


2011-10-30 01:52:01 | Weblog
15:49 from Tweet Button
#自分のピクチャフォルダの中で一番意味が分からないものをうp... on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/lHussfFM via @twinavi Anything doesn't understand at all.
15:56 from web
Because it is NHK that spoils Japanese, the price cut of the reception fee would be being due.
16:17 from Tweet Button
ふたたび、世田谷区内の高い線量が計測された地点http://t.co/D5zJcCEp via @twinavi The cause with a high doses of radiation would be being whats in this a spot.
16:25 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Whether it is good or is badness doesn't understand to me.
17:05 from web (Re: @lovecoach_irene
Could you do me "Coach of love and the marriage"? @lovecoach_irene
17:35 from Tweet Button
なんかすごい絵本をみつけた on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/aouDqKiH via @twinavi The umbrella of the mushroom was stolen.
21:11 from Tweet Button
BNRスピードテスト http://t.co/5KiGP0wQ Donload Speed of NTT furettsu light is too slow now.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-28 01:55:46 | Weblog
20:43 from web
@igris5 世界の奇妙な風景 (10景)http://t.co/KRxhH4wB
20:59 from web
@igris5 ボールペンからの伝導の銀のインク http://t.co/Id8mUsNp
21:25 from Tweet Button
どうしても寿司が食べたかったので家にあるもので作ってみた... on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/86EhnNc9 via @twinavi Thank you on only seeing.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-27 02:04:23 | Weblog
17:43 from Tweet Button
なんか送られてきたけどどうしろと on Twitpic - ツイナビ http://t.co/wBidiEG2 via @twinavi Saying from this animated cartoon can't understand something.
18:00 from Tweet Button
【お知らせ】ツイナビが新しくなりました! - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/aygJ5auH via @twinavi Is the one obtained by the member registration a what?
18:16 from web
Winter came to where from where? @aunder
18:43 from web
The person who obediently opens feelings would be being a courageous person. @delbius
19:28 from Tweet Button
@twinavi In the new registration, the column of the family name and the name hopes for the instruction of filling in the em-size katakana.
22:19 from Tweet Button
生年月日の変更は可能ですか? http://t.co/fnqmqA0p via @twinavi Non-display at date of birth is displayed. Please do it to non-display.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-24 01:52:06 | Weblog
02:24 from Tweet Button
折り目正しい彼女からラブレターを頂戴した。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/ih59BAfW via @twinavi If who is she doesn't show, it is not worth.
02:28 from web
@igris5 動画「福島第一原子力発電所 現場からの報告」http://t.co/GmkS0uMu
02:47 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/9ZEaQB6c via @twinavi Recently, I see the reckless driving an act in a small motorcycle of without the force.
03:07 from web (Re: @jessie33
@jessie33 It would be being a good what?
03:34 from web (Re: @Monica_Ranson
@Monica_Ranson How small the waist of this wedding dress is!
03:38 from web (Re: @AsiaNetClub
@AsiaNetClub The acceptation of "Nau" doesn't understand to me.
03:57 from web (Re: @CarinaOst
@CarinaOst How many husbands do you have?
04:30 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Nobody would be saying "A fool".
04:39 from web (Re: @ShiO_47
@ShiO_47 Is this forgiven?
04:54 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder I do not understand at all.
05:03 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder The bicycle would be being defeat even if it fights against the car.
15:57 from web
The high radiation line a district of Chiba Prefecture would be concentrating on a part of the northwest. http://t.co/LmRjUlON
18:19 from Tweet Button
iPhoneについてきたAppleシールを非Apple的なモノに貼りつけた結果がこうなった。 http://t.co/nRn595pV via @twinavi Perhaps, apple would be being eat everything of inside.
18:37 from web
What a splendid literary work this is! http://t.co/HRdcW8i3
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-22 01:55:40 | Weblog
04:03 from web (Re: @chacha831129
@chacha831129 Do what kind of living thing be Yukimushi, and what harm happen?
04:23 from Tweet Button
東京タワーすごいことになってる…。 #mysky on Twitpic - http://t.co/IBaHGg1L via @twinavi This is a spectacle where five's light shines the Tokyo Tower.
