

鳥取県湯梨浜町泊750 吉田医院 のご紹介

2003-11-17 14:32:00 | a:吉田医院のホームページ








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米国国立公衆衛生研究所 (NIH) にて 甲状腺学の権威

Kohn 教授のもとで、甲状腺に関する研究を行う。


職   歴












平成10年 4月 1日  


吉田医院開業 開業後の研究業績が認められ


平成18年 5月 18日   










日本内分泌学会認定 内分泌代謝科 (内科) 専門医 


日本内分泌学会認定内分泌代謝科 指導医 


日本甲状腺学会認定 専門医 

問い合わせ先 日本甲状腺学会 TEL:03-6267-4550




学会活動 甲状腺ヨード輸送の電気生理学的解明の研究報告を行い、




Pendred 症候群、病態の解明と 


Pendrinの生理的役割 シンポジウム 








2003年 名古屋 国際学会






12th International Thyroid congress Kyoto 2000


Pendrin, The protein encoded by the pendred syndrome gene, is an iodide specific apical porter which is important for iodide efflux from thyroid cell.




最高得点演題 として Plenary session で発表


Pendrin is an Iodide Channel and important for Iodide Efflux from Thyroid cells. 9th International Symposium of Molecular thyroidology Yonago 2002 Kinetic study of ion transport by pendrin. 1


1th International Symposium of Molecular Thyroidology Naha 2004


シンポジストとして発表 2009年5月




2009年11月 第52回日本甲状腺学会専門医教育セミナーの 講師を依頼される。



58. Hisatome, I., Kurata, Y., Sasaki, N., Morisaki, T., Morisaki, H., Tanaka, Y., Urashima, T., Yatsuhashi, T., Tsuboi, M., Kitamura, F., Miake, J., Takeda, S., Taniguchi, S., Ogino, K., Igawa, O., Yoshida, A., Sato, R., Makita, N., Shigemasa, C.: Block of sodium channels by divalent mercury: role of specific cysteinyl residues in the P-loop region. Biophys. J. 79(3):1336-1345, 2000


59. Fukui, H., Taniguchi, S., Ueta, Y., Yoshida, A., Ohtahara, A., Hisatome, I., Shigemasa, C.: Enhanced activity of the purine nucleotide cycle of the exercising muscle in patients with hyperthyroidism. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.  86(5):2205-2210, 2001


60. Yoshida, A., Taniguchi, S., Hisatome, I., Royaux, I.E., Green, E.D., Kohn, L.D., Suzuki, K.: Pendrin is an iodide-specific apical porter responsible for iodide efflux from thyroid cells. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.  87(7):3356-3361, 2002


61. Ahmmed, G.U., Hisatome, I., Kurata, Y., Makita, N., Tanaka, Y., Tanaka, H., Okamura, T., Sonoyama, K., Furuse, Y., Kato, M., Yamamoto, Y., Ogura, K., Shimoyama, M., Miake, J., Sasaki, N., Ogino, K., Igawa, O., Yoshida, A., Shigemasa, C.: Analysis of moricizine block of sodium current in isolated guinea-pig atrial myocytes. Atrioventricular difference of moricizine block. Vascul. Pharmacol.  38(3):131-141, 2002


62. Okamura, T., Taniguchi, S., Ohkura, T., Yoshida, A., Shimizu, H., Sakai, M., Maeta, H., Fukui, H., Ueta, Y., Hisatome, I., Shigemasa, C.: Abnormally high expression of proteasome activator-gamma in thyroid neoplasm. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 88(3):1374-1383, 2003


63. Yoshida, A., Hisatome, I., Taniguchi, S., Sasaki, N., Yamamoto, Y., Miake, J., Fukui, H., Shimizu, H., Okamura, T., Okura, T., Igawa, O., Shigemasa, C., Green, E.D., Kohn, L.D., Suzuki, K.: Mechanism of iodide/chloride exchange by pendrin. Endocrinology 145(9):4301-4308. Epub 2004 20, 2004

