


2012-06-30 01:31:51 | Weblog
21:07 from web
ツイッターの使いかたをまとめたガイドページ twme.jp/tnav/01yJ @igris5

21:08 from web

22:25 from web
I in the civil servant did what devote to a student the great cause (going on to school of a high degree and finding employment). Irene

22:28 from web
社会保障制度改革推進法案: 自民党bit.ly/MoBIHv @igris5

22:51 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan Is the politician's promise to the citizen used to elect it advantageously?

22:54 from web
(6/28)9時30分頃、千葉火力発電所第3-3号(33.4万kW)が発電を開始しました。 東電 twme.jp/TEPC/00CS @igris5

23:02 from web
福島第一原子力発電所1号機原子炉建屋トーラス室内調査結果について twme.jp/tenu/005D @igris5

23:10 from web
東電国有化を正式決定 株主総会が終了 twme.jp/tnav/01xn @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-27 01:32:11 | Weblog
21:30 from Tweet Button
nblo.gs/zcOpO "It's wishing" would be being what become to such. But "Having the conviction" would be being sure to become such.

21:45 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan This is what say that I do not have the creative one?

22:07 from web
姉崎火力発電所3号機における点検後の発電再開時の不具合についてtwme.jp/TEPC/00CM @igris5

22:12 from web
ロンドンオリンピック日本代表公式ハッシュタグ一覧 パソコン] blog.jp.twitter.com/2012/06/blog-p… @igris5

22:16 from web
資源の確保の推進に関する法律 自民党(案): bit.ly/NoqHuK igris5

22:22 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence It is you when it is necessary.

22:29 from web
写真でお示しする福島第一原子力発電所の現状について twme.jp/tenu/005A@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-25 01:33:28 | Weblog
18:43 from Tweet Button
家に帰って来てほっとする時 nblo.gs/z8c9o My occasion is the most tiring when it came back from the place visited for the first time.

18:51 from web (Re: @uemon789
@uemon789 "It is a hell if it defeats in the heaven if it wins" would be being an occasion of not Japan but France.

19:11 from web
I think that it should limit "Unlimited potential" if it is myself. @SimonBoylan

19:29 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy There is The University of the Air that covers four corners in our country. ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%94%BE…

20:21 from Tweet Button
aunderさんの写真 instagr.am/p/MNJJF7DERc/ @instagramさんから What group is the friend of These Three?

20:38 from web
Isn't there problem even if the politician disregards the promise to the citizen? @SimonBoylan

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-23 01:50:08 | Weblog
17:44 from web
In the praise to the man of the man, an upper and lower difference would be being only a large occasion. @DateConfidence

17:48 from web
首都直下地震対策特別措置法案 bit.ly/NfjQ18 @igris5

18:30 from web
The woman whom I try to request wants the person that will be my partner in my home. nblo.gs/z1zpU @DateConfidence

18:35 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA It would be being what say steady accuracy?

18:40 from web
Is the religion that you believe "Buddhism"? @GOODPRESENTIDEA

18:53 from web
南海トラフ巨大地震対策特別措置法案(自民党)bit.ly/NcbKX5 @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-20 01:42:52 | Weblog
16:41 from Tweet Button
国際結婚問題:国際離婚が増えている問題 nblo.gs/yVt39 Does your master like to see negative TV? ?@DateConfidence

19:42 from web
台風の雨雲の様子が完全にドクロ twme.jp/tnav/01vu @igris5

19:44 from web
「原子炉建屋等への地下水流入に対する抜本的対策」の検討状況について、資料を掲載 twme.jp/tenu/0054 @igris5

19:50 from web
The secret information would be being what does not to leak it outside. @GOODPRESENTIDEA

20:07 from web
The child who can make a sarcastic remark would be being an excellent one. @freecialis

20:21 from web
The hasty person would be not being scruples in the world. @delbius

20:38 from web
Let's stop "What rub the sesame". nblo.gs/yVeWH @DateConfidence

20:58 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給18 HELP(助ける) nblo.gs/yUZm4 I hate what is helped by the person but like to help the person. ?@DateConfidence

21:16 from web
It is dangerous to become a state of excitation when it do the marathon. @aunder

21:50 from web
豪州ウィートストーンLNGプロジェクトからのLNG購入に関する売買契約の締結について(東電)twme.jp/TEPC/00C7 @igris5

22:30 from web (Re: @Kitti3Miti
@Kitti3Miti ????????????????????.

