


2015-08-30 01:33:46 | Weblog

次の @YouTube 再生リストに動画を追加しました: youtu.be/fN0vh358-EI?a


@theviatumblr You feel that fighting by the heart when fighting against the other party is the most effective.

@afialennox Because doing this involves risk, I do not have courage to do it.

@simonboylan The muscle shrinks if the person does the tension & it is true that operation becomes in a clumsy manner.

@yokoono There is person of incapacity, too, if there is a clever person.

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,平成28年度概算要求,高大接続システム改革会議中間まとめ,新国立競技場 整備計画再検討のための関係閣僚会議,教職員定数等です。 youtu.be/JPdqq9ODZWY

NHK chiba
これからの番組・1週間分8/29(土)~9/4(金)放送 千葉に関する番組の放送予定をアップ!→nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

NHK chiba
28日(金)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「ちば☆スポ」をアップ☆ 球界初の売り子アイドル!「マリーンズカンパイガールズ」にインタビューしたカラね!→nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

日本マイクロソフト IE Team
新大学入試:パソコンで出題・解答 24年度目標 文科省案 - 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/shimen/news/20

Twitter Support "Introduction"
Twitterユーザの中には不正確な追随者のカウントの問題を経験している人もいるかもしれません。 私たちは現在、この問題を調査しています。

NHK chiba
30日(日)[FM(千葉県域)]午後0:15~第82回NHK全国学校音楽コンクール 千葉県コンクール「本選」 小学校、中学校、高校の参加校の自由曲の演奏を放送します。nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/…

@theviatumblr I do not have feelings that tell the story or the compellation for anyone to expect the profit.

NHK chiba
30日(日)[BSプレミアム]午前10:30~「ワラッチャオ!(76)」 みんなの笑顔を奪うウイルスの挑戦再び!今回の舞台は千葉県幕張。爆笑ママ、スゴ技パパが続々登場!nhk.or.jp/waracchao/

Twitter Support

@support Twitterユーザの中には不正確な追随者のカウントの問題を経験している人もいるかもしれません。 私たちは現在、この問題を調査しています。

不正確な追随者のカウントの問題は現在、解決されています。 忍耐をありがとうございます!

@simonboylan I want to learn from a lot of people in the world as a learning place of communications through Twitter.

@theviatumblr "Quotation"

@afialennox "What" would be being corresponding to the problem or the answer of sentences.

tenki.jp "Quotation"
*処暑の七十二候は、次候「天地始めてさむし(てんちはじめてさむし)」(8月29日~9月2日)に入ります。... fb.me/6NA3l8UrV

NHK chiba
30日(日)[Eテレ][ワンセグ2]午後2:30~「野球がくれた宝もの~第25回世界少年野球大会~」 今年は千葉県成田市。野球のすばらしさを知り、友情をはぐくんだ9日間を振り返る。www1.nhk.or.jp/sports2/amabb/

動画: *Video :"Yuwuko Maki, Eitsa strait・love a story of loves” > * (Eitsa strait・love a story of... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1t4Q9ja

@afialennox Let's distribute best time of the idea, labor, and sleep in the life.


2015-08-29 01:32:55 | Weblog

画像: 画像: “Turnip Rock” > *Located on the shores of Lake Huron, near Michigan, many people even dont... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1syjIbB

NHK chiba
私たちは、より清潔で、より簡単な視線をiPhone装置に向けています。 来る以上! pic.twitter.com/9gaxoXseBB

NHK chiba
29日(土)<28日(金)深夜>[総合(関東地区) ]午前1:10~「天皇杯への道 ~関東代表決定戦ハイライト~」 千葉県代表決定戦 ブリオベッカ浦安 VS 順天堂大学 NHK天皇杯サッカーHPwww1.nhk.or.jp/sports/tennouh…

3 件 リツイートされました

"クロゼットから出て来た有名人" ("Quotation")
 ・「ビッグバンTheory」星のジムParsonsは2012年にクロゼットからかなり静かに出て来ました。... fb.me/7JG8GmtXq

*... fb.me/CeIAUiD5


2015-08-28 01:32:48 | Weblog

One love, one Vimeo - View this email with images:... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1suAOnB

NHK chiba
28日(金)[FM(千葉県域)]午後6:00~第82回NHK全国学校音楽コンクール 千葉県コンクール「中学校の部 予選」(5) 先月開催された予選を放送します。→nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/
18:50 - 2015年8月27日

NHK chiba

@theviatumblr Wanting to practice hopes to obtain the conclusion at the end if it is me.

NHK chiba
27日(木)に放送した「ひるどき情報ちば」の音声「音楽コンクール 金賞校にきく」をアップ♪ 「松戸市立第一中学校」のインタビューと歌声をお届けたい!nhk.or.jp/chiba/movie_ra…

NHK chiba

Right now, someone you haven't met is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you.

suadey raguonさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@theviatumblr This would be being a relation between Altair and Vega of the star in both shores in the Milky Way.