64. Miake, J., Kurata, Y., Iizuka, K., Furuichi, H., Manabe, K., Sasaki, N., Yamamoto, Y., Hoshikawa, Y., Taniguchi, S., Yoshida, A., Igawa, O., Makita, N., Shiota, G., Nanba, E., Ohgi, S., Narahashi, T., Hisatome, I.: State-dependent blocking actions of azimilide dihydrochlo-ride (NE-10064) on human cardiac Na(+) channels. Circ. J. 68(7):703-711, 2004


65. Ohkura, T., Taniguchi, S., Yamada, K., Nishio, N., Okamura, T., Yoshida, A., Kamijou, K., Fukata, S., Kuma, K., Inoue, Y., Hisatome, I., Senju, S., Nishimura, Y., Shigemasa, C.: Detection of the novel autoantibody (anti-UACA antibody) in patients with Graves' disease. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 321(2):432-440, 2004


66. Tanaka, H., Miake, J., Notsu, T., Sonyama, K., Sasaki, N., Iitsuka, K., Kato, M., Taniguchi, S., Igawa, O., Yoshida, A., Shigemasa, C., Hoshikawa, Y., Kurata, Y., Kuniyasu, A., Nakayama, H., Inagaki, N., Nanba, E., Shiota, G., Morisaki, T., Ninomiya, H., Kitakaze, M., Hisatome, I.:  Proteasomal degradation of Kir 6.2 channel protein and its inhibition by a Na+ channel blocker aprindine. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 331(4):1001-1006, 2005


67. Sonoyama, K., Igawa, O., Miake, J., Yamamoto, Y., Sugihara, S., Sasaki, N., Shimoyama, M., Hamada, T., Taniguchi, S., Yoshida, A., Ogino, K., Shigemasa, C., Hoshikawa, Y., Kurata, Y., Shiota, G., Narahashi, T., Horiuchi, M., Matsubara, H., Ninomiya, H., Hisatome, I.: Effects of angiotensin II on the action potential durations of atrial myocytes in hypertensive rats. Hypertens. Res. 28(2):173-179, 2005


68. Kato, M., Ogura, K., Miake, J., Sasaki, N., Taniguchi, S., Igawa, O., Yoshida, A., Hoshikawa, Y., Murata, M., Nanba, E., Kurata, Y., Kawata, Y., Ninomiya, H., Morisaki, T., Kitakaze, M., Hisatome, I.: Evidence for proteasomal degradation of Kv1.5 channel protein. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.  11;337(1):343-348, 2005


69. Yamamoto Y, Ogino K, Igawa G, Matsuura T, Kaetsu Y, Sugihara S, Matsubara K, Miake J, Hamada T, Yoshida A, Igawa O, Yamamoto T, Shigemasa C, Hisatome I. Allopurinol reduces neointimal hyperplasia in the carotid artery ligation model in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertens Res. 2006 Nov;29(11):915-21.

70. Sonoyama K, Ninomiya H, Igawa O, Kaetsu Y, Furuse Y, Hamada T, Miake J, Li P, Yamamoto Y, Ogino K, Yoshida A, Taniguchi S, Kurata Y, Matsuoka S, Narahashi T, Shiota G, Nozawa Y, Matsubara H, Horiuchi M, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Inhibition of inward rectifier K+ currents by angiotensin II in rat atrial myocytes: lack of effects in cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertens Res. 2006 Nov;29(11):923-34. 

71. Koshida S, Kurata Y, Notsu T, Hirota Y, Kuang TY, Li P, Bahrudin U, Harada S, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Hoshikawa Y, Igawa O, Higaki K, Soma M, Yoshida A, Ninomiya H, Shiota G, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Stabilizing effects of eicosapentaenoic acid on Kv1.5 channel protein expressed in mammalian cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009 Feb 14;604(1-3):93-102. Epub 2008 Dec 16. 

72. Yano S, Miake J, Mizuta E, Manabe K, Bahrudin U, Morikawa K, Arakawa K, Sasaki N, Igawa O, Shigemasa C, Yamamoto Y, Morisaki T, Hidaka K, Kurata Y, Yoshida A, Shiota G, Higaki K, Ninomiya H, Lee JK, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Changes of HCN gene expression and I(f) currents in Nkx2.5-positive cardiomyocytes derived from murine embryonic stem cells during differentiation. Biomed Res. 2008 Aug;29(4):195-203. 

