


2015-12-30 01:32:25 | Weblog

@theviatumblr A lot of efforts and long time would be being necessary to transform dream to reality.

@viiatumblrr Large power would be being necessary to make an effort.

@theviatumblr It would be being important to summarize not the idea of single-minded to change things but all the ideas.

@theviatumblr It is the street. But the way is difficult very.

@theviatumblr There is "Bitter" too if there is "Easiness" in the life.


2015-12-28 01:33:01 | Weblog

@viiatumblrr Do it want you to ask whether sentences of my comment are okay?

@theviatumblr Wanting to say in your sentences would be being not able to understand. Would like to you say it?

Let's that advances by using a long time with a calm feelings.

NHK chiba
27日(日)[FM]午後7:20~「ブラボー!オーケストラ  -千葉県旭市公開収録-(2)」 日本全国のプロのオーケストラの演奏会を、解説をまじえて放送。www4.nhk.or.jp/bravo/


2015-12-27 01:32:35 | Weblog

@theviatumblr If they are the people other than the lazy person, it would be not being neglect the study at the life.

@theviatumblr If I excessively embrace someone, my confidence would be being becoming none at all.

@theviatumblr You would be being for having had a very bad dream.

@theviatumblr It would not be being to be applied to the elder.

@theviatumblr I'm seeing like having the dream of swimming in the bath because it is winter now.

@theviatumblr It talks after it stands for about one week of our society.

@simonboylan I think that there are a thing and a mind in the creation but, it think that the creation of the mind is very difficult.

I think that there are a thing and a mind in the creation but, it think that the creation of the mind is very difficult.

@theviatumblr It would be being what say, "Doing only what one likes".

@theviatumblr Then, the plan of the self absolutely would be being doing without fail.

@theviatumblr The person who conceals an immature one of the self is a recreant.

@theviatumblr It would be being a correct answer in the pretense of hearing it when other party's story has already understood.

@simonboylan This looks like our new year's greetings.

@theviatumblr If all the people and things are equally loved, it would be being a godlike person.

@theviatumblr The guy that chases woman's hips would be being a man of rock-bottom.

NHK chiba
これからの番組・1週間分12/26(土)~1/1(金) 千葉に関する番組放送予定

NHK chiba
25日(金)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ちば☆スポ」をアップ! テーマは「マリーンズJr 浅野翔太選手・坂本奈々子選手」nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

( 文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,今年の振り返り,#新国立競技場 ,大学入学希望者学力評価テスト(仮称)です。youtu.be/ZDHzmYKTIAM

NHK chiba
みんなのところにはサンタクロースは来た?ボクのところには・・・あれ!千葉放送局のFMスタジオに誰かいる! nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 日本史を揺るがした“あの”風雲児を祀る、江戸の総鎮守「神田明神」の知られざる秘密!"
*都内の初詣スポットとして例年賑わいを見せる神田明神。... fb.me/4jQGDqZi7


2015-12-26 01:33:44 | Weblog

Tumblr "Quotation"
時々、私たちは、成長するように痛められる必要があります。 私たちは、得するために損をしなければなりません。 時々、苦痛を通していくつかのレッスンについて学習するのは最も良いです。

NHK chiba

千葉県市原市 "Quotation"
1月は第1日曜日が年始となるため、開設日は1月17日のみとなります。業務の内容によっては受付できないこともありますので、ウェブサイトで事前に取扱業務を確認してください。 city.ichihara.chiba.jp/kurashi/0101te…

TwitterJP "Quotation"

@theviatumblr There might be people who muscle up and fight in all the people, too, if there is a weakness in the self etc.

@simonboylan It is said, for "It exists to that parents, and that child exists".

NHK chiba
25日(金)[BSプレミアム]午後9:00~新日本風土記「船橋」  千葉県船橋市の繁栄の陰には、いつも東京が。都会で、港町で、ベッドタウン、さまざまな顔を持つ船橋の魅力を描く。 nhk.or.jp/fudoki/

NHK chiba

Would be being the one of what feeling good for the flavor? twitter.com/SimonBoylan/st…


2015-12-25 01:32:15 | Weblog

We love you wondrous humans - View this email with images:... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1_TaSxr

nki.jp "Quotation"
" 【クリスマス・イヴを飾る「ジンジャーブレッド」! 冬の夜はショウガ入り温活スイーツを♪】"
*いよいよ今夜はイヴですね☆... fb.me/WpgdFhaT

@theviatumblr You must never speak information other than the self toward other people.

@theviatumblr  The badness of yourself should apologize. The badness in other party should do the angry.

NHK chiba

@viiatumblrr The richness of the mind that uses "Compliment and joke" would be being necessary to all people.

@theviatumblr Please work hard to be able to become a winner by fighting with all the people by all one's powers.

