This year was not a real summer. The end of the rainy season of this year was a common year an average in my a district. However, the seasonal rain front only repeat the movement in the south-north on the Sea of Japan, it was not pushed up to the continent. The atmosphere from the south stimulated a front, a strong a rainfall had brought to the Japanese Islands frequently. It caused the major catastrophe with the passage of rain water. The Okhotsk an air mass appeared when the first dsy of autumn had passed, the atmosphere of the low temperature flows into the atmosphere of the high temperature in the south, so cloudy skies is continuing to the Japanese Islands. If the surface of the earth was heated, the vertical updraft happen, the insulation expansion cooldown happens in the sky, the cumulonimbus can be done,it becomes a shower. This is peculiar weather in summer. Such a shower doesn't happen. Therefore the surface of the earth doesn't get cold, the muggy weather would be continuing. The affair from which the anticipation of the weather doesn't stand thinks the feature of the summer of this year.