73. Yoshida A, Hisatome I, Taniguchi S, Shirayoshi Y, Yamamoto Y, Miake J, Ohkura T, Akama T, Igawa O, Shigemasa C, Kamijo K, Ikuyama S, Caturegli P, Suzuki K. Pendrin is a novel autoantigen recognized by patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Feb;94(2):442-8. Epub 2008 Dec 2.

74.Katayama A, Yamamoto Y, Tanaka K, Matsubara K, Sugitani M, Fujihara S, Harada S, Kaetsu Y, Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Fenofibrate enhances neovascularization in a murine ischemic hindlimb model.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2009 Nov;54(5):399-404. 

75. Koshida S, Kurata Y, Notsu T, Hirota Y, Kuang TY, Li P, Bahrudin U, Harada S, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Hoshikawa Y, Igawa O, Higaki K, Soma M, Yoshida A,Ninomiya H, Shiota G, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Stabilizing effects of eicosapentaenoic acid on Kv1.5 channel protein expressed in mammalian cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009 Feb 14;604(1-3):93-102. Epub 2008 Dec 16.

76. Katayama A, Yamamoto Y, Tanaka K, Matsubara K, Sugitani M, Fujihara S, Harada S, Kaetsu Y, Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Fenofibrate enhances neovascularization in a murine ischemic hindlimb model. Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2009 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]

77. Wu H, Suzuki SDonald F. Sellitti, Sonia Q. Doi, Kazunari Tanigawa, Sayaka Aizawa, Takeshi Akama, Akira Kawashima, Masayo Mishima, Norihisa Ishii, Akio Yoshida, Ichiro Hisatome, Nancy L. Koles Ryohei Katoh and Koichi Suzuki Expression of a thyroglobulin (Tg) variant in mouse kidney glomerulus   Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun Epub 2009 August 28.

78. Yamamoto Y, Matsuura T, Narazaki G, Sugitani M, Tanaka K, Maeda A, Shiota G, Sato K, Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Synergistic effects of autologous cell and hepatocyte growth factor gene therapy for neovascularization in a murine model of hindlimb ischemia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2009 Oct;297(4):H1329-36. Epub 2009 Aug 


79. Tanaka K, Yamamoto Y, Tsujimoto S, Uozumi N, Kita Y, Yoshida A, Shimizu T, Hisatome I. The cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor, etodolac, but not aspirin reduces neovascularization in a murine ischemic hind limb model. Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Feb 10;627(1-3):223-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2009.10.058. Epub 2009 Oct 30.


80. Li P, Ninomiya H, Kurata Y, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Igawa O, Nakai A, Higaki K, Toyoda F, Wu J, Horie M, Matsuura H, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Hiraoka M, Hisatome I. Reciprocal control of hERG stability by Hsp70 and Hsc70 with implication for restoration of LQT2 mutant stability.

Circ Res. 2011 Feb 18;108(4):458-68. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.110.227835. Epub 2010 Dec 23.


81. Li P, Ninomiya H, Kurata Y, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Igawa O, Nakai A, Higaki K, Toyoda F, Wu J, Horie M, Matsuura H, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Hiraoka M, Hisatome I. Reciprocal control of hERG stability by Hsp70 and Hsc70 with implication for restoration of LQT2 mutant stability.

Circ Res. 2011 Feb 18;108(4):458-68. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.110.227835. Epub 2010 Dec 23.


83. Ting YK, Morikawa K, Kurata Y, Li P, Bahrudin U, Mizuta E, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Yoshida A, Murata M, Inoue T, Nakai A, Shiota G, Higaki K, Nanba E, Ninomiya H, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Transcriptional activation of the anchoring protein SAP97 by heat shock factor (HSF)-1 stabilizes K(v) 1.5 channels in HL-1 cells. Br J Pharmacol. 2011 Apr;162(8):1832-42.


84. Suzuki K, Kimura H, Wu H, Kudo N, Kim WB, Suzuki S, Yoshida A, Caturegli P, Kohn LD. Excess iodide decre Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Mar 5;393(2):286-90. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2010.01.123. Epub 2010 Feb 2.

ases transcription of NIS and VEGF genes in rat FRTL-5 thyroid cells.