NHK chiba
FM【ひるどき情報ちば】で毎月第2木曜日に放送している『ひるどき川柳』。1月のお題「お金」への投句は27日(日)までだカラね!みなさんからの川柳お待ちしている♪ nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/…

? our-numchai: *Video :"Kelly Clarkson - Silent Night ft. Trisha Yearwood, Reba McEntire" *(Comment... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1_WfXlw

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,教職員定数,幼児教育の無償化に向けた段階的取組,国立大学法人運営費交付金,大学等奨学金事業,スポーツ環境の整備促進,文化プログラム等の全国的展開等です。youtu.be/h5c6P0P_9XM

NHK chiba
24日(木)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「おすすめミュージアム」をアップ♪ 「ものごころ展」を紹介してもらった! nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

NHK chiba
24日(木)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ひるどき特集」をアップ! テーマは「宇宙に興味を!」 nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…


2015-12-24 01:33:37 | Weblog

@theviatumblr I will celebrate only by 1 person in my home at Christmas of this year.

@simonboylan I think that the relation that there is warmth to cultivating the life only of two people is preferable.


2015-12-23 01:33:58 | Weblog

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,すべての子どもの安心と希望の実現プロジェクト,新国立競技場 整備計画再検討のための関係閣僚会議,広域通信制高校の教育運営改善緊急タスクフォースの設置等です。youtu.be/DKcUYmUZ4JE

NHK chiba

(文 科 省)
高専ロボコン2015全国大会が放映されます。今年は輪投げ対決!ロボット製作に全力を注いできた国公私立高専25チームの奮闘を,是非御覧ください!NHK総合テレビ 12月23日(水・祝)午前10時05分~。nhk.or.jp/robocon/

1 件 リツイートされました

@theviatumblr In the one to which I cntribute an old song, the one that the companion introduces is most.

@theviatumblr It would be not being only a folklore story from the age of Adam and Eve.

NHK chiba
22日(火)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ひるどき特集」をアップしたナッツ♪ テーマは「恋人の聖地活用して館山を活性化!」
< nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra… >
< nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/… >

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr
Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success.

Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"
単独であると感じるのを止めてください。 笑い始めてください。 夢見るのを止めてください。 信じ始めてください。 休戦してください。 愛し始めてください。 思うのを止めてください。 行動し始めてください。

A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention, it's because someone has hers.

? *Video :"Sissel - Silent Night" > *Sissel, the international singing sensation from Norway, is widely... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1_OxAt5


2015-12-22 01:32:59 | Weblog

@theviatumblr It would be being good in the sense that listening to enka by the joking complaint is different.

@theviatumblr For the present, muscular pain will not stop if I receive f**ks from the man.

@theviatumblr At my a region, that does what talk to everyone what was said by the person. "It is bad".

@theviatumblr If it is me, rain is a favorance than the storm.

@theviatumblr You feel such that the character of "Fight" springs up.

@theviatumblr Nobody would be being have neither the defect nor the weak point in everyone by the person.

@theviatumblr There was no sleep at all last night. It is sleepy now. "Next?"

Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"

NHK chiba

* I present this enka. ・・・ "Love you Binbou"
  * This tune is one made from the joking complaint and the comic.... fb.me/75RMlbAF7

NHK chiba
21日(月)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「池上先生の野草の楽しみ方」をアップしたラッカ♪ テーマは「クリスマス&正月の野草 後編」だよ!前編とあわせて nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra… nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

NHK chiba


2015-12-21 01:31:19 | Weblog

NHK chiba
21日(月)[BSプレミアム]午後0:00~【再放送】TOKYOディープ!「来る者を拒まない街 松戸」 千葉に俳優の松田悟志が。江戸以来の宿場町だけに「来る者は拒まず」の精神が息づく。www4.nhk.or.jp/tokyodeep/

@viiatumblrr Please do Retweet to the comment on you as much as possible.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 楽しみ方は千差万様。小倉百人一首を正月前におさらいしよう."
*「百首のうち、恋の歌はいくつ?季節感も程良いバランス構成」... fb.me/7WDOXq9ix

ABC News "Quotation" ab.co/1UOVpvB
Two bodies recovered as rescue teams struggle to reach boat adrift in rough.

@simonboylan To change person's mind, it is difficult. But, I want to raise only a peaceful mind.

@theviatumblr Especially, it is necessary never to never say other people's abuses.

@theviatumblr The guy to envy the woman is the lowest man.

@simonboylan If the peace of the world is achieved, the persons would be being able to spend without any inhibitions.

Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"

@theviatumblr If the man is a hypocrite, would be being lose confidence from the person.


2015-12-20 01:35:08 | Weblog

@theviatumblr The only thing that myself wish is that the light lights up in the presence.

@theviatumblr The oblivion increases as the age increases. It would be being able to prevent it by for drinking of the bean juice.

