
英語なんて怖くない ダリちゃんの居酒屋英語教室

Many Sensei in Japan(日本は先生だらけ)

Me   Hey, Dali. In Japan, we usually address a school teacher by calling him “Sensei!” or when referring to him in the third person like “Yamada-sensei said so.” In such cases, how do you call or refer to a teacher? 

Dali   In Japan, there are many different occupations where the practitioners are called sensei. Japanese use the honorific sensei in many situations to express their respect. In America, however, for a teacher in a kindergarten or an elementary school, we call the teacher by what the child should call the teacher. So, if the child calls the teacher by her first name, “Emily,” I also will call her “Emily.” If the girl does not call the teacher by her first name, and calls her “Miss Smith,” I will do the same, for example, “Thank you, ‘Miss Smith.’”
ダリちゃん 日本では「先生」と呼ばれる専門職の職業がたくさんある。日本人は、敬意を表すためいろいろな場面で「先生」という敬称を使う。でも、アメリカでは、幼稚園や小学校の先生に対しては、子供が呼んでいる呼び方で先生を呼んでいる。だから例えば子供が先生を「エミリー」とファーストネームで呼んでるなら、わしも彼女を「エミリー」と呼ぶ。もし子供が先生をファーストネームで呼んでいなくって「スミスさん」と呼んでるなら、わしも同じ呼び方で、例えば「ありがとうございます。スミスさん」と言う。

Me   Sometimes, politicians are also called sensei….

Dali   In the U.S., we may say, for example, “Senator Smith,” or “Congressman Johnson,” and so on. But I think its connotation may be a bit different from the honorific sensei. Many people hold politicians in contempt, despite having such strong power, because most of the time, they (the politicians) do stupid things.
ダリちゃん アメリカでは、例えば「スミス上院議」や「ジョンソン下院議員」などと呼ぶが、敬意を込めた「先生」というのと意味合いが少し違うみたいだね。社会に強大な影響力を持っているにもかかわらず政治家を多くの人々は軽蔑している。だって大概の場合、政治家は馬鹿なことをしてるから。

Me   Priests are also called sensei….

Dali   If he is a priest of a church and I respect him, I will call him, for example, “Reverend Paul.” In Catholicism, we say “Father Timothy.” If I talk directly to a priest, I don’t say “Father Matthew,” but simply “Father.”
ダリちゃん もし彼が尊敬すべき教会の神父ならわしは、彼を、例えば「Reverendポール(ポール尊師)」と呼ぶ。カトリックでは「ティモシー神父」と呼ぶ。直接神父に語りかけるときは「マシュー神父」と呼ばず単に「神父」と呼ぶ。

Me   Attorneys, Tax Accountants, and Certified Public Accountant are also called sensei….

Dali   For lawyers, etc., we simply call them, “Mr. Garcia” or something. Many people feel contempt for lawyers. But if he is my personal advisor, I don’t hold him in contempt. I am paying him for his services, thus, we are equal. In this case, I might call him by his first name, like, “Hi, Henry, what became of my speeding ticket?”
ダリちゃん 弁護士なんかには、わしらは単に「ガルシアさん」などと呼ぶ。弁護士に対してもよい印象を持っていない人が多い。でも、もし彼がわしの個人アドバイザーなら、わしは彼を侮りはしないね。彼の仕事にお金を払ってるので、わしらは対等だ。こういう場合わしは彼をファーストネームで、例えば「やあ、ヘンリー。わしのスピード違反の切符の件はどうなった?」などと呼ぶかもね。

Me   You mean, in the U.S., there are not such an encompassing word, sensei as in Japan?

Dali   But in Japan, I follow the Japanese rule. If he is my lawyer, I call him sensei.
ダリちゃん でもね日本では、わしは日本のルールに従うね。もしわしの弁護士なら「先生」と呼ぶね。

Key Words (キーワード)
occupation: 職業、業務
practitioner: 専門職、実務家、開業医、弁護士
honorific: 敬称の、尊称的な
respect: 敬意、尊重
senator: 上院議員、(大学の)評議員
congressman: 連邦議会議員、下院議員
connotation: 言外の意味、含蓄、含意
hold in contempt: 侮る、蔑(さげす)む
stupid: 愚かな、ばかな
priest: 聖職者、(特にカトリックの)司祭
reverend: 師、尊師、あがめるべき、尊い
Catholicism: カトリック教義
lawyer: 弁護士、法律家
feel contempt for: 軽蔑する
speeding ticket: スピード違反の切符

Comments (コメント)
The way of call in Japan as sensei is, I think, very versatile way to address a person, because even if you forget the name of the person, it is OK just to call the person, sensei. In this connection, Mason, one of Dali’s friends, who works as a part time priest, moving from hotel to hotel, is called sensei by everyone. According to hotel staff, priests are ordinarily called sensei in Japan.



@hasunohana1966 Dear, hasunohana1966-san
Thank you for your comment. It seems that native English speakers who teach English in Japan also call their colleague teachers "sensei," like Yamada-sensei.
In this case, I have been having the same questions but you answered for me.
I really appreciate Dally and you, (I am not sure of the name spelling, if it was wrong I apologize)




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