Good morning and thank you for your time to check out this English Plus' blog!
Today, I'd like to share a story of my experience in Canada.
In Tamachi, it's raining right now and it's getting colder day by day.
Speaking of rain, I'll tell you a surprising fact in Canada.
When you walk on the street in Canada in the rain, you might notice that...
People in Canada don't usually take their umbrellas with them when it rains!
At first I thought just very few people had umbrellas with them, however, it turned out not a few, but most people don't carry umbrellas with them.
In my case, when I was living in Toronto, I carried my fold-up umbrella with me almost all the time.
However, a few months after arrival, I no longer tried to carry it because nobody around me didn't carry them.
It's different from Japanese, isn't it?
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は久々の“英語講師の留学経験 - 雨の時の話”です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"It rains cats and dogs!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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Today, I'd like to share a story of my experience in Canada.
In Tamachi, it's raining right now and it's getting colder day by day.
Speaking of rain, I'll tell you a surprising fact in Canada.
When you walk on the street in Canada in the rain, you might notice that...
People in Canada don't usually take their umbrellas with them when it rains!
At first I thought just very few people had umbrellas with them, however, it turned out not a few, but most people don't carry umbrellas with them.
In my case, when I was living in Toronto, I carried my fold-up umbrella with me almost all the time.
However, a few months after arrival, I no longer tried to carry it because nobody around me didn't carry them.
It's different from Japanese, isn't it?
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は久々の“英語講師の留学経験 - 雨の時の話”です。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"It rains cats and dogs!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!