85. Ting YK, Morikawa K, Kurata Y, Li P, Bahrudin U, Mizuta E, Kato M, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Yoshida A, Murata M, Inoue T, Nakai A, Shiota G, Higaki K, Nanba E, Ninomiya H, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Transcriptional activation of the anchoring protein SAP97 by heat shock factor (HSF)-1 stabilizes K(v) 1.5 channels in HL-1 cells. Br J Pharmacol. 2011 Apr;162(8):1832-42.


86.Bahrudin U, Morikawa K, Takeuchi A, Kurata Y, Miake J, Mizuta E, Adachi 

K, Higaki K, Yamamoto Y, Shirayoshi Y, Yoshida A, Kato M, Yamamoto K, Nanba E, Morisaki H, Morisaki T, Matsuoka S, Ninomiya H, Hisatome I. Impairment of ubiquitin-proteasome system by E334K cMyBPC modifies channel proteins, leading to electrophysiological dysfunction. J Mol Biol. 2011 Nov 4;413(4):857-78. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.09.006. Epub 2011 Sep 12.


87. Urashima T, Kurata Y, Miake J, Kato M, Ogura K, Yano A, Adachi M, Tanaka Y, Yamada K, Hamada T, Mizuta E, Kuwabara M, Kato M, Yamamoto Y, Ogino K, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Enhancing effects of salicylate on quinidine-induced block of human wild type and LQT3 related mutant cardiac Na+ channels.Biomed Res. 2011 Oct;32(5):303-12


88. Suzuki K, Kawashima A, Yoshihara A, Akama T, Sue M, Yoshida A, Kim 

ura HJ. Role of thyroglobulin on negative feedback autoregulation of thyroid follicular function and growth.

J Endocrinol. 2011 May;209(2):169-74. doi: 10.1530/JOE-10-0486. Epub 2011 Mar 4. Review


89. Hamada T, Yamada K, Mizuta E, Watanabe A, Osaki T, Ishida K, Hasegawa A, Sakata S, Mishima M, Ogino K, Nosaka Y, Miyazaki S, Ohtahara A, Ninomiya H, Kato M, Yoshida A, Taniguchi S, Yamamoto K, Hisatome I. Effects of cilnidipine on serum uric acid level and urinary nitrogen monoxide excretion in patients with hypertension.Clin Exp Hypertens. 2012;34(7):470-3. doi: 10.3109/10641963.2012.666600. Epub 2012 Jun 8.


89.Fujii H, Ikeuchi Y, Kurata Y, Ikeda N, Bahrudin U, Li P, Nakayama Y, Endo R, Hasegawa A, Morikawa K, Miake J, Yoshida A, Hidaka K, Morisaki T, Ninomiya H, Shirayoshi Y, Yamamoto K, Hisatome I. Electrophysiological properties of prion-positive cardiac progenitors derived from murine embryonic stem cells. Circ J. 2012;76(12):2875-83. Epub 2012 Sep 4.


90.Suzuki S, Kurata Y, Li P, Notsu T, Hasegawa A, Ikeda N, Kato M, Miake J, Sakata S, Shiota G, Yoshida A, Ninomiya H, Higaki K, Yamamoto K, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Stabilization of Kv1.5 channel protein by bepridil through its action as a chemical chaperone. Eur J Pharmacol. 2012 Dec 5;696(1-3):28-34. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2012.09.025. Epub 2012 Sep 28.


91.Harada Y, Yamamoto Y, Tsujimoto S, Matsugami H,Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Transplantation of freshly isolated adipose tissue-derived regenerative cells enhances angiogenesis in a murine model of hind limb ischemia.

Biomed Res. 2013 Feb;34(1):23-9.


92.Li P, Ogino K, Hoshikawa Y, Morisaki H, Toyama K, Morisaki T, Morikawa K, Ninomiya H, Yoshida A, Hashimoto K, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. AMP deaminase 3 plays a critical role in remote reperfusion lung injury. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Apr 26;434(1):131-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.03.056. Epub 2013 Mar 29.


93.Iwai C, Li P, Kurata Y, Hoshikawa Y, Morikawa K, Maharani N, Higaki K, Sasano T, Notsu T, Ishido Y, Miake J, Yamamoto Y, Shirayoshi Y, Ninomiya H, Nakai A, Murata S, Yoshida A, Yamamoto K, Hiraoka M, Hisatome I. Hsp90 prevents interaction between CHIP and HERG proteins to facilitate maturation of wild-type and mutant HERG proteins. Cardiovasc Res. 2013 Dec 1;100(3):520-8. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvt200. Epub 2013 Aug 20.