22:40 from Tweet Button
社会保障制度改革推進法案 | 政策トピックス | 政策 | 自由民主党 jimin.jp/policy/policy_… @igris5

22:59 from Tweet Button
先生…… on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター twinavi.jp/article/pictur… @twinaviさんから This would be being a very interesting photograph.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-16 01:37:12 | Weblog
21:09 from web
福島第一原子力発電所4号機使用済燃料プールへの防護構台設置状況 twme.jp/tenu/0052 @igris5

22:23 from web
Perhaps, international love of person in Japan might be not what do last long. nblo.gs/yMJNZ @DateConfidence

22:56 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給14 GROW(成長) nblo.gs/yMyQ7 It would be being what say, "Guilty romance".

23:09 from web
福島第一原子力発電所2号機の原子炉建屋内(3階~5階)を、ロボットのクインス2で調査した結果 twme.jp/tenu/0050 @igris5

23:16 from web (Re: @BLUE_BACK_STAR
@BLUE_BACK_STAR The seaside season came finally.

23:42 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給12 HUMBLENESS(謙遜) nblo.gs/yGWRPIt would be being what show myself with the profile clearly.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-13 01:43:43 | Weblog
02:54 from web
I dodge it before it is faced with the wall and the obstacle. nblo.gs/yDobp @DateConfidence

03:03 from web
My occasion treasures all items. nblo.gs/yCZL1 @DateConfidence

03:06 from web
カタール国からのLNG購入に関する新規長期売買契約の締結について(東電)twme.jp/TEPC/00Bw @igris5

04:48 from web
This ones would be being the same to saying "Come to become". nblo.gs/yBQjp @DateConfidence

05:09 from web
It would be being what say that a certain time will behave like the prostitute. @delbius

05:38 from web
The man, the woman too would be making the style to show up self well when the airing time. nblo.gs/yBkws @DateConfidence

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-11 01:37:31 | Weblog
00:06 from web
If he are doing always overreliance, he would be having like doing a selfish an act. nblo.gs/yxRXi @DateConfidence

00:14 from web
【ツイッター使いかた】よくある質問や用語集 twme.jp/tnav/01tf @igris5

00:35 from web
That perhaps would be being one the man should not envy to the woman. nblo.gs/yxB2F @DateConfidence

01:06 from twinavi
How about "Pork cutlet a bowl of meal"? twinavi.jp/article/pictur…

02:27 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence It might be because fear that the blood type happens to self by being known to the other party is felt.

04:32 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence The attitude would be being changing suddenly if the woman doesn't like it when be talking with as the boyfriend.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-09 01:41:50 | Weblog
03:06 from web (Re: @I4evz
@I4evz ???????????????????

03:13 from web
福島第一原子力発電所2、3号機 トーラス室の水位測定結果について twme.jp/tenu/004z @igris5

03:23 from web
Perhaps, it would be being that the feeling conforms. nblo.gs/ysyNg @DateConfidence

04:02 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Why you had received the shock?

04:21 from web
福島第一原子力発電所における高濃度の放射性物質を含むたまり水の貯蔵及び処理について twme.jp/tenu/004y@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-06 01:44:20 | Weblog
18:29 from web
福島第二原子力発電所復旧計画の進捗状況について(平成24年5月)twme.jp/tenu/004x @igris5

19:47 from web
There is difference of customs and manners by a district though I too did experience the home stay more than two months in Thailand. Irene

19:56 from web
It would be being cat's estrus now. twme.jp/tnav/01sQ @twinavi

20:30 from web
Does you say that courage is necessary for love? fb.me/YqUqAzCx @DateConfidence

20:43 from web
Who should I love if it misses? fb.me/20QoNxRYs @DateConfidence

21:09 from web
@MarcManiez If it borrows the guard key at the hotel, would you be not being feel the lost anxiety?

21:54 from web
Neither love nor the marriage are the buying and selling. nblo.gs/yodO1 @DateConfidence

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-04 01:38:02 | Weblog
00:02 from web
東京電力管内で発生している停電の情報や、弊社のレーダーで観測した雨量・雷に関する気象情報をご提供 twme.jp/TEPC/00Bf @igris5

00:08 from web
メッセージを日本語⇔外国語に簡単に変換する「メール翻訳コンシェル」提供開始 (NTTドコモ)PC⇒eng.mg/36e3e@igris5

00:16 from web
If it is a joke and a metaphor, it would be being good. @aunder

by numchay on Twitter


2012-06-03 01:36:53 | Weblog
23:25 from web
My happiness would be being the one given by people of the ambience. nblo.gs/ygxBU @DateConfidence

23:37 from web
It would be being perhaps one of starting from what know self. fb.me/13RGPg8B9 @DateConfidence

23:48 from web
毎月の電気のご使用量と電気料金をインターネットでご確認いただける「でんき家計簿」の利用にあたりましては、会員登録(無料)が必要となります twme.jp/TEPC/00Bf @igris5

23:53 from twinavi
尾崎紀世彦さんのご冥福をお祈りいたします。 twinavi.jp/article/genera…

by numchay on Twitter