


2011-03-09 01:32:27 | Weblog
01:14 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki Is it a what that says, "This"?
01:40 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki If the conversation of "Yoyatou" cannot be normalized, it would be being good to see results after three years.
04:58 from web (Re: @sacca
@sacca What acceptation is this?
06:41 from web
If the intention of the idea of Yoyatou cannot talk with by differing, it would be being good to see results after three years.
06:49 from ついっぷる/twipple
Tanigaki_S If the intention of the idea of Yoyatou cannot talk with by differing, it would be being good to see results after three years.
08:00 from ついっぷる/twipple
Thank you for stating the impressions.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-03-07 01:32:43 | Weblog
15:56 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I love tweet.
16:22 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It can link with of each in SNS of a recent application program. I have been linking with Blog・Facebook・Twitter.
16:36 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius What ones is a bad application program for Twitter?
16:40 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Why is it?
16:45 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Sashimi of the part of whale's tail are delicious in the superlative.
16:52 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius The cultivation of the whale would be being impossible?
17:21 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius The existence value of the dolphin would be being acquire acrobatics .
17:25 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius No, it's not so.
17:27 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I did the comprehension.
17:31 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Comprehension, thank you.
17:34 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder The bird of this time of year is a bush warbler.
17:35 from web (Re: @om
@om Comprehension, thank you.
17:46 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatchandesu ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????? ????
17:54 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi The acceptation of chokoro-fu doesn't understand.
17:55 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus Comprehension, thank you.
18:02 from web (Re: @t_kawaigari
@t_kawaigari I do wish like that.
18:18 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi I had done "Kimodameshi doing" with the coming of summer in old times. It has become now to the past ones.
22:05 from ついっぷる/twipple
@sophiemiaj The bird of this time of year is a bush warbler. I pressent the music of the an animation. http://bit.ly/hnZzVo
22:12 from ついっぷる/twipple
RT @twinavi: ????????? ????? ??????
by numchay on Twitter


2011-03-06 01:33:38 | Weblog
15:22 from web (Re: @boatchandesu
@boatlolisu ???? ??? ??? ???????????????? ????
15:33 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke It would be being good to do the Sennkaku offing investigation operation regularly.
16:35 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius The error in more than once is occurring if my occasion is doing operation with twitter Home.
16:59 from web (Re: @t_kawaigari
@t_kawaigari Were you taking part to the group?
17:36 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi Because the superior has the commandment in the civil servant method, the superior must take subordinate's responsibility.
18:07 from web (Re: @kurokishinsuke
@kurokishinsuke @yuina_s Please do not worry to such a thing.
18:11 from web
@igris5 Because the superior has the commandment in the civil servant method, the superior must take subordinate's responsibility.
by numchay on Twitter

Time is a life. 「facebookウォールの写真(作成: Seiko Tsukiyama)」

2011-03-04 05:36:51 | Weblog


The cosmos is doing the turgor with time. 

The person doesn't pass to a point in cosmos of  that. 

The person is doing moving without consciousness.


It would be being understand from "Brazil is at night if

Japan is daytime". 

I think that the intellectual ability to be able to do an

effective living a plan according to time of changing is





2011-03-04 01:33:54 | Weblog
21:29 from web (Re: @kenichiromogi
@kenichiromogi In new SNS, the speed of the transmission is speedy and the content is arranged. I think like that is efficient.
21:36 from web (Re: @lovecoach_irene
@lovecoach_irene I too am thinking like that.
21:45 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki The proper noun should not be used as much as possible.
22:03 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus When is the opening of the swimming season of the Kujukuri coast on ordinary year?
22:06 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Do it become holiday at Independence Day?
22:27 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki The symtoms of this year's influenza happens muscular pain.
22:38 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi To our regret, the one that related to Ohinasama was lost in my home.
22:49 from ついっぷる/twipple
@dragon_Rr 仕事は忙しいですか。余裕ができたらfacebookへも登録してみましょう。 互いにリンクさせておくと楽しみが倍増しますよ。
23:00 from ついっぷる/twipple
@igris5 今日は久しぶりに卓球のをしてその後カラオケshopで歌えるぐらいのことがようやく可能になりました。
23:11 from ついっぷる/twipple
@Mahala_L_Robbie I did the comprehension.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-03-03 01:33:03 | Weblog
11:27 from web (Re: @dragon_Rr
@dragon_Rr こちらからもよろしくを送ります。
11:36 from ついっぷる/twipple
@dragon_Rr あなたはTPPを受け入れるべきと思いますか。 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/chihara_july_002/e/bd85c1af3c150063dd7a6bc5cc6b2a90.
12:21 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki You would be doing hardship undressing because the jacket of winter sticks to the body.
12:32 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius I do not try to peep into others' homepages. Such a person is womaniser.
12:43 from web (Re: @aunder
@aunder Already, did the flower stalk of a butterbur put out the bud?
12:45 from web (Re: @boatlolisu
@boatlolisu Is it true?
13:20 from web (Re: @reikamiyazaki
@reikamiyazaki It would be being to such the jacket of winter clothing.
15:34 from Tweet Button
サードパーティアプリケーションとの連携方法のページにログインができません。 http://t.co/2MUYDPV via @twedasuke
17:09 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus If the silver nitrate solution reduces it will become to a mirror.
by numchay on Twitter


2011-03-01 01:43:56 | Weblog
13:07 from web (Re: @airhikaru
@airhikaru Idea of a modern young person, a point would not be connecting with a point by the group of a point in the line.
13:28 from web (Re: @twinavi
@twinavi If it is asepsis in the container where milk is preserved, this technology would be being the most effective.
13:40 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius Does this dog all understand you?
13:48 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius It seems like a considerably scary story.
14:03 from web (Re: @KujyukuriCampus
@KujyukuriCampus What event of the clam do you plan?
14:09 from web (Re: @GOODPRESENTIDEA
@GOODPRESENTIDEA If it is the present, it would be being problem in the north Africa nations.
14:19 from web (Re: @Support
@Support The twitter Home of today is considerably steady.
14:29 from web (Re: @delbius
@delbius My speed of speaking is usual but the speed of the intelligence is slow.
15:14 from web
@igris5 youtubeからの曲を使って練習をしていますか? 一曲紹介いたします
よろしかったら・・・ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLTDI0QK3HM
by numchay on Twitter