If a man is "The roasted rice cake is burnt" from the woman, that would be being very attractive.

If you find a girl that is willing to go through hell just to keep the relationship going, you really shouldn't take her love for granted.

suadey raguonさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@afialennox Tweet of my reply comment sends to all the people equally.

@simonboylan I quite think that it is the street.


2015-08-27 01:33:07 | Weblog

NHK chiba

@theviatumblr To read new friend's mind, I require the time of a certain extent.

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It would be being clear that my intellectual ability is far inferior to you.

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr To read new friend's mind, I require the time of a certain extent. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

@AfiaLennox To get to know the person,I require long time. I might not be able to read person's feelings. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

@theviatumblr The space is the widest spaces and it changes according to the principle. The person would be being in nothing.


2015-08-26 01:33:23 | Weblog

After it upgrades to Windows10, I introduce the coping process of the an occasion from which the sound is not emitted here.msft.it/6016BHOD0

@theviatumblr As for you, do the shape goodness all mean there is no weak point?

NHK chiba
成田空港周辺の9つの市と町が参加する連絡協議会の会合が開かれ、3本目の滑走路の建設を含む発着枠の拡大に向けて、国や千葉県などが検討を行う協議の場に加わることを確認しました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

TwitterJP "Introduction"

@theviatumblr The level of the memory by the song is decided depending on the amount and the prosody of the voice. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Execution by your idea is to penetrate it with confidence.

Via Tumblr Transforming dream to reality should make an effort not to think and to develop a present action further.

#Windows10 情報】Windows10では『Windowsキー』と『方向キー』を組み合わせることで、キーボードでもスナップ機能を素早く使えます。※ストアアプリは解像度の関係上、縮小に限度があります。 #MSHelpsJP pic.twitter.com/o6bHKIr6gC

suadey raguonさんがリツイート | 11 RT

NHK技研R&D 8月号を技研ホームページに掲載しました。
nhk.or.jp/strl/ twitter.com/nhk_giken/stat…

Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen fb.me/5EBzFlR4s

NHK chiba

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,「健康増進プロジェクト」の実施,宇宙ステーション補給機「こうのとり」5号機と国際宇宙ステーションとのドッキング成功,新国立競技場 等です。 youtu.be/ILYBx4WSQqY

画像: our-numchai: 画像: “Anne of Green Gables” > *The Green Gables farmhouse is located in Cavendish,... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1soZQ1v

@yukawareiko The level of the memory by the song is decided depending on the amount and the prosody of the voice.  Is it true?

@730myao If he puts out the cry, a man will become useless. Therefore, it would be being single-minded of endurance.

@reikamiyazaki I might be glad if there is a person who thinks that it disregards a foolish person like me.

@ZenTN Transforming dream to reality should make an effort not to think and to develop a present action further.

@MattCab It would be being what say that two vocabularies are joined and it became aerobics of the single word.

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation" かわいい奴で、あなたは気が狂うようになります。 熱い奴で、あなたはよだれをたらします。 クールな奴で、あなたは夢想します。 おかしい奴で、あなたは恋に落ちます。


2015-08-25 01:32:28 | Weblog

@theviatumblr I think that the sentence of the comment that the person understand a comprehensible, important one is preferable.

I cannot cntribute Tweet from a regulated place. I want you to teach the method of settlement.

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

永遠のテーマを紐解く!結婚は人生の墓場なのか? youtu.be/59b5wMq20jY or oshiete.goo.ne.jp/watch/introd... @YouTubeさんから

NHK chiba
25日(火)[FM(千葉県域)]午前10:00~第82回NHK全国学校音楽コンクール 千葉県コンクール「小学校の部 予選」(2) 先月開催された予選を5日間にわたって放送します。nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/

@afialennox It is very difficult to understand content of your companion's sentences.

Via Tumblr "Quotation"

Most of us ask for advice when we know the answer but we want a different one.

suadey raguonさんがリツイート | 4 RT

@theviatumblr The woman would be being able to boast that she seems to be a woman if she comes across a lot of excrements.

@SimonBoylan The space is the widest spaces and it changes according to the principle. The person would be being in nothing.

アカウントの凍結について | Twitterヘルプセンター help.twitter.com/articles/321030 @サポートさんから


@theviatumblr This person's brain is preeminent but the balance would be being a person who is not stabilizing. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Females go through so much shit, and some guys just make it worse.

suadey raguonさんがリツイート | 1 RT

@AfiaLennox It would be being what say that two vocabularies are joined and it became aerobics of the single word. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…


2015-08-24 01:35:01 | Weblog

Twitterヘルプセンター help.twitter.com/articles/20043… @サポートさん I cannot cntribute Tweet from a regulated place. Please teach the improvement method.



