

Country that traveled

2010-09-23 00:27:10 | Weblog

  I traveled to several countries in Asia. That country is Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, a Chinese southern part, and South Korea. Especially, I did the home stay of two months twice in Thailand. We went sightseeing by the car to showplace of the outskirts of route 1 that connected Bangkok and Myanmar during the home stay. Again a wonderful night view in Shanghai and a dynamic acrobat show became my good memorieses. 



About viewing and knowing NHK-TV.

2010-09-10 23:18:33 | Weblog

  「About viewing of the broadcasting of TV it be paying public broadcasting like NHK the viewing fee.」

>I usually am viewing the programme of NHK-TV but there will be a lot of things that an intention and the content of that programme cannot comprehend. I obediently show the reality of NHK as an audience of one person in the form of "Purple willow", am thinking that I want to hear an opinion and the impression to other audiences. 


   「川柳」  "Purple willow" concerning mass communication

>*視聴者を ガキより知らない NHK

>*視聴者で 何割入る NHKホーム

>*NHK 参加出来ぬイベント なぜあるの

>*視聴者を お客と呼ぶ人 前会長

>*ETV 話し聞いても 意味知れず

>*NHK お笑い番組 笑えない

>*NHK 英会話より まず国語

>*忘年会 ハレンチ姿 放送す

>*NHK 視聴者への 専念を

>*視聴料 払えぬ者を 差別する

>*NHK 受信障害 無視をする

>*BSの ハイビジョンには またお金

>*NHK 各支局から infoなし

>*英単語 会話の中で 意味知れず