


2012-05-31 01:45:01 | Weblog
16:57 from web (Re: @masato_net
@masato_net Because recent "Manzai" doesn't have the funny story, it is trivial.

17:13 from web
東京電力管内で発生している停電の情報や、弊社のレーダーで観測した雨量・雷に関する気象情報をご提供 twme.jp/TEPC/00BV @igris5

18:12 from web
People who do living to a district would be being most knowing. fb.me/1MfXRDgg6 @DateConfidence

18:13 from web
福島第一原子力発電所3号機 廃棄物地下貯蔵建屋内溜まり水の現場調査結果について twme.jp/tenu/004s@igris5

18:20 from web
After all, it would be being an interpersonal relationship. nblo.gs/y9uzp@DateConfidence

18:36 from web
It should not intervene person's tweet including @・・・・・. diamond.jp/articles/-/191… @sakakuram

18:38 from web
平成24年7月分電気料金の燃料費調整について @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-29 01:39:56 | Weblog
19:49 from web
東京電力管内で発生している停電の情報や、弊社のレーダーで観測した雨量・雷に関する気象情報をご提供 twme.jp/TEPC/00BS @igris5

20:01 from web
Can you happily do the rainbow if there is a launching from the bed? @aunder

20:19 from web
The god would be believing you if you are believing the god. nblo.gs/y7BXS @DateConfidence

20:41 from web
The tool of love is not necessary. fb.me/PEcGsftZ @DateConfidence

21:10 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz ????????????????????????????????.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-24 01:39:35 | Weblog
18:48 from web
With whom does it? fb.me/t7HsueJZ @DateConfidence

18:50 from web
事実関係をホームぺージに掲載 twme.jp/TEPC/00BJ @igris5

19:08 from web
The what of the kind of the seed would be being good. fb.me/O5a16ySm @DateConfidence

19:13 from web (Re: @masato_net
@masato_net それではゆっくり寝てください。

19:21 from web
It would be being a tree of happiness. Tweet Buttonから @DateConfidence

20:00 from web
I think that I can do the will communication well if speaking in dialect. fb.me/O3JXHv6Z @DateConfidence

21:01 from twinavi
Which URL is "This article"? That does not understand to me. twinavi.jp/article/genera…

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-21 01:40:30 | Weblog
16:56 from web
It would be having only to talk with mutually with the joke. fb.me/1Mendy0dq @DateConfidence

17:22 from web
It would be being what do a joyful conversation. fb.me/16O0Bvo37 @DateConfidence

18:16 from web
I would be having to learn little by little. fb.me/AQUre3GV @DateConfidence

18:38 from web
Ladies and gentlemen, let's make the emotion on the living. @masato_net より

18:45 from web
震源域周辺海底で大きな地殻変動 NHKニュース www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/2012… @twinavi より @igris5

19:15 from web
Are you a stay in the room where the computer was put? @I4evz

19:22 from web
Is it what say that it will encourage oneself along? @mameko3087

19:30 from Tweet Button
aunderさんの写真 instagr.am/p/Kysu_tDEep/ @instagramさんからIt is good.

19:54 from web
Is it found? fb.me/Zb4JBdUh @DateConfidence

20:37 from web
It would be being what doesn't match with the other party. fb.me/1MiYJWU0p @DateConfidence

20:55 from web
Because it was too small, it would be being bitten, and not cut off. @aunder

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-19 01:32:42 | Weblog
16:52 from Tweet Button
調布の方、凄い雹だった! on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから This would be being small hail.

16:58 from web
身に覚えのないダイレクトメッセージや@ ツイートはクリックしないようご留意ください。 @twedasuke より @igris5

17:23 from web
「さえずりは充電されます」のように言うDMを受け取ったなら、ログイン情報をクリックしないでください。@safety より@igris5

17:31 from web
【気象庁速報】18日 17時19分頃 最大震度4の地震が発生 jma.go.jp/jp/quake/20120…@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-18 01:30:29 | Weblog
03:22 from web
It would be being what give up. nblo.gs/xHLty @DateConfidence

03:39 from web
It would be being a whisky of Britain. pic.twitter.com/xvqGL1T5@aunder

03:46 from web
About it, a man and the woman too would be being the same one. fb.me/28qmi71jU @DateConfidence

04:10 from web (Re: @twitter
@twitter Many of Tweets is wishing it is SNS. I do not hope for the commercial that makes the profit-pursuing a purpose.

04:19 from web
"Backstairs gossip" would be being women's peculiar conversations. pic.twitter.com/zm2UOOPQ @delbius

04:41 from web (Re: @Support
@Support I think "The Twitter profile gets out if it retrieves it with Google" not become especially problem.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-17 01:28:55 | Weblog
20:09 from web
福島第一原子力発電所における高濃度の放射性物質を含むたまり水の貯蔵及び処理について twme.jp/tenu/004h @igris5

20:30 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence First of all, it would be being what know the condition to which she is invited. And, it would be being what know self.

20:58 from web
What color it would be becoming if red mixes with white? fb.me/1QUK2EkOa @DateConfidence

21:24 from web
I think it is very difficult that a group of a person with different character acts mutually. @DateConfidence fb.me/1DoyODIIk

21:54 from web
The person with a small feelings bluffs.fb.me/25BlL6lX8 @DateConfidence

22:02 from web

22:31 from web
"Good timing" would be being the most important one. nblo.gs/xEjB3@DateConfidence

22:48 from web
平成23年度決算について公表いたしました。(東電) twme.jp/TEPC/00Ax@igris5

23:12 from web
電気料金の値上げに関わる電気供給約款の変更について(東電) twme.jp/TEPC/00At@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-05-11 01:30:25 | Weblog
19:18 from web
落語・漫才のライブショー「NHKお笑いオンステージ」の実施について pid.nhk.or.jp/event/PPG01504… @igris5

19:33 from web
The conversation that jokes and is not the decorated word is useless. nblo.gs/xsWWJ @DateConfidence

20:00 from Tweet Button
ヒゲwwww #jspocycle on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから This would be being a fang of the beard.

20:57 from web
It would be being confronting by "The eyes to the eyes and the blade to the blade". @DateConfidence

21:13 from Tweet Button
のび太が痛烈にTwitte... - 写真共有サイト「フォト蔵」 - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/genera… @twinaviさんから Does the machine make the friend?

21:44 from Tweet Button
これはどっちが異常なんだ……? on Twitpic - ツイナビ twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから Sporting at night and sleeping in daytime would be being the Neats.

21:55 from web
福島第二原子力発電所の復旧計画の進捗状況について twme.jp/tenu/004b@igris5

by numchay on Twitter