


2016-06-22 01:25:34 | Weblog


2016-05-05 01:32:13 | Weblog

The inside scoop - Vimeo April NewsletterDoes this email look weird?... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr25xE3E8


2016-04-22 01:33:17 | Weblog

NHK chiba
22日(金)[FM(千葉県域)]午前7:25~【再放送】「千葉県少年少女オーケストラ 第 20回定期演奏会」 3月27日(日)に千葉県文化会館で行われた演奏会の模様をお届けします。nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/…

@marcmaniez  Is it an image of the snow?

@theviatumblr   Is the one called a rumor the one saying that it is not possible to trust it?

@theviatumblr   If it wants to strengthen, let's become like that. If it wants to weaken, let's become like that.

@theviatumblr   In principles of democracy, should choose only one from plural one?

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 葦はよいもの悪いもの? 七十二候・葭始生(あしはじめてしょうず) "... fb.me/72zX6RSwg

@theviatumblr   What direction do I would be having to do for that?

NHK chiba

Is the one called a rumor the one saying that it is not possible to trust it?

If it wants to strengthen, let's become like that. If it wants to weaken, let's become like that.

In principles of democracy, should choose only one from plural one?

Because it is politics in our country by the represent the public, it should defend this principle faithfully.

Consulting with peripheral people would be being important to know candidate's character and ability.


2016-04-21 01:32:42 | Weblog

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 二十四節気「穀雨(こくう)」。百穀を潤す春の雨が、けむるように降るころ."... fb.me/t5hIY6d2

@theviatumblr   It would be being on "Too much is as bad as too little.

Via Tumblr "Quotation"
本当のボーイフレンドは他の女性を全く見ません。 彼が彼の少女のための目をしているだけであるので。

It would be being "See person's appearance and mend appearance of myself".

It would be being on "Too much is as bad as too little.


2016-04-20 01:34:00 | Weblog

NHK千葉 相次ぐ地震で被害が広がっている熊本県に、日本赤十字社の千葉県支部は医師や看護師など合わせて30人を派遣することになり、19日、成田市で出発式が行われました。www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

@theviatumblr   If I determine the execution of the problem, I achieve it without fail.

NHK chiba

Tumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr  It would be being "See person's appearance and mend appearance of myself".

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

If I determine the execution of the problem, I achieve it without fail.

It would be being "See person's appearance and mend appearance of myself".


2016-04-19 01:35:34 | Weblog

(文 科 省) 4月19日(火)実施予定の平成28年度全国学力・学習状況調査について、熊本県熊本地方を震源とする地震の被害状況を踏まえ、熊本県については全域、宮崎県については一部の市町村教育委員会において実施を見送ることとしました。mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/…

@theviatumblr  I have breathed in one box up to now at the two days. But I am not breathing in at all now.

I have breathed in one box up to now at the two days. But I am not breathing in at all now.


2016-04-18 01:36:20 | Weblog

@theviatumblr   If it wants to make the dream the one of the reality, let's make up a detailed plan.

@theviatumblr  The giant earthquake happens in the Kyushu region in Japan, the dead reach to 40 people or more & aftershock continues.

@theviatumblr   The feature of the destruction of the giant earthquake was a victim to whom the first floor collapsed.

@theviatumblr   "The idea of unskilled is the same as taking a rest". This is a proverb.

The giant earthquake happens in the Kyushu region in Japan, the dead reach to 40 people or more & aftershock continues.

The feature of the destruction of the giant earthquake was a victim to whom the first floor collapsed.


2016-04-16 01:32:41 | Weblog

kddipr "Quotation"
平成28年熊本地震における被害への支援について news.kddi.com/kddi/corporate…... fb.me/137BeQOIG

@theviatumblr   Convenience was simplified in PC of Windows 10 now. Not being possible to select it freely is to be regrettable.

NHK chiba

@theviatumblr  Would be being in what is a value in what I should do now?

tenki.jp "Quotation"
"平成28年熊本地震 今後の注意点 "... fb.me/77nmV3VdU

Convenience was simplified in PC of Windows 10 now. Not being possible to select it freely is to be regrettable.

Would be being in what is a value in what I should do now?


2016-04-15 01:36:05 | Weblog

Tumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr  Anyone would be only having to disregard the complaint of a person not related to the self.

@theviatumblr   The one to make me sad might be muscular pain.

@theviatumblr   The trouble caused when I did the installation request of the calendar software of the cellular phone in the shop.

