7月22日(日)礼拝19時より毎月1回東京アンテオケ教会会堂にて行われる、「スネルゴイ セラペイヤ 」 新井宏二先生(馬橋キリスト教会)によるいやしのセミナーの概要がアップされました。ぜひご覧下さい。
On Sun. 22 July, we’ll hold a healing seminar named “Synerugoi Therapeia” by Rev. Koji Arai of Mabashi Christ Church monthly from 7:00 pm at Tokyo Antioch Church. The contents of Synerugoi Therapeia’s page was created. Please have a look.
http://tokyo.antioch.jp/sunerugoi-serapeia/ English→http://tokyo.antioch.jp/muti-lang/eng/contents/info/synerugoi.html
On Sun. 22 July, we’ll hold a healing seminar named “Synerugoi Therapeia” by Rev. Koji Arai of Mabashi Christ Church monthly from 7:00 pm at Tokyo Antioch Church. The contents of Synerugoi Therapeia’s page was created. Please have a look.
http://tokyo.antioch.jp/sunerugoi-serapeia/ English→http://tokyo.antioch.jp/muti-lang/eng/contents/info/synerugoi.html