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英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻

2011-06-02 09:24:40 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning, and thank you for visiting this blog!
Today, I’m going to write about my story about the first negotiation when I was in Toronto, Canada.
*The previous episode of "the experience of English instructor's study abroad" is here:
Have you ever tried negotiating in your life when shopping?
As for me, yes, I have and it was the first time to negotiate in my whole life.
It was in the summer of 2005 just before coming back to Japan.
I stayed in Canada for almost 2 years and had a lot of stuff, so I needed a bigger suitcase to pack every valuable thing I had.
Therefore, I went to the China town and searched for a suitcase.
Actually, without a problem, I could find a lot of suitcases there, however, the only problem was they looked all similar and the only difference was the price.
So, I decided to talk to an owner, who looked kind, if he would be willing to give me a discount or not.
Here’s a part of the negotiation…
I asked him, “Hi, how much is this?”
He replied, “It’s $40.”
I said, “Oh, really? That’s a little expensive. Could you give me a discount?”
His first reaction was not so positive, and said “hmm…”
I said, “how about $35?”
He said, “No. $38.”
I said, “If I can get it for &36, I can introduce your shop to my friends.”
He said, “Hmm…okay. You can get it for $36.”
I don’t remember the story exactly, but it was something like this.
As a result, it was my first negotiation ever and I was able to get 10% discount!
This is another story but after that one of my friends needed to buy a suitcase when going back to Japan, I recommended him this shop.
I went there with him and he was also able to get some discount!
Toronto is a multicultural city and it means there are a lot of people.
We can’t negotiate in some shops, but if you have a chance, why don’t you try?
It’s a good chance to experience something new!!


本日は“英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻”です。

*前回の“英語講師の留学経験 - カナダ・トロントの祝日に関して”はこちら:








arata:“Hi, how much is this?”

オーナー: “It’s $40.”

arata:“Oh, really? That’s a little expensive. Could you give me a discount?”(本当に?少し高いなぁ。少しディスカウントしてくれますか?)

オーナー:His first reaction was not so positive, and said “hmm…”

arata:“how about $35?”

オーナー: “No. $38.”
(ノー。 $38)

arata:“If I can get it for &36, I can introduce your shop to my friends.”($36にしてくれたら、友達にこのお店を紹介します)

オーナー: “Hmm…okay. You can get it for $36.”








それでは今日の英語での一言:"Just try before you give up!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