@viiatumblrr The person who doesn't have feelings of the gratitude would be not being able to become an influential person.

Tumblr @theviatumblr  "Quotation"
時々、私たちは、成長するように痛められる必要があります。 私たちは、得するために損をしなければなりません。 時々、苦痛を通していくつかのレッスンについて学習するのは最も良いです。

@theviatumblr The person would be having an one that everyone is possible and an impossible one.

@theviatumblr For myself, the winter season enters in the kotatsu and sleeps.

@simonboylan Now, I'm suffering pain because the cause doesn't understand and I am not deeply in debt.

@theviatumblr I went to shop for the stocking filler. I returned only in the window shop because it was cold.

@theviatumblr Last night, my body trembled to eat dinner after the illumination saw and to have eaten the ice cream in addition.

@theviatumblr I secede if disregarded from the companion of the group.

@theviatumblr The wise man does not court danger. This is a famous proverb.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" 懐炉(カイロ)で温めてはいけない場所とは? 冷えを癒す「小さなストーブ」で温活を "... fb.me/2zzaVcTZS

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,広域通信制高校における高等学校等就学支援金事務に関する緊急点検の開始,もんじゅ,ユネスコ記憶遺産,日本原子力研究開発機構,教職員定数です。youtu.be/LsNOenIvwI0

NHK chiba
19日(土)[BS1]午前11:00~「第37回皇后杯全日本女子サッカー選手権 準々決勝▽アルビレックス新潟×ジェフ千葉」 次代の“なでしこジャパン”を担う選手が躍動!熱き戦いを見逃すな番組 www1.nhk.or.jp/sports2/soccer/

千葉県市原市 次の期間はし尿と浄化槽汚泥の収集は行いません。収集を予定している人は早めに依頼しましょう。◆12月23日(祝)、27日(日)、29日(火)~1月3日(日) goo.gl/LFsOh5

NHK chiba
これからの番組・1週間分19(土)~25(金) 千葉に関する番組放送予定をアップ!

NHK chiba
18日(金)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ちば☆スポ」をアップしたラッカ♪ 「ラグビー クボタスピアーズ 鈴木貴士選手」のインタビュー nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

Lov you "Binbou" (This tune is one made from the joking complaint and the comic. ) youtu.be/HSlb3BinPE0 youtu.be/Nx9Q1Fq_tgw

Lov you "Binbou" (この曲はおどけ文句とコミックで作られています。)
< youtu.be/HSlb3BinPE0 > < youtu.be/Nx9Q1Fq_tgw >


2015-12-18 01:31:58 | Weblog

NHK chiba
今月11日、成田空港で、駐機場に向かってけん引されていた全日空の貨物機が、近くに駐機していた旅客機と接触して、それぞれの主翼の先端が破損していたことが分かり、全日空が原因を調べています。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

It has the person who moves young subjects to the apron strings. That person cannot say a good leader.

@theviatumblr The memo to prevent the oblivion of the memory is using the calendar.

The difference by "To love or to fall in love" would be being a difference of the nuance. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @ViiaTumblrr What difference do loving and falling in love have?

NHK chiba


2015-12-17 01:32:57 | Weblog

" 家族が喜ぶクリスマスメニュー"・・・・家族や友人が集まる特別な日に、みんなが喜ぶお手軽メニューにトライしてみませんか?(レシピ特集) nhk.or.jp/health-blog/50…

@theviatumblr The spirit sometimes unstably becomes, but fear is not caused.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
" スコットランドのお菓子ショートブレッドとホグマニー(大晦日) "... fb.me/4I69AH1xu

NHK chiba
16日(水)に放送した「ひるまえほっと」のリポート動画『海苔の町富津市』をアップしました! nhk.or.jp/chiba/videonew…

NHK chiba

@theviatumblr The event with the satisfaction would be being remain in the memory through life.

Via Tumblr "Quotation"


*Video :" 17-year-old San Jose girl talks about stolen car, getting shot "... fb.me/4qTG50km7

NHK chiba

NHK chiba
17日(木)[ラジオ第1]午後9:30~「昭和ヒット倶楽部「第27回」▽千葉県白子町(3)鳥羽一郎・椎名佐千子」 昭和のヒット曲の魅力などお届け。~千葉県・白子町青少年センターで収録。

@theviatumblr After complete sentences can be done by examining enough beforehand, it would be being necessary to speak content.

? *Music:”Jacqueline Francois - Hymn to love" > *(Comment quotation) ・ All would be being real things.... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1_1eFnm


2015-12-16 01:32:16 | Weblog

Twitter上で知り合いのユーザーを見つけたい場合、連絡先をアップロードしてみましょう。(あなたのアカウントとの接触をアップロードするとき、 Twitterで知る人々を見つけることができます。) support.twitter.com/articles/434831

@theviatumblr I do not understand all problems of the self. Please teach the one to which you understand.

