


2011-06-29 01:48:15 | Weblog
17:34 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz The almost everyone would be believing the Buddhism in a Thai country.
17:53 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA Our country came to buy it in the convenience store etc, the delivery to each house was lost.
18:00 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder It would be being the relation only to the person of the independent enterprise.
19:20 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin There are the marriage and the enlistment's conforming in the USA many, the wife would be worrying the child and the husband.
19:28 from web (Re: @itomasa
@itomasa Old SNS has been not used now.
19:43 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin It would be being impossible for me.
19:48 from web (Re: @e_girls_garden
@e_girls_garden Congratulations on the Mr. Suzuki marriage.
19:51 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA It would be being a gigantic tree of "Udo".
20:44 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius If it too is not a lightning, it would be being impossible.
21:14 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being correspond to "Regret doesn't stand ahead".
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-27 01:45:23 | Weblog
02:19 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii I am praying your safety.
02:26 from Tweet Button
歩くと、にゃんこの足あとが残ります。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/AhLAA1j via @twinavi It would be being too large for cat's footprint.
02:44 from Tweet Button
Google先生に叱られた。 http://t.co/qifAoGC via @twinavi Let's send a wind from the inside toward the waterfall of the curtain.
03:06 from Tweet Button
助けてくだ・・・チカラツキテル on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/1yjkJaT via @twinavi Let's pups up the pillar of ice.
03:30 from web (Re: @zayneelady
@zayneelady It would be being an indescribably interesting shirt. #harrumph #waaah
04:17 from web (Re: @AlecBaldwin
@AlecBaldwin The homosexual has dislikes of the degree that overcomes by a feeling of sickness.
04:22 from web (Re: @jeffdenby
@jeffdenby The gay marriage becomes possible in our country too.
04:44 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii The prevailing a cold requires a long time for the complete cure.
04:57 from web (Re: @BOOMquotes
@BOOMquotes Good work of efficiency would be being best. #BOOMquotes
05:04 from web (Re: @dougw
@dougw @jointheflock @cpen @aunder I too think like that.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-22 01:42:00 | Weblog
19:45 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Such an affair be not being.
20:00 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr URLの短縮サービスの悪用にご注意! http://t.co/drBXIfB
20:18 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 30秒で肩こりが楽になる体操 http://t.co/ctoHrfx
21:10 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I esteem freedom and am executing it.
21:26 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi @web_R25 The acceptation of the word called "Ichibuhoudou" is not clear. I think that I should not use it.
21:34 from Tweet Button
やばいなにこれかっこいい on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/Q5JFy6B via @twinavi Is this a wristwatch?
21:53 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii It would be being a symtoms of influenza.
22:50 from web (Re: @akiosky
@akiosky What do you think you should do?
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-19 01:43:55 | Weblog
18:45 from Tweet Button
ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/z5beuWH via @twinavi Recent TV became a program that the performer enjoys.
19:23 from web (Re: @jkalucki
@jkalucki This is a photograph where the cloud that had not been seeing is reflecting.
19:39 from web (Re: @kanjizaibosa
@kanjizaibosa Service that obtains popularity should stop.
20:23 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr トカゲも花束でプロポーズ?http://t.co/KVlEXfT
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-17 01:41:45 | Weblog
18:52 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S I pray hers soul may rest in peace to beloved wife.
20:39 from Tweet Button
2011年6月16日(木)| NHKニュースウオッチ9 春ちゃん写真館 http://t.co/Q9WDjTT The flower that blooms at the season of the rainy season will shed tears.
20:52 from Tweet Button
ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/jphotHK via @twinavi This is an egg separator. http://t.co/6WUn6JD
21:03 from web
@igris5 About the temporary stop of the delivery of the video. http://t.co/8wiIFVJ
21:16 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii ????????? ????
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-16 01:41:28 | Weblog
18:37 from web (Re: @hiranokohta
@hiranokohta ORE think it is very preferable affair.
18:41 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA I hope to become "gray" in case of me.
19:18 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi If red dragonfly's wing is taken it becomes cayenne, that would be being the same affair.
19:24 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Are you too cowardly?
20:01 from Tweet Button
名鉄すげぇ・・・。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/SX6omO3 via @twinavi Do it fly up, while the train is running?
20:41 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/bLoiUQ4 via @twinavi An island would be not being for moving at super-high speed.
20:51 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Let's you ignore a problem.
21:03 from web (Re: @levinassien
@levinassien You would be being thinking that the age of "Give-and-take" comes.
22:00 from web (Re: @kagekineko
@kagekineko It would be being "No rest for the wicked".
22:14 from web (Re: @hughhefner
@hughhefner Is it because you believed the fortune-telling?
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-15 01:40:53 | Weblog
00:27 from Tweet Button
イタリア国民投票:「原発拒絶」 http://t.co/CFDTORo via @twinavi What nuclear accidents fear most would be being an earthquake(tsunami).
00:45 from web (Re: @Daigo19780408
@Daigo19780408 Let's slowly slowly do tweet.