NHK chiba
ことし夏の参議院選挙から選挙権を得られる年齢が18歳に引き下げられるのを前に、千葉大学で学生の提案で若者の投票率向上をテーマにした授業が新たに始まりました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

Anyone would be only having to disregard the complaint of a person not related to the self.

? *Video :"Christopher Plummer - Edelweiss (The Sound of Music)“     *One of the most beautiful scenes... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr24_16Zn

? *Video :"Christopher Plummer - Edelweiss (The Sound of Music)“     *One of the most beautiful scenes...... fb.me/7jomDW74V

*Video :" 『サウンド・オブ・ミュージック』- 「エーデルワイス」
 ・ <日本語歌詞付き> 製作50周年記念



2016-04-14 01:32:44 | Weblog

@theviatumblr   When the inside of the inside is guessed, it would be being a table.

*Video :" 小中高校でパラスポーツ体験型授業!「あすチャレ!スクール」スタート"
・4月8日、パラスポーツの体験型授業「あすチャレ!スクール」の記者発表が行われました。... fb.me/5VKyuv2S6

NHK chiba

(文 科 省) 馳大臣の記者会見 トピックスは,ミクロネシア諸島自然体験交流事業の日本人参加経験者に係る追跡調査,男子バドミントン選手の違法賭博,教科書会社による謝礼問題です。 youtu.be/D_Oooi4Z8n8

NHK chiba
千葉各地をブラりと訪ね魅力を紹介する「ちばブラ」。東庄町と銚子市で行われた「桜井神幸祭」に行ってきたラッカ!神輿が川の中に・・・。天保水滸伝ゆかりの里も紹介。 nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

NHK chiba
千葉県市川市で、今月、新たに保育園を開園する予定だった社会福祉法人の計画が騒音などを理由に周辺の住民が反対したことを受けて中止されていたことがわかりました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

NHK chiba
12日(火)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ひるどき川柳」をアップしたカラね!お題は『若い』 nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

NHK chiba
12日(火)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「おすすめミュージアム」をアップ!テーマは『ホキ美術館「3つの個性―表現の可能性を探る」』 nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

*Video :" 探検バクモン「横浜中華街」"
* 年間2000万人以上が訪れる人気スポット、横浜中華街。その魅力のキーワードは
「和中折衷」…って何?知られざる裏側を探検し、現在進行形で進化するヒミツに迫る。 fb.me/2J4GlG2EG

*Video :" ウクライナとのスポーツ交流の推進へ:(文 科 省)"
* 新コーナーを更新しました。今回は,「ウクライナとのスポーツ交流の推進へ 覚書署名式」です。... fb.me/7jSNiLzdu


2016-04-12 01:31:47 | Weblog

*Video :" 「Windows 10 設定 その1篇」 " fb.me/4xRFbTZ6t

*Video :" 「 Windows 10 設定 その2篇」" fb.me/7TLoBfjF7

*Video :" 「Windows 10 設定 その3篇」" fb.me/R4KJceXb

NHK chiba

NHK chiba
千葉各地をブラりと訪ね魅力を紹介する「ちばブラ」。印西市で満開を迎えた「吉高の大桜」を見に行ってきたラッカ!高さは10メートル超で樹齢は推定300年以上の大きな桜。 nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

@simonboylan  I should thoroughly remove the tension.

@theviatumblr   The mistake is not found in my certainly having "It is a wave".

@theviatumblr  It might be to become a crazy frame of mind if it thinks about the things by using the nerve in detail.

@theviatumblr  There is a training to which it keeps sitting without moving by the Zen meditation during long time.

@simonboylan   Let's continue always the smile without doing the frowning countenance.


2016-04-11 01:33:42 | Weblog

? *Video :" To share animation and the reproduction list “ tmblr.co/ZkPEJr24mp7pw

? *Video :" To share animation and the reproduction list “ tmblr.co/ZkPEJr24mp7pw fb.me/55DjLimUA

@theviatumblr  The person would be only having to apologize to one mistake only once.

@theviatumblr  If a wise way to do correspondence doesn't understand when attacked from the person, such a guy would be being foolish.

@theviatumblr   The person who fights baring directly the feelings would be being a narrow person in the mind.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 新作『幻想神空海』や5月の團菊祭、6月の三部制。歌舞伎座は見どころ満載が続きます"... fb.me/17V5qEmbG

Via Tumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr   Contributing the comment that doesn't become person's reference would be being what become impolite.

@theviatumblr   The teacher's work is not to teach knowledge and to educe knowledge from the other party.

