよ。
That's not where I see myself.
The reason they are extinct is because their mates didn't survive.
The reason they are extinct is because their mates didn't survive.