


2011-04-27 01:36:35 | Weblog
16:34 from web (Re: @Chiba_Lotte
@Chiba_Lotte In this year too, I pray the glory of victory.
17:36 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan What a smiling face would be being found?
17:57 from web (Re: @SdaMhiko
@SdaMhiko It would be being a brainstorming.
18:01 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being a problem of confidence.
18:19 from web
@igris5 TEPCO ■お知らせ■ (プレス)http://twme.jp/TEPC/000L (コメント)http://twme.jp/TEPC/000M
22:21 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 千葉市長との対話会 http://bit.ly/bNOje5 #chiba0427 #chibashi
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-25 01:36:13 | Weblog
16:10 from web
@OfficialTEPCO It made the obstacle to the electric motor of my low-tension power a natural disaster entreatment. The next was "Touden". FYI
16:23 from web
@igris5 It made the obstacle to the electric motor of my low-tension power a natural disaster entreatment. The next was "Touden". FYI
17:28 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki "Gora" will become a satan that gusheses out from underground.
17:35 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi This would be being involve risk.
18:26 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It would be being good that you go to ?????? ( Kore ).
19:08 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki My occasion sees the showplace with the car, returns to the house, and is stay at my house.
20:49 from web (Re: @lovecoach_irene
@lovecoach_irene In my conception, it think that the woman should envy more the man.
21:36 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi There is not compensation if there is not accession of the earth quake insurance because it is the one by the natural damage.
21:51 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 東電ホームページ・TEPCOニュースページ
< http://bit.ly/bD3wSC < http://bit.ly/fpRuwa
22:53 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @twinavi: Please don't tweet to the one debasing the morals. ( To http://bit.ly/hXdCmR )
23:07 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @twinavi: 風紀を乱すものはtweetしないでください ( To http://bit.ly/hXdCmR )
23:54 from ついっぷる/twipple
@HeizoTakenaka The tax increase increases the number of taxation articles. Because Touden relief is a natural damage, it doesn't relate.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-24 01:37:43 | Weblog
09:06 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi If the number of animal's fingers can be increased, it would be being good.
10:44 from web (Re: @itm_nlab
@itm_nlab Others should not judge an affair that myself does.
10:52 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA It is very attractive. ( Others should not judge an affair that myself does. )
11:06 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being "It is a long road that has no turning".
13:02 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It is good that the earthquake doesn't happen even if the weather is bad.
15:02 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA Indonesia is very deep of hidden behind.
15:08 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr The person world are livings of the irrespective. ( 世間は没交渉の生活です。)
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-21 01:39:23 | Weblog
18:48 from ついっぷる/twipple
NHK_PR The encode of this page doesn't understand. http://bit.ly/dUgTX9
19:03 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Our country would be not doing the war permanently.
19:22 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu This avatar is very good-looking.
20:44 from web
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 「静かに、アメリカ軍の援助で、日本は仙台空港を再開し」て、米軍は立ち去りました。
20:44 from web
"Quietly, by aid of U.S. Troops, Japan reopen Sendai Airport" and The U.S. military had left a place.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-20 01:37:04 | Weblog
03:35 from web (Re: @airhikaru
@airhikaru If the speech and behavior and a sentence have contradiction, I cannot forgive it the lowest by the act.
07:07 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius @Twitter It would be being affair of "A small loving is a great than what know everything".
07:21 from web (Re: @YouTube
@YouTube How about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzBS5Ayu1l4
22:12 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan It is a little chilly airiness today.
22:50 from web (Re: @mainichiRT
@mainichiRT Does the distribution of the land that fell more than the sea level for the giant tsunamis understand?
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-18 01:36:00 | Weblog
10:50 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Does the frog like wine?
10:56 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder @twitter I seem like the cat in the fish.
11:01 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It is not a model in me that is buyable.
11:11 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke Because the great earthquake happened, I do not have feelings that go to see the cherry blossoms.
11:37 from web (Re: @mainichijpedit
@mainichijpedit It would be being things of the commemoration of each one.
11:53 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Often, I see a sentence that is not the object recently.
12:08 from Tweet Button
「原発ほぼ制御不能の所まで行った」細野補佐官 : 社会 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞) - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター @twinavi Does this only wait for the explosion?
18:57 from Tweet Button
@igris5 @dragon_Rr Check this video out -- 東北関東大震災発生の瞬間(千葉市内)Earthquake; The situation in Chiba http://t.co/6cflCpE
by numchay on Twitter


2011-04-17 01:38:10 | Weblog
00:55 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan I wish you sweet dreams!
01:11 from web (Re: @MooreintheAM
@MooreintheAM Most senior citizen by world became a Japanese man this time.
01:21 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi It is easy for it to comprehend if the theme is summarized in the page in bulk.
01:32 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The pronunciation of lyrics would be being indistinct in "Everyone's song".
01:36 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Please work hard and accomplish it.
01:41 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu Is this a works of an animation?
01:48 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S 自然災害の補償について http://bit.ly/eCiULH
01:55 from web (Re: @daisuki_vikas
@daisuki_vikas Please do cause the smell if the east wind blows, do not forget plum blossoms, do not forget the spring when no Aruji.
02:05 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 @dragon_Rr 自然災害の補償について http://bit.ly/eCiULH
11:33 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu Thank you!
by numchay on Twitter

About the compensation of the natural damage

2011-04-15 23:51:14 | Weblog

The country ordered the compensation to the family who received the dameges by the radiation leak for the great earthquake into the Tokyo Electric Power Company nuclear plant. In general, it is usual to pay the earthquake casualty insurance etc. because the occasion of the natural damage doesn't have the compensation of the disaster and to restore the dameges.  The leader in the country seems to be devising the method of rescuing the disaster victim in contradiction to the current rule. The aftertime's choosing the residence place where the disaster doesn't happen would be being an important.



2011-04-15 02:33:00 | Weblog
20:32 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan At last, the cherry blossom began to scatter with my district.
21:23 from web (Re: @Tanigaki_S
@Tanigaki_S Because Touden did my occasion natural disaster treatment, the seismic hazard too should do treatment like me.
22:28 from web (Re: @Yuki_Nishida
@Yuki_Nishida The method of the energy conservation of the electric power would be being diverse.
23:09 from web (Re: @ebiita
@ebiita It would be being that the area devastated by an earthquake revives early.
23:15 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ?? ??????? ??????
23:27 from web (Re: @yoko
@yoko An impressive serif of my a district is "いいわよ".
23:33 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Your externals like you are "The hawk that has the ability hides the fingernail".
23:44 from web (Re: @mainichijpedit
@mainichijpedit The poor people entreatment is an act the lowest.
23:50 from web (Re: @nhk_haruchan
@nhk_haruchan The weather forecast that I can trust is a weather chart.
by numchay on Twitter