


2011-07-30 01:42:57 | Weblog
18:47 from Tweet Button
ロシアでは 清涼飲料水だったビールをアルコール規制へ http://t.co/fVtX77r via @twinavi Smoking was ousted to the outdoor area in our country, even the chair was lost.
19:30 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The humidity of indoors in my home was 80%.
19:34 from web (Re: @oylmiller
@oylmiller It would be being like the apple.
19:58 from Tweet Button
人には言えない悩みを川柳でツイート! http://t.co/TRFiksr via @twinavi Ushinohi Day, the eel shortage, the riverbed is dug up.
20:08 from web (Re: @A_TAKATA
@A_TAKATA Goods of today's television shopping were considerably cheap.
20:49 from web (Re: @kenichiromogi
@kenichiromogi I ate the meal to which the salt and sesame sprinkled before the rice cake was pounded steamed rice.
21:17 from web (Re: @Einstein_ja
@Einstein_ja It would be doing pollinating of the will of the person instead of pollinating of the bee.
21:22 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Yumi, do your best.
21:31 from web (Re: @Einstein_ja
@Einstein_ja This doesn't become in a merry sport.
21:37 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius If it is a man, it would be being dry to all thing.
22:08 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz Does the contrbution to your Twitter be the referral of "YouTube"?
22:59 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin I think that it is a superlative if the friend be able to a country all over the world.
23:16 from web (Re: @kazuu0801
@kazuu0801 I hope it do such affair.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-24 01:42:13 | Weblog
03:05 from Tweet Button
まじで勇気あるわ~ on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/ODsf8FD via @twinavi This laundry is bed conspicuous and passes.
03:10 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii It would be being among the dream.
03:36 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin It would be being "A man doesn't say two words".
03:49 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Such clothes are like uniforms in the high school student.
04:06 from web (Re: @Einstein_ja
@Einstein_ja It would be being ones starting from perhaps what knows myself.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-21 01:43:37 | Weblog
01:38 from Tweet Button
結局台風は何しにきたの?うどん食べに来たの?... on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/eq5npV7 via @twinavi He would be coming to search for his lair.
01:52 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin If the pie was thrown, aiming the person's a face would be being usual.
02:02 from Tweet Button
美しさは罪!?上半身裸の男性モデルが表紙の雑誌が問題に@アメリカ - マカマカ - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/qqI4Dh7 via @twinavi It was a surprise. Is this person man?
02:06 from web (Re: @osamu_dazai
@osamu_dazai It would be being you.
02:07 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Because it is the first victory of the FIFA tournament, I am very glad.
02:15 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Will calm, keeps a cool head.
02:18 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It would be being a backstairs gossip.
02:23 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Please drink a lot and eat.
02:27 from web (Re: @jess
@jess @chloes @aunder The time passing is a stripe.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-20 01:46:21 | Weblog
01:37 from web (Re: @osamu_dazai
@osamu_dazai Living things other than person would be not having the concealment word.
02:05 from web (Re: @A_TAKATA
@A_TAKATA I haven't seen you for a long time. Large-TV is hiding oneself now. How it would be being a reason?
02:20 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki This photograph would be being a baby held by the snake.
02:34 from Tweet Button
おいおいこれヤバいだろ http://t.co/tkfTm65 via @twinavi Because it is an eye of one, it would be being father of "Kitaro".
02:50 from web (Re: @TNW
@TNW The acceptation doesn't understand well but I do not think that it is.
03:24 from web (Re: @TwitterSports
@TwitterSports I appreciate blessing to a victory of "Nadeshiko" in the FIFA World Cup.
03:33 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki This person would be being perhaps a fellow.
03:55 from web (Re: @fukudeltoro
@fukudeltoro @hibikilla30 I think that I should not permit of architecture to the danger place.
04:00 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz ?????????????
04:22 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I am experiencing the scary on the login screen.
04:51 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It is usual that how it should execute as there is an everybody idea doesn't understand.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-17 01:45:22 | Weblog
01:42 from web (Re: @osamu_dazai
@osamu_dazai Do you express the what as the status?
01:51 from web (Re: @osamu_dazai
@osamu_dazai I cannot comprehend what you want to say.
