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英語講師の留学経験 - トロントのスーパーマーケットとスーパーで役に立つ英語トリビア

2011-08-29 09:14:41 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験
Good morning, and thank you for your checking out this blog!
Today, I'm going to write about another story from my study abroad experience. *The related episode of "the first negotiation in Toronto, Canada" is here:
This time, I'd like to write about one of my favorite supermarkets in Toronto, Canada and useful English there.
It was just coincidence, but wherever I lived in Toronto, there was “No frills”, which is a supermarket, near my place.
The first place I started living was near Runnymede station and there was No frills.
Another time I lived was near Dufferin station and there was No frills.
The other time was near Sherbourne station, and there was No frills too.
The prices of products at No frills were not expensive, and it was very convenient for me to go grocery shopping anytime!
As you may know, supermarkets in Canada (or in the U.S.) are much bigger than those in Japan, and they have a wide variety of food!!
However, the bad point is that supermarkets are too big and sometimes it’s not easy to get what I want at a supermarket.
In this situation, let's learn the following knowledge of vocabulary because it might help you at a supermarket!
If you go to a supermarket and look for something, you should look for a sign like these…
・frozen food section
・produce section
・deli section
・beverage section
・snack section
・beauty section
・meat section
・bakery / pastry section
・dairy section
Hopefully, this knowledge will help you somehow in the future!


本日は“英語講師の留学経験 - トロントのスーパーマーケットとスーパーで役に立つ英語トリビア”です。

*関連記事の“英語講師の留学経験 - スーツケースを買うための値段交渉の巻”はこちら:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/a4d751e21346f5e078e712446803531f

トロントで暮らしていた頃、自分が借りた家(部屋)の近くには必ずと言っていいほど偶然にも、”No frills”というスーパーマーケットがありました。

トロントで初めてお借りした家(部屋)はRunnymede駅の近くで、No frillsがありましたし、引っ越した後のDufferin駅の近くにもNo frillsがあり、Sherbourne駅の近くの家ではNo frillsが目の前にあるような環境でした。

No frillsで取り扱っている商品の価格はとてもリーズナブルで、いつも近くにあったためとても重宝しました。




・frozen food section(冷凍食品コーナー)

・produce section(青果コーナー)

・deli section(惣菜コーナー)

・beverage section(飲料コーナー)

・snack section(製菓コーナー)

・beauty section(美容コーナー)

・meat section(精肉コーナー)

・bakery / pastry section(パンコーナー)

・dairy section(乳製品コーナー)


それでは英語での一言:"Remember trivia might help you when you get lost at a supermarket"

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2 コメント

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初めまして。 (Finally Fast)
2011-08-29 13:56:34
I am living in the US right now. Most of people goes grocery shopping once a week here. How about Toronto?
Unknown (arata)
2011-08-30 08:31:16
Dear Finally Fast
Thank you for your comment!
When I was living in Toronto, I basically went grocery shopping once a week on the weekend.
Most of my friends did the same.