


2012-07-28 01:28:50 | Weblog
18:23 from web
@DateConfidence "Bonds of mind of our country". Please see the next an animation.youtube.com/watch?v=38T4tl….

18:52 from web
Facebookページに「配電の取り組み」を投稿いたしました。twme.jp/TEPC/00DA @igris5

19:25 from web
By when are you doing the living by a head of the personification age? twme.jp/tnav/024Z @twinavi

19:36 from web (Re: @nhk_giken
@nhk_giken I want the installation of this superhigh vision at about one place in the capital, the road, the prefecture, and the prefecture.

19:44 from web
Such a living would be being the one in the personification age. nblo.gs/Aj1Jv @DateConfidence

20:16 from web
It would be being what reign over a herd of females if it is liken it to the lion. nblo.gs/Aj1Jw @DateConfidence

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-23 01:30:30 | Weblog
14:28 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez Qu'est-ce que ce que le nom de l'acteur.

14:45 from Tweet Button
Indulge In Romantic Moments ロマンスを味わう nblo.gs/A76Q3 Please explain concretely what the romance is.

18:47 from Tweet Button
世界中の女性に使って欲しい「自信を持たせる鏡」 nblo.gs/A9oDk When self became obedient feelings, self would be being looking beautiful among the mirror.

19:30 from Tweet Button
「あなたは嘘をつきますか?」に対して正直にどう答えますか? nblo.gs/A9myb There is "Lie is expedient" proverb in our country.

21:34 from Google
It seems to be a debut tune of Ms.Hiroko Naitou. It is becoming song steady fr (@YouTube youtu.be/Y3Y3HrEwlZU?a)

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-18 01:29:51 | Weblog
11:33 from web
The idea and execution are equal usually. Therefore, the idea from a multi domain is hoped for. nblo.gs/zWPgJ @DateConfidence

12:16 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence Neels Bohr's a maxim (hypothesis)blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_0…

13:07 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA Please do not do a too strong threat.

13:25 from web
This would be being a joke of interesting word. pic.twitter.com/iS6m2dgS @bradvertising

13:45 from web (Re: @A_TAKATA
@A_TAKATA Please explain the specification detailed of an electronic equipment.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-16 01:29:08 | Weblog
22:20 from web (Re: @BLUE_BACK_STAR
@BLUE_BACK_STAR I passed over the coast in the Kujukuri-cho by car today, but there were to become nearly deserted street.

22:28 from web
Such a man would be being "Womaniser". nblo.gs/zRg0g @DateConfidence

22:54 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being correct. Therefore, walking with the partner to whom the everybody is similar would be being best.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-14 01:29:58 | 社会生活
15:50 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence If the photograph is displaced to the man, many of Japanese would be doing "What look for the chance to speak with her".

16:04 from Tweet Button
今日は主人の誕生日でした~? nblo.gs/zOoOY I congratulate on your husband's birthday. However, there is not present.

16:22 from web
The world would be not being what change alone. @GOODPRESENTIDEA

16:25 from web
鹿島火力発電所第7-1号(出力26.8万kW)の運転開始について twme.jp/TEPC/00Cr @igris5

16:28 from web
鹿島火力発電所2号機の運転停止について twme.jp/TEPC/00Cp @igris5

20:26 from gooBlog production
About the problem of "Married couple and family" of our country blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_0…

20:33 from web
About the problem of "Married couple and family" of our country blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_0… @DateConfidence

21:06 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence My occasion is doing the discipline of courage to sing by the stage of the karaoke contest.

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-09 01:29:25 | Weblog
10:42 from gooBlog production
ブログと連携はじめました。 blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_0…

11:13 from web
Would be being a time of the rest in the afternoon? pic.twitter.com/ud3U0PE4 @aunder

13:36 from web (Re: @DateConfidence
@DateConfidence A certain person said the now should change. However, detailed plan to change should be definite ones.

14:05 from web
I think that I often use that word when the woman is attracted. nblo.gs/zBFwQ@DateConfidence

14:11 from web
福島第一原子力発電所 窒素供給設備異常時対応訓練の実施について twme.jp/tenu/005J @igris5

14:15 from web
「建屋内の遠隔除染技術の開発」ロボットによる2号機および3号機原子炉建屋調査結果について twme.jp/tenu/005H@igris5

by numchay on Twitter


2012-07-04 01:31:40 | Weblog
19:50 from Tweet Button
A demand to public broadcasting NHK …topublicbroadcastingnhk5.blogspot.com/2011/11/demand…

21:14 from web
It would be being also good to secure the cafe where mind in self can be healed. nblo.gs/zuKHW @DateConfidence

21:35 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius You would be being ones using the knife to what.

22:03 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez Our country continue rains with the middle of the rainy season, and there are especially a lot of downpours this year.

by numchay on Twitter