02:08 from web (Re: @FACEPLATE
@FACEPLATE @jackburditt @AlecBaldwin We do not have the discrimination on the basis of color.
02:36 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I used it 15 years ago but I have not seen in the present.
03:03 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Is it frightened to take the packed train?
08:01 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius They are "The continuation is a jewel".
08:46 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz ?????????????????????
09:46 from web (Re: @mari_mix97
@mari_mix97 The hell that will wait would be being a pond where the crocodilian is residing.
09:59 from web
I am expecting the victory by finals. #なでしこ
10:48 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Harvey, Sounds great! Thank heaven! But, Ore do not tell a lie except the joke.
15:33 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin J'ai dit: "What Goes Around Comes Around" est.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-13 01:43:10 | Weblog
00:00 from web (Re: @osamu_dazai
@osamu_dazai It would be being good that you do not think the affair of that.
00:04 from web (Re: @mari_mix97
@mari_mix97 It would be being "Even Homer sometimes nods".
00:29 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin I would be becoming to pressenting this song to you. http://t.co/PbIt07z
01:00 from web (Re: @FM9375
@FM9375 What ones is the story of your good Japan?
01:20 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder "????" would be being better for you than a pants.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-10 01:44:15 | Weblog
11:20 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin Everyone of my acquaintance is a friend. It deals with anyone equally if it is a friend.
11:23 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin It would be being natural.
11:29 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin You would be not being year that thinks about pornography already.
11:53 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder @elizabeth The suit before too long becomes a bird and would be being flying to somewhere.
12:04 from web (Re: @alejodorowsky
@alejodorowsky It would be being a honeybee.
12:30 from Tweet Button
どうしてもこれが頭から離れない。 http://t.co/tj3R37q via @twitpic It would be saying that it is opposite.
13:20 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr プロ用ハイビジョンカメラが撮ったエベレスト http://t.co/mU4Btfx
13:58 from web (Re: @Becky_bekiko
@Becky_bekiko Mr.Gaga, could you pray the what?
14:21 from web
@igris5「あなたはあなた自身の事実ではなく、あなた自身の所信の権利を与えられます。」- @BarackObam (Quotation)
15:17 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin If anything, the action by a group would be being by what is slow.
15:29 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin It would be being impossible in the country of democracy and capitalism.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-05 01:44:32 | Weblog
21:34 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii You want you to defend the time limit of the report submitting.
22:06 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi The reason that your icon changes would be being a what.
22:33 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Be by what say that the workmanship is unskilled?
22:36 from web (Re: @shiro_tsubuyaki
@shiro_tsubuyaki It would be being natural.
22:54 from Tweet Button
ソファの上の猫が丸かった http://t.co/fNBrJrv via @twitpic It would be being cat's Mali kick.
23:05 from web (Re: @Jill_Michelle
@Jill_Michelle The dog that lives by your fillet meat would be being poor.
23:16 from Tweet Button
松本復興相、岩手・宮城両知事にきわどい発言連発 http://t.co/PoKWYcW He would be being want to keep a face.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-07-04 01:42:05 | Weblog
00:27 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It would be being better than only to collocate the single word.
00:36 from Tweet Button
I require large amount of money for the preparation of the ground Dej reception, it is a tight expression in the poor person like me.
00:45 from Tweet Button
男性教授、スカート姿で講義…節電の取り組みで : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) http://t.co/BhcWGmM That an act is obviously a sex pervert.
01:06 from Tweet Button
ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/9X79QmU via @twinavi This a figure looks good parentheses but parentheses are bad.
01:23 from web (Re: @bradvertising
@bradvertising Oh dear it would be being as.
01:30 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin Oh dear, it would be being such ones.
02:15 from web (Re: @lovecoach_irene
@lovecoach_irene There is a proverb that is called taking "Sumo wrestling" in our country by "Loincloth" of other a person.
08:51 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Will be to say that you are going to the public bath by the fifth?
08:59 from web (Re: @YouTube
@YouTube what image does have to be included in the tune of the barbecue?
09:03 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii The person who carries what you bought would be being necessary.
by numchay on Twitter