? *Video :"Joyous Holiday Yule Log with the Property Brothers" > *There’s no better way to get into the... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1zxllyU

@viiatumblrr I came to have never cried because tears were used up.

@theviatumblr I do and avoid the dodgeball without saying by the a language in case of me.

@theviatumblr I would be being raise the shriek in case of me perhaps.

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

NHK chiba
千葉各地をブラりと訪ねて魅力を紹介する「ちばブラ」。栄町の「安食酉の市」に行ってきたナッツ。年の瀬だなぁ。「少子化克服鍋まつり」も同時開催。ん、少子化克服? nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

@viiatumblrr Does goodness happen if the coin is thrown out to the fountain?

@theviatumblr If the promise cannot be kept, this person would be being lose confidence.

@theviatumblr For the person, the feelings would be being an accompanied one in everyone.

@theviatumblr How should it express what do the communication by a cold mind as the person by the universal language?

@theviatumblr To learn to be able to do sentences to which the comment is appropriate, I'm sending.

(文 科 省)
「平成26年度 総合的な教師力向上のための調査研究事業 成果報告書」を掲載しました。初任者研修や教員養成カリキュラム,管理職の養成等のテーマについて,教育委員会や大学の成果報告書を御覧いただけます。mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/…

NHK chiba
14日(月)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「佐々木優太さんの神社旅」をアップしたラッカ♪ テーマは「香取神宮」nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

@theviatumblr It would be being because of depending on a surrounding person's being anxious.


2015-12-15 01:31:56 | Weblog

@viiatumblrr It is a serious matter to know defect of myself early, that one leads to own advancement.

@simonboylan If I strain after doing breakfast, tiredness is caused and I become unpleasant.

@theviatumblr The person who can do my taking part as you say is necessary for me.

@theviatumblr The soul of the fight with real swords is continuing from ancient times at our country.

Tumblr "Quotation"

千葉県市原市 "Quotation"

@theviatumblr For the person, the abundance of the mind might be serious matters extremely.

@theviatumblr I am pleased with what was able to do communications through Twitter though it is a short span of time.

@theviatumblr I do not have feelings that bend the idea of the person at all.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
"年末にベートーヴェンの『第九』を演奏するのは日本だけってホント? 欧米と違う理由はコレでした"... fb.me/1QV2h4ss8

NHK chiba


2015-12-14 01:35:00 | Weblog

@theviatumblr Women in my a region say the person's abuse into others. It is very unpleasant.

@theviatumblr I cannot have courage to put out the hand to a person strong because guy of myself doesn't have pride.

@theviatumblr Does courage strengthen if the feelings of guy in myself becomes deep?

@viiatumblrr Even if its defect is strongly pointed out by others, the apology should not be spoken.

@theviatumblr  It would be being by "The oblivion is the forgotten one".

@theviatumblr It would be being of "The discussion is honorable".

@theviatumblr "Nothing" might be a mind of nothing to say in the world of "Buddha".

@theviatumblr I know there are anywhere a lot of flirting men.

NHK chiba

tenki.jp "Quotation"
"冬ごもりのクマ、寝ながらこんなことしていたとは?! 七十二候「熊蟄穴(くまあなにこもる)」"... fb.me/7BupiN1z8

@theviatumblr The voice of the rumor of the person is filling around us.

Twitter "Quotation" " Three astronauts return safely to Earth "

@theviatumblr There might not be other party though I have feelings to want to date someone.

For the person, living pleasant would be being the most preferable life in everyone.

@theviatumblr Feelings of the man envied by the woman are very good. But, feelings of the person who envies it are complex.

@theviatumblr "Ups and downs", I think that this is a common proverb at the world.

@theviatumblr Our party is a degree for which it sings about once a week by karaoke.

NHK chiba
これからの番組・1週間分12/12(土)~18(金)放送 千葉に関する番組放送予定

NHK chiba
11日(金)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ちば☆スポ」をアップしたね♪ 「バルドラール浦安 小宮山友祐選手」のインタビュー! nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

車内をイルミネーションで装飾した列車が走ります。また、上総牛久駅から養老渓谷駅までの駅舎が飾り付けられ、駅ごとに特色ある風景が楽しめます。運行期間:12月27日(日)まで city.ichihara.chiba.jp/joho/0202matid…

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,海外出張報告,就職採用活動時期の変更,就学支援金の不正受給,ゴルフ場利用税,政治資金,新国立競技場 です。 youtu.be/Bfp2o3hTJUI

Via Tumblr "Quotation"
If you have the opportunity to tell someone you love them, do it. Spread the love around.

Via Tumblr "l am someone who's looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."

Via Tumblr "Quotation" それはだれかが、彼らが愛していると言うとき、あなたがただそれらの言葉を鵜呑みにしないと彼らがあなたを扱っている方法全体にわたって書かれるでしょう。