I reported on spam to it, and did the block.

NHK chiba
24日(月)[FM(千葉県域)]午後6:00~第82回NHK全国学校音楽コンクール 千葉県コンクール「中学校の部 予選」(1) 7月に開催された予選を、あすから5日間に分けて放送。nhk.or.jp/chiba/program/…

@simonboylan Tiredness will keep sleeping until disappearing the next morning of a very tired an occasion the day before.

Via Tumblr "Quotation"
1つは微笑んで、友情を始めることができます。 人は言い表して、戦いを終わらせることができます。 人は見て、関係を救うことができます。 1人はあなたの人生を変えることができます。

NHK chiba


2015-08-22 01:33:58 | Weblog

It has been say, "Movement is more comprehensible than mouths".

It would be being wise to don't retweet to unnamed tweet?

NHK chiba
18日(火)に放送した「首都圏ネットワーク」のリポート動画『2015夏 街のパワー“踊るおやじたち”』をアップ!千葉局ホームページの『最新リポート』『動画をみる』からご覧ください nhk.or.jp/chiba/videonew…

NHK chiba
これからの番組・1週間分8/22(土)~8/28(金)放送 千葉に関する番組の放送予定をアップしたカラね!→nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

(文 科 省)

(文 科 省) 【大臣会見】 トピックスは,ASEAN出張,H-ⅡBロケット5号機による「こうのとり」の打ち上げ,全国学力・学習状況調査 ,新国立競技場 ,自民党総裁選,主権者教育等です。youtu.be/V-IlTvISP1U

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I'm making an effort Tweet does to working in the normality now. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Twitter operates about the purpose now but it is not a regularity. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If it is good sentences, it would be being the one with a useful content. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Twitter support "Introduction" Please always make the mail address registered to the account the latest one.... fb.me/7r1oTYaOU


2015-08-18 01:32:18 | Weblog

NHK chiba
千葉各地をブラりと訪ねて魅力を紹介する「ちばブラ」。千葉市で開かれた「千葉の親子三代夏祭り」に行ってきたナッツ!はしご乗りの妙技がすばらしかった nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

NHK chiba
成田空港の利用者を千葉県内の観光地に呼び込もうと、空港を発着する無料の高速バスの試験的な運行が始まりました。 www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…

tenki.jp "Quotation"

*... fb.me/7p4eIX1Lo

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Person's mind might sometimes change. Feelings that endure it would be being important. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Simon If he puts out the cry, a man will become useless. Therefore, it would be being single-minded of endurance. twitter.com/SimonBoylan/st…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It has been say, "Movement is more comprehensible than mouths". twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…


2015-08-17 01:34:16 | Weblog

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr The person who takes away the person without permission would be being a thief. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It would be being an important thing for parents to bring up daughter to a normal woman. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

@theviatumblr Everyone does "It is gentle" at times and it would be being necessary to do "It is severe" at times. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox Are belongings living things. Or it would be being things? twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I am not "Love(A carp)" of the pond. It is "Love" in the river. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It would be being becoming feeling right if it is singing the song. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It would be being to be the most preferable that our companion follows forever. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Simon Boylan @SimonBoylan The sense of the smell has dulled because the function of my nose worsened recently. twitter.com/SimonBoylan/st…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Could you teach "Subject" that you want to learn from the society? twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

KANA / 永遠(とわ)の月(8/19発売!!) youtu.be/RfgmsHmu244?li… @YouTubeさんから


落椿「平成27年8月19日発売」小田純平 cover 宇原光一 youtu.be/CXVKqhtA-yQ @YouTubeさんから

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox If the change in intuition is intense, you would be making the other party anxious. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…


2015-08-16 01:33:23 | Weblog

Aku News - Blogger akunews.fi My work was an educational activity. I am doing its favorite work now after it retired.

次の @YouTube 再生リストに動画を追加しました: youtu.be/RfgmsHmu244?a KANA /


Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"

tenki.jp "Introduction"
"カッパの捕獲OKの村「遠野」にまつわる伝説をご存じですか."... fb.me/7tXondtrc

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I do not want to say to others my having done in early life of what is bad. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"

April Underwood @aunder Because the product is not a living thing, handling would be being easy. twitter.com/aunder/status/…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Everyone would be having the experience in the mistake in the past. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

katusan sawayaka @7770_katusan "Chat" in the telephone would be being impossible for me. twitter.com/7770_katusan/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I easily apply the lie in "Chat" but it is difficult to tell a lie in sentences. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox I might be glad if there is a person who thinks that it disregards a foolish person like me. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

画像: 画像: “World’s most beautiful beach glows like millions of stars at night" > *Beach in the Maldive... tmblr.co/ZkPEJr1s2a_od