00:56 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA A beautiful picture is written to prevent the graffiti into the sidewall under the land bridge of the tollway.
01:40 from web (Re: @Reuters_co_jp
@Reuters_co_jp This year would be being on year that a lot of large earthquakes occur.
02:31 from web
The link of facebook and twitter was the halt conditions but it has recovered.
05:41 from Google
I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/cXxIBf-yCK0?a 軍艦行進曲
09:38 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 This tune is a song that encourages the child who has father who was slain in battle at the oligo citizen song. http://bit.ly/m4Xivd
10:44 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 【皆既月食】6月16日早朝 http://t.co/KYxeHab
11:01 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA I am putting on the waistcoat whose front shoulder and the back are the nets on the undergarment.
11:17 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii If "【 total lunar eclipse 】 early morning in June 16 ends, your mind would be being to become a freshness.
11:26 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Work about the technology of IT is the most suitable for you.
11:47 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/AjKopRo via @twinavi If the second Touden to which the affiliate differs does establish if the charge goes up, it might be good.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-13 01:40:38 | Weblog
18:02 from Google
Because the explanation of this an animation is Spanish, I do not very well unde(@YouTube http://youtu.be/Mdkt1AkSCM0?a)
19:35 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/JQYJL5V via @twinavi People at this school would be only having to understand.
20:03 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Are you eating the bowl of rice topped with broiled eel?
20:09 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA The herbicide too would be being an organic matter.
20:40 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus I did the comprehension.
21:35 from Tweet Button
うまい棒1本だけ買ったら消費税いくらですか? - Yahoo!知恵袋 - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/8pZNWYe via @twinavi It would be being 5% of a good stick.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-11 01:41:24 | Weblog
13:58 from web (Re: @asahi_tokyo
@asahi_tokyo As for it, the juvenile would be being chase the load to the mind than the elder.
14:32 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi Is it "Raise your hand" to the cat?
14:39 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus Do you execute in rain too?
15:10 from web (Re: @asahi_tokyo
@asahi_tokyo Did the cause into which Mr. guardian deity of children had changed front at the same time understand?
15:31 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 東電「でんき予報」の開始
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-08 01:41:12 | Weblog
02:29 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii There is not such a affair at all.
02:36 from web
@igris5 6月7日以降の4週間分の需給見通し ( 計画停電の「原則不実施」)
03:10 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii I did the comprehension.
03:19 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA The red circle is good for the white ground if it gives it to me.
03:44 from web (Re: @twichk
@twichk @AddThis It would be being good in "A ground mixture of red pepper and aromatic spices".
06:43 from web (Re: @CatherineBerg
@CatherineBerg Does kind of wiener would be being what?
07:17 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke Are you cat's bed? (It's a joke.)
10:20 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder @pandora Would you be being it saw the what in the interior of the window? (This is a joke.)
17:13 from Google
I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/yMtaD5CX7wI?a 高画質調整版 南三陸町志津川高校から見た津波の様子
18:51 from Tweet Button
About the loss of our country: About the loss of our country http://t.co/V1Fz86G
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-07 01:40:05 | Weblog
00:43 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii To our regret, okonomiyaki is not a liking in a man.
01:02 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii It would be being the same as "An empty bag can't stand up right."
02:42 from web (Re: @TheGameOverHHH
@TheGameOverHHH Should person do the what? It is understanding to a lot of people. But, that method doesn't often understand.
02:46 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii It is usual that a man doesn't like okonomiyaki.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-05 01:40:33 | Weblog
12:33 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 「東京電力アカウント」情報を追加!http://twme.jp/tnav/00eQ
13:22 from web (Re: @sophiemiaj
@sophiemiaj The physiological condition of the body will not steady because the change of the temperature is large recently.
14:22 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/DR7fKKU via @twinavi Do how is differing about the Setouchi climate and the Pacific Ocean coast climate?
14:33 from web (Re: @TheGameOverHHH
@TheGameOverHHH Your a head would be being a socialist idea.
14:48 from web (Re: @twichk
@twichk @AddThis On the upper of the keyboard of note PC, cat feelings would be being good.
15:14 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder You would be being best if sleeping hugging it.
15:50 from ついっぷる/twipple
@RedScareBot I am a person of loving liberalism and capitalism. I esteem freedom but the rule is severe.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-06-04 01:41:23 | Weblog
00:30 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez The picture of this Apple would be being the transitory one.
00:54 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Koto who doesn't give up something makes it a possibility. How about this expression?
01:27 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Please work hard with confidence without being caught in a detailed thing.
01:39 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Please offer the works that can amuse not what only the performer enjoys but the audience.
02:59 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S The prime minister was saying, do dissolution of the House of Representatives if it approved. This contradict.
03:20 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr フォローボタンの設置方法について http://t.co/7mx7RxU
06:48 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius @Twitter Photobucket becomes considerably disagreeable feelings.
by numchay on Twitter