


2012-08-30 01:29:49 | Weblog
15:30 from web
富津火力発電所4号系列第2軸(定格出力:50.7万kW)は、ガスタービンの排ガス温度の上昇により、午前9時29分に発電を停止しました。twme.jp/TEPC/00Dw @igrisu

15:57 from Tweet Button
Don't wait for things to happen 何かが起こるのを待ってないで nblo.gs/Butwe Would be not doing to say like "I am a long road that has no turning"?

17:41 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給88 PROSPERITY(豊かさ) nblo.gs/Butwd The mind might not be filled even if there is money.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-27 01:29:59 | Weblog
13:47 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It might be what obtain the emotion has filled the satisfaction to yourself.

14:52 from Tweet Button
幼い頃に経験した事は、大人に The person who comes of age and experiences the personification might be the person on infant's age who doesn't experience.

16:19 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給85 RELIABILITY(信頼性) nblo.gs/BltkJ To be trusted would be being what say that it will not be making trouble.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-25 01:29:31 | Weblog
19:28 from web
Facebookページに配電の取り組みシリーズの第4回「電力系統の把握とコントロール」を公開いたしました。twme.jp/TEPC/00Dn @igris5

19:41 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan A wind too is breathing as well as the person.

20:50 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan The one to be alive has all transmigration of soulses. It did extend to the present by repeating this.

21:12 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給 ツール nblo.gs/Bh5OH The man and woman's being able to love each other would be being a perfect harmony of "Feeling".

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-23 01:28:59 | Weblog
14:02 from web
起動準備中の鹿島火力発電所1号機(定格出力60万kW)で火災が発生しました。(東電)twme.jp/TEPC/00Dk @igris5

15:51 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給82 社交的 nblo.gs/Bebk7 A lot of communications with people would be having to be done to live delightfully every day.

16:41 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy The education would be being what inform them whether the learner learns the what.

17:16 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy It would be being impossible.

17:19 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez Je vais coopérer pour économiser de l'énergie.

17:36 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan There is a proverb called "Eyes do by eyes, and blade do so at blade" in my country.

17:44 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It would be being natural.

21:31 from web
弊社広報部のFacebookページを開設いたしました。(東電)twme.jp/tenu/005l @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-20 01:29:34 | Weblog
13:23 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy It is women's soccer.

13:31 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy Inexperienced person's greediness for learning is very vigorous in your country.

13:36 from Tweet Button
400年以上の歴史のある与那原大綱引き nblo.gs/B738y I knew this event for the first time.

14:17 from web (Re: @moonpolysoft
@moonpolysoft If it says in general, outlay would be becoming most to cost of living (clothes, food, and living).

15:46 from Tweet Button
状況によって自分の「様々な顔」が反映される nblo.gs/B6fG5 To always keep a smiling face in the presence of others, it must have a leeway to the mind.

16:13 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence Please has sleep to enough.

20:48 from web
@yume345911 I did "Following wind" of you. Please work hard.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-17 01:30:06 | Weblog
00:41 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給75 ENERGY(エナジー) nblo.gs/AZDDb My occasion is giving the person a positive energy.

01:01 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I occasionally awake several times while sleeping after it sleeps at night.

01:11 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan When not feeling well, I have a terrible nightmare.

01:32 from web (Re: @uemon789
@uemon789 It would be being differ to "The general of the defeat becomes silent and doesn't talk" completely.

01:36 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan At all, I think quite like that.

02:12 from ついっぷる/twipple (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan RT : @numchay What is "inter cibos"?Answer・・It is, the time from meal to the next meal is "Inter cibos".

02:25 from web (Re: @udemy
@udemy It is what bring up the ability to live to young subjects and to work.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-15 01:31:27 | Weblog
01:21 from Tweet Button
小さい時に愛せたのなら、大人になっても愛せるのです nblo.gs/AV1Bn My occasion had affection to the thing of nature more than the toy.

01:59 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence It would be being a significant one in the life to be able to do communications delightfully with the companion more.

02:10 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It would be being what say that there is a limit also in the joke.

02:17 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It would be being what used the atomic bomb?

02:34 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence Saying that "Feelings are minds" at our country.

02:49 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It would be being what say that time of inter cibos neatly decide.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-12 01:28:59 | Weblog
17:45 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan The phenomenon it say "Return" is seen with the tree. A part of "Species" of previous are what appear in the tree.

17:59 from Tweet Button
「自信について」「自信を育てる」素敵な記事をご紹介します~? nblo.gs/AQZsn It would be being what accomplish the large task by big the stage if it says easily.

18:13 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan It would be taking several hours to part if the body connects to food.

18:32 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給71 START(スタート) nblo.gs/AQuXA It is proverb in Japan, would be being "Many a little makes a mickle".

18:54 from web (Re: @SimonBoylan
@SimonBoylan The person called a Specialist would be being the person of a short name.

18:59 from web
配電の取り組みシリーズの第3回「設備の故障を未然に防ぐ」を公開 (東電)twme.jp/TEPC/00DX @igris5

20:25 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給70 AWARENESS(気づき) nblo.gs/AOECy It is proverb in Japan, would be being "Many a little makes a mickle".

21:02 from web
福島第一原子力発電所における高濃度の放射性物質を含むたまり水の貯蔵及び処理について twme.jp/tenu/005f @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-08 01:30:38 | Weblog
02:37 from Tweet Button
彼氏とケンカをするのって、仲が悪い証拠?仲が良い証拠? nblo.gs/AGR44 It would be being actually evidence with a good relations.

04:07 from web
Thank you for the comment to me. Kamagaya City exists in the prefecture west, and is in contact with Tokyo. @SimonBoylan

12:14 from Tweet Button
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給67 LIVE(生きる) nblo.gs/AI3y2 Because your "Driver of the life" is yourself, any life is lived in the situation of you.

12:18 from web
配電の取り組みシリーズの第2回「停電の復旧作業」を公開 twme.jp/TEPC/00DP @igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-08-06 01:32:34 | Weblog
02:15 from web
Your creation would be being the one like the picture, the sculpture, and the universe. @SimonBoylan

02:27 from web
Already, you has been connected with "Face book". on.fb.me/yHD965 @SimonBoylan

02:40 from Tweet Button
ウィニーちゃんがまだちっちゃな時 nblo.gs/ADw0x It comes to want to eat a puppy if it is a puppy in the teacup.

03:30 from web
アイリーンの60秒のエナジー補給64 NATURAL nblo.gs/ADaYh It would be being "It becomes as in anything but it is not understand", if you say simply.

04:10 from web (Re: @EmergencyPuppy
@EmergencyPuppy The puppy would be having to drink giving heed the drink.

04:18 from web
福島第二原子力発電所復旧計画の進捗状況について twme.jp/tenu/005d @igris5

by numchay on Twitter