2015-08-15 01:34:42 | Weblog

@theviatumblr The road in the person back would be being different. The reason too would be being different. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If speaking to the person directly uses a metaphor, it might be effective. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

NHK chiba
1週間分チェキ・ナッツ≫8/15(土)~8/21(金)放送 千葉に関する番組の放送予定をアップしたカラね nhk.or.jp/chiba-blog/100…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It is a cretin maggot that speaks person's secret to others from a man. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"
敬意がなければ、恋は無くなっています。 気にかけずに、恋は退屈です。 正直がなければ、恋は不幸です。 信用がなければ、恋は不安定です。

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I do not have a pleasant opportunity to be able to laugh pleasantly. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Twitter Support "Introduction"
すべての言語で、さえずり用語集を調べることによって、低くなってください: support.twitter.com/articles/24395…

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox My problem would be being "There is an amor through all eternity". twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Nature would be being to change regardless of "Thing to be alive and thing to be dead". twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

NHK chiba
14日(金)[BSプレミアム]午後9:00~【再放送】新日本風土記「九十九里」 千葉県・九十九里浜。日本最大のイワシ漁に挑む男たちやそれを支える女たち。浜っ子たちの夏を描く。nhk.or.jp/fudoki/


2015-08-12 01:32:10 | Weblog

(文 科 省)

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It would be being effective if everyone is something can get over one. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr You would be having to do accomplish it to the last minute if there is what you challenge. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If you are listening to good music, sleep would be being promote. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

@theviatumblr After it knows what the other party says and other party's feelings enough, it is necessary to chat. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

NHK chiba

NHK chiba

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox "Quotation"

Twitter Support あなたのウェブサイトにTweetsを埋め込むのはたやすく最高ですが、あなたは、また、Twitterによって接待されたビデオを埋め込むことができるのを知っていましたか? ここに、方法があります。 support.twitter.com/articles/20169…

8月10日(月)のつぶやき その2

2015-08-11 01:33:04 | Weblog

NHK chiba

" Nikkei Asian Review"
*... fb.me/7xubPSO1G

"ABC7News" (US Forest Service firefighter killed while battling blaze ID'd)
*Firefighter Mike Hallenbeck, 21,... fb.me/6L9VLFgWP

NHK chiba

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr I hesitate because I do not have the ability to understand person's idea. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr Let's get rid of the past and go forward for the creation of the future. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Empathic Dreams @MGMuzik It is time when my fear feels inferior by the person. twitter.com/MGMuzik/status…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation"
コミュニケーションは関係の鼓動です。 コミュニケーションがいったん止まると、関係は死にます。

8月10日(月)のつぶやき その1

2015-08-11 01:33:03 | Weblog

@AfiaLennox The Internet chiefly uses the SNS application program. Additionally, it is necessary to use it in a lot of areas.

@theviatumblr When the spear from side enters though I am concentrating on the net, it is very unpleasant. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

NHK chiba

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If the person is unbelievable, it would be being likely not to become an other party. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatum There is an a language said, "Lie is expedient" between our companions. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Afia Lennox @AfiaLennox "What does cry" would be being the forgetting one by becoming of the person aged. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr It is very sultry recently. It is comfortable to take the water shower. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr The person would be having a lot of people who think that self is good extremely. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Afia The woman who pretends a good child in front of the person also has the diplomatic person and such a man too. twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation" 人々は、あなたが嫌いであり、あなたを評定して、あなたを調教しようとするでしょう。 しかし、あなたがどうそれのすべてまで立つかは、あなたを作ることです。

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation" 最もきれいな花さえある日、死ぬでしょう。 それは自然の何もいつまでも続かないことを私たちに教える方法です。

The Internet chiefly uses the SNS application program. Additionally, it is necessary to use it in a lot of areas twitter.com/AfiaLennox/sta…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr "Quotation" あなたの友人が必要であるときには、彼らのためにそこにいてください。 あなたは、いつ、あなたが同じ位置にいるかを知って、それらの決して必要がありません。

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If I have a pleasant dream, I think it is very wonderful because there is a composure. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Via Tumblr @theviatumblr If I do not have a mind in any event, I am never concerned about anything. twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

@theviatumblr If he or she does every "Talk too much", the person would be being to become the source of the injury twitter.com/theviatumblr/s…

Microsoft なう "Introduction" Windows 10にDVD再生機能を復活させるアプリ、マイクロソフトが提供開始 bit.ly/1TjGRSr

NHK chiba "Introduction" 腹くう鏡を使った手術で患者が相次いで死亡した千葉県がんセンターは、患者に納得して治療方法を選択してもらうため、セカンドオピニオンセンターを開設しました。www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/chiba/10…