


2012-01-22 01:26:27 | Weblog
22:05 from Tweet Button
父が玄関マットを持ってきて twinavi.jp/article/detail… @twinaviさん This photograph would be ones confirming the law of the heredity of the color of cat's hair?

22:13 from web (Re: @na_nake
@na_nake ????????????????????????

22:20 from web
Is there a tool of a good carwash? @delbius

22:29 from web
First of all, it would be being necessary to acquire the culture and the language. @lovecoach_irene

23:11 from web
A performance of the person who disguised it as the zebra would be being the flattery. But? youtu.be/fljKx9nvrL4@nickbilton

by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-20 01:27:25 | Weblog
21:42 from Tweet Button
「REAL10(リアジュー)」を筑波大学が開発 twinavi.jp/article/detail… At any rate, woman's heartburning is admitted but man's heartburning would be being lowest.

22:06 from web
This would be being a thing used in summer but it would be being for prevention of dangerous. nhk.jp/N3zi6SRj@twichk

22:25 from web
This story would be being a pun in a unit(credits). @sshin89

22:49 from web
東電、家庭向け料金も値上げ 政府、合理化条件に容認へ twme.jp/tnav/01Nb@igris5

23:53 from web
In what equipment is it effective to use the domestic use dynamo? @A_TAKATA

by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-18 01:27:30 | Weblog
20:48 from web

20:59 from web
 NHKスペシャル 知られざる放射能汚染~海からの緊急報告~ tsukuba2011.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-550… @igris5

21:03 from web
あなたのニーズにあった PC をご紹介します。 microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/… @igris5

by numchay on Twitter

1月15日(日)のつぶやき→「aunderさんの写真 This might be a pho...」

2012-01-16 01:27:18 | Weblog
04:28 from Tweet Button
aunderさんの写真 instagr.am/p/hGAmJ/ @instagramさんから This might be a photograph that took a picture ten years or more ago.

04:53 from web (Re: @bradvertising
@bradvertising This would be being the goods to be moved?

05:03 from Tweet Button
しょ…衝動買いしちった…☆ コタツなんだぜ?コレ…www ... on Twitpic - ツイナビ twinavi.jp/article/detail… @twinaviさんから The acceptation doesn't understand at all.

05:33 from web
It will become to endings by the cheap moneys. fb.me/1iHJKgJuO@greatbeauty1

by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-14 01:27:32 | Weblog
06:36 from web
福島第一原子力発電所敷地内トレンチ等の水溜まりの調査状況について twme.jp/tenu/0030 @igris5

06:42 from web
Twitterに新しい言語が加わりました。 blog.jp.twitter.com/2012/01/twitte… @igris5

06:47 from web
よくある質問や用語集をまとめています。 twme.jp/tnav/01MG@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-10 02:40:30 | Weblog
04:53 from Tweet Button
Twitpic - Share photos http://t.co/b9Jaw5XI @twinaviさん Is this photograph a contrbution of the person of the personification time of year?
05:09 from Tweet Button
何を思ってこのTシャツを作ろうと思ったのか問い詰めたい.. http://t.co/tEBsEmA6 @twinaviさんから This photograph would be being it was dress the T-shirt to the mannequin.
05:21 from Tweet Button
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter - http://t.co/B49J4bhO @twinaviさんから This would be being what the kindergartner thinks.
05:47 from web
I might not be able to take by this English certificate by as much as one point. http://t.co/p1SiQRxG
09:02 from Tweet Button
エーンエーンと泣く赤ちゃんを優しく寝かしつける黒猫がカワエエエ! http://t.co/52YtJXiw @twinaviさんから The baby is scary or pleasant, it would be becoming for which?
by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-06 02:36:20 | Weblog
00:28 from Tweet Button
このヘッドホンすげえwwwwwwwwwwww... http://t.co/izJ34KcR @twinaviさんから Let's attach this headphone and be flying to high-sky.
00:59 from web
You would be being a fine man maybe. @elonmusk
01:07 from Tweet Button
いやそのりくつはおかしい http://t.co/bCSqfZaM @twinaviさんから Both of they would be being acceptable.
01:21 from web
福島第1原発:4号機タンク水位低下…地震の影響 http://t.co/AfGfDk2j @igris5
01:37 from web
Congratulations. To become a good new year, I bless you. http://t.co/6KFO7pjY
05:36 from web
I am always looking at the one with black sunglasses. @delbius
22:55 from Tweet Button
写メで届いた奴 何やってるの友達 http://t.co/V41hOzW1 @twinaviさんから It is "The prize the bud was coming out" at scoop.
23:23 from web
Google + had shut, because I have a hard time if I expanded to wide the market. http://t.co/ZM6RjhQZ @Monica_Ranson
by numchay on Twitter


2012-01-05 02:40:29 | Weblog
22:39 from Tweet Button
#wanko DSに夢中? タッチペンはビーフジャーキー(^^;;... http://t.co/bRS95cWj @twinaviさんから This the protagonist would be being a stuffed animal.
22:49 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi Please invalidate add-on of this.
23:01 from web
Become what say that the life might be lost? @lovecoach_irene
23:07 from Tweet Button
2012年 新年のご挨拶 http://t.co/LA8q9rVQ @twjさんから To become a good new year, I bless you.
23:25 from Tweet Button
IE 6の米国でのシェア1%切りを祝う http://t.co/yAqIaRr7 @twinaviさんから There are some unsupported Applications in a Version that is lower than IE8.
23:33 from web
@igris5 放射性物質の除去装置を開発 NHKニュース
23:54 from web
Ya! on earth it would be being what. @aunder
by numchay on Twitter