04:40 from Tweet Button
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter - ツイナビ http://t.co/sS8nzBqf via @twinavi The leading end of the soft ice cream disappeared.
05:08 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/u3rpsTz3 @igris5 The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is management thoroughness of running of the bicycle in the pavement.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-19 01:52:02 | Weblog
18:26 from Tweet Button
くっそワロタwww on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/YyZ2Rgs7 via @twinavi With this doesn't seem to be able to become it.
18:40 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It was a chagrin.
18:54 from Tweet Button
おかしい…カレーライスがカレーライスに見えない…なぜだ…... on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/nl79M6xW via @twinavi This would be being such the one.
19:09 from web (Re: @nationnews
@nationnews I pray the revival of the rapidity of the disaster a person.
19:43 from Tweet Button
これは「奇跡」の瞬間である。 on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/5evQMd4I via @twinavi I have not seen such a signpost.
20:33 from Tweet Button
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/m5QsXcgU via @twinavi Please fly up if it was painful.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-17 01:59:32 | Weblog
16:48 from web
The production a person is exactly the person in the personification age. http://t.co/CMOdrZfE
17:10 from web
We cannot comprehend the acceptation in such a sentence expression. http://t.co/SFQhI3zF
17:20 from web
@igris5 「福島第一原子力発電所の現状」http://t.co/DsHiQ6mz
17:29 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez Is it locomotiving now? (今、移動中ですか。)
17:46 from web (Re: @JerryBrownGov
@JerryBrownGov Does the aftertime do continuation of this day?
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-15 02:15:09 | Weblog
22:39 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder It would be being good that it throws away the feelings of sleepings and is seeing TV.
22:58 from web (Re: @motutora
@motutora Is the service name a what? #有益なことをつぶやこう
23:19 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius The man has been envied from the woman will be a superlative.
23:38 from web
@igris5 国や地方自治体が運営する公式 Twitterアカウント情報 http://t.co/zvleLt4J
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-12 02:06:45 | Weblog
20:40 from Tweet Button
動物にコスプレって聞いてかわいいのとかQBとか期待してたけどハンパなくクオリティ高い... http://t.co/QMHK9Aul via @twinavi The cat transformed oneself to the lion.
20:54 from Tweet Button
まとめ #教師に言われた衝撃的な言葉. - NAVER まとめ - http://t.co/T3yaWoFv via @twinavi The target of a cultural festival would be being a what.
21:39 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Among the cloud, I cannot see from the ground at all.
22:19 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez If "Tongue" cuts, it would be being a divorce.
22:59 from Tweet Button
これが男だとか信じない、絶... - 写真共有サイト「フォト蔵」 - http://t.co/Tzqu4odx via @twinavi It would be being understanding if the everybody is see neck.
23:26 from web (Re: @MarcManiez
@MarcManiez How much distance is long hiking? How much times did you require again?
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-11 02:07:34 | Weblog
01:05 from Tweet Button
これからなにが起こるの - 写真共有サイト「フォト蔵」 - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/YlbtYbTw via @twinavi It would be hunting the tiger.
01:41 from Tweet Button
Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter - http://t.co/NARmbAnh via @twinavi It would be being your and your difference.
02:04 from Tweet Button
「こいつ……できる!」と思わせるスプラッシュ・マウンテン記念写真 ? http://t.co/MEZTOQti via @twinavi The downhill of this would be being splendid very much.
02:11 from Tweet Button
帰ってきたところを驚かすつもりでしょうか・・・。 http://t.co/Q8clPvDL via @twinavi This would be being a video camera installed in the door at the entrance.
02:53 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder The place where the two sides lives differs but having the same poison would be depending on what reason.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-08 02:00:20 | Weblog
19:03 from web
「Of attention at kitchen garden」 There is fear of losing one's sight when the fertilizer slaked lime enter one's eye.
19:54 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/QH6eF64Q via @twinavi I pray hers soul may rest in peace against the Mr.Jobs's death.
21:14 from Tweet Button
札幌中心部 ヒグマ目撃相次ぐ NHKニュース - http://t.co/2rNIuWbd via @twinavi The cause an environment had changed would be being a what.