NHK chiba

NHK chiba
千葉県銚子市でみこしを担いで川に入る2年に1度の勇壮な神事、「お浜降り」が行われました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

NHK chiba
10日(日)[BS1]午後7:00~Jリーグ「柏レイソル」対「FC東京」 試合開始は午後7:00! 柏サッカー場から中継!【解説】木村和司,【アナウンサー】鳥海貴樹  www1.nhk.or.jp/sports2/jlg/

tenki.jp "Quotation"
"七十二候「鴻雁北(こうがんかえる)」 。あはれな渡り鳥にまつわる伝説「雁風呂」のCMをご存じですか?"... fb.me/80C3sc8Jj

If a wise way to do correspondence doesn't understand when attacked from the person, such a guy would be being foolish.

The person would be only having to apologize to one mistake only once.

Contributing the comment that doesn't become person's reference would be being what become impolite.

The teacher's work is not to teach knowledge and to educe knowledge from the other party.


2016-04-08 01:31:12 | Weblog

@theviatumblr   If it is a married couple of the imitation, it would rather be bachelordom.

Tumblr "Quotation"

NHK chiba

NHK chiba
FM【ひるどき情報ちば】田島シェフのお手軽レシピ♪良い香りがすると思ったらスタジオには、フレンチおにぎり&カラ揚げ、HPにはすでに材料や手順を載せています。 nhk.or.jp/chiba/cooking/…

@theviatumblr   Song "Lulleby of Akagi" is "Gambler's wandering" enka.

NHK放送技術研究所 "Quotation" NHKが開発した「ハイビジョン」と「緊急警報放送」が 電気・電子・情報分野の歴史的業績を表彰するIEEEマイルストーンに認定されました。NHKの認定は計3件となりました。nhk.or.jp/strl/

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

If it is a married couple of the imitation, it would rather be bachelordom.

Song "Lulleby of Akagi" is "Gambler's wandering" enka.


2016-04-07 01:30:53 | Weblog

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 萌えいづる芽のパワーをいただく!春の味覚 「筍(たけのこ)」"... fb.me/10weU7Uqg

@theviatumblr  You are hoping to see the stuff of dreams and to build the big the one.

Simon Boylan "Quotation"
考えに現在の瞬間に平和に決着をつけて、見つけさせてください。 握るのも比較もなければ、生きているという事実を味わってください。

Tumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr   It cause for the feelings to get excited because such the one is called "Weeping for joy".

*Video :" 「聖火リレーを福島で!」福島県の高校生 大臣表敬訪問”
 ... fb.me/5dCLEU2uB

(文 科 省) 馳大臣の記者会見 トピックスは,英語教育実施状況調査,大臣就任からの振り返り,大学スポーツ,給付型奨学金です。 youtu.be/XcULTxbsg-M

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

Via Tumblr "Quotation"
それは、関係が終わるとき、人生が終わったことを意味しません。 それは、あなたが1ステップ申し分のない始めを見つけることの、より近くにいることをただ意味します。

You are hoping to see the stuff of dreams and to build the big the one.

It cause for the feelings to get excited because such the one is called "Weeping for joy".


2016-04-06 01:31:18 | Weblog

Tumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr   Lyrics show the self in the charm of the song. It is the one often sing.

@theviatumblr   This would be being the one in a fantastic story that appears in the dream.

@theviatumblr   The spite would be being one of the roasted rice cakes. And, it might be act of doing to the attacked return.

NHK chiba
千葉県鴨川市の水族館で入社式が行われ、人気のシャチがショーを見学した新入社員たちに大量の水しぶきを浴びせかけ、豪快に激励しました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

NHK 技 研 公開
技研のエントランスで、どなたでも8Kをお気軽にご覧いただけるようになりました。( 平日の午前10時から午後5時まで公開しています。) nhk.or.jp/strl/

@theviatumblr   Please very much cry when you want to cry. Video: Lulleby of Akagi youtu.be/ronqoPUhwjY

@theviatumblr   It would be being a place of a far other side that exceeds the Pacific Ocean.

Lyrics show the self in the charm of the song. It is the one often sing.

This would be being the one in a fantastic story that appears in the dream.

The spite would be being one of the roasted rice cakes. And, it might be act of doing to the attacked return.

Please very much cry when you want to cry.
Video: Lulleby of Akagi youtu.be/ronqoPUhwjY

It would be being a place of a far other side that exceeds the Pacific Ocean.