94.Izawa S, Okamura T, Matsuzawa K, Ohkura T, Ohkura H, Ishiguro K, Noh JY, Kamijo K, Yoshida A, Shigemasa C, Kato M, Yamamoto K, Taniguchi S. Autoantibody against WD repeat domain 1 is a novel serological biomarker for screening of thyroid neoplasia. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013 Jul;79(1):35-42. doi: 10.1111/cen.12121. Epub 2013 May 6.


95.Matsugami H, Harada Y, Kurata Y, Yamamoto Y, Otsuki Y, Yaura H, Inoue Y, Morikawa K, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Suyama Y, Nakayama B, Iwaguro H, Yamamoto K, Hisatome I. VEGF secretion by adipose tissue-derived regenerative cells is impaired under hyperglycemic conditions via glucose transporter activation and ROS increase. Biomed Res. 2014;35(6):397-405. doi: 10.2220/biomedres.35.397.


96.Miyazaki S, Hamada T, Hirata S, Ohtahara A, Mizuta E, Yamamoto Y, Kuwabara M, Nosaka Y, Igawa O, Ogino K, Kato M, Yoshida A, Ninomiya H, Cheng J, Moriwaki Y, Yamamoto K, Hisatome I. Effects of azelnidipine on uric acid metabolism in patients with essential hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2014;36(7):447-53. doi: 10.3109/10641963.2013.846359. Epub 2014 Jan 16.


97.Sakata S, Kurata Y, Li P, Notsu T, Morikawa K, Miake J, Higaki K, Yamamoto Y, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Yamamoto K, Horie M, Ninomiya H, Kanzaki S, Hisatome I. Instability of KCNE1-D85N that causes long QT syndrome: stabilization by verapamil. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2014 Jul;37(7):853-63. doi: 10.1111/pace.12360. Epub 2014 Feb 5.



98.Utami SB, Mahati E, Li P, Maharani N, Ikeda N, Bahrudin U, Munemura C, Hosoyamada M, Yamamoto Y, Yoshida A, Nakayama Y, Higaki K, Nanba E, Ninomiya H, Shirayoshi Y, Ichida K, Yamamoto K, Hosoya T, Hisatome I. Apoptosis induced by an uromodulin mutant C112Y and its suppression by topiroxostat.

Clin Exp Nephrol. 2015 Aug;19(4):576-84. doi: 10.1007/s10157-014-1032-8. Epub 2014 Sep 20.


99.Matsuzawa K, Izawa S, Ohkura T, Ohkura H, Ishiguro K, Yoshida A, Takiyama Y, Haneda M, Shigemasa C, Yamamoto K, Taniguchi S. Implication of intracellular localization of transcriptional repressor PLZF in thyroid neoplasms. BMC Endocr Disord. 2014 Jul 3;14:52. doi: 10.1186/1472-6823-14-52.


100.Li P, Kurata Y, Maharani N, Mahati E, Higaki K, Hasegawa A, Shirayoshi Y, Yoshida A, Kondo T, Kurozawa Y, Yamamoto K, Ninomiya H, Hisatome I. E3 ligase CHIP and Hsc70 regulate Kv1.5 protein expression and function in mammalian cells. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Sep;86:138-46. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2015.07.018. Epub 2015 Jul 29.


101.Endo R, Kurata Y, Notsu T, Li P, Morikawa K, Kondo T, Ogura K, Miake J, Yoshida A, Shirayoshi Y, Ninomiya H, Higaki K, Kuwabara M, Yamamoto K, Inagaki Y, Hisatome I. Stabilization of Kv1.5 channel protein by the inotropic agent olprinone. Eur J Pharmacol. 2015 Oct 15;765:488-94. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2015.09.013. Epub 2015 Sep 12.


102.Ishido Y, Luo Y, Yoshihara A, Hayashi M, Yoshida A, Hisatome I, Suzuki K. Follicular thyroglobulin enhances gene expression necessary for thyroid hormone secretion. Endocr J. 2015;62(11):1007-15. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ15-0263. Epub 2015 Sep 11.