21:30 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It would be being like doing the dodgeball to each other.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-06 02:02:38 | Weblog
20:08 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi The cat arrived back at home though I threw away the cat to the place of 10Km or more.
20:24 from web
@igris5 The color psychology test by 12 colors does an accurate judgment. http://t.co/vRa7DMeH
20:29 from web
@Monica_Ranson The color psychology test by 12 colors does an accurate judgment. http://t.co/vRa7DMeH
20:52 from Tweet Button
気仙沼 震災後初の修学旅行生 NHKニュース - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/fwDU8MIw via @twinavi I want to know the impression.
21:08 from web
I was an adviser in the table tennis club in the active service age junior high school and was coaching for a student.
21:41 from web (Re: @ichiroaisawa
@ichiroaisawa To analyze a necessary problem from the plan for the future and would be having to practice.
21:49 from web
@igris5 「グレーなメール」対策 http://t.co/TWf9BVZo
22:11 from web
The person receives stimulation and reacts. The person inside can to draw from the reaction.
22:34 from Tweet Button
初対面で昼食!?「ソーシャルランチ」ブームの兆し http://t.co/jnu1Bomb via @twinavi Let's participate in "Social lunch" and deepen communications.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-04 04:00:00 | Weblog
18:04 from Tweet Button
デンマークで“脂肪税”導入 http://t.co/Jc0LBhXA via @twinavi If "Tax of the fat" is newly established, Japan should raise the rate of "Liquor tax".
18:25 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/ROKSjdfa -
In a district of the high latitude, the living thing is threatened because of an increase in ultraviolet rays.
18:51 from Tweet Button
http://t.co/Sbe0hqap via @twinavi Shizuoka Prefecture would be being good as entering Kanto.
18:55 from Tweet Button
何この満足して死んだ顔 http://t.co/1FmdxY6d via @twinavi I hesitate to eat this.
19:30 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii My occasion, the function of a head are lower than a head brain of person of general.
19:39 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii It should forge a head brain.
19:50 from Tweet Button
「うわっ…私の年収、低すぎ…?」 http://t.co/iGLUnr6V via @twinavi It would be having to foster a head brain and physical strength.
19:59 from web (Re: @XF5
@XF5 It would be having understanding if a strong kiss is given.
20:03 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii Such affair doesn't understand.
20:09 from web
@igris5 9月後半にさらりと発表された福島原発の重大ニュースまとめ
by numchay on Twitter


2011-10-03 02:10:26 | Weblog
04:24 from web (Re: @rei_ayanami_000
@rei_ayanami_000 It is a sentence of the content with a very difficult acceptation.
04:28 from web
@igris5 福島第一原子力発電所の原子炉建屋の外観やガレキの保管場所など、現状の写真です。 http://t.co/swtFa6H2
04:46 from Tweet Button
on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/j5ki7M5G via @twinavi Is this photograph that cat is skiing?
04:55 from Tweet Button
秋冬物のファッションがオシャレ過ぎて、ついていけない。... on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/OIskMMvR via @twinavi Was "Doumokun" a woman?
04:59 from web (Re: @NeonGenesismii
@NeonGenesismii You would be not being worry.
05:17 from web (Re: @NYTChicken
@NYTChicken Scamp joking.
05:29 from web
@igris5 今夏の最大電力の発生状況や節電効果の試算などについて http://t.co/Qy3Acchu
05:55 from Tweet Button
兵庫駅のLEDが粋すぎる(その2) on Twitpic - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/QlLQBfVw via @twinavi It would be being equal to the pachinko shop.
06:09 from Tweet Button
【速報】イギリス終了か クジラが何故か草原のど真ん中で死んでいるのが発見される - ブラブラブラウジング - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/fD48ycf0 via @twinavi Would be being why.
06:18 from Tweet Button
セシウム汚染の帯、首都圏に 千葉・埼玉の汚染地図公表 - 社会 - ツイナビ・Twitter 公式ナビゲーター http://t.co/JRPBdMUU via @twinavi @igris5
by numchay on Twitter