103.Endo R, Bahrudin U, Notsu T, Tanno S, Onohara T, Yamaguchi S, Ikeda N, Surastri B, Nakayama Y, Ninomiya H, Shirayoshi Y, Inagaki Y, Yamamoto K, Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Carvedilol Suppresses Apoptosis and Ion Channel Remodelling of HL-1 Cardiac Myocytes Expressing E334K cMyBPC. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2016 Mar;66(3):126-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1555772. Epub 2015 Oct 19.

104.Mishima M, Hamada T, Maharani N, Ikeda N, Onohara T, Notsu T, Ninomiya H, Miyazaki S, Mizuta E, Sugihara S, Kato M, Ogino K, Kuwabara M, Hirota Y, Yoshida A, Otani N, Anzai N, Hisatome I. Effects of Uric Acid on the NO Production of HUVECs and its Restoration by Urate Lowering Agents. Drug Res (Stuttg). 2016 May;66(5):270-4. doi: 10.1055/s-0035-1569405. Epub 2016 Feb 24.


105.Tsujimoto S, Kishina M, Koda M, Yamamoto Y, Tanaka K, Harada Y, Yoshida A, Hisatome I. Nimesulide, a cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor, suppresses obesity-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatic insulin resistance through the regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. Int J Mol Med. 2016 Sep;38(3):721-8. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2016.2674. Epub 2016 Jul 11.

PMID: 27431935 Free PMC Article


106.Kondo T, Hisatome I, Yoshimura S, Mahati E, Notsu T, Li P, Iitsuka K, Kato M, Ogura K, Miake J, Aiba T, Shimizu W, Kurata Y, Sakata S, Nakasone N, Ninomiya H, Nakai A, Higaki K, Kawata Y, Shirayoshi Y, Yoshida A, Yamamoto K. Characterization of the novel mutant A78T-HERG from a long QT syndrome type 2 patient: Instability of the mutant protein and stabilization by heat shock factor 1. J Arrhythm. 2016 Oct;32(5):433-440. Epub 2015 Nov 25.


107.Onohara T, Hisatome I, Kurata Y, Li P, Notsu T, Morikawa K, Otani N, Yoshida A, Iitsuka K, Kato M, Miake J, Ninomiya H, Higaki K, Shirayoshi Y, Nishihara T, Itoh T, Nakamura Y, Nishimura M. Molecular mechanisms underlying the pilsicainide-induced stabilization of hERG proteins in transfected mammalian cells. J Arrhythm. 2017 Jun;33(3):226-233. doi: 10.1016/j.joa.2016.09.003. Epub 2016 Oct 19.


108.Matsuzawa K, Izawa S, Okura T, Fujii S, Matsumoto K, Shoji K, Nakamura R, Sumi K, Fujioka Y,Yoshida A, Shigemasa C, Kato M, Yamamoto K, Taniguchi S. Implications of FoxP3-positive and -negative CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells in Graves' ophthalmopathy. Endocr J. 2016 Aug 31;63(8):755-64. doi: 10.1507/endocrj.EJ16-0108. Epub 2016 Jun 28.



109.Ueno S, Hamada T, Taniguchi S, Ohtani N, Miyazaki S, Mizuta E, Ohtahara A, Ogino K, Yoshida A, Kuwabara M, Yoshida K, Ninomiya H, Kotake H, Taufiq F, Yamamoto K, Hisatome I. Effect of Antihypertensive Drugs on Uric Acid Metabolism in Patients with Hypertension: Cross-Sectional Cohort Study.

Drug Res (Stuttg). 2016 Dec;66(12):628-632. Epub 2016 Sep 19.


110.Ikeda N, Nakazawa N, Kurata Y, Yaura H, Taufiq F, Minato H, Yoshida A, Ninomiya H, Nakayama Y, Kuwabara M, Shirayoshi Y, Hisatome I. Tbx18-positive cells differentiated from murine ES cells serve as proepicardial progenitors to give rise to vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. Biomed Res. 2017;38(4):229-238. doi: 10.2220/biomedres.38.229.


特許 抗ペンドリン抗体による甲状腺疾患の評価方法



IPC分類:G01N 33/53



